
Micky and Mike with Petra in Mickys arms ran to the front desk,

“S-she needs a room now…she’s sick…she fainted…”

“C-calm down sir…” the nurse said, “…now what’s her name…?”

Mike and Micky looked at each other and thought, and then he remembered, “Petra Tork…” Mike looked at him in surprise, Micky just shrugged,


“1334 Beechwood…” then Mike cut in, “…can’t we do this after we get her a room?”

“Sorry Mister this needs to be done now…”

“Date of Birth…”

“Err…February 13 1942…”

“Ok…if you would just follow me…”

“Finally…” they said in unison…

The doctor got Micky to set her on the bed, without thinking he lightly pressed his lips against her wet, white forehead then left…as he walked to waiting room he abruptly stopped and turned around to face the door to her room which was now closed and thought d-did I just…did I just…- then dismissed it and walked to waiting room…

About an hour passed…Mike had been sitting down in a chair reading a “Road and Track” magazine, while Micky paced back and fourth like an expectant father…the doctor came out, Micky and Mike both spotted this and ran to encircle the doctor,

“What’s up doctors…ya spill it…”

“She’s just fine, just…”

“Just what…”

“y-you did know she was completely blind didn’t you…”

Micky and Mike breathed a sigh of relief, “…yes…”

“Ok…good…and there is one more thing…that none of you known I bet…”

“WHAT!” they expressed in unison,

When Mike and Micky heard what it was their jaws dropped, then they started to run towards the room…almost tripping over each other on the way… they entered the room and peered in to see Petra knees bent, Elbows on her knees, face in her hands crying…they walked in slowly, Petra’s head perked up as she turned her head towards the door and sniffed,

“How you feeling babe…?” Mike asked

“Tell me how I should feel, I become a woman...blind and then this happens all in one night…” she asked, as she started to cry once again…she was really getting sick over how emotional things made him…err…her

“Now, now…don’t cry…it isn't a big deal…” Mike soothed getting up to stand beside her bed and rub her back, Petra’s head jerked up, her bland brown eyes meet Mikes…Mike really missed the shine and sparkle of Peters…

“How can you say that…I’m a woman, blind…we can hardly support ourselves, and now we have this to worry about…?”

Mike was surprised by Petra’s blunt answer, Peter usually never looked on the negative side of things he was the forever optimist… “Don’t worries, one of us will just have to get a job…or a few of us…?

“What about…”

“Babbitt…don’t worry I’ll take care of him, if he ever hassles you tell him Mike said to leave you alone…or your one of Peters sisters…that should satisfy him…”

“But what if Peter doesn’t come back and there is going to be 5 people in the pad after this…”

“Don’t worry, stop worrying…we’ll come to the bridge when we cross it…”

“Your right…” she sniffed wiping her eyes…

Mike smiled; there was a certain feminine shine to his friend now that she never had as Peter “Come on shotgun…lets get you home…”

