
Now December had come, Petra was due at the end of the month…she couldn’t wait, she wanted to be a mom…she knew she was ready…something inside her (pardon the pun) told her she could do it, Mike had just got off the phone and now came to the table where they had been sitting playing cards (we’ll Mike, Micky and Davy played cards while Petra sat in another chair and ate), that became their game of choice, it was like they played cards just to waste time so they could finally see the baby’s face, he sat back down, “…that was my mom…she wants me to come home for the holidays…”

“That’s great, you should go…I bet she can’t wait to see you…”

“But I wanted to be here for the baby being born…”

“Don’t worry, Davy and Micky will tell you all about it…”

“You sure guys…” he looked at them, they shook their heads in agreement, “...Ok…if that’s the way you want it…”

“…II do, what day do you leave?”

“…I have to get my money out of the bank first, and then I’ll see, but probably the 22nd…”

“…good…I hope you have fun…”

“…But now you have to promise me something Pete…”

“…I’ll try…”

“…you have to wait until I get back to have the baby…”

Petra smiled, “…I’ll try…”

That’s when the phone rang again, Davy went to get it…he came back to the table a few minutes later…

”…That was my father; he says he wants me to come home for the holidays as well…” Everybody looked at Petra, “…what…I know you’re looking at me…” she sighed, “…ok, I’ll promise not to have the baby till you come back too…just go…”

“You sure…”

“Yes Davy, go, please…your father misses you…”

“Thanks Pete…” “…I’m leaving on the 22nd as well…”

“Good, then it’s just the 2 of us eh Micky…”

Micky nervously stuttered, Davy and Mike just smiled, “…ya Petra I guess it is…”

“I hope you guys have fun…”

“Thank you Petra…” they said in unison.

December 22nd came and went, Mike and Davy left, December 25th came and went, lots of presents for the baby were found under the tree that morning…it wasn’t until the night before New Years night that excitement stirred the pad, Micky had been restless all night, he hadn’t been able to sleep…part excitement of a new year part excitement of a new baby…he was looking up at the ceiling when he heard a whisper, “Micky are you awake?” “…yes…you should be asleep…” “…I know, it’s just that having to go to the washroom virtually every 15 minute doesn’t help…plus these terrible spasms…ah…there it is again…” Micky sat straight up in his bed, and turned to Petra… “…Pete…how long have you had these “Spasms”…?” he asked Panic sewn into his sentence, “…the first really bad one s-ah…-started about 5 hours ago…right after I fell asleep…” “…Pete…” Micky sighed in a panic, “…do you think they could be contractions?” Petra immediately swung her head over to Micky, “…NO!” she objected panic started to rise in her voice, “…no it can- I’ve-I’m…still…here just assisting me to the washroom…” “…ok…” Micky got up his bones creaked; he walked over to Petra’s bed. He carefully lifted her hand up as she pushed her self up, they walked slowly to the washroom across the way, Micky let go of Petra’s arm at the door, he waited at the door for her to come out…he waited, and waited, and waited…till he heard the panic stricken voice of Petra moan, “…Micky…” his heart started to race,

“…yes…” “…take me to the hospital…” he again started to panic, he’d been doing that a lot since…well, Mike and Davy left…”…a-are you, you sure…” “…yes…and fast…”

