
In the morning I was the first one to wake up. John and Lys were back, each one in their own bed and nothing seemed to have happened between them. I looked around the room and gazed at my watch which showed me that it was only 6:30 a.m. so I decided to sleep a bit more, wake up in an hour or so and I drift off back to slumberland. When I woke up again I looked around the room and nobody was in so I searched for my watch and realized that is was 9 a.m. and that everybody might be having breakfast by now. I got up as fast as I could, went to the bathroom, got dressed and went downstairs to see what was going on.

When I got there, I saw John, Alyssa, George, Stu, Astrid and Paul sitting around a table having breakfast.

"Hello everybody," I greeted as I approached to them and sat in the chair next to John and Paul.

"Hey!" John said looking up at me, "slept well, cousin?"

"Yeah, very well, thanks..." I answered looking at him and smiling, he smiled back.

"Want some coffee or anything?" Paul offered.

"Oh, no, thanks... I'm not hungry..."

"Um... Ok..."

"So, Prue," Lys said, biting a toast, "what are your plans for the day?"

"Plans for the day? none... why?"

"I was just wondering... maybe we could go out with Astrid and buy some clothes or something..."

"That would be great," Astrid exclaimed.

"Well, yes," John said, "but let me give you a better idea, Pruddie, why don't you start packing up your stuff?"

Packing up my stuff? He was sending me back to Liverpool or what? Why would he do that? Maybe because he knew about Ringo and Paul! Oh, no! better not even imagine that! he would kill me! and what if he did? The only thing I could do to find out was to ask him, so I swallowed hard and did.

"Packing up my stuff?" I asked nervously, "what are you taking about?"

"Yeah, look, you better do cause tonight will be our last perform here at the Kaiserkeller..."

I sighed full of relief. No going back to Liverpool, not knowing about Ringo and Paul. Good.

"What?" I asked him.

"Yeah, keep quiet but we're moving to a better club... it's called "Top Ten" and it's near here..."

"But didn't the contract you had with the owner of the Kaiserkeller said that you weren't allowed to play in other clubs near here?"

"Yes, well, I care a shit 'bout it... we need better places than this if we wanna grow up, so we're moving either he likes it or not," was his answer.

I had no objection about the fact that we were moving. I was happy when we moved from the Indra that was a thousand times worst than the Kaiserkeller but, honestly, this place sucked. The room was stinky and so was the bathroom, to not even mention the people. I truly hoped that "Top Ten" club he was talking about was better than the Kaiserkeller.

"Ok, so she can pack up her stuff and then we can go shopping a little don't you think, John?" Alyssa asked him laughingly.

"If she wants..." John shuggered.

"Do you?"

"Sure, Lys... we can do that..." I answered, stealing a toast from George.

"Hey!" he complained when he realized, "I was going to eat that one!"

"Don't be that greedy, Georgie!" I laughed biting the toast, "I didn't have any and you had a lot!"

"Anyway..." he teased, "you'll pay for it later..."

"Oh, c'mon!" I chuckled, standing up, "I'll be upstairs packing and changing clothes, what time are we leaving, Lys?"

"When you finish," she answered, "I'll be around here."

"Fine, wait for me..."

I went upstairs and started packing all my stuff as fast as I could. While I was in the bathroom getting my toothbrush, somebody entered to the room and closed the door. I grabbed the toothpaste too and went back to the bedroom to see who entered and to keep packing.

"Hey, George," I said when I saw it was him who entered and was sitting on his bed, "what are ye doin' 'ere?"

He looked up at me and said, "well, nothing... I just came here to help you if, you want..."

"Thanks, but there's no need for it, I'm nearly done."

"Oh, alright..."

There was a silence while I put the toothbrush and toothpaste in a pocket of the bag and zipped the zip. Then I started looking around to see if I'd forgotten something when he said, "you like Paul, don't you?"

I was stunned. How did he know that? I mean, was it that obvious? I looked at him and there wasn't the teasing smile on his face I was waiting. He was serious. Not dead serious but serious enough to make me realize that he wasn't joking.

"Come again?" I asked, not knowing what to say.

"You like Paul, don't you?" he repited.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, I saw you two kissing yesterday here in the room and--"

"No way! you were sleeping!"

"Obviously I wasn't," he waited for me to say something and as I didn't, he continued, "and I know what you two were doing the other night when I entered here with Pete."


"Yes, I know it."

"What do you know?" I asked fearfully.

"That you nearly did it, or that you did it, I dunno."

"We didn't do anything."

