


(Me Talking)

“No way that’s so wrong,” Said Tomoyo talking to her best friend Sakura who was doing her makeup.

“Yeah, he dumped her for that college girl,” She said looking up from her mirror.

“She must be so heart broken.”

“Not really she had a boy in waiting, his name is Lang or something like that. He works at the cool knew club Shinning Starz.”

“Yeah, I heard about that club. We should check it out tonight! Oh no, look the skater punks are back.”

Sakura looked up and saw a group of boys doing skating tricks. She saw a dark brown haired boy with deep amber eyes, who winked at her.

“Can you believe he just winked at you?” said Tomoyo grabbing her purse.

Sakura said nothing but followed Tomoyo.

“And can you believe that Meilin or what ever her name is, dresses like that?”

Sakura watched the boy do some more of his tricks.

“Sakura are you listening to me?”

”Yeah, I heard. I can’t believe it either.”

“Hey Syaoran, watch out for that wall… To late,” Said Eriol as Syaoran got back up quickly.

“Dude. you have no chance with that girl. Her name is Sakura and she is the leader of the cheerleading squad and the most popular girl at our school.”

“Hey. it might happen.” He said picking up his board.

“Yeah right. and I will kiss Tomoyo.” He said jokingly, as he grabbed his board and started walking towards their high school.

Syaoran watched Sakura slowly walk to a group of girls and he sighed.

“Sakura, you have not been listening to word I have said.”

“Sorry Tomoyo, I was just thinking about umm what I was going to wear to the club.”

“Don’t worry about it; I have the perfect outfit.”

Sakura sighed as Tomoyo kept talking about her new clothes. She watched as Syaoran and his group walked towards their high school. (Also this is the third week of school that is why Sakura really did not notice Syaoran before this, also they are sixteen years old.)

In School

“Sakura your outfit is so perfect!” said Rika.

“Yeah totally,” Said Chiharu.

“Was there ever a doubt, I made it,” Said Tomoyo looking in her mirror in her locker.

Sakura got a glimpse of Syaoran coming down the hall way with Meilin and Eriol and she dropped her books by accident.

“Sakura what is wrong with you?” asked Tomoyo.

“Sorry just almost umm broke my nail in the locker.”

“I would help you but my skirt will rip if I bend down,” Said Tomoyo.

“That’s ok you all go and I will get my books.”

The others walked off as Sakura tried to get her books together.

She reached for the last book and her hand touched someone else’s.

“Here,” Said Syaoran handing her the book.

“Thanks,” She said standing up. She looked over her shoulder and saw her friends going in the bathroom, probably to check their makeup and smiled. ~Yes I can talk to him now! ~

“I saw you earlier. You were great.”

Syaoran looked over his shoulder and saw Meilin and Eriol are ready going into their classroom, “Thanks. It was not my best.”

“Yeah, I saw you ran into the wall,” She said laughing.

He blushed, “Well, what can I say? Something beautiful caught my eye. Maybe, I will see you later,” He said starting to walk away.

“Maybe,” She said heading towards her classroom.

They smiled at each other and Sakura’s friends came out, “Come on Sakura lets go or else we will be late and I don’t want to miss seeing that hot guy in our social studies class,” Said Chiharu grabbing her and leading her to their classroom.

Sakura waved good-bye to Syaoran as she was pulled away.

Lunch Time

“Sakura, he actually gave you your book. Maybe you should burn it.”

“Tomoyo I can’t burn a school book and plus it was nice of him to help,” She said glaring at Tomoyo.

“Sorry, but would you want me to rip my new skirt?”

“No Tomoyo, I wouldn’t,” she said sighing and grabbing her tray but she bumped into someone.

“Sorry,” She said grabbing her tray off the ground.

“No problem, I am good at picking up things off the floor. It’s a hobby of mine.”

“Hoeee. Syaoran?”

“The one and only. Here,” He said handing her the tray.

“Syaoran, lets go all ready,” Said a girl.

“Come on Sakura. We have to go,” Said Tomoyo.

Sakura and Syaoran sighed.

“Thanks bye,” Sakura said turning around.

“Yeah, bye.” He said watching her walk away.

“Hello, Earth to Syaoran lets go.”

“Coming,” He said following the girl.

During Math Class

“This is so wrong, wrong he touched you!" Tomoyo said going on and on about Syaoran, but Sakura had tuned her out.

She looked over at Syaoran, who looked at her and winked.

She blushed and smiled.

The rest of the day Sakura was in LaLa land thinking about Syaoran, who she ran into several times that day. Let’s just say some of those times were not by accident. It became a regular thing, every time they saw each other they “accidentally” would knock their books down or knock into each other.

