
Lana and Lori walked up to the front door of the Monkees pad. Lana was tall with long shoulder length blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Lori had brown hair a bit longer then Lana?s and brown soulful eyes, she was shorter then Lana by a few inches. She had been living with Lana for a couple of weeks and the two of them had become really close friends. Lori was born in America but had spent the previous five years living in England with her father. Her mother had died when she was only two and Lori had spent a lot of her life moving around. She had returned to America, with her dads blessing, because she missed it so much. Lana knocked on the front door but didn?t wait for an answer she walked straight in.

"Guys, hello is any body in?"

"Hi Lan, out here?" Called a voice from the veranda. To Lori the voice had sounded Texan, which meant it probably belonged to Mike, Lana's ex who she was still close friends with. The Monkees pad was not at all what Lori had suspected. The living room and kitchen were all in one big room and a few feet in front of the front door was a spiral staircase that led up to only one room. The furniture didn't match and there were a lot of posters and signs on the wall that Lori guessed were probably hiding cracked plaster. At the back of the room there was a large bay window and in front of that was a make shift bandstand that was littered with all kinds of instrument most of which, Lana informed her, belonged to her brother Peter. As they walked out the back door the Texan guy stood up, he was tall and quite thin with a green wool hat perched on his head and thick ebony hair was present beneath it, Lori’s suspicions were confirmed when Lana said.

"Hi Mike how are you?"

"I'm great thanks shotgun" Mike replied he leaned forward and kissed Lana on the cheek

"Mike, I want you to meet a friend of mine. Mike Nesmith meet Lori Tyler,Lori is my new room mate."

"Hi Lori nice to meet you." Mike said he offered his hand. Lori took it and shook it

"You too Mike. I've heard a lot about you guys," She told him

"So Mike where's that brother of mine?" Lana asked

"He's out runnin' some errands at the moment he shouldn't be too long." And as if on cue the front door threw open and a guy came flying in followed by a tall blond guy who was almost the image of Lana. The guy in front was taller then the blond guy but not as tall as Mike, he had brown curly hair and was running around the living room then he bolted up the spiral staircase. The blond guy put down some groceries and then called,

"Michael? Are you here?"

"Out here Pete!" Mike replied. Peter came out on to the veranda. He saw his friend, his sister and a girl he didn't recognize.

"Hi guys," He said

"Peter this is my new room mate Lori Tyler," Lana said

"Hi Peter nice to meet you," Lori said

"Nice to meet you too Lori I've been wanting to meet you ever since Lana told me she was getting a new room mate." They shook hands.

"I just can't believe how much you guys look a like," Lori said looking from Peter to Lana and then back to Peter again, "I would swear you were twins!"

"Na I'm much better looking then Peter." Lana said. Mike laughed

"I second that" He said. Lana looked at him and thanked him with out saying a word. Mike and Lana still loved each other very much but they knew their relationship would not work.

"If Lori's been here a couple of weeks how come you've only just got round to brining her to see us?" Peter asked Lana

"Well she's been busy settling in, right Lor?"

"Yeah that's right I just needed time to set into a routine and now I am I couldn't wait to meet you guys." Lori told them. "So who was that guy who came bolting in the front door?" She added

"That was Micky he's got a lot of energy and he charges about quite a lot." Mike explained he walked over to the door. "Mick get down here!" He called

"Where's Davy?" Lana asked

"Out on a date." Mike said

"But it's eleven thirty in the morning." Lori said looking at her watch

"Yeah we know but when you meet Davy you'll understand, he's very popular with the females around here." Peter said. Lori felt a little confused and also very intrigued. Just then there was a loud crash and the four of them jumped round in shock to find Micky laying face down on the floor by the door.

"Micky! What happened?" Lana asked

"I tripped over Peter's dumb bass again," He said lifting his face up and eyeing Lori for the first time. He shot up and dusted himself down. Peter rushed inside to check his beloved bass guitar "Lana who's your friend?" Micky asked.

'Oh sorry, Micky Dolenz this is my room mate Lori Tyler, Lori Tyler meet Micky Dolenz."

"Well what a way to make a first impression." Micky said he extended his hand "Nice to meet you Lori." He walked over and suddenly got a proper look at her He said to himself. Lori took his hand

"Nice to meet you too Micky, I hope you didn't hurt yourself."

"No don't worry about it I landed on my head," He told her. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was, she took his breath away and he was trying so hard to make a good impression. Peter re-joined them cradling his guitar.

"How's it doing?" Lana asked. Peter was glaring at Micky

"It's ok but you should've been more careful Mick."

