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by: mg

Placing various words together, tearing apart my life like stale cardboard, this is what life has become, this is what started the end. Turning my head, flinching to the right while spinning to the left, disrupting my every movement with your absurdity. None of my actions are any longer fluid, no purpose to what I do, I just do it. Just as leaves on trees have no other function other than to live and sustain life, I am here to die and encourage death.

Untolerable tragedy, unbearable seed of life, growing out of cracks in the street, determined to sprout into Jack's beanstalk. Even nature understands that fairytales are lies to make our lives seem more exciting than they really are.

Speaking in metaphors, asking the father of life to understand what I'm asking, begging anyone to be moved by my words, even if it's just pretend.

Like little children playing house, being someone they're not, living out their little fantasy of what they're told life should be. Is it really a fantasy? My fantasy was lying face down on pavement, my cheeks kissing the moldy cement, teeth scraping against the ground like a wire brush on lace. That was my fantasy. To sink so low that I'd fly higher.

There I go again, my life of normalcy, life of monotony, endless days of cliche. The only way I can variate things is when I take chances, even when I know the outcome will be failure.

Ironic like an infernal teardrop my life has become, useless as telling me I was more or less right on the mark. Utter desperation to become comatose.

Mind full of dread, interior vessel of souls crying to escape. Life's negative protection.

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©2001 mg