
Don’t sue!! I don’t have any money!!! I don’t own CCS or the song Sk8er Boi!!! I am just a kid!!! No money!! Empty pockets!! See *hold up empty pockets * I do have some lint though…

Sk8er Boi, Prep Gurl
By Raven



(Me Talking)

Syaoran started to practice his skating moves, while waiting for Sakura.

He did dark slides off the bars and ended in a kick flip.

“Hey Syaoran,” Said Sakura coming up dressed in a short pair of shorts and a tight pink shirt.

His jaw dropped and Sakura laughed, “So, what did you want to do today?”

“Well, I just usually practice skate boarding, but...”

“No, you could do that, I love to watch you skate.”

“Really? Most girls don’t.”

“Well, let’s say I am not like most girls,” She said sitting down.

Syaoran started practicing his new moves and he stopped, “Hey Sakura, you want to learn?”

“Learn how to skate board? Umm I am not sure if I will be any good.”

“Come on,” He said grabbing her hand.

He took off his helmet and gave it to her. Sakura stepped on the board and started to wobble a little, but Syaoran caught her.

After a few tries, a few bandages and a half an hour, Sakura could actually stay on the board.

“Sakura, your doing great! But watch out for that… bush," He said running out to her.

She started to laugh; “This was the most fun I have had in a long time. I did stay on the board for at least a minute.”

Syaoran laughed and picked her up, “Yeah you are getting better. You did better than most people I know trying to learn.”

“Well, that’s because I have a great teacher.”

Syaoran smiled, “Hey wanna go have some ice cream?”

“Sure,” She said following him.

The whole way there, Sakura did not stop laughing at Syaoran jokes.

They sat down and ordered their ice cream, which ended up all over then sleeves as they had a food fight.

“They are a cute couple,” Said one person sighing in envy.

Syaoran leaned towards her and wiped the ice cream off Sakura’s nose.

“You know today was a lot of fun,” Stated Sakura, as Syaoran walked her home.

“Yeah, I actually did not think it would be.”

“Me either, but I guess we were both wrong.”

They made it towards Sakura’s door.

“Well, I guess I will see you at school.”

“Yeah, I guess,” He said turning around.

“Hey Syaoran, thank you for today.”

“Hey, no problem. Any time,” He said winking at her and leaving slowly towards his house.

Sakura opened the door to a shouting brother who was asking her 200 hundred questions about the boy who walked her home.


“Sakura, I was so bored with out this weekend. Where were you?” asked Tomoyo.

“I had some chores to do.”

“Really?” she asked raising her brows.

“Yeah, Touya made me work all weekend totally and I almost broke one of my nails,” She said hoping Tomoyo would believe her.

Before Tomoyo could say any thing someone said, “Well, if it isn’t airhead.”

“Well, if it isn’t blue haired punk.” Said Tomoyo turning around.

They started to argue, but Sakura did not see Syaoran any where in sight.

Tomoyo pulled her away rambling on and on about Eriol.

Sakura sat down in math class, and smiled when she saw Syaoran come through the door.

Sakura quickly got out a pen and paper and wrote a few things down and folded the note neatly.

She dropped her pencil on the floor and Syaoran picked it up slowly giving it back.

She handed him the note so no one would notice and he placed it in his pocket.

Syaoran quickly went to his locker and opened the letter and read it “Syaoran,

I just wanted to thank u (you) again 4 (for) the great weekend. Since, I can’t talk 2 (to) u during skool (school) I decided 2 write. I hope u don’t mind. WBS (write back soon) Sakura.”

Syaoran quickly wrote another note, and walked threw the hallway and “accidentally” knocked Sakura’s books down. While picking up the books he gave her his note.

Sakura smiled and grabbed the note walking to her locker quickly. “Sakura, U don’t have 2 thank me 4 the weekend. I had a lot of fun, as well. I don’t mind bout u writtin me. Like we said b4 *before) r frenz (friends) would “freak” if they found out we were frenz. Write back. Syaoran.”

