
Half past seven came and went with no sign of Micky and Lori was starting to panic. She thought about giving Micky a call to see where he had got to but she thought she would sound to desperate and that was the last thing she wanted so decided against it and all she could do was sit and wait, unfortunately she was way to nervous to just sit. She kept getting up and pacing around the living room, then sitting down then getting up, sitting down, getting up, sitting down.etc. Lana was getting extremely irritated. She was sitting on the sofa trying to read her book and now she lost her temper.

"Oh for Christ sake Lori will you sit down!" She shouted, after Lori had started pacing the living room again.

"Sorry I can't help it, what time is it now?"

"It's about two minutes since you last asked me that question, just relax I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation as to why he's not here yet" Lana reassured her. Lori sat down again and started drumming her thighs with her hands and rocking back and forth and every now and then she checked Lana's watch.

"I wish I knew where he was this is driving me crazy" she said.

"It's driving you crazy! Trust me if you don't sit still I'll be putting you out of your misery by throwing you outta the nearest window" Lana told her, the annoyance clear in her voice.

"I'm sorry ok this is our first date I'm a little nervous I want it to go well"

"It will go well I don't think either of you is going to mess it up on purpose and any way you know what to expect from Micky.he's a complete nutcase" Lana said grinning a little.

"He's also your brother's best friend so be nice!"

"I know I'm only teasing, you know how much I love Micky I know him very well and he wouldn't be late with out a really good reason" Lana assured her.

At eight fifteen the doorbell rang and Lori almost jumped out of her skin she made Lana go and answer the door and Lana couldn't help but chuckle a little. She went into the hall and opened the front door to see a very anxious Micky standing there.

"You're late!" Lana told him.

"I know I'm sorry"

"It's not me you should be apologising to"

"I know but it's not my fault blame your dumb brother it's all his fault" Micky explained.

"Well get in there and see your date before she explodes" Lana ordered.

"Yes Ma'am. Is she ok?"

"No she's not she's really nervous Mick"

"Well that makes two of us," He confessed.

"Look after her ok, something's going on with her and I'm not quite sure what it is I haven't been able to work her out so just make sure that whatever happens you take care of her" she told him and Micky smiled.

"Of course I will, you know Mike told me the same thing, you guys have always been on the same wave length you're so perfect for each other" He said Lana rolled her eyes.

"Don't start that again Mick please, just get in there to Lori will you! She's going crazy," She said. Micky nervously stepped in to the living room Lori saw him and stood up.

"Wow you look so beautiful," he told her and he meant it he had never seen such a beautiful creature in all his life. Lori blushed.

"Thank you, you look amazing I've never seen any one look so good in a suit" and she meant it too. They both stared at each other for a few moments, they couldn't take their eyes off each other. Micky snapped out of it first.

"Er sorry I'm late Peter was late getting back with the car and Davy was on the phone with his new girlfriend so I couldn't call..." Lori stopped him by raising her hand.

"Its ok you're here now that's all that matters," She told him. Micky got lost again looking at Lori he couldn't help but think how amazing she looked.

"So...shall we go?" He asked finally coming back down to earth. So they left.

Micky drove them to a restaurant on the outskirts of town and Lori was feeling so nervous now she could hardly speak. Once they got settled in the restaurant and their first course arrived she began to feel a lot more comfortable. They found it a little hard to start up a conversation at first but once they got started they didn't stop and they talked about every thing. Lori hadn't laughed so much for such a long time. Micky was having a great time too. He and Lori had so many things in common and he loved her sense of humour, none of his previous girlfriends had made him laugh as much as Lori did they found the same things funny which delighted him. One thing that had always been important to Micky was that the girls he dated had to have a sense of humour and enjoy goofing around as much as he did. He hated the serious type of girls that Mike always seemed to go for, apart from Lana. It had totally surprise him when Lana and Mike had started dating because she was not the type Mike would usually go for at all she was more Micky's type. Lana had a great sense of humour and she had been the only of Mike's girlfriends that he had loved like a sister, maybe that was because she was Peter's sister and he felt like Peter was his brother and the same with Davy and Mike too, but any way he had loved Lana and was so heart broken when she and Mike split up. He had campaigned to both of them almost every day since they split to get them back together, so far with no effect but he wasn't going to give up yet! As Lori began her food she started to think about her life so far, she was only twenty years old but she felt as though she had lived for a hundred years with all the tragedy she had suffered in her life so far. Then she thought about Micky and how happy he made her feel. She watched him as he got fed up of using his knife and folk he picked up a handful of fries looked around to make sure no one was watching then stuffed them all in his mouth. Lori was a little shocked.

