
Disclaimer: I don't own The Monkees
June-July 2002

"I like them." Said a short co-co eyed girl, to her friend as they sat and watched a group who called themselves The Monkees perform.

"Yeah, they're really groovy. I like the drummer, he's cute." Replied Sarah back. She and her friend, Madison had been watching groups all morning. They were to pick one out to perform for Madison's, and her twin, Tiffany's seventeenth birthday party. They had been there all morning, but Tiffany had skipped out somewhere. She had the telephone attached to her ear. She and Madison were as different as night and day, and Madison is by far the most even-tempered. Tiffany is more everything compared to Madison. Tiffany always seemed to have many admirers, and boy friends. She was taller, and was considered a knock out. She had light brown hair that was always done nice, clear blue eyes, and just seemed to have the right things to say when it came to guys. Madison on the other hand was much shyer when it came to guys. She was much shorter and had dark, thick brown, wavy hair, which was not an easy thing to handle every morning. She was also always the mature one. The Monkees were in the middle of "I Wanna Be Free" when Tiffany walked into the room. They guys were a little taken aback when they saw how pretty she was.

"Madison! Where are my pink shoes!?!" Tiffany demanded. Madison's' mouth dropped. She couldn't believe how rude her sister just was.

"Shh! I don't know."

"Whatever!" With that, Tiffany stormed out of the room. Madison looked at the guys apologetically, and sat nervous for the remainder of their performance. When The Monkees finished the walked over to the two girls. Misty, Madison, and Tiffany's mother was sitting with the girls now.

"What did you think?" She asked her daughter, who stood up along with her friend and looked at them.

"It was awesome!" Sarah squealed.

"Thanks, an whad does your friend here think?" Davy turned gesturing to Madison. She was just a little shorter than he was.

"I really liked it. Um, I'm not sure, what Tiffany would say, but seeing how she hasn't been here, I'm just going to say, I'd like it if you guys could play at the party. Also, I'm really sorry about earlier. I'm not sure if she realized people were in here or not." She felt nervous trying to make an excuse for her sister's actions.

"Nah, don't worry about it. We've had worse." Micky laughed.

"Oh, I'm Madison, and this is Sarah." Madison suddenly remembered, and smiled.

"Well, I'm Mike, this is Micky, Peter and this here is Davy."

"Hello." Peter smiled.

"The girl that had stormed off before was Tiffany. She's my twin." Madison explained.

"When is this party? Can we dress up?" Peter asked half jokingly.

"The day after tomorrow, about six. And you can dress up if you want." Madison laughed.

"We'll see you ladies then." Davy replied while the guys got their instruments to put in the Monkees mobile.

"Bye." Both Madison and Sarah said together. They watched as the boys left.

The day drew to a close when Sarah went home, and Madison decided to leave the rest of the decorating for the next day. She was so exhausted. She mostly had been drilling repeatedly in her mind how she was going to be seventeen, and she had never been kissed. She wanted more than anything to have a boy friend and someone to call hers, even if just for a while. She had always been a bit jealous with her sister of this one thing. It was as if all the guys they knew fell under some spell. No matter what she acted like they still insisted on being in love with her and stuff of that nature. No mater if she treated them like dirt, it was for some reason compelling to them. Her friend says her reason for being single is because, she wanted some perfect guy, or some price that wasn't realistic. Her mother's take on it is that she is very goal minded and she has what she wants and she is focused on getting it and not boys. As for Madison she didn't really know the answer or even a maybe. She just knew the facts. The next day rolls around and she goes for a walk on the beach near her family's summer home. She wanted some alone time. She knew that the rest of the day and night was going to be filled with people. Everywhere there are going to be people wanting to know how life is, and where is her boy friend is, and asking questions about her sister. As she was getting closer to a beach house, a tumbling person at her feet interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh, excuse me!" Came a British voice below her.

"I'm sorry" She stated backing away. "Are you okay?" He looked up to see whom it was he bumped into. His brown eyes quickly recognized her and he stood up.

"I'm fine, just lost me balance on a hand stand."

"Oh." She stared at him shyly for a moment. She noticed him wearing red shorts and an open blue button up shirt revealing his chest. He looked very good.

"Are you okay? It looks like I startled you half out of your wits." He smiled.

"Oh, I was just thinking." He walked over to a log, and sat facing the beautiful, glistening aqua marine water. He shuffled some of the sand beneath his toes.

"Well, I'm a good listener." She walked over near him, and stood.

"It's just about the party and, I don't know, just stuff."

