
Sk8er Boi, Prep Gurl
By Raven



(Me Talking)

Next Day At School

“Sakura what is wrong you have not talked all day?”

“Nothing is wrong,” She yelled grabbing her stuff and knocked into someone.

She got up quickly and looked up and saw Syaoran. He looked at her and they stood there for a moment.


“We are not talking ever again remember.”

“Who said I was going to talk to you!”

“You’re the one who said my name don’t act like you did not know!”

“It slipped out! You could have walked away like you always do!”

“Well, maybe I did not feel like it!”

Syaoran stormed past her and Sakura watched him leave holding back her tears, “I am not the only one who likes to solve their problems by walking away Li Syaoran!”

Sakura watched him stop, but kept going. Sakura stormed off, “I can’t believe him!” she shouted.

Tomoyo watched her friend storm to the bathroom and throw something and she heard her start crying.

Tomoyo grabbed her things and started to run down to the parking lot.

She saw Eriol and ran to him pushing up against the wall, “What did Syaoran do to Sakura?”

“What are you talking about? Sakura did something to Syaoran!”

“So you blame it all on her!”

“Yeah, that’s what I said!”

Tomoyo let go of him, “She stopped talking to me. She even yelled at me.” Tears filled her eyes, “She never yelled at me before. I know something is wrong and I can’t help. I feel so hopeless,” She said pounding his chest.

Eriol let her take out her anger. She stopped punching him and put her head on his chest and started sobbing.

Eriol tried to calm her down by running his hand threw her hair, “Tomoyo everything will be ok,” He held her till she stopped crying.

She got out of his grip, “I have to go, this would never work. They would tear me apart if they found me with you. It would be never ending torment.”

“Yeah, you are right. We couldn’t.”

She looked up at him, “We couldn’t and…” she was stopped by his lips.

Tomoyo started to kiss him back and then they parted, “A mistake?” he asked.

“No, I don’t regret it but we can’t do it again,” She said turning around and walked away form him.

Eriol sighed, “She is right it can’t happen.”

At Lunch

Tomoyo did not see Sakura anywhere and sighed. Her friends were talking about the skater punks, Tomoyo would usually be talking about them but she couldn’t. She heard them talking about Eriol and she closed her eyes trying to hold in her anger.

“Yeah, bet he has never even kissed a girl in his life.”

“Yeah, bet he is so bad at it.”

“Shut up!” Tomoyo yelled. “I hope you know he is the best kisser in the world! Bet he can kiss better than any of you!” she grabbed her stuff angrily.

“How would you know Tomoyo?” asked a blonde girl standing up, “Bet you did kiss him, she couldn’t get any one else. Well what do you have to say huh Tomoyo? Are you saying you like the skater punk?”

“Yeah, I am,” She said storming towards Eriol and kissing him passionately.

She parted form him and said, “And if you have anything to say about come up to my face now and say it!” she yelled holding Eriol’s hand.

Eriol smirked at Tomoyo and held her hand tightly.

Tomoyo looked at the blonde who just sat down and said nothing, “Ok, then have nothing to say now Lena?”

Lena said nothing.

Tomoyo looked up at Eriol, “Sorry I had to do that.”

“It is ok any time you need to kiss me go right on a head. But now that you faced your friends I have to face mine,” Eriol turned around and led Tomoyo to the parking lot where they were practicing.

They all looked at Eriol, “Eriol, what are you doing?” asked Meilin.

“Just walking with my girlfriend got a problem?”

“You and her?”

“Hai, me and her got a problem with that?”

“Nope, no problem here.” She said, “But what about them?”

He looked at the others, “Problem?”

“How do we know that you are really together Eriol?” one asked.

Eriol dipped Tomoyo and kissed her passionately.

“Guess, he was not joking.” One said.

“I always thought they made a good couple.” Said Meilin. (lol everyone made a big deal about what they would do if they catch a prep gurl and a sk8er boi together and yet they do nothing.)

During Math Class

“Mr. Li do you know the answer?”

“No,” he said blankly.

“What was that?”

“I said no, I don’t know the answer.”

“That’s it Mr. Li you have given me attitude all day now go to the principal.”

“Gladly will don’t want to stay in this class any way,” He said standing up.

“Glad you are finally leaving,” Said Sakura glaring at him.

He turned around and said, “I am happy that I am leaving, because I can’t stand seeing you.”

“And I can’t standing seeing you.”

“Ms. Kinomoto and Mr. Li if you two are done then…”

“I don’t think we are done I did not get to the part where I call him an as…”

“Ms. Kinomoto you and Mr. Li leave my class room now!”

Sakura stood up and looked at Syaoran and walked past him.

Syaoran walked out of the room and followed Sakura.

“Thanks, for getting me kicked out of the room!” shouted Sakura.

“Was not my fault,” He said turning the corner.

“Where do you think you are going?”

“Where does it look like? I am going home. There is no way I am going to the principal.”

“Well, if you are leaving then I am because, I still have more yelling to do.”

“Aren’t we not supposed to talk to each other?”

“Yelling and shouting is not talking.”

“Why do you always have to make things harder than they are?”

“I don’t!”

He turned around, “Why can’t you just leave?”

“Because, I still have to yell at you!”

“There is nothing else to say!”

“Yes, there is!”

“You cheated, case closed.”

“I cheated you were the one cheating!”

“I was not!”

“Yeah and who was that girl? Your sister?”

“What girl?”

”The one at the lake the other day.”

“Who Meilin?”

“That was Meilin.”

“Yeah, who did you think it was?”

“I don’t know.”

“You thought that Meilin and I were…” he laughed.

Sakura started to laugh, “We have been fighting this whole time for nothing.”

“Yeah, but...”

“Yeah, our friends.”

“That’s why I was at the lake, because I did not think we could be friends. Tomoyo she was saying things about what would happen to a person who was caught with the skaters and I got scared and…”

He put his finger to her mouth, “I know what you mean Eriol did the same thing that is why I backed off.”

“Syaoran I decided that…”

“I know we can’t be friends any more.” He said turning around.

“No, I decided the hell with them, I want to say with you.”

He turned around and smiled at her. He pulled her closely to him and kissed her passionately and they heard someone clapping behind them………

