
One day, Astrid and Alyssa offered us to go to the house of an aunt of them to spend the afternoon. It was a surprisingly hot and sunny day in the middle of October and they thought that it would be great to go, because of the big garden and swimming pool she had.

But there was a problem for me and I told it to the girls. I had no swimsuit and of course didn't have money to buy it. Alyssa told me she would bring one of hers and lend it to me, and the problem was solved. So Astrid, Alyssa, Stu and me (the guys said they'll come later because they had something to do... don't ask me what!) went that afternoon to the house.

It was a beautiful house from the outside. It was made of briks and had a beautiful small garden foreward, which was full of rosebushes and jasmines. When we entered to the house I saw a big living room. Its walls were creme color and had a lot of portraits. There was a TV on a corner, with a leather couch and two armchairs in front of it. In the other corner was a piano with a lot of partitures on it. Then we went through a long corridor that lead us to the kitchen. It was pretty big, with cherry walls and table which had six little cherry chairs around it. Finally, we went out to the garden through the kitchen door and found that was really big! It was beautiful, with lots of trees and bushes, and, the most impotant thing, a huge pool on the right which had wonderful stone stairs to get in.

"Like it?" Alyssa asked me, when her aunt finally left the house alone for us, saying that she would be back at evening.

"Yeah! It's... amazing!"

"And the good thing is that I could convince my aunt to get the hell outta here," Astrid said and we all laughed.

"Ok, let's get into the pool, then!" Alyssa said enthusiastically, and started to take off her clothes.

"Hey! nice badeanzug!" (Hey! nice swimsuit!) I told her, laughing

She had a lovely red bikini. It had little knickers with white spots and the bra was very nice, and too revealing! She had a breathtaking body, actually.

While Astrid and stu started to take off their clothes too to show me a beautiful black swimsuit and a pair of blue shorts I asked Alyssa for the badeanzug she was suposed to bring for me.

"Oh! yeah! I've got it! come with me, I'll give it to you"

We went again into the kitchen and she guided me to a big bathroom. She started to look around her bag without finding it. I was starting to get nervous thinking that she would have forgotten and that I would have just to watch all the afternoon to a lot of people laughing and having fun in a pool, probably on the only hot day of October. She finally found it and handed it to me as I gasped in horror.

I thought that Lys knew my style... that she would bring me a one piece swimsuit not too revealing as I was used to wear, but it seems that she didn't and, instead, brought me a lycra light blue bikini formed by shorts and a very small bra.

"Alyssa! Am I supposed to wear this!?" I complained, as I kept it in front of my face

"Yeah!" she said as it was the most natural thing in the world, "any problem?"

"Lys, I will never fit in this!"

"Of course you'll do!" she said trying to sound convincing, "If I enter, you too!"

"But, Lys, it isn't my style!"

"Bullshit!" It seems she was learning new words... probably from John, "put it on, it will suit you perfectly," And with that she left the room.

"Dammit," I muttered, starting to strip to put it on.

When I did, I went to look at the mirror and I was really surprised! I sure as hell didn't ever imagine me in a bikini like that. The short was around my inner thighs, what made my ass look more rounded and nice. My belly was bare and luckily I was slim enough for that (thanks to Hamburg!). The bra made my breasts more rounded and stood up and showed a lot of the cleavage between them (oh, this Lys... always looking for things to delight guys).

Anyway, I felt embarrassed. I'd never been "dressed" like that in front of anyone... I didn't have the guts and I decided to take it off and put my clothes on again, but somebody knocked the door.

"Hey, Prue!" Alyssa called, "what are you doing in there? making a swimsuit yourself?"

"I think I should!" I told her while I picked my clothes up from the floor.

"C'mon! did you tried it on?"

"Yeah, but I'm not going to--" And she entered, "hey! what if I was naked?!"

"Believe me, love, I've seen more naked women in my short life that all the guys you know," she looked at me standing there in her swimsuit, "honey, you look lovely! why the hell are you gonna take it off!?"

"Cause I feel... I dunno..." I hesitated a moment, "embarrassed, maybe"

"Embarrassed of what!? of having a great body!?"


"It's true, Prue! You've got a great body! take advantage of it, luv! it's the time! you won't be able to wear this in your fifties!"

