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"Merged Tears"

by: michael g.

and so here I sit,
naked and alone
shivering as the wind
engulfs me and
old leaves circle my head
The air is blue and the sun appears to be blocked out by the collective sadness. Small leather buckles seem to have the strength of a thousand men as they writhe and squirm their way around me like black worms and tighten so hard that I can no longer breathe.

My head begins to get light and small dots start to block my field of vision. A gentle drop of saltwater manages to find its way out of my body, through my tear duct, and escapes before I cease to exist. Another tear drop escapes from the same source and catches up with the first tear, only to merge into a single droplet, perfect, complete, and almost musical.

I watch as my body floats to the clouds, and all that remains of my being are memories and the stains of my tears forever seated on your gentle face.

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