She smiled and put the note in her pocket quickly writing another one.

The whole day Sakura and Syaoran passed notes, Tomoyo did not suspect any thing, because Sakura was always writing notes to people. Eriol did not say any thing either, because Syaoran did get a lot of notes from people. But he kept wondering who he was writing too. Usually the notes that he found in his locker he just threw away, but the notes that were on pink paper he put in his pocket smiling.

Eriol gave a smirk as Tomoyo dropped her books on the floor.

She cursed and tried to reach them but her skirt was stopping her.

“Looks like you need some help,” He said handing her the books.

She glared at him, “Thanks,” she mumbled.

“What was that Miss Perfect?”

“I don’t need to repeat myself to you.”

“Now that’s more like it,” He said walking away.

“Dirt bag.”

“Airhead,” They mumbled under their breaths but the both smirked as they walked away from each other.

That Next Week

Sakura looked around and ran towards a big blue house and rang the doorbell.

Syaoran opened it and laughed, “You look different today.”

“Well, lets say Tomoyo had been casing me all over trying to figure out what I do every day after school. She will never tell this is me,” Sakura said. She was wearing a baggy dark green shirt and baggy pants.

“Come on,” He said leading her into his house, “My family is gone for the day so we can practice out here.”

“Your sisters out shopping again?”

”Yeah where else would they be, good thing they were not here or else they would attack you like they did last week.”

Sakura laughed still remembering the happenings of last week. She loved every minute she spent with Syaoran. But if she could only tell him that, but what were her friends say?

She shook her head of those thoughts and grabbed Syaoran’s extra skateboard, and started practicing the tricks Syaoran had been teaching her.

“You are getting better.”

“Thanks, hopefully I might one day be as good as you.”

“Me? Do you think you can do that?”

”Mou, of course I can!” (Mou means jeez)

“Hey, Syaoran you back here?” asked Eriol opening his front door.

“Come on Sakura." Syaoran said jumping the fence with Sakura trailing behind him.

“We are getting good at jumping that fence now,” Sakura said trying to catch her breath as they ran threw the forest by the lake.

Syaoran helped Sakura up in a tree and they sat down on the branches.

Sakura started to laugh, “It is always so much fun running away from them.”

Syaoran started to laugh as well, “Yeah. I can still picture their faces if they saw us.”

“Tomoyo would freak and would say, 'Sakura what are you wearing! And what are you doing with him'?”

“Eriol would say, 'Syaoran I can’t believe you, hanging out with the airhead’s best friend not to mention the all mighty popular cheerleader'.”

They laughed together.

“So how are you suppose to go home dressed like that?” ”I have on clothes under it,” Sakura said taking off the baggy shirt and showing him her new light blue shirt that Tomoyo made her. She got out of her baggy pants exposing her legs making Syaoran blush.

The Lake

Sakura smiled, “Did you ever think we would become friends?”

“Not really, I mean at first I did not think it would work out but now I am glad it did.”

“And why is that?” she asked putting her head closer to him, so close she could feel his warm breathe on her face.

“Hmm really want to know,” He said getting closer to her.


Their faces got closer and finally their lips touched and they kissed passionately.

They parted and Sakura said, “Still not going to tell me?”

“No, but I will kiss you again,” He said kissing her.

Syaoran held her hand and dropped her off at her house and on the way back he ran into Eriol.

“Where have you been? I looked everywhere! And I even ran into that airhead!”

“You know you enjoy fighting with her.”

“That is beyond the point! Where were you?”


“Out? That’s all you are going to say after all that running around I had to do and arguing with that girl! I can’t stand them! You know if I ever caught one of the guys with one of those pom pom prissies I would kick their ass!” (Cussing bad me! Tisk tisk!)

Syaoran looked at him, “What else would you do?”

“I would never let them let it down. They would probably be an outcast for the rest of their lives.”

Syaoran cringed at Eriol’s words.

