
Rachel was sitting outside on a wall, wondering if she had made the right decision. She knew she loved Micky and she knew she wanted to be with him, but there was no way she would be able to live with herself if she caused Denise to have a broken heart. If there was one thing Rachel Lockhart was not, it was a home wreaker. That thought made her giggle, *You make it sound so seedy* She thought to herself.

"I expect you're sittin’ out here wonderin’ if you've made the right decision" Came the Texan drawl Rachel hadn't heard for so long. She shook her head then smiled slightly and let out a small laugh.

"Hello Michael" She said without looking up.

"Hello Rachel. How are you?" Mike asked as he came over and sat next to her.

"Well that's the sixty-five million dollar question isn't it. I would like to say I've hit rock bottom but, I think I've gone further then that, in fact I'm so far below rock bottom I can't even see it anymore".

“I’m sorry honey, look I know you and I have never seen eye to eye on a lot of things but I think you did the right thing just now”.

“Oh you do, do you” Rachel said, finally looking at him “So tell me, who died and made you god of all decision making?” Mike sighed.

“I didn’t come out here looking for a fight”.

“Then why did you come out here? It’s common knowledge you dislike me, you have done ever since you first met me”.

“You’re right I’m sorry,” He said getting up and heading back to the church.

“Hang on a minute, how do you know I made the right decision you don’t even know the decision I made” Rachel said. Mike turned around.

“Ok now don’t get mad at me alright, but I kinda heard the whole thing. I was standin’ by the doorway when you ran out and when Micky ran out after you I had an idea what he would do so I...”

“So you decided to eavesdrop!”

“No I wasn’t goin’ to say that, I was worried about you,” He admitted. Rachel laughed.

“Yeah good one, and I’m the queen of Sheba,” She said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

“No it’s true, you don’t have to believe me but I never hated you Rachel, our personalities clashed that’s all”.

“That’s what I said!”

“You did? I never heard you”.

“No not to you. It’s what I told Peter yesterday. He asked me if I still hated you and I told him I never hated you we just clashed. Oh and there was that small incident of my son throwing up over you” Rachel told him.

“Yeah well I don’t need reminding of that thank you very much. Mel thought it was hilarious, she never let me live it down” Mike said and Rachel laughed again, then she realised something.

“Where is Melanie anyway? I didn’t see her arrive with you, you are still together aren’t you?”

“Oh yeah of course, we’re still together. She’s in LA with me, we live back in Texas you see, but she didn’t want to come to the wedding because she and Micky had a big argument and have refused to speak to each other ever since” Mike explained.

“What did they argue about?” Rachel asked, genuinely intrigued. Mike wasn’t sure whether or not he should tell her at first but after thinking about it for a moment, decided to go for it.

“Well I guess you’ll hear about it sooner or later. Mel tried to talk Micky out of marrying Denise,” He said. Rachel’s eyes widened.

“You’re kidding! Did she really?” she asked and Mike nodded “Why?” she added. Mike looked at her.

“I’m not really sure I should say”.

“Oh come on Mike, you have to tell me now. You said it yourself, I’ll probably find out sooner or later,” Rachel prompted and Mike sighed.

“Ok fine. Mel thinks Denise is only marrying Micky for *what* he is, not *who* he is. She thinks Micky will lose everythin’ to her and plus she’s still a good friend to you, even through you haven’t seen each other for a while, and she thinks you and Micky should be together” Mike told her. Rachel rolled her eyes.

“Not another one. It seems everyone wants us to be together”.

“Everyone except Denise perhaps” Mike said with a grin.

“And you!”

“That’s not true at all, I know how much you love each other. I have for years”.

“But you still think I did the right thing by telling him we couldn’t be together?”

“Yes I really do” Mike said. He paused and then said “So where do you go from here?” He asked. Rachel shrugged.

“I really have no idea. I’m not sure if I should stay here a while or go back home. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look Micky in the eye again and there’s no way I could face Denise”.

“At least stay a few days. Mel and I aren’t going back to Texas until the end of the week I know she’ll love to see you, and Jennifer too”.

“Oh jeez, I totally forgot about Jenny” She rubbed her temples “This day just keeps getting better and better!” she said. Mike watched her for a second.

“If I give you a hug, do you promise not to punch me?”

“Ok but just a quick one, as long as you don’t tell anyone about it” Rachel said. Mike laughed then embraced her in a comforting hug just as Peter and James walked out of the church.

“Whoa have I walked into an alternate dimension or something?” Peter asked. Mike and Rachel stopped hugging and looked at Peter.

“Yeah, real funny Pete” Rachel said.

“Hello Pete” Mike said standing up and walking over to Peter.

“Hello Michael how are you?” Peter asked offering his hand, which Mike accepted, and they shook hands.

“I’m fine thank you, and you?”

“Yeah I’m good” Peter replied. James walked over to his mother who was still sitting on the wall.

“Hi Mum, are you ok?” he asked.

“Yes sweetheart I’m ok, is the wedding over?” She asked.

“Almost. Micky and Denise are just signing the register but Peter and I slipped out to find you,” He told her “Why did you run out Mum?” James asked. Rachel looked at her son.

“It’s a long story honey, I’ll explain it to you one day but now’s not the time ok,” She said.

“Yeah ok, I was worried about you”.

“You don’t need to worry I’m fine”.

“Ok, oh look everyone’s coming out” James said pointing. Rachel looked and saw people filling out of the church. She saw Micky and Denise appear smiling and laughing as the people around them threw confetti and rice. Rachel felt a small pang in her chest when she saw them. Micky noticed her and smiled slightly and gave her an ‘are you ok?’ look, Rachel nodded and retuned the smile, wanting to break down in tears but keeping a smile on her face for James’ sake. Everyone headed off to the reception. It took a lot of persuading by Mike, Peter and James to finally get Rachel to agree to go too. When they arrived Rachel hadn’t been there more then five minutes when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a tall red headed woman standing in front of her, she smiled.

“Hello Jenny” She said.

