
The next day I woke up in a daze. I still had a very vivid image of what happened yesterday. Paul was snoring loudly like John, Pete and George but it didn't really make me stop thinking about it over and over. Suddenly, I saw and arm fell and hung from the bed above. It surprised me and I screamed.

"What the fucking hell is up!?" John groaned sleepily.

"Who the fucking hell is up there!?" I asked scared.

Then I heard a woman moan sleepily, and then a familiar voice said.

"It's me, Prue, shut yer mouth and let me sleep!"

"Alyssa? What are you doing here?"

"She had a fight with Frankenstain and came over here for the night," Paul answered, looking at me.

"Oh… God," I sighed, "you scared the hell out of me!"

"Shhhhh!!" John said and I shut up.

Some minutes passed and I started hearing again the snores. Somebody called me and I turned around to see that Paul was looking at me… again!. He saw that I had noticed him and said:

"Hey… can I go over there with ye?"

"What for?" I whispered back.

"Just to talk…"

"About what?"


I hesitated for a moment and said, "OK, come…"

He got up silently and got in bed beside me. Then he looked straight to me, approached his head to mine and kissed the tip of my nose. That little action made me smile dreamily. He smiled back.

"So… what do wanna talk about?" I asked him while he held my head up and put his arm beneath it.

"Well…" he answered, getting a little closer, "Maybe about yesterday?"

"Yes… I'd like to apologize for my impulses…" I said, completely embarrassed and surprised that he had brought up the subject.

"Apologize? Why?"

"Well… because I nearly rape you!" I laughed nervously.

He laughed a little and cuddled me against him, "OK, so I can try to rape you now and there won't be any problem!" He teased.

"No, c'mon, I'm serious…"

"Don't worry… Yer forgiven."

"Thank you," I whispered, looking up at him and patting his chest softly.

"Yer welcome…" and he kissed my forehead.

Why was this motherfucker so sweet with me!? I wanted to kiss him right then, but I knew I shouldn't, so I just smiled again.

"So," Paul started, "will ye be tonight at the show?"

"Yeah… where else could I be?"

"I dunno… maybe around with some guy… with that Ringo."

I laughed a little, "Nah, he's just me friend now."


"Yeah… we'd been more than that, but not now."

"What do you mean with 'more than that'?"

Should I tell him that Ringo was my first? No! well… maybe. I bet he thought that I was still a virgin.

"Yeah, we've been dating a little… you know."

"Just dating?"

"Dating… kissing… sleeping together…"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "you did it? I mean, you did it with Ringo?"

"Oh, yeah, I had the hots for the guy!"

He just looked at me, still bewildered.

"What? You thought I was still a virgin?" I asked smiling.

"Well… no," he was such a pathetic liar.

"Mhm… ok…"

"And…" he started to say, but then stopped.


"Um… nothing" he said, regretting having started.


"Nothing, let it be."

I bet he was about to ask me if I had done it with someone else, but I didn't push him to tell me, so we just stayed like that for a few more minutes.

When November started, Astrid and Stu surprised us with a wonderful news. We were sitting one night at the club, me trying to avoid Paul as usual and watching Ringo's band when they came to us with a huge smile in their faces and holding hands.

"Hello guys!" Stu said, "we have news."

"News?" John asked taking a sip from his beer bottle, "what news?"

"Well..." Astrid started and looked up at Stu smiling. He smiled back.

"What? What happens?" I said, really intrigated.

"We are engaged!" Stu finally exclaimed leaving all of us in a complete bewilderment.

"You are what!?" John said.

"Engaged!! we are engaged!" Astrid said, giving Stu a sideways hug.

"Oh, that's so amazing!" I stood up, went to Astrid and hugged her, "congratulations!!"

"Thanks Prue!" She said as I hugged Stu and congratulated him and all the guys did the same.

"And when are you getting married?" Paul asked when we were all settled back in our chairs.

"We don't know," Stu answered, "but the one thing I know is that I wanna marry her... just her, that's why we decided to get engaged," And they looked at each other and gave each other a little peck.