That left me deliberating. She was right. I couldn't waste my youth and the nice body I had, according to her. But, anyway I felt uncomfortable... this was... I dunno.... I was ashamed! She interrupted my thoughts by adding:

"C'mon!!!!! come with me," and she grabbed my hand, taking me out.

"No, please Lys," I said, as I resisted

"No, no, you're coming with me, and that's it!" she stated as she grabbed a towel for me.


"Prue! c'mon! don't be such a granny! you're a beautiful woman! what the hell are you hiding!?" she asked, finally annoyed.

"I'm not hiding anything!!..." I sighed, finally giving up, "OK, then... I'll go..."

"Great!" she said, "I'll take your towel"

"No! wait--" And she left, banging the door.

Dammit! she'd taken the towel! I was planning to go wrapped in it to the pool, she knew it and that's why she took it! I muttered bad words a few seconds and then went outta the bathroom.

I walked through the kitchen and went outta to the garden. The three of them where already swiming and Alyssa looked up at me as I went out.

"Finally, love!" and then she said to Stu, "Isn't she lovely?"

"She's very beautiful!" he answered looking at me, "but why did you take so long?"

"Eh... I was just... trying it on"

"Oh..." he said with a grin, "ok, come in, then"

I walked to the edge of the pool and threw myself into the hot water. I felt so relaxed, and when I emerged they were all looking at me.

"Good jump, Prue!" Astrid said.

"Thanks!" I said grinning at her.

We continued talking, laughing and swiming for about forty five minutes when the doorbell rang. Alyssa got outta the pool and went all wet and drippinginto the house to see who it was. When she came back some minutes later, she was followed by John, George, Pete and Paul.

No! that couldn't be! well... I knew they were coming, but not so soon! I was planning to get outta de pool before they came so they didn't have to see me in swimsuit! and now it was unstoppable!

"Hey, ev'rybody!" John greeted, "how are ye?"

"Fine," Stu said and got outta the pool, "what have you been then that took you so long?"

"We bought swimsuits!"


"Yeah!" Paul said, pulling his trousers down and showing us a blue tight and short swimsuit, "aren't they great?"

"They're nice!" Alyssa said happily, making use of the situation to stare at his buldge.

"They're great!" Astrid said, "show us the others!"

And they did. John had a black one, George a grey one and Pete a white one. They were amazing! I couldn't keep mi sight out of their protuberances and could study them very well. Soon I realized that my little buddie Georgie was the most gifted one and I couldn't believe that he had something there with that volume.

"Hey, Lys..." John told her, "I love your swuimsuit! it really suits you"

"Thanks," she said with a knowing smile... this Lennon always looking for birds.

"Hey, Pruddie!" George called me

"What?" I said, lifting my head to look at him

"Show us your suimsuit!"

No way in the world!!! "Oh, fuck off, George... I'm swimming..."

"C'mon! it's just a minute! we look at it and that's it!"

"No, no way"

"Oh, don't be such a bad girl! please"

"No, George!"

And after that, I heard a splash behind me, like somebody's just jumped into the pool. I just stood there and closed my eyes wondering who the hell scared the shit out of me so badly! A second after the sound, I felt something between my legs, someone grabbing my hands and lifting me up and outta the water. I gasped in surprise and fear and realized that I was sitting on John's shoulders, showing at everybody my damned swimsuit!

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!??" I asked him completely annoyed

He took a deep breath and finally answered, "Just showing the guys your swimsuit!" And everybody burst in laugh.

I was completelly blushed and embarrassed, but that was overwhelmed by the fact that he was walking towards the stairs and started to climb them, still taking me on his shoulders, and grabbing my hands tightly.

"John!!! let me go!" I yelled desperate

"Don't worry, cousin" he said as he climbed the last stair and stood there beside the pool, swinging a little and making my heart jump in horror.

"Dammit, please, let me go!" I pleaded him

"Ok..." he said laughingly, "who helps me here?"

Paul came over and asked grinning and enjoying I was so scared.

"May I be useful?" he asked John

"Yeah, lad, just grab her and take her off me shoulder... it's starting to hurt"

Everybody laughed a little at his comment and Paul just obeyed. He grabbed me by my waist, I put my hands on his shoulders and he lifted me a little from John's. John put his head down so Paul could ease me off of him more easily. Finally, I landed on the floor, very close of Paul, who was still grabbing my waist and I was still grabbing his shoulders. We looked at each other eyes for a second and I lowered my sight murmuring "thanks".