"Hay it's not my fault man you shouldn't have left it the middle of the floor." Micky protested

"He's got a point there Pete." Mike told him

The whole time Lori was watching Micky. She had been attracted to him at once and as he continued to argue with Peter she couldn't take her eyes off him. Lana had noticed this and was watching Lori in amusement. After Micky and Peter had argued for a few minutes Mike said

"Guys come on this is no way to behave in front of our guest" he told them placing an arm around Lori's shoulder. Micky and Peter stopped arguing

"Sorry Mike, sorry Lori." They said

"Hay don't worry about it." Lori told them. Lana couldn't help but feel a little jealous at Mike standing there with his arm around Lori, she knew it was innocent but the pang still filled her body.

Although she had feelings for Micky, Lori found Mike really interesting and while the others had migrated inside Mike and Lori had stayed outside engrossed in deep conversation. Again this had bothered Lana. She sat at the kitchen table with Micky and Peter staring out at the two forms outside as they giggled and laughed at each other as more jealousy coursed through her body.

"I wouldn't worry about them Lan" Came her brothers voice from beside her and he placed a comforting arm around her shoulder

"I'm not Pete I'm ok." She said

"So why have you done nothing but stare at them for the past half hour?" He asked. Lana sighed

"I'm a little jealous ok I still love Mike and I hate to see him that happy with another woman." She explained

"She's not another woman, she's your room mate I don't think she's doing it on purpose they just get on well that's all."

"I know but I can't help how I feel can I," Lana told him, "I expect you'd feel the same if Micky was alone with your ex."

"No offence Lan but his girlfriends aren't really my type." Micky said

"Yeah I know I'm just using you as an example Mick." Lana said. What Lana and Peter didn't know was that Micky felt the same way, he had jealousy coursing through his body but he was doing a better job at hiding it. He wanted desperately for Lori to come back inside but she looked like she was having such a good time with his Texan friend. Then the front door opened and a short guy with longish brown hair came in.

"Hi Davy, date over all ready?" Peter asked

"Yeah we broke up," He said

"Oh sorry babe," Micky said

"Don't worry about it no big deal." Davy replied "Hi Lana nice to see you."

"Hi Davy." Lana was pleased Davy was home now because she could drag Lori away from Mike without having to make up an excuse. "I want you to meet some one stay right there." She said

"Oh sure ok." Davy replied a little intrigued. Lana went out to Mike and Lori.

"Hay guys, Lori come and meet Davy." She said. Mike looked at his watch

"He's back early," He said

"They broke up," Lana explained. She grabbed Lori's arm and guided her into the kitchen and Mike followed

"Sorry to hear about you and you're girlfriend breakin' up shotgun." Mike told Davy

"Thanks Mike I'm ok we had a fun three days." he said, "who's this lovely young lady?" He asked. Lori could quite clearly hear a Manchester accent in Davy's voice.

"This is Lori Tyler, Lori this is Davy Jones." Lana said

"Nice to meet you Lori." He said he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. Now Lori understood why Davy was popular with the girls he was quite charming

"You too Davy." She said

"Davy is from England originally Lor." Lana explained

"I thought so, Manchester right?" She asked

"Yeah that's right." Davy answered

"I've just come back from living in London for five years." Lori told him

"Oh really why did you leave?"

"I got home sick mostly, I didn't like being away from America," She told him.

The four boys and two girls sat in the kitchen and had a good chat. Lori really liked the boys she got on really well with Mike and she and Davy talked a lot about England. She could tell Peter and Lana got on really well and she wished she had a brother or sister to be that close with but she was an only child. As for Micky, she liked him a lot but she felt to nervous to speak to him directly they had a four way conversation at one point with Mike and Peter but nothing just the two of them. After a few hours Lana looked at her watch.

"We better get going Lor," She said. Lori looked at her watch.

"Oh right ok" she said. Lori didn?t want to leave yet she wanted more time to work up the courage to talk to Micky. The girls stood up and so did the boys so they could say goodbye. Mike came over to Lori.

"It was nice to meet you Lori so I'll pick you up at your pad at eleven tomorrow?" He told her

"Tomorrow!?!" Micky and Lana both shouted which made the other four jump

"What?s happening tomorrow?" Micky asked still sounding a little loud. Lana was about to ask the same question but Micky beat her to it.

"Mike and I are going out, he's gonna show me some of his favourite places in Malibu." Lori explained

"Well shouldn't Micky do that? I mean he has lived here the longest," Lana said and Micky was nodding in agreement.

"Well yeah he could but he doesn't know all my favourite places does he so it would be a bit pointless." Mike told them. All Lana and Micky could do was gawk at them, they had to agree but they didn't like it one bit. Lori felt a little bad, she would of loved to spend the day with Micky but she and Mike had so much in common that she was really looking forward to spending more time with him. They all said there goodbyes and the girls headed home. Lori and Lana didn't say any thing to each other at first until Lori broke the silence.

