
Petra and Micky had gotten to the hospital safely, Petra had been pushing for a long time, at least 6 hours without getting anywhere…Petra was getting too exhausted to keep this up and Micky could see it in her face, that’s when they heard a loud beep, A nurse came running in, Micky watched as she read a sheet of Paper on what looked like a seismograph…he watched as her eyes began to fill with alarm, then she dropped the sheet of paper and turned to face Petra “Your baby’s heart rate is dropping, we need to get it now…” the nurse exclaimed as she began to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, Petra cast a horrified look to where she heard Micky breath, this was just like the beginning of her dreams …Micky looked up to the doctor scared out of his mind, “…what…um…how exactly do you intend to do that ma’am…” the nurse cast Micky sympathetic eyes as she explained that a C-section was going to be needed… Petra cried her dreams were coming true… Micky looked quickly down to her and started to rub her wet hair saying soothing words,

“…I know it’s not a very well known practice, but it is all that can save your baby…”

“…you sure you want to do this Pete…” Micky asked,

“Yes Micky, I am…”

“Ok…let’s get you into scrubs…” the nurse ushered.

When all was said and done, Petra safely in the operating room, Micky close by…the doctor began to start to set up…after a while he was done, Petra had a oxygen ling going up her nose….

“Ok Ms. Tork…you’ll feel a little prick then nothing else…K…its done…really?”

Petra really wasn’t sure but she nodded anyway…Micky started to massage both sides of her head looking down at her repeating stuff like, “your so brave…” and “…have you thought of any names hunny?” just to lift her sprits…even though he himself was scared to no return he would joke about if the kid turned out looking like Mike or Davy they would have to send it to the pound…after what seemed like an eternity Micky was told he could look over the sheet barrier, he did to see a doctor holding up a small baby, with a flash of blonde hair, crying its eyes out… Micky instantly fell in love, his eyes started to water… “It’s a beautiful, very health baby girl…” the doctor smiled through his mask…

“Mick, is that the baby?” Petra’s weak voice was heard

“Yes, yes Pete…it is…” he smiled,

“What is it…?”

“A girl, a girl…it’s a girl Pete…” he said, trying to keep his tears out of his sentence

“Really…” she asked her eyes lighting up…

“Yes…Ms Tork…a 5 pound baby girl…”

“Wow...” she expressed

“I’m so proud of you…” Micky exclaimed wrapping his arms around her face and laying his head on her shoulder…

“…thank you…” she laughed turning her head towards the pressure on her shoulder…lightly she whispered “…I love you…” Micky looked up abruptly, he had never ever said or hear anything like that…but he knew she meant it, and he knew he was in love too so he slurred “I love you too…”

“What are you going to name her…?”

“…Reagan Addison Tork…”

“…ok then…” he smiled, “…we’ll put that on her birth certificate…Mr. Dolenz if you’d like to come and be a witness…” Micky smiled at the doctor, “…of course…” he bent down and kissed her clammy forehead, “…be good…” Petra smiled, and then she fell asleep.