I was charmed! This was so sweet, they were too much in love! I hoped that something like that could ever happen to me.

In the middle of the night Alyssa came and sat between John and me.

"I am so damn happy!" she exclaimed.

"Why are you that happy, huh?" John said drunkenly... too many drinks for ye, cousin!

"'Cause I finally got rid of that idiot of Herman!" she clapped.

"You did!?" I asked bewildered.



"Well... because after that quarrel we had yesterday, I realized that it was a waste of time to be with him... he's good looking and all, but he's not my kinda guy, ya know..."

"And which is your kinda guy?" John blurted.

"I dunno... but certainly it's not him!" Alyssa laughed.

The night passed by and ended with Pete leaving with his girl, a stripper friend of Lys and John, Paul and George so drunk that couldn't even go and get any girl, so I decided to take them upstairs to our room.

"Can somebody help me to take these three upstairs? they're more drunk than I'd ever seen them!" I asked Alyssa, Stu and Astrid.

"I'll help you," Lys said standing up and said to John, "hey you, lad, C'mon, let's go upstairs."

"You wanna go upstairs with me!?" John laughed and grabbed her by her waist, "Ok, I won't resist!" and laughed again.

"Gerrof!" she laughed with him, "C'mon!!! stand up! let's go."

He stood up and she grabbed him sideways so he could walk without falling. While this funny episode was happening, Stu went to help George up and started to walk him upstairs.

"Get Paul," Stu said to me as he walked with a extremely dizzy George, followed by Lys and John.

"Fuck," I thought. This couldn't be happening to me! I shouldn't have watched what happened with John and Lys and should have got George first... well, anyway, there was nothing I could do to avoid it.

"Ok," I sighed and went to Paul. "Hey you," he looked up smiling, "C'mon, upstairs."

He stood up and looked up to the stairs and then back to me, "No… John and Lys are upstairs, we can go somewhere else…" He giggled and kissed the top of my nose.

"I think you're a little confused…" I grabbed his arm and pulled him the way to the stairs.

"Hey, I don't wanna go upstairs!" He seemed a four years old brat.

"C'mon, you're too drunk, you need to sleep."

"I'll just go upstairs if I can sleep with you." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "You don't know what you're saying, you're too drunk, C'mon…"

"I may not know what I'm saying, but I do know that I wanna sleep with you,"

"And I do know that you need to sleep alone."

"Oh, C'mon, for our friendship's sake."

"Ok, ok, yes, let's go." Yeah, yeah, Paul… sweet dreams. I grabbed his arm again, but this time I didn't have to pull him, he pulled me. What a good motivation I gave him!

When we got to our room, we found George sleeping in his bed, the bathroom door opened and sounds of retches coming from there. Paul and I peeked inside the bathroom and found John puking into the loo, Alyssa kneeling beside him, and Stu cleaning the floor.

"Hey, do ya need some help?"

Alyssa looked up and, grinning, said, "No, it's all right, take Paul to bed."

Paul looked at me and, with a little pout, pleaded, "Yeah, Prue, take me to bed."

Alyssa and Stu laughed while John kept puking.

"Ok, c'mon child," I said grabbing Paul's arm.

I took him to his bed, laid him on it, took his boots off (not an easy task, you know) and headed to the bathroom.

"Hey!" he called me.

"What?" I said, turning around to talk to him.

"You gotta stay here with me, remember?"

"Sorry, I gotta go and help Lys, I'll sleep with you in another occasion."

"No, wait, Lys said she didn't need any help and told you to take me to bed! So do that!"

"You're already in bed! I've already taken you to bed, so now I'll leave."

" No, no…" He said while he got up dizzily, "that was not the deal!"

"C'mon, Paul, go back to bed, you're dead drunk and you need to sleep! You won't even notice if I lay there beside you!"

"Ohh!" he laughed, "I'll notice!"

Alyssa looked up again and, laughing, said, "She means she wants to be on the top, not beside, so you'll notice."