"You pig!" She grinned Micky looked at her.

"What! Me?" He asked trying to look innocent with a mouth still full of fries.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you any table manners?"

"Of course she did. Your mother obviously taught you too many!" Micky said, the grin disappeared from Lori's face and Micky suddenly realised what he had said "Oh Lori I'm so sorry I didn't...I forgot please forgive me" He said.

"Hay it's ok don't worry about it it's no problem" Lori smiled weakly "Just use your fork in future ok"

"Yes Ma'am" He replied. He felt such an idiot he knew Lori's mom had died when she was very young and he felt such a moron for not remembering. Things were a little awkward and shaky after that Lori didn't talk much until Micky started to tell her about the time he had walked in on Lana and Mike.

"I had no idea they were in there," he was telling her "I was searching for my drumstick and I remembered seeing it in my closet"

"What was it doing in your closet?"

"I have no idea, you wouldn't believe the places I've left it. Any way I went upstairs and into the bedroom and Lana was sitting on top of Mike and she had just pulled off his shirt and he was about to unhook her.er *ahem* brazier," Micky told her his face flashed a brilliant crimson, he was obviously still embarrassed about it.

"No way!"

"It's true I've never felt so embarrassed in my life, they both looked so shocked and we just stared at each other for a few seconds"

"What happened next?"

"Well I left obviously, but I think me walking in on them broke their mood cos they came down stairs a few moments later. I was sitting at the kitchen table Mike came over to me said," Micky put on his best Texan accent "Sorry about that shotgun we didn't realise any one was home" Lori burst in to laughter and Micky was grinning.

"Oh my god! I wish I could've seen that!"

"Lana couldn't look me in the eye for months after that, every time I spoke to her she'd go bright red, I was embarrassed too for a couple of days but I soon started to see the funny side"

"I bet you enjoyed torturing Lana about it too"

"Oh yeah of course it's only natural" Micky told her. Lori was smiling again now, Micky loved her smile so much.

"I'll have to remind her of that when I get home"

"Ah that's what I like to see, a girl with a dark side," Micky told her and Lori giggled.

"Well I have been known to tease a lot of people through my time," she said.

"Now I understand why I like you so much" Micky grinned.

Mike was sitting at home on the edge of the bandstand thinking about Lana. He had come so close to kissing her that morning and he was almost angry with Lori for walking in on them and ruining it for them. Peter read the troubled look on the Texans face.

"Penny for your thoughts" He asked. Mike looked at him

"It's ok buddy I'm fine" Mike said.

"You don't look fine you look troubled come on Mike maybe I can help you out you've always given me advice I'd like to return the favour, come on let the counsellor be counselled" Peter told him and smiled a little dimpled grinned. Mike couldn't even be bothered to argue he knew Peter was right he had always been the one the other three came to for advice and he hardly ever talked to any one about his problems, well except for Lana but he couldn't talk to her about this one so he decided why not talk to Peter. Mike let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding

"Lana and I almost kissed this mornin', the only reason we didn't was because Lori walked in on us right before" he told him. Peter sat down next to him and considered him for a moment then asked,

"Did you want to kiss her?"

"Oh yeah man I really did"

"Do you want to get back together with her?"

"Yes...no..." Mike got so frustrated "Oh I don't know! I love her I know that and I miss her I miss her so much it hurts sometimes but it didn't work out between us and when we broke up.well I've never known pain like that it was awful I don't want to ever feel like that again. If we're apart then at least I still get to see her"

"You'd see her if you were together too" Peter told him feeling really confused.

