
Micky walked to the door and opened it to find a man in a long trench and a fedora standing at the front door, “sorry we don’t want any…” the guy stopped Micky from closing the door, “Wait I think I may have something that you have been looking for…” he then pulled the coat to the side and uncovered a baby “REAGAN…” Micky shouted ecstatic as he grabbed the baby out of the guys arms and wrapped his arms around her,

“What is It Micky, I heard you yell…” Petra’s voice along with 6 single footsteps was heard walking the front door.

Micky turned around a smile plastered on his face, Davy and Mike gasped,

“What, what’s happening…?”

“Petra…” Micky smiled, “…Reagan’s right here…”

Her eyes lit, “Reagan…my baby! Where is she…?”

Micky passed the sleeping infant over to Petra, he then watched as Petra’s hands fumbled across the infants face…she then did it a couple more times softer…tears sprang to her eyes… “My baby…” she cried nestling her head into Reagan’s small abdomen. Micky was to caught up in the moment to realize that the guy hadn’t left, when he did turn his head back to the door he was still there,

“How could you love such a creature…a female…” the man growled, everyone turned their attention to the door.

“What do you mean…?” Micky said anger rising in his voice,

“I should explain,” He said stepping into the pad “…My name is Delta FX517…I come from a distant planet…I was sent here 6 months ago to do some research on humans and also to impregnate someone with a male heir to the Quasar throne…”

“You’re the one that did this to me…” Petra asked, Fear and anger sewn together in that one statement,

“Yes I am…you just happened to come along when I was desperate…”


“You weren’t supposed to go blind though I just forgot that human eyes can’t handle such light…my king says you have been punished enough after all you did have a female, they’re completely useless…” Micky growled at him… “…I am allowed to give you back only one thing that you were before, only one thing though…”

Even without thinking Petra blurted out, “…I don’t want to be blind anymore…” getting looks from Mike, Micky, and Davy…

“Are you positive?”

“Yes, I am…I want to see my daughter, what she looks like…I want to be able to give her the motherly love and attention she needs and will need…”

“Alright, you may want to give it to Micky…” Micky squinted in anger…as Petra quickly passed Reagan to Micky…then Mike, Micky and Davy stood back…


Petra nodded…

His hand rose up as he chanted something in beeps then Petra screamed in pain and crumpled to the ground, “Petra…” Mike Micky and Davy yelled in unison as the man disappeared,

Mike knelt down and gently shook Petra, “Pete, oh man…Pete…”

She woke up blinked a couple times then looked to her side, “MIKE…” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms his neck, he laughed, as he reacted, “hello sweetie…” “I missed you…” she cried into his shoulder, “…I missed you too Pete…” “…come on babe, let’s get you up…” Mike put out her hand to help her up, she pulled herself up with the help of Mike then let out a painful hiss and grabbed her stomach…”…um…stitches…still hurts…”

She then turned around with a big smile on her face, “Hello Micky…” she smiled, Mickys big goofy grin exploded across his face, she then looked down and saw the pink bundle that he was holding, her eyes lit up as she ran to him… “…let me hold her…please…” she asked,

“…sure…” Micky smiled handing Reagan over to her mother; with a shaky hand she moved the blanket away from her face,

“Oh guys, she’s beautiful…” she cried,

“…We know…” Davy smiled stretching his neck a little to see Reagan…

“…you are too you know…” Micky asked, bluntly

Petra looked at him shocked, Micky smiled,

“I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time…you haven’t been able to see my puppy dog eyes every time you smiled, or when you would get so over emotional you’d start crying even when you listened to a comedy…”

“What…” Petra said, totally flabbergasted…”…and you guys knew about this…”they smiled as they nodded…

“You truly like me…no joke…” she asked sort of stunned,

“Yes truly…I’d even go so far as to say I love you…” “…so would the guys…” Petra looked at Davy and Mike, they were nodding…

“…even with Reagan…you’re not even her father…I don’t even know who her father is…”

Micky smiled, “Babe, where have you been for the past like, 2 years…look at the rule for the hippies, they have kids and probably can’t even remember their names half the time, never mind who their kids father is (no offence to anyone at all)…it doesn’t worry me one bit…”

“Really” she asked, her eyes lit…


“Oh Micky that’s wonderful…” she expressed wrapping her free hand around Mickys neck…

“Um, Petra, Micky…” Mikes voice was heard at the front door, “…there’s a note here…it says”

Your child has been injected with carbon copies of George Michael Dolenzs DNA, rightfully now; your child is yours and George Michael Dolenzs. It was done because your child, with out a mix of DNA would grow up to be a carbon copy of you, and since she is a female…we think you have suffered enough…good luck…


Petra and Micky looked at each other then at Reagan…”She’s, she’s my…she’s my daughter…” Micky stuttered, “She’s really my daughter…”

“Yes…that’s the way it looks Mick…” Mike laughed…

“She’s really mine, my daughter…”

“Yes, Micky she is…she’s both ours now…” Petra smiled,

Then Micky looked down at her bluntly and said, “Can I make her mother mine too?” as expected the question was unexpected, getting looks from Petra, Mike, and Davy…

“Micky, I-I don’t know…I-“

“Come on Pete, It’ll be fine…after all that note does say I’m her real father, you won’t be going against your rules and committing a sin…you’ll just be marrying the child’s father…” (Man, I still really can’t get over it…me a father…but, I do love saying the word…Father, father, father hehehe)

A big smile appeared on Petra’s lips, “You sure…”

“As sure as I’ll ever be…” Micky assured her

She smiled, “Oh…ok…” she laughed, “…but you have to do it the right way, like I’ve seen in so many movies…”

Micky smiled widely as he got down on one knee and grasped Petra’s free left hand, “Petra Halsten Tork…will you marry me…”

“Of course I will…yes, yes, yes…George Michael Dolenz I will marry you…”

Micky smiled as he got off his knee and embraced her in a tight hug…well tight as he could get without hurting the baby, then Mike and Davy erupted in cheer, shaking Mickys hand, hugging Petra and explaining what just happened to Reagan.

“Come on Reagan…you wouldn’t believe how tired I am…I really need to sleep…I didn’t sleep all night” Petra yawned, Micky smiled and kissed her forehead and heartily laughed then closed his eyes…for a second, in that second he thought about all the things that have happened in his life in just that short amount of time, Peter turning into a blind woman, finding out Peter wasn’t only a blind woman he was also pregnant too…inevitably falling in love with woman he had become, Reagan being born…her disappearing, getting her back to find that what ever happened turned her into his rightful daughter, and now…he was getting married…life was perfect now…he hoped nothing would ever change that…

