
Chapter 1- FLASHBACK -Greenwich Village, New York

"Ya, hello, Peter speaking..." 22 year old Peter greeted answering the phone at his local hang out,

"Hey Peter..." a sweet young feminine voice was heard at the other end,

"Jayna..." Peter smiled, "How you doin' babe?", Jayna Williams was his 21 year old girlfriend, they had been going out for a couple months...so they were pretty serious. "Not to good right now, listen Sweetheart, I have something to tell you..." she said cautiously,

"What is it? What ever it is we can get through it..." Peter answered, reassuringly

"I hope we can," Jayna laughed, "...listen, I went to the doctors to day, cause I found I was late..."

"Late for what, for work, late for work...lat-" thats when something clicked, "...Jayna, your not..."

"...'fraid so," she sighed, "...your not mad, you're not gonna leave me, are ya?"

"What?" Peter asked, knocking himself out of the phone call induced daze, "..oh, no, no...just a little shocked, I mean...a baby"

"...thats what I was like, I already told my parents, they said as long as you stayed with me, voluntarily, we wouldn't have to get married either..." Jayna annouced happily,

"Well thats not normal...understanding parents..." Peter said,

"Ya, I know...I got to go babe," Jayna answered,

"...ok, I'll probably be over later..."

"...ok...DAD!" Jayna yelled into the phone before hanging up,

Peter laughed and shook his head as he hung up the phone, thats when his best friend Paul came up beside him, "...who was it..." he asked, his New York accent shinning through,

Peter jumped as he looked at Paul, he didn't notice he was there, "...it was Jayna..." he sighed sitting down in a booth a group of people had just vacated,

"Oh ya, that 21 year old Fox! your dating..." Paul answered,

Peter laughed then looked up to him, "...she's pregnant..."

Paul suddenly got this deadpan look on his face, but when he realized Peter was still smiling he sat down across from him, "..your not mad,"

"Nope" Peter said,


"Of course..."

"Your not gonna leave 'er"

"OF COURSE NOT!" Peter yelled, surprise written across his face, "...ok man, Chill..." Paul yielded


"Her parents aren't gonna make ya marry 'er?" Paul added, sort of as an after thought,

Peter grinned, "Nope..." then got up and left.

Over the next few months Peter and Jayna spent a mind boggling amount of time together, even when Jayna wanted Peter to, he would take days off work, Paul would cover for him when he did. With all the time they spent together they just fell deeper in love, and we're actually thinking about marriage, but they never told anybody cause they were afraid if after they did they would get pressured into it. He got the thrill of his life when Theresa Williams phoned Peter at work to tell him Jayna had started to have the baby. He didn't even hang up the phone he just zoomed out the door, hailed a taxi and took off towards the hospital. He stayed with her all through the labour.

His proudest moment came at 3:15 AM December 12th 1964, when he was introducing Ryen Alexus Williams-Tork to her grandparents only 15 minutes after she was born. He wanted to just hold her forever but he knew he couldn't, he would have to eat and sleep sometime, but while Jayna slept he sat near the window with Ryen asleep in his arms, wrapped in a pink blanket and touque, telling her all his wishes for her, like health and wealth and fame. All the normal stuff a parent wishes for his and/or her child(ren), he kept telling her she could be what ever she wanted to be, he wouldn't stand in her way, and that she looked so much like her mother already.

A day that he wanted to forget started off as normal as any other day on Febuary 23rd 1965, Peter and Jayna had decided that they might get away for the day, with the consult of her parents. Who were now 2 month old Ryen's babysitters. Jayna and Peter came up with the idea of going out side the city to somewhere not as big, like Buffalo...but some place in Buffalo that had a lot of country like space. They did find such a place a few miles outside of Buffalo, the perfect place, with lots of trees green grass and flowers. They found a place to sit under one of the biggest trees and started to play with the flowers and through grass in each others hair, it was a juvenile thing to do but it was fun. Around 12:00, just as they pulled out their lunch it started to rain, and it didn't just rain, it poured. Jayna started to get upset she decided that it was time to leave, even though she didn't want to ...she figured it was best.

