
Davy watched as the cars bright lights shined through the window, he ran to the door almost running into the stairs on the way. He watched as Mike walked in, hand running through his dark hair…then he looked out side to see Micky closing the door with a woman linking arms with him, holding her stomach…Davy looked back into the pad…

“Mike…whose she?”

“Davy, that’s Peter…they had an accident on the way home from going out tonight…”

“Ya…I’d say…” Davy gestured as Micky and Petra walked in the door,

“Hello Peter…” Davy whispered,

Petra moaned, “…Davys home…”

“Yes…I am…I’m standing right in front of you…why can’t you see me?”

“Because I’m blind Davy…”

“What!” he yelled, looking back at Mike and Micky standing together beside the table?

“Um…that was part of the accident…”

“Huh…” Davy huffed as he turned his attention back to Petra…

“…are you ok I saw that you went to the hospital what happened?”

“No, not exactly…I’m pregnant…”

“What!” Davy said,

“…about 3 months along…”

“But how…I mean, you just became a woman tonight right…”

“Ya…but what ever happened made me this way…”

“What about Babbitt…he definitely won’t like this, we’ll be disobeying the rent agreements…we already behind on payments…and how are we going to support all of us…” Davy asked, he didn’t see Micky and Mike shaking their heads and hands mouthing the word “no…”

“I know…” she whimpered as she ran down the stairs to the basement, where Peter’s room was…she already had that pretty much mapped out surprisingly

“Nice going…”

“Ya…nice…” Mike and Micky scolded

“I’ll go talk to her…” Micky said passing Davy…

Mike growled at Davy as he passed him to go the living room, he sat down in a huff…crossing his arms over his chest…Davy apologized then went to sit on the stair…

Micky came out about an hour later, shock filled his face…

“What, what’s wrong?” Mike asked as he read his face…

“He…I mean she wants me to sleep with her, in her room till she feels safe…”

“That’s no problem…Davy will just bunk with me…there’s something else, isn’t there…”

“…w-we kissed…she kissed me first…then I…”

“OH Micky…you know she’s going to be different…you couldn’t just keep your hormones in check, you had to go the full 9 yards…”

“I know…I’m sorry…”

“Yes, try to contain your self next time…is she ok now?”

“Yes…she’s sleeping…”

“I think we should get to bed to, its 3 AM…”

“Right…” Davy and Micky said in unison,

“…just Micky…watch yourself…”



“Night…” Then they all went to bed, and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow…