"I know Pete but bein' together only ends in pain I can't do that to her again, if we got back together and if we broke up again..."

"Michael, you seem to be saying 'if' a lot what do you want, no ifs or buts, what do you want deep down in your heart?" Peter asked Mike answered straight away and with one word.


It was after three in the morning when Micky and Lori reached Lori's apartment. They were both giggling so hysterically that their sides ached.

"Sshhh" Lori whispered, "We'll make up Lana," She said.

"Sorry" Micky told her he placed a hand over his mouth to try and stifle his laughter but it just made him laugh harder. Lori pulled him close to her and kissed him and they kissed passionately.

"What was that for?" He asked when they broke apart but kept their arms around each other "Not that I'm complaining," He added.

"Well you're not laughing any more are you," She told him.

"Good point but I feel a really big laugh coming on you better keep me quiet don't want to wake Lana" He said and Lori smiled and they kissed again.

"I would ask you in but I've got uni in the morning and I've got to be up in" she looked at Micky's watch "Four hours!"

"It's ok I understand. I'll call you tomorrow"

"Ok" they kissed again and headed back to the Monkee mobile "Hay Mick?" She called and Micky turned around and faced her.


"I had a really great time tonight, thank you for every thing," she told him and Micky smiled.

"You're welcome, I had a great time too so thank you as well"

"I'll speak to you tomorrow"

"Yeah speak to you tomorrow" Micky said and blew her a kiss, which Lori returned and disappeared inside. Micky stared at the door for a while a huge contentment filled his body.

"I'm gonna marry that girl" He said his smile widened and he turned on his heels and headed back to the Monkees mobile.

Lori was woken the next morning by a loud screaming in her ears.

"HAY LORI GET UP! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Lori unwillingly opened her eyes and saw Lana glaring down at her.

"What time is it?" She groaned.

"Half past seven, must have been some night huh? What time did you get home any way?"

"Just after three this morning" Lori was hardly awake but she sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed "Lana I had the best time I actually forgot how miserable I was"

"Well Micky does that to a person"

"Yeah he does" Lori smiled at the thought of him.

"So are you guys together yet?"

"I dunno we haven't said any thing"

"Maybe you should ask him"

"What! No way I can't just come right out and ask him something like that" Lori told her looking absolutely mortified.

"Why not?"

"Because it would be embarrassing that's why!"

"Of course it won't you have to find out where you stand with him it won't be that embarrassing" Lana said then Lori remembered something and smiled slightly.

"Oh no it can't be any worse then, oh I dunno, being caught in a compromising position with your boyfriend by a rather cheeky curly haired drummer" Lori said and Lana's eyes widened in shock.

"He told you!" She asked Lori was laughing.

"Oh yeah he told me all right"

"I'm gonna kill him, you're right don't ask him where you stand let him suffer for a very long time!" Lana said and Lori stopped giggling.

"You know I'm not even sure if I'm ready for that yet I'm still trying to sort my head out you know"

"No not really you've never told me what went on in your past"

"I know I will tell you I promise"

"I know you better get a move on you're going to be late" Lana told her and she left so Lori could get ready, muttering some thing about revenge for Micky. Lori started to giggle again. All she wanted to do was lie down and go back to sleep but she had already missed two days of uni she couldn't miss another one. At eight '0' clock she was ready and already fifteen minutes late she left her apartment and was surprised to see the Monkee mobile parked out side and Micky was leaning against it with his arms folded.

"There you are! Jeez I thought you'd sleep all day," He told her. Lori's face covered in a big smile.

"You're one to talk! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I've come to give you a lift to university you could at least say hello and pretend to be happy to see me"

"Of course I'm happy to see you" Lori said she reached him and gave him a kiss "It's just in all the time I've known you I've never seen you up and dressed before noon"

"Oh that's charming that is, maybe I should just go back home then," Micky said pretending to be offended.

