
She woke up she didn’t know how long she passed, all she knew was that it was quieter then before and someone was now holding her hand.

“H-hi, hi hunny…” Micky choked,

Petra noticed the unfamiliar sick type way he greeted her, “…hello Micky…what’s wrong?”

“What makes you think anything’s wrong?”

“I can hear, now tell me…what happened…” she demanded now getting angry,

“I-it, it’s about Reagan…”

Her eyes filled with alarm, “…what is it, is she sick?”

“…no Pete…they, they, t-they can’t…” Micky stuttered

“They can’t what Micky…gods damn it, tell me!” she ordered…

“They can’t…damn it…they can’t find her…”

“WHAT!” Petra exclaimed,

“They said she was there one minute and the next her bassinet was empty…”

“…what…” she repeated in disbelief…

“They called the cops; they said they’d phone if they heard anything…”

“Oh Micky…” she said hiding her face in her hands as she began to cry…

“I know hunny, I know…it’ll be alright…” he assured her wrapping his arms around her shaking form.

“How can you say that Mick…she’s gone…she may never come back…”

“Don’t ever say that!” Micky scolded,

“It’s hard to think any other way, she is my life…already…I don’t know what to do or think…”

“I know Pete, I know…”

“How can you Micky, how the hell can you?”

Micky was taken a back by Petra’s question, “…Petra…”

“I just want you to leave Micky, please…”

“You sure…”

“Yes Micky I’m sure now leave…”

“…ok…” He back out of the door, he left the door slightly open for a bit so he could turn back…when he turned back to see Petra the scene broke his heart. She was now full out crying wrapping her arms around herself. He closed the door all the way then crumpled into the chair beside her door and did something he thought he wouldn’t be doing at all today…instead of crying tears of joy he was full out crying tears of pain, anger and sadness.

He sat there a little while longer just by himself sulking, crying wiping his eyes…until he said that was enough…he got up and walked out of the hospital on his way home.

The pad was quiet…Micky wasn’t use to this, but he guess he would have to…since Mike and Davy had left and Petra was now in the hospital, it was just him. He sighed, walking to his drum set…he had to make some noise or he would go insane…anyway he could probably let out some pent up emotions…I better do this while I still can, once Petra gets home…there will be-awe…who the hell am I kidding…-he thought, even optimistic thinking couldn’t shake the feeling of scare which was filling the pit of his stomach, he sat down on his stole and began to bang out a simple 1-2-3 beat But the beats suddenly got louder, heavier and more often (closer together), till it was just a loud unsteady flow of any pattern of beats…with one hand he struck the side of his drum set sending every possible thing attached to the set flying to the ground. He then started to cry once more, but this time harder since he wasn’t in the view of the public anymore, the visions of Petra’s face right after Reagan was born, the doctors faces as they explained that they had “misplaced” her and then Petra’s heartbroken shock filled face after he told her flew around in his head, making it hard to concentrate.

He-like Petra had fallen in love with Reagan from the beginning, he wanted her back just as bad as the next guy but he wasn’t exactly sure how Petra felt, after all it was her baby…she had cared for it for the 6 months since she actually became a woman. He got off his stool, kicked a cymbal out of the way, and walked to his room. As soon as he sat on his bed the phone on the night stand rang, he wiped his eyes took a few deep breathes and answered,


“Hey there shotgun…” Mikes happy voice rang through the phone…

“Oh, hey mike…”

“…what’s wrong you don’t sound so well…?”

“I’m not…

“Why what happened?”

“…she had the baby…”

“What and I missed it…damn…I knew I should’ve waited…when she had it…”

“…about 5 hours ago…5:00 PM here…”

“Awe man that’s great…”

“Ya…” Micky let out…

“There’s something else Mick, what is it…?”

Micky broke, “…Mike someone took her, someone took Reagan…she’s gone, she’s gone, and I don’t know what to do…”

“Awe Micky I’m sorry man…do you want me to come home, I can if you want…”

“No, no, you mom needs you around, she doesn’t get to see you much…”

“Ok, but call when ever you feel like it, I’ll be right here…”

“Thanks man, bye…”

“No problem…”

With that he hung up the phone, rubbed his face with his hand then laid his head on the pillow, he lay there motionless for a while till the phone rang again,


“Ello there…” Davys voice said at the other end,

“Hi Davy…”

“Hi Micky…what happened, you don’t sound too good?”

“I’m not…”

“Why not...?”