"Those guys are really nice especially Mike, I never expected to get on so well with any one quite so quickly, well except for you of course, but I feel like Mike and I have been friends for years." She told Lana. Lana felt the anger rise in her body until she couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Just stay away from him ok," She said

"Excuse me?" Lori asked a little surprised by Lana's sudden outburst

"You heard me, stay away from Mike I don't want you hanging out with him." Lana said. Lori couldn't believe her ears.

"Please tell me you didn't really say that!"

"I did say it and I meant it as well I don't want you to have any thing to do with him."

"I can't believe you!! Mike and I are friends ok that's all, I'm not gonna start to date him if that's what you're worried about and if it makes you feel any better I like some one else." Lori told her Lana sighed

"I'm sorry Lor I just can't handle the fact that Mike is going out with other women I'm not over him yet and it hurts a little."

"It's ok I understand but I can assure you the only feelings I have for Mike are purely plutonic, we get on well because we have a lot in common, if it makes you feel any better you can come with us tomorrow if you like?"

"No it's ok. I'm just being selfish. I mean he's gonna start dating again eventually right and I know you guys aren't dating but I have to get used to seeing him with other women." Lana said. Lori put her arms around her and embraced her in a comforting hug.

"You still love him huh?"

"Yeah, I do." they stood for a few minutes while Lana fought back some tears then when they dispersed she said "so this guy you like, it's Micky right?" Lori was a little surprised but she didn?t want to lie to her best friend, although they had only known each other a few weeks Lori felt she could tell Lana almost any thing and Lana felt the same about her.

"How did you guess?" Lori asked

"It was pretty obvious, the way you were gawking at him I'm surprised he didn't pick up on it."

"I did not gawk!" Lori said in mock protest trying not to laugh

"Oh you so did, it was a little embarrassing actually" Lana told her and a wide grin spread across her face.

"I'm hurt now I may even cry." Lori said smiling

"Sorry." Lana said, "but the most important thing is what can we do about it?" Lori's grin faded from her face

"I have no idea I couldn't even work up the courage to talk to him properly today." She explained

"Maybe I could talk to him, find out if he feels the same way?" Lana offered

"Oh no that's the last thing I want. I need to do this myself," Lori told her and Lana didn't argue

"Ok if that's what you want," She said

Back at the Monkees pad, Peter and Micky were still sitting round the table Micky was reading the comics in the newspaper. Peter had been watching him for a few moments until he finally said

"So you like her then?" And he smiled. Micky looked up and around him, saw he was the only one there and he turned back to the bassist

"You talking to me?" He asked

"Yes, you like her don't you?"

"Who Pete?" Micky asked trying his best to look innocent although he knew exactly who his blonde friend meant

"Oh come on don't pretend, you know who I mean" Mike had wondered over and rejoined his friends

"What's goin' on guys?" He asked and sat down

"I'm just trying to get Micky to confess," Peter explained he turned back to Micky "so come on then," He said. Micky gave up

"Ok you're right I do like her, there I said it can you leave me with my comics now?" He asked returning his attention to the paper

"Wait a minute who are we talkin' about?" Mike asked

"You gonna tell him Mick?" Peter asked. Micky sighed heavily and slapped down his paper.

"It's Lori ok I like Lori" He said sounding rather irritated. Mike smiled.

"Oh really that's why you were so desperate to take her out tomorrow instead of me"

"I was not! And anyway Lana didn't seem to happy about you spending time with Lori" Micky said

"Hay sorry shotgun but there's nothin' for Lana to worry about there's nothin' goin' on between Lori and I we're just friends that's all" Mike replied. Peter was trying hard not to laugh as he watched the drummer squirm in his seat.

"Maybe I can get my sister to talk to her, find out if Lori feels the same way," Peter suggested

"No way absolutely not I can handle this myself and any way I know for a fact she doesn't like me"

"What makes you say that?" Mike asked

"Well you were here today you saw her, she hardly said two words to me the whole time she and Lana were here"

"That just means she likes you too much and is too shy to say any thing" Came a voice from behind them. Davy had come out of his bedroom and had caught the end of their conversation.

"You see, so listen to Davy he knows what he's talking about" Peter told Micky. Micky was starting to get annoyed

"Look guys just leave it ok I know you're only trying to help but I'd rather do this by myself" The drummer told them. He got up and climbed the spiral staircase to the bedroom he shared with Mike and closed the door.

"Wow he must like her a lot more then he's letting on" Peter told Davy and Mike. Davy sat in the chair Micky had left vacant.