"Don't you dare" she said and pulled him closer for another kiss a passionate one this time.

"Now that's what I call a wake up call," He told her and they kissed again. Then he opened the Monkee mobile door for her and she slipped inside. Micky ran round the car and jumped in the drivers seat and they headed off.

"Don't think I'm not happy to see you but I thought you were gonna call me later" Lori asked him.

"Well I thought I'd give you the pleasure of seeing me in the flesh" He told her with mock arrogance.

"Oh really! Well that's much appreciated," She told him with a grin.

"Well I'm being completely selfish actually I couldn't bare to go any longer with out seeing you again" Micky told her "So this is all totally for my benefit" He said.

"Well you better stop the car because I don't want you to be put off driving by me kissing you" Lori told him so Micky pulled the car over and they kissed passionately.

"Not seeing you for the past five hours has been one of the hardest things in my life," Micky told her "Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" He asked. Lori stared at him for a few seconds then sat back in her chair and said nothing Micky was watching her expectantly waiting for an answer. Finally Lori looked at him again.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Mick, I'm not sure you'd want to be with me if I told you my life story" Micky was a little stunned by Lori's announcement but it didn't put him off.

"Try me," he said.

"I can't go there yet I'm sorry, I wish I could but before we make any further decisions about our relationship lets just have a second date ok and see how things go from there ok" Micky was so disappointed that hadn't been the answer he was expecting but he loved her and he respected her wishes.

"Ok sure no problem" He replied.

"You do understand don't you?" Lori asked Micky looked her in the eye and pushed the hair away from her face.

"I do, I understand that some thing happened in your past that is making you wary of loving me but I promise you I would never ever hurt you, take all the time you need I'm not going anywhere I just want you to know that I love you and I'll be here for you whenever you need me" Micky told her.

"Thank you for being so understanding I know I'm not being very fair on you but I." Micky stopped her by placing a finger on her mouth.

"I told you I understand and I do" he told her gently "Just don't make me wait to long ok there's a lot of girls out there dieing for some Dolenz attention" He said with a smile, the mock arrogance back again.

"Ok I'll try thank you" Lori said and laughed a little.

"Well we better get going I don't want you to be later then you already are.if you know what I mean," Micky said awkwardly. Lori smiled and Micky put the car in drive and they set off down the road. They didn't speak for the rest of the journey. Lori was thinking about what Micky had said she knew she was falling in love with him but she didn't want to start anything with him until she was certain she had her head on straight. She was grateful he understood and she knew she was risking losing him the longer she took but she needed a little more time. When they arrived at Lori's university they both got out of the car and Micky walked round to Lori.

"Thank you for the ride" Lori said, she couldn't help but feel a little awkward

"You're welcome"

"So how about that second date then?" She asked him reaching over and holding his hands in hers.

"You bet, how about tonight?"

"I'll tell you want, why don't you come over to my pad tonight and I'll cook us some dinner" Lori suggested.

"You can cook? I am impressed I'd love too thank you"

"Great, how about you come over for eight"

"Yep I'll be there"

"Excellent! Well I better go then, I'll see you tonight" She said. They kissed goodbye but didn't let go of their hands until the very last minute. Micky watched her go as she was greeted by some friends she turned and waved and blew him a kiss, he didn't mind waiting, not really, she was worth it.

When Peter had got up and found Micky's note he almost fell over he read the note over and over again just to make sure he read it right.

"Pete, I've gone out be back later, Micky" Peter read to Mike who didn't believe Peter at all.

"So, not only is he up at nine '0' clock in the mornin' but he's actually dressed and out side of the pad?" Mike asked in complete shock.

"Yeah I know it's scary isn't it" Peter said.

"It most certainly is" Mike replied. Peter considered him for a moment not sure whether he should ask the next question he had on his mind or not. He sat at the table for a moment then decided to go for it. Mike was reading the morning paper and eating his cereal.

"So....er...have you made a decision yet?"

"About what shotgun?" Mike asked not taking his eyes from the paper.

"Lana" Peter said. Mike put down his spoon and looked across at Peter.