"Yeah, right..." he said sarcastically.

"Why do you think we did something?"

"First of all, because when we entered here we saw Paul standing in the middle of the room, with his clothes a little untidy and his hair very wild," he chuckled as I blushed, "and he was clearly aroused, I teased him about that and he told me to fuck off when in other opportunity he would just laugh. Then when I went downstairs and sat down with a few birds, I saw Paul coming downstairs. A few minutes later, you went downstairs with a guilty face that showed me what you have been doing and I realized that you barely looked at each other and no words were said between you two, so I figured out something like that was happening, and what I saw yesterday was more than enough to confirm it."

"Well done, Sherlock," I said a little too nervous.

He smiled, chuckled and said, "don't be worried, Prue, nor nervous. I won't tell John if that's what worries you, I'm just asking 'cause I'd like to help you if you need me, I'm your friend, ain't I?"

"The best," I said without a doubt and sighed.

"Good," he smiled, "you're my best friend too, so can you talk to me? You know you can trust me... besides, I know you are in the urge to tell someone. Spill it."

With those words, I had no more inhibitions and, as he said, was dying to chat about it with somebody that was trustworthy enough not to spread it all around Hamburg.

"Alright," I said and sat beside him on his bed, "what do you want me to say?"

"You like Paul, don't you?"

I looked down to the floor and nodded softly.

"I knew it... and since when?"

"Well, that I don't really know, but the main fact that made me realize I liked him was the day he kissed me in the pool..."

He chuckled and said, "We were all surprised that day..."


"'Cause he never gave a clue that he liked you, he never looked at you with those eyes, and if he did we didn't noticed and--"

"Wait a moment, he was just teasing me!"

He looked at me and started laughing histerically.

"Wazzup?" I asked when he started to calm down a little.

"You are kidding, aren't you luv?"

"Kidding? why would I be kidding?"

With that his laughter grew, "George!" I exclaimed exasperated, "stop it! why would I be kidding?"

When he calmed down a little, he said, "honey, he was no way kidding!"

"Of course he was! he couldn't stand me!"

"Oh, yes, that's why he kissed you? I don't think so... if you can't stand someone you're not gonna kiss that person!"

Wait a moment, that made sense. He was absolutely right! Apart from what happened yesterday and the day before yesterday, why would he want to kiss me if he just wanted to tease me? I mean, there are a thousand ways of teasing apart from that, why did he exactly choose that one? Besides, his face did not show any sign of teasing or joking... as if I wasn't confused enough!

"You really think that he did it cause he likes me?"

"Of course, Prue! and I think you should know it better than me... we both know that it wasn't the only kiss you two shared."

"I know, George, it's that I'm so confused! a few weeks ago we were throwing shit to each other, and know we are kissing and he's telling me that he wants me, I can't get it!"

"The question is: do you want him?" he was looking seriously at me.

"Of course I do, George. You know it, and he knows it as well," That was true, Paul knew I wanted him, he knew how to drive me completely wild.

"Ye wanna fuck him? Ok, I'll talk to him."

He was standing up, but I grabbed him by the arm, pulled him down and sat him again.

"No," I ordered, "don't even think about it, alright?"

"Why not? you've just told me--"

"There's no need for you to tell him! he already knows..."

"And then why don't you do it and stop fooling around?"

"It's not that easy..."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I sighed. I didn't know how to explain it, "I dunno, George... it's just too soon and... and he's with Dot."

"Dot? Who's Dot?" he laughed.

"C'mon, man, I'm serious..."

"You know what is the problem?"

I shook my head.

"You're afraid that if you sleep with him, you're gonna fall in love, right?"

"How do you do to know everything?" I asked sadly.

"'Cause I know you."

"I want him, George," I sighed, "but I don't want to fall in love with him..."

"Why not?" he frowned, worried.

I thought about it for a moment and said, "'cause I know him, and I don't want him to hurt me."

He stayed silent, thinking about what I've just said and finally agreed with me, "sorry Prue... ye're right."

"I know, and I know I will fall in love if I sleep with him," I said and he didn't answered, "well, I'll end packing, Lys and Astrid might be waiting for me out there."

"Ok..." he said, stood up and headed to the door. He was going to open it but stopped, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure, tell me," I continued packing, without looking at him.

"Could you... I dunno, talk to Lys and ask her if she would..." he stopped and I turned to look at him, "if she would have something with me?"



"What do you mean with "have something"?" I asked, suspicious.

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"Ohh! THAT something!"

"Yes," he was turning red.