Tomoyo noticed, but all she had to say was, “Sakura he is totally checking you out!”

She would talk on and on about him and several times talked about Eriol and what was wrong with his black hair dyed blue and spiked. (Ok I made his hair black but he did dye it so it looks the same just spiked.)

“Tomoyo, you sure do talk about Eriol a lot.”

“I so do not. I mean I still have time to talk about Meilin and those ugly clothes.”

Sakura sighed as she kept on talking about the newest gossip, but Sakura did not hear any of it.

Syaoran walked down the hallway and was talking to Eriol, when he bumped into someone.

“Oh sorr… Sakura? We sure do seem to always meet like this,” He said helping her out.

“Yeah, we always seem to meet on the ground,” She said smiling, but then heard Tomoyo and Eriol arguing.

“Those two always fight when they see each other,” Said Sakura.

“Yeah. They never give up do they?”

“Nope never.”

“Sakura, lets go before I lose my mind,” Said Tomoyo grabbing Sakura.

“Like, she even has a mind.”

“I heard that blue boy!” yelled Tomoyo stomping off dragging Sakura with her.

“I don’t know what her problem is.”

Syaoran tuned out Eriol’s complaints about Tomoyo as Sakura did with Tomoyo’s complaints about Eriol. They were pretty much use to hearing them complain about the airhead, pom pom prep and the blue haired, small brained menace.

At The Club That Night

“Come on, Sakura, lets dance there are like tons of boys that are checking you out.”

“Tomoyo, I don’t want to you go and have fun.”

“Party pooper,” She said grabbing a boy’s hand and leading him to the dance floor.

After a few minutes Sakura told Tomoyo that she would head home and Tomoyo complained but let her go.

Sakura snuggled in her jacket and started to walk home.

A car started moving by her, “Hey babe wanna ride?”

“No thanks,” Sakura said trying to walk faster.

“Oh come, on it will be fun.”

“I don’t need one I am almost home, but thanks any way.”

“We don’t take no for an answer,” He said trying to grab her, but someone punched the guy in the face.

“Take a hint she said no,” said Syaoran standing in front of Sakura.

“Oh man, it’s Syaoran, lets go,” They said driving off.

“You ok?”

“Yeah I am fine,” She mumbled saying a few other words that sounded kind of like cursing.

Syaoran smirked, “You know you really should not walk home alone.”

“Yeah, but it is better than staying at a club watching Tomoyo and the others dance with boys all night.”

“And why aren’t you dancing?”

“Because, I don’t see the point. I don’t like any of them.”

Syaoran laughed, “For so one so popular as you, you still don’t have a boyfriend.”

She glared at him, “I don’t see you with a girl friend.”

He smiled, “Well, I have not met any one that I would want to go out with.”

“Well, I have not met a boy I want to go out with.”

“Ok then, case closed. So you wanna go to the lake?”

“At nine?”

“Yeah, this is the best time to see... well let me show you,” He said leading her to the lake, which was only a few minutes away.

“Wow, they are pretty.”

“Yeah, they only bloom at night. Most people never see them,” He said sat down to see the light pink and white flowers, that had just started to open.

Sakura sat down next to him watching the flowers slowly bloom right in front of them.

“For someone so tough you don’t seem so bad.”

“For someone so popular you don’t seem so bad either.”

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“Most of the popular girls are all preps and snobs.”

“Well, most of the skaters are trouble makers.”

“Guess we all have our faults.”

“I know that we can’t be friends at school, because of who we are but...”

“But, you want to be friends right?” said Syaoran.

“Hai, there is just something about you that is different than any one else I have met and plus I have to repay you for saving me back there.”

“You don’t have to repay me.”

“Well, I want to.”

She looked at her watch, “I better get going.”

“Here, I will walk you home,” He said helping her up from the ground

“Could you imagine our friends faces if they saw us together?” said Syaoran.

“Yeah, Tomoyo would say, 'Sakura I can’t believe you would go that low. You know I knew something like this would happen when you were staring at him earlier.' Opps.” She said.

He laughed, “Hey don’t worry I was staring at you, as well.”

“Yeah, at least I did not run into a wall.”

“Hey,” He said pouting. (Kawaii!!!!!)

“Well, this is home. I guess I will see you later.”

“Yeah,” He said turning around and walking away with his hands in his pockets.

“Hey Syaoran,” He turned around, “Do you want to do something tomorrow or are you busy.”

“No, I am not busy. We could met up tomorrow at the lake.”

“Ok, is noon fine?”

“Sure. See you tomorrow.” He said walking away.

Japanese Words

Kawaii- cute
Hai- yes