As soon as he got in the car, the rain got harder, Jayna got a little worried, so did Peter but he didn't let it show, he didn't want to worry Jayna even more. The sign that told them they were now in Buffalo took some weight off his shoulders but he still had alot to worry about, he had never driven in rain this hard before and it had seemed it had gotten even harder, making the horizon almost completely not visible. "...Peter, I think we should pull over..." Jayna sugguested, worry evident in her voice, "...nah, it's ok," Peter assured. Before they knew it, they were in some almost country like place in between buffalo and the connecting city, and because of all the rain, it had made it dark before the actual time. Now Jayna was on the edge of her seat, if she bit her nails she would be biting her nails. As Peter looked around for any sign to tell him where they were after a few minutes of just headlights lighting their way, he heard a blood curdling, horrific "CRACKKK!!!" he whipped his head around to see Jayna with the same horrific look on her face, tears streaking down her face. She whined and grabbed Peters hand, "Peter..." she moaned, "...if anything happens to me, I want you to take care of Ryen..." "Don't talk like that ! nothing is going to happen to you, you hear me?!?!" Peter asked, forcefully, "...I know, just listen, and I want you to move on with your life, find someone who will love you...as much or as more as I do...promise..." Jayna asked, crying, echoes of that Crack sound still fresh in her mind. "...Jayna nothing-nothing is going to happen to you..." Peter answered, whining, tears running down his face. "PROMISE ME!" Jayna pushed, "I promise..." Peter sniffed.

Jayna smiled, kissed his hand, then turned back to look out the windshield. Peter sniffed up all his tears as he began to drive again. A few miles after that the car hit something at fun speed, Peter's head hit the steering wheel, hard, he jerked his head back and checked for blood, yep there was blood, he musta hit on someplace where he already had a cut, he then remember just as the car hit the mysterious object he saw Jayna's head jerk forward and hit the dashboard then jerk back as her head lulled back and rested on the head rest, he then felt an excurshating pain run up his left leg and difuse through out his whole body, he felt with his hand down his leg, right as he got to the bottom of his knee he touched something that was only 1/2 an iche or so away from his leg he ran his fingers along it. His eyes widened as he realized that it was a tree branch. It cut through the front of the car and straight along Peters leg, His eyes filled with horror as he realized Jayna h adn't woken up, he nudged her a little bit, nothing, tried again, harder. Nothing. "Jayna..." he whispered loudly, as he shook her, nothing... "...Jayna," he said a bit louder, shaking her. No response, "Jayna!" he screamed, "...come on Jayna please wake up..." he pleaded, a new set of tears streaming down his face, "Come on, you didn't get that hurt" he compromised, "JAYNA, please...oh god please...wake up..." he cried clutching her shoulder so tight his bloodied knuckles were white.

When he realized she wasn't gonna wake up, he cried out one loud pain ridden cry, then embraced her in a hug and whispered in her still warm ear, "I promise" He then took both sides of her face in his hands and kissed her long and hard. When he felt a uncontrolable urge to cry, he pushed away, kissed her cheek and then moved back to his seat and cried into his hands, right now he didn't care about his leg, he didn't care if he lost it, he would lose anything, if it brought back the only woman he knew he could ever love. After a while of just crying and pleading with god to bring her back his world went black as well.

Peter then rememebers waking up in a hospital bed, beeps and IVs encircled his blurred world, he felt his head, his headache that threaten to come in the car, finally hit, with vengence. His head was wrapped in gauze bandage, which felt like it was cutting off the circulation with this headache, he moaned and rolled his head side to side, thats when he realized a doctor had walked in,

"ah...Mr. Tork, your up..." a male voice was heard from the door way, Peter tried to squint and see him, but he just couldn't, "...don't worry, your eye sight will come back, your pupils were damaged in the crash from flying glass shardsdf, they should heal in a couple days"

"...How-How bad was I hurt?" he croaked out,

"...your pupils, like I told you, you needed a couple stitches in your head...but your leg was your worst injury, the tree you hit, had a branch that went through the metal of the vehicle, it poked into your shin, right bellow your knee..."

the doctor explained,

"...how bad, is "poked"?" Peter asked, skeptical

"...it broke through to your bone, we had to repair some muscles, and tissues...you should have a slight limp now,"

"...anything else?"