"I don't have any objection against that! You should have said it before, Prue!"

"Shurrup, Macca!" John groaned, "let her be if you don't want me to be on top of you punching the shit outta yer face."

"Well said, John…" I exclaimed.

"Oh, you shut up and keep puking!" Alyssa told him and he did so.

"Go to bed, Paul, I'll go later… as you said, you'll notice."


"Ok, fuck you! Do whatever you want!"


"What?!" This guy was exasperating.

"I'll go… if you do give something to me…"

"Give you what?"

"A kiss."

Huh? A kiss? He was drunk, very drunk to ask me for a kiss in front of Lys, Stu and specially in front of John!

"Ok," I said, planning something while I said it, "close your eyes and I'll kiss you…"

"Good!" he said and did so.

When I was sure that he wasn't looking, I slowly tip-toed to the door, opened it, went out, closed it and laid with my back against it, so he couldn't follow me. I heard the guy's wild laughter from inside and I put my hand on my mouth to stifle mine.

"Hey!" Paul exclaimed, "Where's me kiss?!" And with that the guy's laughter grew.

A few minutes later, when the laughter stopped, someone tried to open the door but couldn't because of me, so I moved aside and opened it.

"Sorry, Stu," I said.

"Nah, it's alright," he answered, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him, "Hey, luv, very well done in there with Paul! Ye should 'ave seen 'is face!" And he laughed.

"Well," I chuckled, "I wasn't going to kiss him!"


"Of course!"

"Mm…" he said suspiciously and smiled, "if you say so."

"Stu, what's going on in there?" I asked, maybe I could go back instead of standing there all night.

"Well… John's having a bath, Lys is cleaning John's mess, and George and Paul are sleeping."


"Yeah," he chuckled, "Well, I'll go downstairs, Astrid might be wondering what the hell I'm doing here… see ya later, bye bye!"

"Bye, Stu, see ya… send my regards to Astrid."

"I will! Bye," And he left.

I turned around and entered to the room. Alyssa was still there lying on her bed, probably she had already finished cleaning, so I asked her, "Don't ya have to go back to your flat?"

"Nah… I gave Herman the night to pick up all his stuff and get the hell outta there…"

"Oh… I see…"

"So… why didn't you give our little baby his good night kiss?" she laughed.

"Very funny…" I answered, smiling sarcastically.

"Well… you've already kissed him once… why not twice?"

"Maybe because I don't want to…"

"C'mon, don't bullshit me!"

"I'm not bullshitting you…"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, sure…"

"Well… maybe just a little!" And we laughed.

"C'mon! don't tell me you don't wanna kiss again those sexy, soft, fleshy lips he has!"

"Whoa! What was that!?" I chuckled.

"The truth, honey!" she said laughingly, "Wait, he's asleep, isn't he?"

"I bet he is, otherwise he would be smiling proudly because of his sexy, soft , fleshy lips!"

We both started laughing and looked at Paul to make sure that he wasn't smiling. And for our surprise, or dismay, he had that proud smile plastered on his face, one of his eyes was shut and the other was looking at us.

"Hey ya, ladies."

"Hey ya, fleshy lips," Alyssa laughed and I turned red.

"Fleshy what?" He asked still smiling.

"Prue said that, you know…"

"After you, of course," I shoot back.

"Anyway, it's the truth, luv." She said.

"You think so?" Paul asked opening his other eye.


"And what else do you two think I've got fleshy?"

"Cheeks," I said surprising myself as I said it.

"Bum!!" Alyssa was always so sincere... but dammit! it was true!




"And I bet you've got a fleshy co--"

"Core," I interrupted. Jesus! this girl was unstoppable!

"Fleshy core, yeah, right..." Alyssa said and both of them laughed.

"What the hell is John doing in the bathroom?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I dunno... lemme check," Alyssa said, got up of her bed and entered to the bathroom without knocking.

"Well..." Paul said sitting up, "that girl doesn't have any inhibition, does she?"