"You're welcome," he said, loosing his grab on my waist as I did the same with the one I had on his shoulders.

"Well, anyway," John said looking at me, "my efforts were worth! you look amazing, Prue!"

"I have to agree with you in that," Pete said, looking me in a way that left me uneasy.

"Definetly light blue is your color, luv," George said, giggling a little. I didn't know if his giggle was because he was teasing me of because of his nervousness.

"I'm gonna kill you, John!" I said, turning to look at him and trying to grab him so I could punish him.

"No way, baby," he said, walking away from me, "you won't catch me!"

"Wanna bet!?" I said, persecuting him when he started to run away.

He was laughing and running when he screamed, "hey! I need some help, here!" and the persecution continued around the garden.

I continued running after him and was about to catch him when I felt someone grabbing me from behind by my waist and stopping me. I felt strange because this grab felt so good, I was stunned! I turned my head to see who it was and saw Paul who was breathing hard because of the running and started to laugh at the sight of my face. Suddenly I felt guilty because I'd liked the grab he had on me and I wasn't suppose to like anything that came from that idiot... much less his touch, of course!

"Thank ye, mate!" John said and escaped with the guys while Paul had me still grabbed, pulling me to him very tightly, and that was making me nervous.

"Hey! let me go!" I said, not meaning it at all.

"Yer welcome!" he yelled to John, and continued laughing

"Paul, let me go, dammit!!!!" I yelled, struggling to get out of his disturbing embrace.

"And what are you gonna do if I don't?" he asked daringly, grabbing me even tighter.

"I will kick your fucking arse if you don't!" I replied, trying to sound the most convincing I could.

"Oh, really?"


"I think you won't"

"Of course I will!"



"OK," he said, and chrouched to grab my legs and pick me up in his arms.

God! he picked me up! Iupi!! Wait a moment, why was I so happy? C'mon, a few minutes ago I hated the guy and now I was feeling this good because he'd picked me up? I couldn't understand myself, neither the situation... I knew he was teasing me, but into his jokes had never been picking me up or grabbing me tightly against him. Maybe he knew how I was going to feel, to react and that's why he was doing it, but, anyway, I couldn't understand a simple thing.

"What the fucking hell are you doing??" I yelled at him, feeling overwhelmed by his touch.

He didn't answer and started walking toward the pool.

"Dammit, let me go!" I screamed, getting everyone's attention.

He was grinning mischievously and continued walking while the guys laughed. When he got to the edge of the pool, he looked down at me and said:

"What about a swim?"

He was going to throw me into the pool! What a bastard! I opened my eyes widely, realizing about his plans.

"Godammit! don't!" I pleaded as I put my arms around his neck to top him, but he didn't seem to matter. Instead, he jumped into the pool, swimming both of us into it.

I closed my eyes as the feel of water around me arrived and felt him loosing his grasp on me. how could he dare? He'd listen to me when we both get outta the pool!! I wanted only to get to the surface. Suddenly I felt something strange on my mouth and instantly opened my eyes to see what it was, but when I did, I nearly faint. It was Paul, and he was pressing his lips against mine. God! what the hell did he think he was doing!? I pulled him away with all my strenght and he opened his eyes in surprise. When he saw my bewildered expresion, he smiled and took my hand in his and swam me to the other side of the pool, which was shallower. I couldn't believe what he was doing, couldn't even begin to believe it, it was too bizarre! When we got to the other side, I tried in vain to get to the surface to get some air, but I couldn't because he crouched and crouched me too on the floor, had me grabbed by my waist and was kissing me again, with more strenght this time. I tried to pull him away, but couldn't because he was holding me very tightly... so tightly that I could feel his erection on my belly and panicked. When I thought I was going to suffer a lack of oxigen and faint, he stood up, taking me with him, still kissing me. As we got to the surface, both of us separed our mouths and had a deep breath through them, but the guys saw us as we got outta the pool kissing and commented:

"My God!" said George in amazement, "What's this?"

None of us answered, just looked at each other, but the guys continued.

"Hey! just a few minutes ago you hated each other and now you're smooching!?" was Alyssa's laughing comment, "They're right when they say that from hate to love there's just one step!"

