
The ceremony was going well and as much as Rachel was finding it hard to watch, she couldn’t help but feel extremely proud of Micky. She looked and saw Lily grinning from ear to ear as she watched her big brother get married. She looked at Natalie, who was trying her best to look happy but Rachel knew she wasn’t. Then she realised Peter was glancing at her sideways trying not to make it obvious he was looking and she smiled a little and patted him on his knee, no matter what happened today she was grateful to have Peter back in her life and hopefully Davy too, if she could just find the time to talk to him! She tried very hard to look back at Mike without making it obvious she was looking. He was still standing at the back, watching Micky and Denise. Gone was the thick ebony hair of his youth instead it had been replaced with short salt and pepper hair and a beard to match. Rachel watched him for a moment wondering why he wouldn’t sit down and she also wondered where Me lanie was, Mike and Melanie had made such a great couple and Rachel hoped they hadn’t split up, she made a mental note to quiz Peter on that later. She was drawn out of her thoughts when she heard the vicar speak the words she had been dreading the most and turned her head to look at him.

“If there is any persons here present who feel George and Denise should not be joined in holy matrimony speak now or forever hold your peace”. Rachel bite her lip, an urge from deep within her to yell at them to stop crept into her head. She wanted to run up there and grab Micky and pull him away from Denise. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him...suddenly it hit her…she loved him! She realised for the first time she was in love with him, she had been for as long as she could remember and that thought scared her more then anything in the world. She turned to Peter who had noticed the complete panic on Rachel’s face and was watching her with concern and worry on his face.

“Take my hands Pete because if you don’t they’re going to be in the air objecting to this marriage” She whispered. Peter stared at her for a second not really sure what to think, but did as she asked and took both her hands and gripped them tightly in his own. Natalie was staring at Rachel, slightly begging for Rachel to do something. She knew her dad was in love with Rachel and would do anything to be with her if he knew she felt the same way, but Rachel did nothing, except hold Peter’s hands.

Time was going slow for Micky. This was another part about weddings that he hated, but he hated it for a different reason this time. He was silently debating with himself whether or not to stop the wedding. He loved Denise and he was honoured that she chose to be with him but out there in the congregation sat the love of his live. He had been in love with Rachel Lockhart since the very moment he met her and he had no idea what to do. He looked over at her and she was looked back at him, she looked as pained as he felt…could it be? Was she thinking, and feeling, the same way as him?

“Mick, honey? You ok?” The words filtered through his ears and he turned to the woman who spoke them. Denise was looking at him with worry on her face and fear in her eyes. “Micky?” She repeated. Micky looked back at Rachel silently begging her to tell him what to do, to give him any indication as to how she felt, but she wasn’t even looking at him anymore. Instead she was staring at the floor gripping tightly on to Peter’s hands. Micky let out a mental sigh and turned back to Denise.

“Sorry Denise” He glanced at Rachel again “Yeah I’m fine” He said turning back to Denise and holding her hand. “Looks like no one objects father” He said, hoping the disappointment he felt didn’t come over in his voice.

“Do you George Michael Dolenz take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and protect her, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live?” The vicar asked. Micky couldn’t help but glance at Rachel, and then he said.

“I do”. Natalie started to sob softly. Rachel was filled with shock, hearing Micky speak those two little words made her world collapse. How could she have been so stupid, why couldn’t she have figured this out sooner, she was in love with Micky and didn’t understand why it had taken her so long to admit it, but it was too late now he was marrying someone else. She could feel herself about to burst in to tears. She looked at Peter.

“I’ve gotta go Pete, I can’t stay and watch this,” She told him. Peter’s features turned to concern.

“Rach, just wait a minute” Peter tried to say but it was no use Rachel had made up her mind. She stood up and walked out, hoping that nobody, especially Micky, had seen her leave. Unfortunately most of the congregation, including Micky, saw her go. Before Micky realised what he was doing he started running after Rachel.

“I’ll be right back,” He yelled over his shoulder to a stunned Denise, who could only stare, flabbergasted, at his back as he rushed up the aisle.

Rachel stopped outside the church. She slumped against the wall and collapsed into tears. How could she have let Micky go so easily? She didn’t even put up a fight for him and she hated herself for it. If only she had gotten back in contact with him sooner, maybe things would’ve turned out differently, maybe she would be the one he was marrying today. That thought filled her heart with so much joy and so much sorrow all at the same time. There was nothing she wanted more then to be with Micky and to be able to call him her husband, but it was too late and she had lost him forever. She sobbed into her hands for a while then took a deep breath, wiped her tears away and stood up. She turned to the door and jumped back in shock. Micky was standing by the door watching her with concern on his face.

“Micky you scared me! What are you doing here you’re supposed to be getting married, get back in there” She told him. Micky ignored her and walked over to her.

“My best friend runs out of my wedding and you expect me to carry on, I don’t think so” He said putting his arms around her “You were crying” He said as he embraced her in a tight hug. Rachel closed her eyes trying to savour every moment she was in his arms.

“I was” She replied.

“You wanna tell me why?”

“Tears of joy” She said, knowing full well there was no way Micky would buy it, and she was right.

“Yeah right, they didn’t look like tears of joy to me. You wanna try the truth this time? Come on Rach you know you can tell me”

“I can’t Mick. Not this time, not now”

“Of course you can” Micky said. Rachel sighed.

“No I really can’t. It would do a lot of damage right now” She said. Micky pulled out of the hug a little and lifted her chin so he could look her in the eye, it was then he realised she was crying again.

“Please tell me Rach, it must be important. I don’t want you to be unhappy” He said, wiping away some of her tears with his thumb and cupped his hand on her face.

“It’s just a little hard that’s all” Rachel told him.

“Nothing’s hard around me, we’ve known each other forever” Micky told her. Rachel sighed again, Micky was being so persistent she couldn’t even be bothered to argue with him any more.

“It is hard, it’s hard because I love you,” Rachel said not daring to look him in the eye. “I’m in love with you,” He added

“You’re in love with me?” Micky asked and Rachel nodded “How long?”

“I don’t know, as long as I can remember”

“Oh Rachel you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that” Micky told her. Rachel looked up at him.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I feel the same way I’m in love with you, I have been since the very moment I first saw you. Rachel, I love you” Micky said.

