
"Have you ever had a dream where you were an actual monkey?" Micky inquired to his three friends seated around the table.

"What?" Mike questioned, giving him a perplexed look in response.

"Have you ever dreamt that you were a real monkey? You know, like the animal." Micky said.

"Why you saying that? Did you dream that you were a monkey?" Davy said. Peter nodded in agreement to Davy's question, interested in hearing of this dream.

"Well, it wasn't as if I just was a monkey all at once. It was like this long transformation over time. You know what I mean? First, I started eating bananas all the time and the I'd start jumping around making all these weird noises." Micky explained.

"But Mick, you love bananas." Peter pointed out.

"And you can't deny that you jump around making weird noises all the time." Davy added.

"So what are you saying? I'm turning into a monkey?" Micky looked at Mike, Peter, and Davy horrified.

"Maybe we'll all turn into monkeys and people will understand us." Peter said.

"What do you mean?" Davy asked.

Peter went on, "Well, whenever we say that we're the Monkees, people look at us and make rude comments about us being crazy thinking we were monkeys."

"Yeah, and speaking of the Monkees, they're suppose to be playing right now." Mike cut into their little conversation. "Come on, break's over."

The boys made their way up to the bandstand and got ready to play. Peter looked up from tuning his bass, noticing a man wearing a suit and sunglasses walk in through the door of the club. The expression on his face portrayed that everyone belonged to him.

"Hey, Davy. Who's that?" Peter nudged him with his elbow, getting Davy's attention.

"Who's who?" he replied.

"That man over there that just walked in." Peter said, pointing to the man that was now walking towards the manager, John Wistcroft.

"I dunno." Davy answered.

"Then again, if it's not female, why ask Davy?" Micky interrupted, drumming out the rhythm, signifying that he had made a joke. Davy gave Micky a sour look only winning a smile from the drummer in return.

Mike noticed Peter's uneasiness about the shifty character that no one seemed to know. "Don't worry about it, Pete. Strange people come in here all the time. Besides, it's Mr. Wistcroft's business, not ours."

Peter shrugged in reluctance as the four of them began to play. He couldn't help but concentrate on the engagement between the peculiar man and Mr. Wistcroft. He grew even more concerned when the latter became helpless and distraught, turning around and fleeing back to his office. He couldn't take his eye off the man as he exited the club, which earned him a menacing glare once the man realized Peter was staring at him. Peter quickly looked away, finally taking notice to the song being played, willing himself not to look back.

Once the song was over, it was Mike who initiated them being done for the evening. He made the annoucement and gently leaned his guitar against the wall. "Did you see what I saw?" Mike asked, referring to what Peter had seen himself.

"No, what?" Davy replied. He and Micky had taken no notice to what had been going on. Fortunately for Peter, Mike decided to take action. He led the four of them back to Mr. Wistcroft's office. He layed a heavy knock upon the door, hearing a very weak 'come in'.

When they walked in, they saw the middle-aged man running frantically around the room, putting things into a box.

"What's going on?" Micky looked around the office in confusion, seeing everything disappear so quickly.

"Yeah, Mr. Wistcroft. Why are you packing all your things?" Peter asked.

"I've been shut down, boys. The club is closing." Mr Wistcroft replied, his frenzy not decreasing in the least. Shouts of protest and anger came from Micky, Peter, and Davy who were all saying in their minds that this would not happen. Mike took a step closer to Mr. Wistcroft and put a hand on his shoulder.

"What do you mean shut down? How can they do that? It's not like you get no business, the place is always packed." Mike reasoned. He couldn't understand why anyone was closing them down.

"This group...of scientist. They need a lab to conduct all their experiments." he explained.

"But they can't just barge in here and demand to take it from you!" Micky protested. "That's just not right. There are plenty of other places."

"Well, apparently they are very crucial experiements. He told me once everything was complete I could have it back. But who knows how long that will be. Months, maybe even years." Mr. Wistcroft settled down into his chair, taking a break from all his packing things. "I'm sorry, boys. I know this affects your job and I wish I could still pay you, but-"

"Job, nothing." Mike interrupted. "We don't care about our job. There has to be some law against this."

"Yeah, why don't you call the police and check it with them?" Davy suggested.

"It's no use. He showed me the permit, they are allowed to do this to me. They even got a grant from the city." he said.

"Well, you can at least check." Peter persisted.

"What experiments are so important that they can take over a successful place like this? Why not somewhere that's closing down anyway?" Mike asked.

"I don't know." Mr. Wistcroft was at a loss. "You better get your instruments and leave. After I close up for the night, their whole crew is coming to get things ready for them."

"Tonight?" Micky marveled. "Why so soon?"

"He said effective immediatly. I have to finish cleaning out my desk. Once again, I'm terribly sorry boys."

"It's all right. It's not your fault." Mike replied. He turned around and motioned for Peter to open the door since he was closest. The four of them filed out sadly.