"No not really, I didn't get much sleep last night because I was laying awake thinking about it and to be honest the more I considered it the more nervous I became" He confessed.

"Nervous! Why?"

"Because it's Lana I mean she's pretty much the love of my life and I'm glad of the friendship we have now and I'm just scared that if we got back together and broke up again, I'd lose her completely I can't lose her, I need her in my life"

"You know it's funny she said practically the same thing" Peter informed him and Mike stared at him.

"You talked to her about it?" He asked, suddenly feeling really nervous

"Not recently it was a few weeks ago I think, not long after we first met Lori" Peter explained.

"Really, what did she say?"

"I can't remember her exact words but it was some thing like she couldn't imagine living her life with out you in it in some way or another"

"She said that! Really?" Mike could hardly believe what he was hearing. He stood up and ran upstairs.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked

"I have got to go see her" Mike called. He threw off his pyjamas and dressed as quickly as possible, he was in such a rush he forgot his hat!

"Michael wait a minute just think about this" Peter pleaded as Mike ran down stairs.

"Sorry Pete, no time" he called as he bolted out the door. He stopped outside when he realised Micky had taken the Monkee mobile "Damn it!" He yelled but it didn't stop him he turned and bolted down the street, he would run the whole way. Micky pulled up in front of the pad just in time to see Mike pelting down the street and disappear around the corner


It took Mike fifteen minutes to reach Lana's apartment, he had run all the way and now he had reached his destination he almost collapsed with exhaustion. He grabbed his aching side and stopped behind a wall outside Lana's front door to rest for a while. He finally regained his breath and was about to go and knock on the front door when he saw a guy beat him too it. He seemed a little taller then Mike and maybe better looking too Mike thought but he was too far away from the guy to get a good look at him. He saw Lana open the door and he ducked down behind the wall so Lana wouldn't see him. He peered over and saw her embrace the guy with a big grin on her face she kissed him on the cheek and they both went in side and Lana closed the door. Mikes heart shattered into a million pieces. He turned around and slumped against the wall Lana had met some one new and he cursed himself for taking so long to tell her how he felt about her. He cupped his face in his hands and then rubbed the back of his neck. It was then he realised he wasn't wearing his hat. He stayed out side Lana's apartment for at least an hour with his head in his hands before deciding to take a walk along the beach. He desperately wanted to be a fly on the wall in Lana's pad so he could find out who that guy was and what was going on between the two of them.

Davy and Peter watched from the kitchen table as Micky busied himself polishing his drums.

"Have you noticed any thing different about Micky ever since Lori entered our lives?" Peter asked Davy quietly.

"How d'you mean?" Davy replied.

"Well, he's getting up early now, and also when was the last time he played a practical joke on us or goofed around or..."

"...Hid my tambourine!" Davy added.

"Exactly he's different somehow, he's....calm"

"I know, I don't like it one bit" They both shivered a little then turned their attention back to the drummer.

"Maybe he's broken" Peter suggested.

"Na he's not broken Pete he's in love" Davy explained. The front door opened and Lana came in closely followed by another guy.

"Hi guys, hay Peter guess who I found," She said and Peter turned around his face broke out into a wide dimpled grin at the sight of the other guy.

"Nick! When did you arrive?" He asked he went over and embraced Nick in a bear hug.

"Hay little brother, I got in a couple of hours ago I'm here on business so I thought I better check on my kid brother and sister, make sure you're behaving yourselves" he said. Nick was eight years older then Peter and Ten years older then Lana and very protective of them both, especially Lana. Although they were a close family this had been the first time Nick had ever visited his siblings in California.

"It's so great to see you, come and meet my friends" Peter told him "Davy Mick come over here would ya" He called. Micky and Davy had been watching them curiously from their seats, wondering who this guy was, they walked over when Peter called them.

"Guys this is our older brother Nick" Lana told them.

"Nice to meet you Nick I'm Davy Jones" Davy told him with a warm friendly smile and extended his hand and Nick accepted it.