“Petra had her baby…”

“What that’s great mate, when did she have it at, what time,”

“5 PM here…”

“Awe Congratulations Daddy Dolenz…”

That struck a cord, “Please Davy…doesn’t call me Daddy Dolenz, not now…”

“Why not…”

“Because I don’t feel too good right now, something happened…and I don’t think it’s the right thing to say…”

“What happened…?”

“Reagan, the baby, was kidnapped…”

“What! Who in their right mind would rob a hospital of a baby…?”

“I don’t know Davy…”

“Do you want me to come home I can, nothings really happening here…”

“No, no stay…your sisters and dad need you there, they don’t get to see you much…”

“You sure…”


“Ok, call if you need anything…”

“Thanks Dave…bye…”

“Bye Mick…”

After he hung up the phone he lied down and closed his eyes tightly, as he wrapped his arms around a through pillow…he felt a hot tear run down his cheek, he quickly wiped it away… he buried his face in the pillow as he felt another round of tears coming, he couldn’t believe it, after waiting 6 months, 6 months full of new adventures and fun…Reagan Addison Tork is finally here, but then someone takes her from them…now he felt like Petra hated him, and that he was hated by everyone else because he couldn’t take care of a woman and a child without losing one…he cried himself to sleep that night.

Someone pounding on the door woke him up the next morning, he abruptly sat up wondering where he was for a moment, he looked down and saw that he was wearing the same thing as the day before…that could wait, he wanted to get to the door quickly and give who ever was pounding on the door a piece of his mind…he walked fast upstairs to the door, and opened the door, “…listen here man,” then he realized the people he was taking his anger out on was the shocked faces of his best friends Mike and Davy, his expression immediately turned into remorse, “…listen guys, I’m sorry…” “Don’t worry; you’ve been through a lot…” Mike said, walking into the pad, Davy followed soon after, “…when did you guys get in…”

“I got in about an hour ago…I was wondering the airport when I saw Davy…”

“…what made you come back…?”

“…Petra did…I was so restless last night that my mom urged me to go back before I went nuts….so I boarded the red eye flight back…”


“Virtually the same thing happened with me…but my father made me come back instead of my sisters…”

“…you didn’t have too guys…”

“Awe Mick, we did, we love Petra and the baby just as much as you…she needs all the love she can get right now…”

“HOW, Mike HOW, HOW can I give her love when she doesn’t even want to see me…” Micky exploded, Mikes jaw dropped,

“I’m sorry Mike…I’ve just a lot on my mind”

“No problem man, we can just go visit her…”

“Ya, she’ll like it…” Davy added,

“I don’t know,”

“Come on, go put your face on and all that hog wash and we’ll go…” “…ok…” he reluctantly backed away down the stair…

Mike, Micky and Davy all got to the hospital and through to the maternity ward on the excuse that they were her brothers, (Davy and Mike didn’t talk *ahem, accents*) Micky walked slowly into Petra’s room, not quiet enough because Petra’s head jerked up, “…Micky…?”

“Hello Pete…” Micky said in an almost whisper

“…I’m sorry for blowing up at you last night…”

“Its alright…you look like your ready to come home,”

“Ya, the doctors said I could…” that’s when Mikes voice in,

“Hi there Pete…”

Her eyes lit up, she smiled, “…hi Michael, I missed you…”

“…awe there’s that smile I missed, and would like to see more,”

“..When did you get in…?”

“About 7 A.M....”



“…is Davy with you?” she asked,

“..Yes I am luv…” he smiled,

“Hi Davy…I missed you too…”

“…not like I missed you dear…I hear you can come home, well then, are ya ready…”

“Ready then I’ll ever be…” she smiled, “...can someone please help me down,”

“I will…” Micky smiled, as he Davy and Mike walked over to help her off the bed,

“…I just have to get out of here…” Petra sighed

“I believe it babe…” Mike said, “...have you signed out…”


“Ok we have nothing stopping us…let’s go…”

Mike, Micky, Davy and Petra got back to the pad, Petra whimpered as she walked through the door, “What is it…” they asked her in unison,

“…Reagan was supposed to come through the door with me…”

They all looked at each other with sad eyes…

“…um…come on Petra…I’ll tell ya all about my trip…” Mike said,

“…ash ya, I’ll tell you about me trip after him…”

“…ok…” she sighed as she took hold of the 2 guys hands, as Micky shut the front door, walked to the kitchen to get down some cups down for a few drinks…When someone knocked on the door again…he sighed it was a happy intrusion…you could have cut the tension in the pad with a knife…