Paul wasn't laughing, didn't have a teasing expresion and that was the most surprising thing. I thought that when we got to the surface, he was going to start laughing and teasing me, but he wasn't laughing at all. He was deadly serious and his eyes had something special that amazed me even more.

I tried to think of something to get outta there, but I was still, startled, couldn't begin to move, couldn't begin to think what to do. My mouth was a little open because of my astonishment... and my astonishment wasn't only because he'd kissed me, but because how I'd felt about his kiss, his touch. It felt too good and I didn't know why. Actually, I didn't want to know why, it was just... too confusing.

Before he could kiss me again, I took a step back and he let me go.

"I will still kick your fucking arse," I whispered, looking at him and then got outta the pool and went into the house, with no comments from anyone.

I laid against the table thinking... why the hell did he have to kiss me? ad why in front of everyone? Lys would think it was the bikini, and maybe it was, but why didn't he kissed her instead? After all, she had a bikini too! But... he didn't seem to be teasing at all, he was totally serious. I could feel it, not just see it. His kiss had a strange passion that scared the hell out of me.

I kept thinking about it but some yells interrupted my thoughts:

"Why the hell did you kiss her?" John yelled

"It was just... a joke," Paul answered, not sounding like he meant it.

"Do you think I'm stupid? She's my cousin! she won't be one of the little birds you charm with your charming bullshit and then fuck, ok?! another joke like that and I'll dent your pretty ass with a kick!"

"C'mon, John!! I mean it! I was just teasing her!" Still not convincing...

"No, no, listen to me, I mean it. Don't play your shitty games with her, ok? because if you do you'll see me!"

"Ok, John, I think it's enough!" Alyssa stated, "Can we continue our afternoon in peace, please!? Let's forget that, it was just a joke!"

"But--" John tried to say

"But nothing! there's nothing wrong with that!" She interrupted, "C'mon, go, have a swim... I'll talk to Prue"

She was going to come and talk with me. Fine, better her than Paul or anyone else. Some seconds passed when I heard the door opening and turned around hoping to see Alyssa that was supposed to come and talk with me... but she wasn't. Well, except that she had exchanged bodies with Paul, she wasn't! Dammit! What the hell did he want? Embarrass me even more? I had to get away from his presence, it was too disturbing.

I started to walk towards the door to the corridor that leads to the living room, wanting to get the hell outta there before he could say anything.

"Prue, wait," he called me, making me turn around.

"What?" I said, sounding as annoyed as I was.

"I... well..." he started stuttering, the words didn't came easily to him.

"You what? you want to embarrass me again in front of all me mates and me cousin?" I asked, raising my voice just a little.

"No, I know, I just--"

"YOU just stay away from me, if you do that everything will be OK. I don't need your presence around me anymore and--"

"Stop it!" he imposed, sounding clearly annoyed and embarrassed, "I'm sorry, ok?! stop it!"

"You're sorry? Where the hell did that kiss came from?"

"I don't know!" he said raising his voice, and sounding as surprised for it as I was, "it was a joke!"

"A joke!? you didn't seem to be joking at all!"

"Well, but I was!" he stated shakily.

"Ok, if you were joking, I'm going to warn you that I don't like that kind of jokes, and if you weren't, I didn't like what you did either!"

"C'mon! don't bullshit me!"

"What?!" Oh no! he realized I've liked it! Damn!

"Yeah! Of course you liked it! I felt it"

"No way!" Bad liar!!

"Oh, yes! you can't lie to me about that! I felt you liked it and I know you want me to do that again"

I couldn't believe what he was saying! but he was right, anyway. I wanted him to do it again, I'd liked it and didn't know why, but anyway, I couldn't bear he was being such a bastard about it!

"Who the damned hell do you think you are!!!???" I yelled at him furiously.

He was obviously stunned by my reaction, but that didn't stop him from answering, "You know who I am!" he yelled back, "and you know too that you loved that kiss!"

"Dammit, you're such an arrogant bastard!!!!"

"What I am is right and you know it!!" With that last yell John and Lys entered to the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on 'ere?!" John asked

"Why are you yelling?" Alyssa said

"I doesn't matter..." Paul said and left the room, giving me a furious glance and banging the door.

"What happened, Prue?!" John asked again

"Nothing... nothing happened," I answered faintly and disappeared to the bathroom.

