
It was now October, late October…almost Halloween…that meant horror flicks were appearing on TV now, and that also meant that Petra only had to wait 2 more months for the baby…two, long…months. A couple weeks ago Mike got an idea that each guy in the house had to get a job…since they couldn’t really play gigs…they needed some form of income…so Mike Micky and Davy all got jobs fast too…Mike and Davy got jobs as security guards and Micky got a job as a technicians assistant. Tonight though Micky had the night off and Mike and Davy were working the 12:00 PM-12:00 AM shifts, so that meant Micky and Petra had the pad to them selves for the night…since it was close to Halloween Micky and Petra decided that they were going to watch (well, for Petra listen…but you get it) a horror on TV, on one condition Micky set…that no scenes in anyway induced labour...Petra promised she would do her best… Micky agreed,

“…Micky can you make some popcorn, please…”


“…with lots of butter…”


“…and chocolate milk…”

Micky turned his head quickly, “…Chocolate milk…on popcorn…”

“…well no, I was just thirsty…but come to think of it…” she teased,

“…Pete…” Micky sighed,

Petra smirked, “…ok, but can I still get my chocolate milk too…”

“Sure babe, anything for you…”

“…awe you’re sweet…” Petra smiled,

“I know…”

Everything was going good, Micky and Petra had set the bowl of popcorn in the middle of the couch and was now sharing it, each taking handfuls…when it got to the parts in horror flicks where the serial killers go on rampages and kills everyone, Petra must have heard the killer snap the guys neck because right after it, she looked over to where Micky had been sitting and asked, “…he just killed someone else didn’t he?”


“Oh…” she said, tears filling her eyes making her voice quiver…

“…what’s wrong Pete…?” Micky asked sympathetically

She broke down, “…awe Micky it’s no fair, why did they have to die, they didn’t do anything to him…”

“Pete it’s just a movie…”

“I don’t care; it’s still no fair…”

Micky couldn’t help but smile, “…awe Petra…”


“Come here babe…”

She lied her head down on Mickys lap after he moved the bowl on to the table, he began to rub her hair, and “Do you want me to turn it off then…”

“Yes…” she sniffed,

“Ok…hold on…” Micky kicked up his foot and hit the power button with his toe then got comfortable again, “…There…” he smiled,

“Oh Micky, I’m sorry I ruined your night…I’ve been too over emotional lately, I never meant it to ruin anybody night like this…”

“Petra, don’t apologize you never did anything…”

“Yes I did…if I wasn’t Petra, you still could have been watching this movie…along with Peter, Mike, and Davy…I’m sorry…”

“Pete…Shhh…here, close your eyes…” Micky cooed, running his fingers carefully over Petra’s eyes to close them, Petra never fought back…as she closed her eyes a calm expression washed over her face, “…there that’s it…” Micky whispered as Petra sighed, Micky couldn’t help but smile, Petra’s face glowed… the motherly instincts in her were now starting to show their presences… he smiled once more, then Petra moaned, “…Micky, sing to me…” Micky’s jaw dropped, “But, w-what do me sing…” he stuttered, “…I don’t know anything, just sing to me…please…” “…o-o-ok…” he stuttered again as he started to hum mumble “Pleasant Valley Sunday…” slowly and softly as he rubbed her hair…

“The local rock group down the street is trying hard to learn their song, They serenade the week end squire who just came out to mow his lawn… Another Pleasant Valley Sunday… Charcoal burning everywhere… Rows of house that are the same and no one seem to care… See Ms. Gray she’s proud today because her roses are in bloom… Mr. Green he’s so serine, he’s got a TV in every room… Another Pleasant Valley Sunday…here in status symbol land… Mothers complain about how hard life is and the kids just don’t seem to understand…”

He went on until he finished the whole song, then he smiled and asked, “…did ya like that?” when he got no answer he asked again, “…eh, Pete…” when he realized she was sleeping he smiled, bent down and kissed her forehead, placed his left hand on her swollen abdomen and whispered “…I love you…” that’s when the baby kicked, he smiled… “…yes, I love you too…” (God how can she sleep through that…?)-he thought, he then looked down at her face again and snickered, without him even realizing it he heard himself whispering “I’m a believer…”