"Yeah he's really hung up on her," He said

"So what shall we do about it?" Peter asked

"I have no idea" Davy replied. The three Monkees sat and thought about it until finally Mike said

"Pete maybe you should talk to Lana, tomorrow while Lori and I are out, you could go over to their pad"

"Yeah but you heard Micky he doesn't want me too"

"Peter pay attention if we don't do anythin' then Micky may never find out how Lori feels about him," Mike told him

"Yeah" Davy agreed, "If Lori does like him she would of told Lana"

"Exactly, look I'm pickin' up Lori at eleven so you could go and see Lana at around eleven thirty and find out if she knows anythin'" Mike told Peter

"Oh, ok sure"

"If we find out Lori does like him then we can figure out what to do next" Mike added

The next morning Peter was up first as usual but it was not long before Mike joined him

"G'morning Michael"

"Morning buddy, you all set up for today?" Mike asked "Yeah Lana is expecting me I called her yesterday" Just then there was a loud slam from upstairs and Micky came down the stairs in his usual zombie like way, sat at the table grumbling something that sounded like good morning then flopped his head down on the table with a loud thud" Morning Mick" Peter said

"I hate mornings," He moaned. Mike poured Micky some cereal and added his customary orange juice (Micky hated milk so he had orange juice on his cereal instead).

"Got anythin' planned for today Mick?" Mike asked and he pushed the cereal over to Micky. Micky cocked his head up

"No not really" he said he picked up a spoon and began on his cereal "might polish my drums later" He added. Mike and Peter were grinning at him "what?" he asked looking from Mike to Peter then back to Mike again

"Nothing" They both said. Micky opened his mouth to say something when Davy emerged from the bedroom.

"Morning fellas I'm going down the beach for a swim any one wanna come?" He asked

"You should have some thing to eat first," Peter told him. Micky finished his breakfast

"I think I'll go back to bed for a while" He said. Davy watched as Micky disappeared into the bedroom and closed the door then the Englishman turned to his friends

"So are we all set up for today?" He asked

"Yep we're ready to go, Pete's gonna see Lana at half eleven then what happens after that we'll just have to wait and see" Mike told him.

Later that day Mike left and arrived at Lana and Lori's pad at eleven. He knocked and let himself in and came into the living room. "Hi babe" Lana said

"Hi shotgun, Is Lori ready?" Mike asked

"Yeah she'll be out in a minute," Lana told him. Lori and Lana's apartment was smaller then the Monkees pad. As you entered through the door there was a small hall and a door that led into the living room. There was a staircase to the left of the front door that led to the second floor, which was just big enough for Lana's bedroom and a bathroom. In the living room there was a door on the left that led to Lori's bedroom and a door on the right that led to the kitchen. Mike joined Lana on the sofa

"So do you have any idea why my brother is so desperate to talk to me?" Lana asked him.


"Are you gonna tell me?"

"Nope" He said and a grin spread across his face. "What are you guys up to?" She asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"What makes you think we're up to somethin'?" Mike asked innocently

"Er.because I know you!" Lana said and Mike laughed

"It's nothin' to worry about, Peter just wants to find out some stuff that's all" He told her just as Lori emerged from her bedroom

"Hi Mike sorry to keep you waiting" She said

"That's ok, you ready to go?" He asked

"Yep let's go," They both said goodbye to Lana then left. Lana was still a little jealous about Mike spending all day with another woman but she knew Lori would never do anything to hurt her deliberately. At eleven thirty Peter knocked on Lana's door and let himself in

"Lan? Hello?" He called as he came into the living room. Lana appeared from the kitchen.

"Hay big bro so are you gonna tell me what you and the guys are up to?" She asked

"Yeah of course come and sit down" Peter told her

"Ok" She answered. They both sat down on the sofa

"It's about Micky he likes Lori and we." Peter couldn't finish Lana squealed and jumped up from her seat and danced around in excitement

"You're kidding!" She said. Peter was watching her in amazement

"No, we wanted to know if Lori had said any thing to you about Micky?" He asked. Lana came over to her brother and hugged him.

"She likes him too she told me yesterday" Lana screamed and Peter was jumping up and down now Lana joined him they held each others hands and jumped around the living room

"This is so great" Peter said

"I know!!" Lana replied, they jumped around a little longer then they both collapsed on the sofa

"Do you know how much Lori likes him? Because Micky really digs her," Peter asked

"She's into him in a big way" Lana told him.

"That so great. You'll have to come over to the pad later so we can figure out what to do about it"

"Yeah that'll be great but we can't tell Lori because she doesn't want any help"

"No neither does Micky but when did that ever stop us!"

"That's true" Lana couldn't help but smile and Peter too. Peter really cared for his friend and although he didn't know Lori very well he had a good feeling about her and his sister liked her so that was good enough for him.

