
Rachel was crying again and this time it really was tears of joy.

"You love me?" She asked, Micky nodded and pushed some hair away from her face.

"I love you," He said. He leaned in and kissed her and they melted into a passionate embrace, and then hugged.

"I love you so much" Rachel told him. They stood out side the church hugging for a few moments then Micky let go of her.

"I'll be back in a moment," He whispered and kissed her, he turned and started walking back to the church.

"Wait, where are you going?" Rachel called. Micky turned around.

"Back inside, I have to call off the wedding," He said a little confused as to why Rachel would ask such a thing.

"You can't" She replied. Micky stared at her dumbfounded.

"What do you mean I can't? I have to tell Denise I can't just leave half way through the wedding and not tell her".

"You're not leaving" Rachel told him. Micky walked over to her.

"You're not making any sense my love, I don't understand".

"You have to marry Denise" Rachel said. Micky wanted to burst into laughter.

"Is this a joke!" he asked, but by the look on Rachel's' face he knew it wasn't "It's not a joke is it?" He added quietly. Rachel shook her head.

"No it's not a joke, you can't call off the wedding it would break Denise's heart and I can't be responsible for that".

"But what about us? We love each other I want to be with you. I love you".

"I know and I love you but it's not our time any more we've missed our chance you have to be with Denise now. I know you love her," Rachel told him. Micky sighed and put his arms around her.

"I do love her but what I feel for her isn't a speck on what I feel for you you're the love of my life but I know you're right, as much as it pains me to say it, I know you're right, we had thirty years to be together but we missed our chance".

"Maybe we will be together one day but now is not our time, do you understand?"

"Yeah I do" Micky sighed again "I guess I better go back inside then" He said.

"Yeah I guess you better had" Rachel replied.

"I can't believe I'm doing this".

"It's for the best" Rachel said, hoping she sounded more certain of that then she felt "You'll see" she added.

"Ok here goes" Micky said he kissed Rachel one last time, took deep breath and walked over to the door then turned back to Rachel "You coming?" He asked.

"No I don't think so, it would be a little strange, I think I'll just wait here for James and Peter," She told him. Micky merely nodded and took one last long look at her before going back inside.

Denise was sitting in the front pew with Davy. She had her head in her hands and Davy was sitting next to her he had his arm around her offering comfort. Micky walked towards them and when Peter noticed he was alone he stood up to go in search of Rachel. Micky stopped him.

"It's ok Pete, she's fine just let her be for the moment ok" He said placing a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter was obviously confused but he nodded and sat back down again. Micky walked over to Denise and could hear Davy whispering words of comfort to her.

"It's ok luv I'm sure he'll be back any moment, you've got nothing to worry about".

"I am worried Davy, he bolts in the middle of our wedding, what else am I suppose to do" Denise replied. Micky felt a pang of guilt spread through his body, he hadn't met to hurt Denise but he needed to tell Rachel how he felt about her. Micky cleared his throat.

"Excuse me madam but aren’t you suppose to be getting married today?" He said holding out his hand, trying to keep from his mind what he had just given up. Denise looked up.

"Mick, what is going on? Why did you run out like that?" She asked. Davy was looking at Micky wanting to know the answer to that one too.

"I'll explain later ok, let's get married now, if you'll still have me?" Micky said.

"Of course I will but you owe me a big explanation" Denise said, taking Micky's hand and standing up.

"I know".

"Who was that woman anyway, the one who left" Denise asked.

"It was no-one, like I said, I'll explain everything later" He told her Denise nodded and they both walked forward "sorry about that father, please continue" Micky told the Vicar. It was safe to say this was probably one of the most bizarre weddings the vicar had ever conducted.