"I think she doesn't," I said sitting on my bed.

"Ok... now I'll try to sleep but, before that, don't forget you owe me a kiss."

"Do I? sorry... good night."

A few minutes passed, the bathroom door opened and Alyssa came out smiling.

"What happened in there?" I asked.

"I just helped John a little... he was asleep... " And she laughed.

"Asleep? where?" I asked bewildered.

"In the shower...." she said, "poor John, too much vodka for him..."

"In the shower!?" I laughed, "really? and what is he doing now?"

"Well... I woke him up and then he asked me to come in with him, I said no and left... he might be finishing his shower..."

"I don't think he was so drunk if he asked you to join him," Paul chuckled.

"Why don't we go to sleep then?" I asked

"I'll get John some water first... excuse me," Alyssa said and left the room.

"She'll do anything to enter in that bathroom again," Paul said.

I laughed and agreed with him, "you are right..."

After a minute or so Alyssa came back and enter to the bathroom again, Paul and I laughed hard and tried to stifle the laughter so they couldn't hear us.

"She likes John, doesn't she?" he asked

"She thinks he's hot...." I answered, "Did he say something 'bout her?"

"Well... not exactly... just if you call 'say something' to the fact that he has a hard on anytime she walks in with those tiny mini skirts and white and transparent t-shirts of hers," he said smiling.

I laughed, "well... she always dresses like that...."

"Oh, yeah... I know," he chuckled.

"They're just hot for each other, well... John is hot for every bird he sees, so... "

"Not every bird, luv... he has a good taste, pretty selective, I'd say..."

"If you say so..." I chuckled, remembering the nights when John came out of the club with three birds around him... yeah, selective, of course.

"What about you?" He asked.

"What about me?"

"Yeah, your tastes..."

"Mm... it depends... but I'm pretty selective myself too, you know."

"For all I know you don't have a very good taste..."

"What do you mean with that?" I said, rage building inside me.

"Y'know what I mean.... you've laid Ringo!" he laughed.


"The man is so ugly he makes me wanna cry..." he said with a mock of disgust.

Ok, that was it, he was going to listen to me... the nerve he had! "Actually, you're right, my taste sucks... and the main prove of that is that I nearly lay you, don't you think?!"

"Ohhh.... you like me, then!"

Fucker! "Who said that!?"

"You said your taste sucks!"


"Well---" he couldn't finish because John and Lys came out of the bathroom, laughing. John had on just his boxers and was all dripping wet just like Lys.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked looking at them and smiling.

"Nothing..." Alyssa said.

"Why are you all wet?" I asked to her.

"Well... we... I..."

"She got in the shower with me," John helped her.

"She what?" Paul asked surprised.

"What you've heard."

"Really!?" I chuckled

"Yep..." Alyssa said, looking down at the floor a little embarrassed...

Paul and I looked at each other with our eyes wide open, wicked grins and started to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" John asked.

"Nothing," I said imitating Alyssa.

"C'mon, what is it?"

"Nothing!" And we continued laughing.

"Hey, what is so fucking funny??" Alyssa asked.

"I said nothing! are you deaf or what?!" I laughed.

"Ok... well, I'm gonna sleep... bye..." she groaned and climbed to the bed that was above mine.

"Hey, Lys..." John said, he wasn't that drunk after the shower he had, "why don't we go out to some place instead of staying here and die of boredom."

She thought a little about it and said, "ok... "

"Let's go to the bathroom so we change clothes," he said and headed to the bathroom door.

With that, Paul and I looked at each other and bursted into a hysteric laugh again.

They looked at us annoyed and went into the bathroom. When we calmed down, Paul said:

"Ok... Lys has finally surrended to John's charms."

"Or John to Lys'!"

"Yeah!" and we laughed again

John and Lys got out of the bathroom completely changed, it seems that Lys left some clothes of hers in the bathroom yesterday.

"Hey, you two, behave!" Lys said, she was so silly sometimes!

"Behave!? why?" Paul asked innocently.