"So how are you any way?" Peter asked

"I'm fine" Lana replied a little confused, "why d'you ask?"

"Because you're my baby sister and it's my job to look after you," He said Lana looked offended

"Hay! I can look after my self" She said Peter smiled

"I know you can I just worry about you that's all"

"Why? I'm ok"

"Because of Michael" Peter confessed

"Mike! Why? Mike and I are friends we're ok"

"That's what I'm worried about I want you guys to get back together and I know you do too," He told her

"Well some times it's just easier to be apart. Mike and I had it pretty rough the last couple of months we were together and I feel it's better to have him as a friend then not have him at all. I don't think I could live my life without Mike in it in some way" Lana explained

"When did my baby sister get so wise" Peter said. Lana blushed then changed the subject.

"So, you staying for lunch?" She asked

"Yeah I'd love to thanks"

Mike and Lori were such a great time together. They had been walking round Los Angeles and decided to stop for lunch

"So I guess you're not from Malibu originally?" Mike asked Lori when they had sat down in a café with their food.

"No I was born in New York but we moved after my mother died"

"Your mom died?"

"Yeah when I was two I don't really remember it, I don't really remember her. She died of cancer and two years later when I was four me and my dad moved to Illinois stayed there till I was six then we moved to Wisconsin stayed there till I was ten then we moved to Connecticut, stayed there till I was fourteen then we moved to England"

"So we've got a lot more in common then we first realised not only are we both an only child but we both grew up with only one parent" Mike told her

"Which one did you have?"

"I had my mom, my dad left us when I was pretty young so I don't really remember much about him either" Mike confessed

"We've both had pretty rough child hoods then" Lori observed

"Yeah we did but at least I got to stay in one place, all that moving around you did must've been pretty tough"

"It was but I got used to it and I think that's one of the reasons why Lana and I get on so well, we were both moved around a lot when we were kids"

"So what was England like?" Mike asked taking a bite from his sandwich

"Oh I loved it there, London is a real swinging place but as I approached nineteen I started to really miss America. I don't know how Davy has managed to stay away from home so long" Lori told him "so what about you? When did you leave Texas?"

"When I was seventeen"

"Have you been back?"


"You haven't! Don't you miss your mom?"

"Of course I do but I talk to her all the time on the phone and don't get me wrong Houston will always be my home but I'm far happier here with the guys and our music" Mike explained

"I'm really gonna have to hear you guys play, Lana hasn't stopped talking about how great you are since I met her, when's your next job?"

"Well that's the problem with being a strugglin' musician we seam to struggle a lot and we haven't had a job for a few weeks" Mike explained

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's ok we're used to it we go through dry patches but with the holidays comin' up things will pick up a little" he told her "you could come to the pad tonight and hear us rehearse if you like?" Mike suggested. Lori jumped at the chance not just because she wanted to hear the guys play but also it would give her chance to see Micky again.

"Yeah I'd love too thank you" She said

Mike and Lori stayed out until it started to get dark then Mike dropped her off at her pad so she could change. She told him she'd walk to the Monkees pad later.

When Mike returned home Davy, Peter and Micky were watching television and Davy and Micky were arguing over it as usual.

"Come on Davy turn it over this is boring" Micky was saying

"No I'm watching it I don't hear Peter complaining" Davy told him

"That's because Peter's dead! He died of boredom watching this television program didn't you Pete?" Micky asked nudging Peter in the side with his elbow

"Leave me out of this one" Peter said he stood up and turned around "Michael! You're back I didn't hear you come in"

"I don't think you could hear a bomb drop over those two arguin'" Mike replied. Then two cushions, which Micky and Davy had thrown, hit him square in the stomach.

"We were not arguing!" Davy protested

"Yeah we were just having a loud disagreement over the television which Davy is about to turn over" Micky added

"I AM NOT!" Davy shouted at Micky.

"And so it begins again" Peter said. Mike sat at the kitchen table and indicated Peter to join him, which he did

"Did you see Lana?" Mike asked

"Yeah I did and according to her Lori is into Micky in a major way, she really digs him"

"Oh that's great, now all we have to do is figure out what to do next"

"Well Lana is coming over later to help us with a plan" Peter said and Mike's mouth dropped open

"You're kiddin'! I invited Lori over to hear us rehearse," he explained

"You didn't!"

"I did!"

"What are we going to do?!" Peter asked, starting to panic

"There's nothin' we can do. I expect Lana knows Lori is coming over as well we'll just have to delay makin' a plan until it's a better time" Mike explained.

Mike was right, Lori had told Lana she was going over to the Monkees pad and Lana had panicked almost as much as Peter.

"You are?!" Lana asked


"You sure?"