“I thought love was only true in fairy tales…meant for someone else but not for me… Love was out to get me… That’s the way it seemed…disappointment haunted all my dreams… Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer… Not a trace…of doubt in my mind…I’m in love…I’m a believer… I couldn’t leave her if I tried… I thought Love was more or less a given thing, it seems the more I gave the less I got… What’s the use in trying; all you get is pain, when I needed sunshine I got rain… ”

That’s when he heard “…then I saw her face, now I’m a believer…” come from the front door perfectly harmonized, he looked up and saw Mike and Davy standing in the door, cheesy smiles plastered across her face… “Guys…when did you get-how much did you hear…”

“Enough…” they smiled,

“We’ll she’s sleeping so…”

“Face it Micky, you are in love…I didn’t want to believe it myself, but now I do…” Mike said,

“Look Mike, I think we’re seeing the Mr. and Mrs. Mommy and Daddy Dolenz…”

“Yep Mike Me think your right…I think your right…” Mike smiled, Micky blushed…

“Well she’s sleeping so…she couldn’t have heard me…”

“She heard enough…” Mike argued,

“…how am I going to get her down stairs, I can’t carry her, she’s way too heavy now and I can’t very well leave her on the couch…”

“You’ll have to…just cover her up she’ll be fine…”

“What if she rolls off or something like that…”

“She won’t…”

“…we’ll just incase, can I sleep down here with her tonight Mike, please…”

“I don’t know…” Mike sighed, “…if you want…but let her have some space…”


That’s where the conversation ended and Mike and Davy went up stairs to go to sleep while Micky grabbed some comforters and pillows off their beds downstairs, he then walked back up stairs and set up 2 chairs and the chaise so he could sleep pretty close to Petra,. The chairs squeaked a little bit as Micky lied down but other then that everything was fine.

Micky had just fallen nicely to sleep when he heard Petra sit up on the couch and scream “No…”

Micky immediately sat up with her, “Pete…what’s wrong…your not going into labour are you?”

“…What, no, no…it’s just I had a horrible nightmare…”

“…are you going to be alright?”

“…I don’t know Micky, I really don’t know…oh here I go again…” she stated as she started to cry again,

“Awe Pete, don’t cry…I’m sure it wasn’t that bad…” he whispered,

“Oh Micky it was…” she sniffed, “…it’s the same dream every night too…”

“It’s reoccurring, Pete…you haven’t told anybody…”

“No…I couldn’t”

“…do you think you could tell me…?”

“…um…alright…it starts out with me in the hospital, they tell me the baby’s heart rate is dropping…and they want to do a C-section on me…once they get in the operating room and get the baby out they refuse to tell me something but I know something’s up when I don’t hear it crying… “…I know that baby’s are supposed to cry when they’re first born, read it in a book,” “…I ask what’s wrong they stutter around the subject till they hear the anger in my voice…”

“…Then…” Micky coaxed,

“…then they finally tell me that the baby didn’t survive, that it was still born…”

Mickys heart sank, “…oh Petra…that’s horrible, you’re right…”

“I don’t want to lose this baby Micky…I’m afraid because I’m not fully a woman that it’ll die…and I couldn’t live without it now,”

“Now Pete…doesn’t talk like that, you know that isn’t true, you are a real woman, you’d have to be to carry that load around…men couldn’t do that…even Peter…”

Petra smiled, “…ya…”

“…you know you’re baby isn’t going to die, we won’t let it…”

“…I know…”

“…now, are you going to go back to sleep…”

“No I think I’ll get up…”

“…ok, are you hungry, I could make something…”

“Ya…I am…toast will be fine though…”

“Coming up…”

“Thank you…”

“No problem…”

Micky and Petra sat up all night quietly saying names to one another to see how they went down, when Mike came down at 9:00 he found Micky and Petra curled up on the couch under a comforter, Petra had her head on Mickys shoulder and Micky had his head on Petra’s head, he laughed at them, “…mommy, daddy and baby…”