Oh, I loved when he was so shy! I started laughing, "you like her!"

"Stop teasing me! I didn't tease you when you told me you wanted to fuck Paul!" he complained and I laughed harder.

"So you want to fuck her!"

"If she wants..." he smiled and I kept laughing.

"Go and talk to her!"

"I don't think so..."

"Why not?!"

"I'm... I dunno, I get nervous!"

"Why are you nervous? It's not that you're gonna ask her to marry you!" I exclaimed.

"Well, it's as difficult..."

I sighed, "Ok, I'll talk to her..."

"Fine, thank you," and he went out.

When he left I burst out laughing and lied on the bed, shaking hysterically. I had my hands on my face while I kept laughing and I jumped in surprise when I heard:


"What!?" I opened my eyes and saw Lys standing in the door.

"Are we going?"

"Yeah," I said standing up, "let's go."

Lys, Astrid and I went out of the club to the street and started walking slowly. While we did that, I asked Lys about last night. She told me that they went to the beach, talked, walked... kissed. I new that would happen. It was pretty obvious that John and Lys liked each other, and besides, I liked the girl, though Cyn, that was an excellent person too, would die if she found out about it. Anyway, John was old enough to do whatever he wanted. Then we entered to a few shops were Lys bought a very tight black leather mini-dress with a zip in the front that was very sexy (not to mention the cleavage, John would love it!). We went to another shop and looked around for a few more clothes.

"What are you looking for?" Lys asked me.

"Mm… I dunno, maybe some black leather trousers and a white T-shirt or something…"

"Again? You might have a thousand leather trousers and white T-shirts!" she laughed.

"Then what else do you want me to buy?"

"What about this?" Astrid asked and handed me a perch.

It had a black strapless corset and a pair of white leather trousers, I absolutely loved them! "Gear," I said, grabbing the perch, "they're wonderful!"

"That was what I was talking about!" Alyssa pointed, taking the perch out of my hands, "you'll lend it to me, right?"

I smiled and said, "No!"

Astrid laughed and told Lys, "let her use it, she wants to impress Paul."

"Oh, fuck off!" I said, "I don't wanna impress anybody!"

"Yeah, right," Lys said and rolled her eyes.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed and we all laughed.

We got back to the club after we ate something at a nice little restaurant. When we walked upstairs to my room to leave the packets there and we were walking through the corridor, I dropped one accidentaly so I had to stay behind to grab it again while the girls opened the door of the bedroom and entered before me. When I did, I was a little surprised to see Paul sitting on his bed and strumming his guitar.

"Hey ye, Paul!" Lys said happily.

"Hello, girls…" He was writing something in a notebook.

"You're writing something?" Astrid asked.

"A song…" He answered, without rising his head.

"Really?" Lys asked this time, while I put the packet I had on my bed, "what kind of song?"

"A love one…"

"Oh, how nice!" Astrid exclaimed, climbing up to Lys' bed.

"And is there someone giving you the inspiration?" Lys asked and without a doubt it was a loaded question.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows?" Was his clever answer and I chuckled.

"What's funny, Prue?" Lys asked me.

"He made you shut up, that's funny," I said, smiling.

"Oh, I thought you were laughing cause you knew who the inspiration was, wanna share it with us?"

With that "kind" invitation from Alyssa to share my thoughts with everybody, Paul looked up at me and waited for an answer.

"I think I'll keep it to myself," I finally said.

"Are you afraid of saying it or what?" Lys asked me.

"No, it's just that I don't think it's worth to share it with you."

After my comment, Paul started laughing. I looked at him, started laughing too and Astrid and Lys followed us. A few moments later, we stopped and he started strumming the guitar again.

"Well," Lys said, "I'm gonna try my dress on…"

"Fine," Astrid stated, "I'll leave to my apartment to set up some stuff, see you tonight, alright?"

"Alright, see you later." We all greeted her and she left us three alone.

"I'll be back in a moment," Lys said, grabbing her dress and blinking at me as she entered to the bathroom and closed the door.

As we were alone and I didn't know what else to do, I tidied the packets that were on my bed and a few more stuff till he said:

"Wanna hear the song?"

"Oh…" I said, turning around to look at him. I was really surprised that he wanted to show me the song he was writing, he had really changed in those weeks, "yeah, sure."

"Fine, come here," he said and I sat on the bed beside him.

The firsts notes of the song started and I closed my eyes a few seconds, letting the sweet melody take me away. When I opened them, I saw Paul leaning over me and posing his warm lips on mine.

