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"Under the Influence"

by: michael g.

and then it hit me.

i discovered the meaning of love. i realized its purpose here, now, in life. i figured it out.

idealists will tell you, No, it's much more than that. It's inexplicable and mysterious and it's blasphemy to disrespect love by explaining it that way.

but it's so simple, I want to laugh.

Love has gotten us into trouble and disaster, and our passions have driven us to do things remarkably stupid and courageous.

But don't you see? Somehow, Big Brother has to control us. He can't keep an eye on us all the time.

God couldn't possibly keep his throne if his little drones had nothing to live for. It would be chaos, complete anarchy.

Love is God's leash, his form of government. Call it indirect population control.

It's his way of making sure we're always busy. Either we're crying over a lost love, or we're cuddling with a new one, but no matter what, we're always busy.

And we're wrapped up right around his divine little finger.

It's the same as how a parent gives their child a bottle when it won't stop crying. Or when you put your dog in the backyard when it just won't leave you alone.

But no matter what, he's always under control. He can trust us enough to leave us home alone for thousands of years at a time, not because we're responsible people, but because he gave us one giant Etch-a-Sketch to keep us busy. To make sure we won't do anything immensely stupid.

If we didn't have love, what kind of pandemonium would ensue? What would we do all day without someone to go home to after work, or something to look forward to after English class?

Without love, eventually we'd go crazy and find ways to overthrow our leader. Insanity from cabin fever, from monotony, from endless days of emptiness.

It's the same as how Hitler let his soldiers fuck with the prisoners.

You have to keep them entertained somehow.

I think it's genius.

Big Brother is watching. Look busy.

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