While Eriol kept talking about what would happen, Tomoyo was doing the same at Sakura’s house.

“Sakura I waited all day and even ran into that punk Eriol! You know if any one of the girls were with one of them I would totally ruin their life! I would never let them down! They would totally be an outcast for the rest of their life!”

The Next Day

Sakura and Syaoran avoided each other and did not speak one word to each other.

Sakura tried not to look at him, but she could not help it. She saw him look as gloomy as she did and sighed when Tomoyo got in the way and started to talk to her.

Syaoran looked over at Sakura who was talking to Tomoyo and sighed. “Hey Syaoran why the look? What’s up with you today? You look like you just broke your skate board.”

“Nothing is wrong.”

Later That Day

Sakura bumped into Syaoran and looked up at him but saw Tomoyo coming, “Can’t you watch where you are going?”

Syaoran saw Eriol and said, “Why don’t you? Or is your ego blocking your eyes?” ”No, nothing is blocking my eyes I can still see some punk in front of me can’t I?”

“Punk? At least I am not a priss.”

“Well, then if you would kindly get out of my way.”

“Get out of your way you are the one in mine.” They started to walk but their shoulders touched and they glared at each other.

Tomoyo stood their shocked at Sakura’s behavior sure she would have done that but Sakura? She would never do that!

“I can’t believe him bumping into me like that. Why does he just get out of my way once and awhile,” Said Sakura talking on and on about Syaoran.

“She can be such a priss. I can’t believe her calling me a punk like that,” Said Syaoran going on and on about Sakura.

Eriol and Tomoyo sighed at their two friends.

The Lake After School

Sakura sat down at the lake thinking about what she was going to tell Syaoran. She could not avoid him forever.

She heard a voice behind her and saw Syaoran with some girl dressed in baggy clothes.

She saw him whisper something in her ear, which made her giggle. Then she hugged him and Sakura got really angry and stood up.

~I can’t believe him! That two timing punk! If he wants to play with my heart like that then I will play with his! ~

She looked around and saw a boy named Xin, who had a major crush on her.

“Hey Xin!” she said running up to him.

Syaoran looked over his shoulder and saw Sakura with this boy, whose name was Xin, and he watched her lean in and kiss him on the cheek. Syaoran started to get really angry, but the sadness stuck him hard in the heart.

Sakura watched Syaoran walk over to her and say, “Fine, Sakura play like that I always knew you were a cheating slut!”

Sakura was shocked but his harsh words, “Me? You are the cheating bastard! I can’t even believe you have the nerve to come over here!”

Xin backed off as the two started fighting. (Hehe maybe he should leave of else he might get hurt.) Xin knew how Syaoran was, so he left quickly before Syaoran could ring his neck.

“You are the scum of the Earth!”

“Is that so? I don’t even know why we are even talking!” he yelled.

“Fine, we won’t talk ever again you ass hole!” she said turning around and ran home with tears trimming down her cheeks.

Syaoran walked home angry but his heart ached. Her harsh words pained his heart and it echoed in his head. “Cheating bastard! You are the scum of the Earth!”

He slammed his door loudly and punched the wall waking up his sisters.

“Syaoran, what is wrong?” asked his mother sending her daughters back to their rooms.

“Nothing,” He said storming past her and slamming his door.

Sakura opened the door and stomped up the stairs.

“Monster, why are you making so much noise?” asked her brother.

“No reason! Can’t you just leave me alone for once!” she said slamming the door.

Touya and Syaoran’s Mother looked at the doors wondering what was wrong, but did not knock and ask. They needed time to rest and think out their problems.

“You cheating bastard!

“I always knew you were a cheating slut!”

“You are the scum of the Earth!”

“I don’t even know why we are even talking!”

The harsh words rang threw both of their heads making Sakura burst out in tears and made Syaoran break his lamp.

Their hearts ached, their minds were confused, and their feelings ran wild.

Japanese Words

Mou- jeez
Kawaii- cute