"You know why," John said in not a very friendly tone.

"No I don't."

"Ok, bad luck... bye." John and Lys opened the door and left.

"He's in a bad mood or what?" I asked.

"He's just mad at me because of the kiss and all that... "

"The kiss in the pool?"

"Yes, and the kiss I asked you to give me..."

"Oh, those kisses... luckily he doesn't know 'bout yesterday," I chuckled nervously.

"Yep... if he knows, I'm dead..."

"Me too... I hate when he is so protective... he doesn't know 'bout Ringo, either." I told him.

"Thank God I didn't tell him..."

"Please don't!" I pleaded.

"Mmm... give me the kiss you promised me and I won't say a word." He said smiling daringly.

This was not fair! He knew I had no immunity to his kisses!

"And what if I don't?"

"If you don't, everybody in this club will know you laid Ringo..."

"You can't be such a fucker..."

"Watch me."

"You would do it?!"


All I could do was to look at him with my mouth opened in disbelief.

"So, what do you say?" He asked after a moment.

I didn't answer, just looked at him, so he got up of his bed and came to sit beside me.

"Cat got yer tongue or what?"

"No... I just didn't know you were such a extortionist." I whispered.

"Well... but I am..."

"Ok, what is what you want, then?"

"Just a kiss..." he whispered, completely melting me.

I looked at him and sighed.

"So?" He asked, a little exasperated.

"Ok," I sighed, "Close your eyes."

"Ohh, no way, that trick doesn't work on me anymore!"

"No, I promise I won't run away... just close them."

"Ok..." And he closed his eyes.

I stayed there looking at his beautiful face in the dim light. Dammit, I knew he was teasing me! Anyway I couldn't take the risk of John knowing the truth about Ringo and me... he thought we were just friends and I wasn't going to deny it to him, and if I did, he would kill me and then kill Ringo. But, would Paul tell John if I didn't kiss him? I don't know... maybe yes... or not! I was so cunfused! and the most confusing think was that Paul was using this as an extortion to kiss me. Well, now it was more than clear that he liked me, wasn't it!? I think that I stayed still a little too long 'cause Paul opened his eyes.

"And!?" he asked.

"Ok, I'm sorry, close your eyes again."

"You aren't gonna run away again, are you? because if you do I'll tell everyone abo--"

He finally shut up when I put my lips on his for the kiss he was willing. God, it felt so good to kiss him again! It felt like years sice I had kissed him for the last time, but it had only been yesterday. When he realized I was kissing him, he closed his eyes and I closed mine. After a second, I felt his left hand stroking softly my cheek, his right arm lifting my left one, bringing it up to hug him and then hugging me by my waist. I put my arm on his shoulder and with my hand caressed the back of his neck softly, making him sigh. Then I realized that if I continued this was going to become a make out session or something more and I couldn't do it because of the simple fact that George was sleeping in his bed near us. I knew he wouldn't wake up, nothing could wake up George and not even our hysteric laughter did but I didn't care, it was too risky, so I lifted my lips from his and put my arm away. He looked up surprised I had stopped.

"What's the matter?" He whispered softly.

"There was your kiss, now you aren't gonna tell anyone, are you?" I whispered back, trying to stop myself from kissing him again.

"Why did you stop?"

"Why did I stop? There was your kiss! what else do you want?" I asked.

"I want you," he said and tried to kiss me again but I stopped him.

"No, no, no. No way," I said, moving away from him.

"Why not?!"

"Because of that!" I whispered pointing to George who was snoring softly.

"Fuck," he muttered looking at him, "I forgot about George..."

"Well, I didn't!"

"Ok, then... you're right..." he sighed as he got up and went to his bed, "I'm gonna try to sleep, see you tomorrow, bye."

"Bye, sweet dreams." I said softly.

He looked at me surprised I had said that and smiled, getting under the sheets.

"The sweetests for you, luv," He said, put his head on the pillow and closed his eyes.

I smiled satisfied, did the same he did and fell asleep.

