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.my writing.

This is some of my lame-o writing. Either you love it or you hate it. The most recent ones are at the top. It's kinda interesting to me to see how my style changes with the various phases in my life. Oh, and by the way, a TON of my writing is up at I'm under the penname "darkcity".



This is another piece I really loved. It started out as my method to overcome writer's block and turned into something deeply philosophical..


A short exercise in sadism. Some of my writing started to stray from my dark side, so I wanted to go back to my roots to see if I still had it in me.

Chasing Souls

This is a romantic tragedy. Kinda implausible, but I wanted to have fun with it.

Pull It Out

One of my favorite works to date. It's an INTENSE short story. I'm very proud of it. Main theme is revenge.

The Misty Demon

I was walking around the Antioch Marina around 2 in the morning, and the fog was really really thick. So I kinda turned it into a piece about the afterlife.

Under the Influence

I had this great revelation on the meaning of love - why we love. This makes too much sense.

i'm infected.

I love this piece. Very darkly idealistic...just read it, it's short and sweet.

A Killer's Grin

A very sexualized piece about sucking on the barrel of a gun.
Chasing Tears Down a CliffsideA pretty sad story, a lot of interesting twists and details I stuck in. I'm proud of the conventional structure I was able to pull off with this one.
the side streets of pain Similar in structure to the below piece. This is one of my favorites.

i want to be a cadaver when i grow up
A fucking COOL piece.
Anger Management A very angry, pessimistic, and probably offensive piece I wrote when I was pissed off. Feels great to read aloud when I'm angry.
The Not-So-Siamese Siamese Twins The beginning of a short story that I'll never finish, about interracial Siamese twins.
Merged Tears A short piece I started out as a poem, realized I sucked at poetry, then turned it into random banter about the process of death.
An Interview with Satan I had a dream where I was speaking to Satan, and decided to write about it as if I was interviewing the fella.
Why I Hate Females
I kinda got fed up with the female population and wrote this satirical piece one day. The folks at Strangeminds seemed to love it!

The Torture of Immortality
This is kind of an extension of the Modern Methuselah story. Pretty short, but I really like the flow of it.

Modern Methuselah
I'm quite proud of this one. Someone else gave me the idea, but I went a different direction with it. It's unfinished. It's about an immortal who wants to die.

This is just a few weird things that I wrote, attempting the style of John Gardner's Grendel. Pretty abstract stuff, but I just love the way the words came together to form sentences that sound almost musical.
Locks Something kinda cool and short where I tried to express my feelings by invoking images in the mind of the reader, rather than just telling the reader directly.
Some insight of mine about dreams.
Realization Something I wrote when a friend reminded me of something/someone I worked hard to forget.

Anger Monologue

A monologue I had to write for class which indirectly expresses anger. The teacher seemed to like this one.
Fate, Destiny, and Desire
This story is weird. I just wrote what came to mind without turning back.
My Home

Another flash-fiction story about a homeless man in San Francisco.

The Dam

A flash-fiction piece about a girl who cries into a river.

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