"Tonight?!" Lana added, Lori was starting to get annoyed now

"Yes Lan tonight! Mike asked me if I would like to go and hear the Monkees rehearse tonight I said yes, hence me going over tonight," She said

"Oh right ok" Lana made a mental note to quiz her brother about this when she saw him "well I'm going over to see Peter later so we can walk over together if you like?" she suggested

"Yeah that'll be great" Lori replied

"And of course Micky is going to be there as well" Lana added with a grin. A smile covered Lori's face

"I know," She said trying to act calm as she disappeared into the bathroom.

At seven the girls left their pad. Lori couldn't help but feel a little nervous about seeing Micky again. At the Monkees pad Mike had not informed Micky of their visitors that evening so he was a little surprised when Lana came in the front door closely followed by Lori.

"Hi Mick" Lana said "is Peter around?" She asked

"Hi Lana yeah he's in his bedroom" Micky told her

"Thanks" she turned to Lori "I'll be back in a minute here's your chance go and sit with Micky" Lana instructed and went into the bedroom that Peter shared with Davy. Lori smiled nervously and it took all the courage she could muster to say the next sentence, she took a deep breath and took a step forward

"Hello Micky, how are you?" Micky was almost as nervous as Lori but he wasn't showing it.

"I'm ok thanks Lori I haven't tripped over any guitars today so it's been a pretty good day" He said. Lori laughed

"Glad to hear it" she said and smiled. Micky loved her smile

"Please, sit down" He said indicating the empty space on the sofa next to him. Lana had walked into Peter and Davy's bedroom just as Davy was half way through getting changed

"Peter we need to talk" Lana said. Davy was shocked to see her and he dived over to his bed and pulled the covers over him

"What's up?" Peter asked. Lana sat on Peter's bed next to him.

"How are we supposed to make a plan to get Micky and Lori together if they're both here?" She asked

"I know I'm sorry, Michael and I got our wires crossed but we're just gonna have to delay making a plan 'til later" Peter told her

"Oh right, that was Mike's suggestion right?" She asked

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"Well I love you big bro but you haven't got a lot of common sense really have you"

"Hay!" Peter said playfully slapping his sister then she hit him back. This would of turned into a full blown play fight if it hadn't of been for Davy

"Er...hello half naked here!" He said. He made Lana jump

"Davy! How long have you been there? I never noticed you at all," She said. Davy looked offended

"Oh thank you very much! That's charmin' that is," he said. Peter was laughing now

"I'm sorry, I'll leave you too it" Lana said and she stood up

"Yeah me too" Peter told her, still smirking at Davy, which earned him a glare from the Englishman. So the two of them left Davy to finish getting changed.

As Peter and Lana entered the living room there was an awkward feeling in the air. Micky and Lori were sitting on the sofa in silence watching television. Lori had spent the whole time trying desperately to think of something to say to Micky but as soon as she had sat down her mind went blank. She felt so relived when Peter and Lana appeared because hopefully now they would be able to get a conversation started.

"Hi Lori nice to see you again" Peter said and he took up the remaining vacant spot on the sofa

"Hi Peter how are you?" Lori asked

"I'm fine thank you, so I hear you've come to hear us rehearse"

"Yeah I have if that's ok?"

"Of course it is, right Mick" Peter said. Micky hadn't been paying attention

"Huh sorry, what did you say?" He asked

"Never mind" Peter told him. Micky looked a bit confused

"So when does this rehearsal begin?" Lana asked, she had perched on the edge of the bandstand opposite Lori

"When Michael gets back, one of his guitar strings broke so he went to see if he could borrow one from the Jolly green giants" Peter said and then reading Lori's confused expression he added "that's another group they live at the other end of the beach" Lori nodded in understanding then Davy came out of the bedroom and joined his friends. He sat on the bandstand next to Lana

"Hi Davy" Lori said

"Hello luv I hope you enjoy tonight it's a shame we haven't got a gig so you could come and see us play properly" Davy said

"Well I'm sure I'll get the chance real soon" Lori said. Lana was watching Micky he looked awkward and uncomfortable.

"Are you ok Mick? You're being rather quiet that's not like you at all," She asked

"I'm ok Lan I've just got a few things on my mind at the moment" He told her, he glanced sideway at Lori who was now in deep conversation with Peter

"Oh ok" Lana said she could tell Micky really wanted to talk to Lori so she tried changing the subject "so which song are you guys starting with tonight?" She aimed the question at Peter so it would stop him talking to Lori but he didn't take the bait

"Sometime in the morning" Davy told her. Lana made a mental note to slap her brother later.