"...because of the impact of the hit, it squashed your leg, and it broke in 6 places...thats it"

Peter was afraid to ask, he knew about Jayna but just couldn't help it, he wanted to exactly why she died...

"My girlfriend, what about my girlfriend?"

"...we're sorry Mr. Tork, she didn't make it to the hospital...she died instantly,"

"...Wh-what exactly happened, like, how did she die?" Peter asked, voice, shaky

"...ms. Williams had an extreme case of severe osteopoiroses in her spine, mostly around her neck...when her head hit the dash and snapped back, she broke her neck"

Peter squeezed his eyes closed and whined, atleast she experienced no pain- he thought to himself,

"...My daughter...what about Ryen?"

"Mr+Mrs. Williams took her home with them, if you want her you have to go get her there...that is after you get out..."

Peter shook his head, like to say, piece of cake, but he really though that they must really hate him now, it was going to be a chore to get Ryen off them, but he would fight...after all she was his daughter, his flesh and blood.

Paul was really his only visitor through out the hospital rehab, sometimes at night secretly he would cry...cause he missed Jayna so much and didn't know how he would get Ryen off her parents, she was his only link to Jayna now. Without her he felt much more empty. He also could sort of feel the Williams hate for him grow with every day he lived. 2 months after the crash Peter was released from the hospital, without his girlfriend or daughter by his side. He went back to the apartment he shared with Paul to a big party, he put on a happy face for everyone...after all the work they did for him they desevered it, but alls he wanted to do was crawl in a hole and die really, here he was out of the hospital and he now had to fight again to get his daughter back.

A few days after his release, Peter got up enough guts to phone and see if they would at least let him visit Ryen, he got told by the operator that that number was no longer in use. "But thats impossible," "We're sorry sir, but we can not get through...the number is no longer in use..." "But they haven't had their phone cut off before...they have it paid by their older son," "...maybe they moved?" the operator sugguested, Peter started to laugh then stopped , his eyes widened "...ah...thank you for trying,bye!" he rushed, slamming down the phone, grabbing his cane, he had been given at the hospital to asist him around for a few weeks and limping out the door. As he stood at the corner he hailed a taxi. "434 Laurentien please..." he told the driver as he got in.

As the taxi turned on to Laurentien Peter saw Jaynas parents house with a "For Sale" on the lawn, "no...no..." he kept repeating as he got out. He limped up to the front window and peered in, the house was vacant only a lamp stood in the cornerand shapes of where the pictures use to be still on the wall, that was it. Peter felt a surge of anger bolt through him as he hastily limped over to the sign and with all his might drew back his fist and punched the post making it tilt a bit. For Peter, Teresa and Quincy Williams had just commited the worst hate crime on record, far worse then the boycotts and riots caused by Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches for equal rights a couple years before, they had just taken away his daughter, the only link to Jayna.

It didn't take Peter long after that to realize that he needed to get out of New York, too many bad memories. So a couple days after the scene at the house he packed his bags, said good by to Paul and all his other friends and headed West For California. He barried most of his hurt inside, got a job cleaning dishes at a restaurant in L.A. Got re acquinted with a friend named Steven who had moved West from Greenwhich Village a couple months prior and to the naked eye, got on with his life. Peters life took another hard twist, but for the better, when Steven told him he should audition for a part in this new show "The Monkees" and when he did eventually get the part, making him richer and more famous then he had ever dreamed or hoped for himself. As the show got going he started to tour and work at the studio and recording studio most days, leaving hardly anytime to think about his past.