"You can sit." He said this and she did. "Stuff can be many things. Now let's see, when it's my birthday, I usually think about things in my life that may have changed. Is that one?" He was looking into her eyes, and she looked away. She felt like she was the one starting.

"Sorta, kind of Tiffany. I don't know there is just one thing that I have wished would change and hasn't for a long time."

"And what would that be." He didn't know why but he had a feeling what it may be.

"Just something stupid."

"Come now, if it's bothering you than it can't be stupid." Madison couldn't believe it. She wasn't about to tell him her problems, especially one so embarrassing.

"Well, Sarah, and some other people say that I'm being unrealistic, waiting for some white night, or prince." She waited for a reaction.

"What's that have to do with Tiffany?"

"Uh, well, she just has this thing with guys. I don't know." Madison dropped off and was quiet for a few moments. Davy knew what it was. He didn't want to pry any more to embarrass her.

"I think I see. Would you like something to drink?" He began pulling her to the pad before she could decline. They walked in and she took her to the kitchen.

""Hey it's the birthday girl." Micky went to her and patted her on the head. She turned slightly red. She looked over to a girl in the living room. It was Sarah!

"Sarah?" Madison exclaimed. She walked into the kitchen with a square object in her hand covered in thin red tissue paper, most likely a record.

"Hey hun."

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting Micky, and wrapping your gift." She held it up smiling. "Want it now?" Madison thought for a few moments. Devious look in her eyes, she couldn't wait till that night. She knew it was a record, and she was a music fanatic. She nodded. Her friend handed it to her. As the paper unraveled it was revealed as Sweetwater.

"Thank you, thank you!" She hugged her friend. She was so happy to have it back. Her last one had been lost and she was going crazy without it.

"Hey Madison, I was wondering if it'd be okay if we did a song were maybe you and your sister slow dance with your boyfriends. Just the four of you." Mike asked while he remembered.

"Yeah, that sounds great." She smiled a fake smile. She couldn't tell him no. What reason would there be? They all chatted for a few hours, and finally Madison realized she should leave to decorate.

That night she changed into her yellow, low cut, knee high dress. It was one of only a few dresses that she found that fit nice. This fit wonderfully however. Her hair was done up by Tiffany, were pieces of curls fell from the sides of face. They guests started arriving and she was a little disturbed by who all Tiffany invited. She invited all of her ex-boy friends, and some those have in the past harassed Madison. Tiffany rejected them so they thought they could get a kick out of her. She was unfortunately a target to some guys because of her bigger chest size.

"Wow you look amazin" Davy commented to Madison as he and the rest of the Monkees walked in. She blushed.

"Thanks. So are you ready to set up?" They nodded and she walked them over to the stand. They got set up and the night went smoothly. Madison seemed to act more as the host and the guest of honor. Misty kept telling her to take a break, but to be honest; she just wanted to look busy so that no one could tell she wasn't dancing and things like that. Of course it didn't escape Davy. Even while busy singing and playing, he noticed how miserable she was. She talked and smiled but she really was dreading 'the dance'. Finally it came. She walked out in the other room unnoticed. The Monkees were waiting for Madison, when Davy jumped off the stand and went into the other room as well. He could see her leg from behind a chair, and her face in a mirror. She was crying, she was being silent about it, but there were still salty tears falling down her round, tan face, and across the bridge of her freckled nose.

"Love? We're waiting on you." Startled she wiped her face, and turned.

"Oh, uh it's okay. Just go ahead without me, I'm tired." She lied. He stood there for a minute.

"Is it alright for one of us to dance with a guest?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"Alright well, Micky is singing this number,"

"Who are you going to ask?" She interrupted, her heart was pounding, and her heart was ready to burst. She just wanted to cry.

"Well, I was going to ask this girl named Madison, but she says she's too tired to dance." He walked closer to her.

"Me, why?"

"Why?!? Why not? Your nice, sweet, funny, smart, really beautiful."

"Beautiful?" She asked with surprise.

"Yeah. I mean your sister is really pretty, but you have these thoughtful eyes, and ravishing smile, with those dimples." She sat there looking for a hint of sarcasm and nothing came through. Finally she stood.

"Thank you." She walked over and he took her hand. They walked back into the room and everyone stared, even Mike, Micky, and Peter. Davy said something to them, and they began to play, while Davy and Madison made themselves comfortable in each other's arms. Madison honestly felt as if she were in heaven, and wondered what everyone was thinking, including Davy. She tried to stop doing that during the dance, and just enjoy.