"You too Davy" Nick said and shook his hand vigorously.

"Hi Nick how you doing I'm Micky Dolenz" Micky said.

"Not too bad Micky" they shook hands "Yourself?"

"Yeah I'm good" Micky told him.

"So are Bella and the kids with you as well?" Peter asked his brother.

"Bella is Nick's wife" Lana explained to Micky and Davy who nodded in understanding.

"No they couldn't make it I'm afraid Pete but they send their love as does Mom and Dad"

"I spoke to Mom on the phone a few days ago and she never mentioned you were coming" Lana said.

"That's because I wanted it to be a surprise," Nick told her "So where's the Texan mean machine then?" Nick asked.

"Texan mean machine!" Micky and Davy repeated a little confused.

"He means Mike" Lana said she turned to Nick "You promised you'd stop calling him that!" She said jabbing her eldest brother in the arm.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, so is he around?"

"I thought he was with you?" Peter asked Lana.

"No, why would he be with me?" Lana replied a little confused.

"No reason forget I said any thing," Peter told her but he was worried about his Texan friend, if Mike hadn't shown up at Lana's then where had he got too? Because Mike and Lana used to be a couple Lana had taken him home with her quite a few times to see her family and Nick had taken great pleasure in teasing the Texan to see if he had the temper Lana had said he did, and he had indeed. Nick had found that out the hard way when he had pushed Mike a little too far one time that had resulted in Mike punching Nick and giving him a nice shiner under his eye. Nick had not been mad, far from it, he had been impressed and grateful that his kid sister had some one to take care of her, other then Peter of course, when he couldn't be around.

Mike walked down the beach thinking about Lana he was too far away to have seen the guy clearly but it was obvious she had a deep affection for him. He sat on the beach resting against a rock, a single tear steamed down his face he had never felt so lonely in his life. Although he had the band and his friends he wanted more, he wanted Lana and now he could never have her. The single tear was joined by three or four more and more joined them until his Texan pride gave in and he began to cry softly. He had no idea how long he sat there crying when he felt a light touch on his shoulder that made him jump a little.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" came a gentle female voice "Are you alright?" Mike took his hands away from his face and looked up, trying to focus on the form in front of him. His eyes were red and swollen from the tears. Finally he was able to see her, she hand long sandy hair and brown eyes that bored into his soul when they connected with his. He had to admit it, she was beautiful. She had porcelain skin and her face was etched with worry and concern for the stranger that sat before her.

"I'll be fine thank you" Mike stuttered he wiped his tear soaked face and stood up, she was shorter then him maybe the same height as Lori so she had to crane her neck to look at him.

"Are you sure I mean you've been sitting out here for at least two hours I could see you from my pad" The woman said and she pointed to an apartment block just up from the beach a little.

"I'm sure, thank you for your concern and I don't mean to be rude but I'd rather be alone right now if you don't mind" Mike told her as gently as possible because he didn't want to offend her.

"Oh sure sorry I'll get out of your way I didn't mean to intrude " She told him with a friendly smile.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Caitlyn, Caitlyn Mackenzie" she replied "And you're one of the Monkees right?" Caitlyn asked. Mike was a little surprised.

"That's right how did you know that?"

"My roommate is a big fan of you guys we try and visit the Vincent van Gogh-Gogh whenever you play" Caitlyn explained "You really are very good," She added.

"Thank you, I'm Michael Nesmith but please call me Mike" Mike told her and he held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mike and you must call me Cait" She took his hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you Cait"

"You know, I almost didn't recognise you with out your hat" she said with an amused grin, Mike laughed a little.

"Well we had a fight this mornin' and he decided to stay at home" He said and returned the grin now it was Cait's turn to laugh.

"Would you like to come in for a soda?" She asked, "I mean only if you're done with being alone"

"I am now" He replied and the two of them strolled happily up the beach, and after a couple of minutes in the company of Caitlyn Mackenzie Mike forgot all his worries over Lana.