"Oh really, you'll like that one Lor it's a ballad and Micky sings lead it's a real nice song" Lana said

"Oh groovy, so I know Micky plays drums and Mike plays lead guitar and Peter is the bassist but what about you Davy? What's your instrument?" Lori asked. Lana wanted to slap Lori she was so annoyed with her, she had opened up the perfect opportunity for Lori to talk to Micky but she had completely sidestepped it,

"I play percussion mostly," Davy said in answer to Lori's question "sometimes I take over on drums for Micky and Peter is teaching me the bass at the moment"

"Groovy, so do you play anything other then bass Peter?" Lori asked

"Yeah I also play piano, harpsichord, banjo and French horn. I can play lead guitar as well but that's really Mikes niche" Peter told her. Lori was really impressed.

"Wow that's amazing," She said

"Yeah he's a regular one man band" Micky told her and Lori was about to say something in response only to be interrupted by the front door opening and Mike walking in.

"Hi guys," He said

"Hi Michael, did you get the string?" Peter asked

"Sure did shotgun, those guys are great they haven't let me down yet" he said, "Hi Lori hi Lana glad you guys could make it. I'll just sort out my 12 string then we can get started," He said. Lana tried this opportunity to get another conversation fired up but just as she opened her mouth Micky rose from his seat and went and perched in his customary place behind the drums. Peter went and picked up his bass and practised some scales to make sure it was in tune, which it was so he sat on an amp and rested his guitar on his knee Davy stood up and gave his tambourine a couple of shakes and bangs

"Oooh it's a little sharp" he quipped he fiddled with a couple of the small cymbals gave it another bang and shake "ah that's much better" He said and smiled. Lori and Lana giggled a little. Lana had joined Lori on the sofa. Mike had fixed the string to his guitar and plucked it a couple of times and tuned it in. Finally they were ready.

"Ok Mick count us in" Mike told him which he did and the opening cords began. Throughout the song Lori watched Micky tapping gently on his drums with his eyes closed so he could concentrate on the songs vocals as well. Lori was mesmerized by Micky's voice. She had never heard any thing so beautiful in her life and Lana picked up on it. When the song finished the two girls clapped

"Ok guys let's pick it up a little why don't we do Sunny girlfriend" Mike suggested the other three nodded in agreement and just as Micky was about to count it off Lana stood up

"Hay guys before you do can I make a request?" She asked. The four boys looked at each other and Mike spoke for all when he said

"Yeah sure Lana what song can we play for you?" Lana searched her memory for another Micky ballad and she thought of the perfect one "I'll spend my life with you"

"Sure we can do that for you, ok guys lets go" Mike said. So Micky counted them off and the song began. As he sang the vocals Micky couldn't help but think of Lori, he hardly knew her but he felt like he was going to spend his life with her which was a little scary but also very comforting at the same time. If only he could find the courage to tell her how he felt! As the song finished Micky made a mental note to ask Mike for some advice when the girls had gone home. The rehearsal lasted for an hour and a half. Lori was really impressed, she really enjoyed the Monkees music.

"You guys are really good," She told them after they had decided to quit rehearsal for that evening

"Thank you" the four boys said in unison. Peter carefully placed down his bass making sure it was way out of the way of Micky and got himself a soda from the fridge

"Any one want one?" He asked, but nobody did

"We should get a move on Lana I've got an early morning tomorrow" Lori told her roommate.

"We don't have to go right now do we? Lets stay a while" Lana suggested

"Yeah come on Lori you're welcome to stay a bit longer," Davy told her

"Thanks Davy but I really should get going I need to be up early in the morning so I'd like to get some rest"

"Oh yeah you're starting your new job tomorrow aren't you" Lana said

"You are?" Peter asked, "What is it? If you don't mind me asking"

"No I don't mind at all, when I transferred from my architecture course in England to UCLA I got offered a paid work experience at a local firm" Lori explained. Micky stared at her

"You study architecture?" He asked

"Yeah I find it fascinating" she told him Micky couldn't what he was hearing and neither could the other three Monkees they were just as surprised as Micky "Is that a bad thing?" Lori asked a little worried

"No of course not sorry" Micky said. The other three Monkees knew that Micky had always been fascinated by architecture and Micky couldn't believe Lori was studying it he thought to himself. Lana and Lori said their goodbyes and left. Davy had offered to drive them but as it was a warm night they had decided to walk. Micky never got a chance to talk to Mike that night, he had so many thoughts swirling through his mind that he decided to take a walk down the beach to try and sort through them, and then when he arrived home, the Texan was already in bed and fast asleep. The idea of asking Mike for advise completely slipped his mind until the next evening when the four Monkees were seated around the kitchen table having dinner, Peters speciality - Cream of root beer soup. Micky hadn't touched his food, he just swivelled his spoon around trying to make tiny soup whirl pools, staring at the liquid in deep thought.

"Hay Mick you gonna eat somethin babe? You haven't touched your food" Mike asked

"I know Mike, I'm just not really that hungry" He answered. That statement was enough to cause the other three Monkees alarm, Micky was usually always hungry and ate every thing in sight and now Mike was really worried about his curly haired friend

"Can you guys give Micky and I a few moments alone please?" He asked Peter and Davy

"Yeah of course" Peter answered for the both of them. They rose from the table and went into the bedroom they shared, taking their bowls with them. Mike waited for the ground floor bedroom door to close then turned his attention back to Micky

"Ok shotgun spill it, what's goin' on? You haven't been yourself at all these past couple of days," he said

"I know I've been in a kinda weird place lately I've got all these feelings for Lori and I don't know what to do about them" Micky confessed

"What kind of feelins?" Mike asked. Micky thought for a moment

"I'm not really sure" he replied, feeling more stupid then he'd ever felt in his life.

"Are you in love with her?"

"I've only known her three days!" Micky told him but Mike was unfazed by that.

"Are you in love with her?" He repeated. Micky sighed

"Yeah I think I am," He said. Yells of excitement came from the ground floor bedroom and Peter and Davy appeared with a bug grin on their faces

"That's so great Mick" Peter told him

"So, what are we going to about it?" Davy asked

"I don't know I just feel.confused, Micky admitted. Peter was about to tell Micky that Lori felt the same and Mike could tell he was about to do it

"Not yet" He mouthed and Peter obeyed his wishes

"I've been thinking about nothing else but how I feel about Lori and I just wish I knew if she felt the same way about me but I don't have the courage to ask her"

"You must really like her you've never been his cut up over a girl before" Davy said. Micky had so many questions rushing through his head and he felt so drained he needed to be somewhere quiet and dark.

"I think I'll go to bed," He told the others

"Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it some more?" Mike asked

"Not at the moment Mike thanks maybe in the morning" He replied and with that said he rose from the table and climbed the spiral staircase to his bedroom. Peter watched him and as he disappeared through the door Peter said

"I've never seen any one so unhappy about being love"

"It's probably because he doesn't know how Lori feels about him," Davy suggested

"Why did you stop me telling him Michael?" Peter asked

"Because it's not time to tell him yet he needs to figure out what he's gonna do about his feelins first" Mike told the bassist

"So what can we do for him until he figures it out?" Davy asked

"Be here for him when he needs us, that's all we can do and we should hold off makin' any plans with Lana for the time bein'" Mike told them

"Yeah you're right we didn't know how serious Micky was about Lori but now we do we don't want to mess things up for them," Peter said

"Exactly" Mike said he couldn't help but feel a little surprised by Peter's sudden common sense "Let's just sit back for a while and see how things progress" he added.

Things didn't progress very well at all for Micky and Lori. Lori stopped by the pad only once and at the time Micky was out running some errands. Peter had told Lana to cool off trying to convince Lori for a while, which Lana found really difficult. Lori and Micky were two of her best friends and she wanted them to be happy Lori spent most of her time moping and by what Peter had told her so did Micky.

"How is this helping them? They're miserable" Lana told her brother one night when He had called to say hi

"I know but they have to figure it out for themselves" He told her

"But they're so unhappy I hate seeing them like this"

"I know and so do I but we have to patient it'll all work out I promise"

"It's so frustrating! Why won't they tell each other how they feel? I don't understand, Micky has had girlfriends before"

"He's never been in love before, especially after knowing Lori three days it threw him a little" Peter explained

"But he's known her two weeks now, can't he can say some thing to her now!" Lana asked the frustration clear in her voice

"Come on Lan it's not that easy, think about it, can you remember what you where like when you fell for Michael" Peter asked her. Lana sighed, finally admitting defeat

"I was exactly the same as Micky is now" she said sounding slightly irritated that her brother had played the Mike card "Ok I'll back off but I'm not happy about it" She told him

Two weeks after he had sat at the table and admitted his love for Lori to his Texan friend Micky approached him again.

"Hay Mike can I have a word?" He asked a little cautiously

"Yeah of course Mick, step into my office" Mike told him. Mike had been running through some cords on his guitar hoping to turn them into a new song but he discarded his 12 string and lead Micky to the kitchen table where Davy was playing cards with Mr Schneider.

"Davy do you mind if we disturb you?" Mike asked Davy looked up at him

"No not at all, Mr Schneider is cheating anyway," the Englishman told them then he looked back at the dummy "YOU WERE TOO!!" He shouted and stormed off into his bedroom slamming the door behind him. Micky sighed

"Will those two ever get on?" He asked he sat at the table and Mike did the same "So what can I do you for?" Mike asked

"I've been doing some thinking" Micky told him.