Micky wasn't due at Lori's for another three hours but he had already started to get ready. He was almost as nervous now as he had been for their first date. Peter was sitting on Mike's bed watching the drummer with great amusement as he pulled shirt after shirt from his closet.

"Ok what about this one?" Micky asked holding a navy blue button down shirt against his chest waiting for the bassist's approval. A large pile of discarded shirts lay at the drummer's feet.

"Yeah that one's good as well any of them will be fine" Micky rolled his eyes.

"Come on Pete you're not helping"

"I'm sorry you know I'm no good at this, it's more Davy's area of expertise then mine, you should've called him up here I have got guests downstairs you know" Peter said. Micky had forgotten that Lana and Nick were still down stairs.

"Oh god you're right I'm sorry you can go now"

"Thank you master" Peter said chuckling a little "I'll send Davy up" He called over his shoulder as he disappeared out the door, leaving Micky to worry about what shoes he should wear. As Peter came down the stairs he heard Davy on the phone.

"Ok Mike we'll see you later" He said and replaced the receiver.

"Was that Michael?" Peter asked the Englishman. Davy stared at him.

"No Pete it was the queen she called to make sure I was enjoying living in America" Davy said his tone dripping with sarcastic.

"Really wow that's kind of her" Peter said. Davy slapped his palm on his forehead.

"Of course it was Mike you dummy"

"Why is Michael pretending to be the queen?" Peter asked feeling really confused "Oh wait does he think he's princess Gwen again?"

"Isn't that dumb" Came Micky's voice from upstairs. Davy blinked.

"It wasn't Mike pretending to be the queen and no, he doesn't think he's princess Gwen it was just plain old Mike. He called to say he was having dinner with a friend and he would be back late" Davy explained.

"Oh ok, Peter said still feeling a little confused, Micky wants your help upstairs" He told Davy and he joined his siblings sitting at the table. Davy disappeared upstairs then the three Torks heard him shout.

"No, no, no that's all wrong! I thought you wanted to impress this girl" Lana sniggered a little.

"Micky's got a pretty important date tonight then huh?" Nick asked

"Yeah he has he's in love at the moment" Peter told him

"Speaking of which we better get going I want you to meet Lori before she goes out" Lana said.

"Will you come back later Nick?" Peter asked.

"I'll try Pete but I'll definitely come by tomorrow" Nick told his brother. Lana and Nick left after Peter had tried to get them to stay a little longer. They arrived at Lana's pad and went in. She knocked on Lori's bedroom door but got no answer so she called up the stairs

"Lori you in?"

"I'm in the bath I'll be out in the sec," Lori shouted down.

"Well be quick I've got some one here I want you to meet" Lana told her. Lori appeared from the hallway ten minutes later her hair was soaked and she was wearing a bathrobe.

"Sorry about taking so long" She said she saw the gentleman standing with Lana.

"That's ok Lor come and meet...."

"Nick?" Lori cut off Lana was a little surprised.

"That's right how did you know?" Nick asked.

"It's obvious Peter and Lana look so much like you" Lori said coming over to them.

"Well some times that's a burden," he said earning a jab in the ribs from his sister's elbow "Ow!"

"Well it's nice to finally put a face to the name, Peter and Lana talk about you all the time" Lori told him.

"I hear you're going out with Micky again tonight Lori" Lana said, "That's two nights in a row"

"No we're not going out, didn't you get the message I left with the answering service?" Lori asked starting to panic.

"What message? You know I hardly ever call that thing!"

"Oh Lan! I called to tell you I was cooking for Micky tonight and would you mind making yourself scarce for the evening"

"What! Yes actually I would mind this is my apartment too you know"

"I know Lana I'm sorry I'll make it up to you please, this is really important to me, please" Lori begged.

"Come on Lana help your roommate out you could come back with me to see Peter" Nick suggested. Lana sighed heavily.

"Ok fine but just this once and you owe me big Tyler" Lana told her.

"Yeah I know thank you now if you excuse me I'm dripping all over the carpet it was nice to meet you Nick I hope I'll see you again before you go back home" Lori said and then she disappeared into her bedroom.

