
"There got to be a way to get the club back from those scientists." Mike said, pacing around their living room.

"Forget it, man. Why get ourselves involved with something that doesn't involve us? We'll only make things worse." Davy advised. "Besides what can we do?"

"Maybe if we went down there and talked to them. Maybe find out what kind of experiments they're doing." Micky suggested. "And hey, if we make nice with them and be their friends they might cut us a break. You know, hurry things along."

"It's a thought. You guys want to go down there now?" Mike asked. Immediatly on instinct, Micky, Davy, and Peter shook their heads in unison. "C'mon, it's not like their evil. They're not going to kill us for walking in on them. We can pretend to be interested."

"I'm not going down there." Davy decided, firmly. He crossed his arms over his chest, convinced that wasn't moving.

"I'll go." Micky volunteered. "Someone has to go with you to...well, as a matter of fact you don't need anyone, Mike. You're good on your own." Micky smiled sheepishly as Mike grabbed the back of his shirt and drug him to the door.

"We'll be back later." Mike informed Davy and Peter as the door shut behind them.

"Maybe we can do something too." Peter said, turning to Davy. "I feel kind of useless just waiting around here."

"Like what?" Davy questioned.

"I dunno. We could go down to the police station and ask them if there's anything they can do." Peter offered.

"You heard what Mr. Wistcroft said. It's no use talking to them; they gave the scientists the permit in the first place. We'd only make fools out of ourselves by going there." Davy replied. Peter stood up and walked across the room to sit in front of Davy.

"Can't we at least give it a shot? Maybe the permit's fake; maybe they aren't issued to do this. And if it is, can't you imagine how happy Mike and Mick will be when they get back that we didn't just sit here doing nothing?"

"Fine, we can go." Davy stood up, tossing the magazine he had been reading down on the couch. "But don't get your hopes up, it's likely we won't find anything."

"I'm willing to take that chance." Peter decided, tossing Davy his jacket as they too left the Pad.

"What is this?" Mike frowned as they reached the entrance to the newly claimed laboratory. The doors had been closed off with metal barriers and a security system had been installed. "They've really got a handle on things. We were just here last night."

"They must have been anxious to start their experiments. How do we get in?" Micky asked. Mike shrugged and rapped his knuckles on the steel door, creating a dull pain in his hand. He shook it to free away the hurt he now felt. "Do you think they heard that?"

Micky's question was answered by the door opening and a man in a black suit stood there, an eyebrow raised in interest. In fact, it was the same man who had appeared at the club the night before with the announcement.

"Can I help you boys?" The man inquired.

"Uh...yeah, you can help us. We...umm," Mike began, stuttering nervously. "We heard that...uh...some experiments were being done here and we...well, we wondered if we could...watch."

"Watch?" The man looked at them suspiciously.

"We're studying in college." Micky lied, the pitch in his voice rising a bit. "To be scientists just like these guys in there and we just wanted to check things out see what exactly it takes to get into the...the business." Mike nodded in agreement to Micky's fib.

"Huh," he didn't look convinced, but surprisingly so he welcomed them in. "Well, here, let me get out of your way. Come on in."

Mike and Micky exchanged glances of shock, but followed the suited man inside the lab.

"Here, put these on." The man handed them each a white lab coat and a pair of goggles. "For safety reasons, you have to wear them."

"You're not wearin' em." Mike pointed out, but the much taller man scowled down at Mike.

"I'm the security guard. I don't hafta. Now you can look around, but don't break nothing."

"Oh, well thank you...uh," Micky began, but realized he didn't know his name.

"Samson." The man finished.

"Samson." Micky cleared his throat when his confirmation came out squeaky. "What a nice...name...for a security guard. You should-"

Mike elbowed him in the stomach and pulled him along with him to gaze about at different scientists' lab stations.

"That seemed too easy." Mike declared. "You'd think they'd have more protection than that."

"Who cares? We're in and that's all that matters." Micky stopped in front of a woman who was instructing the people who were running all over the place. "You've really got control over these people." he said to her.

"Who are you?" she demanded. "Why aren't you working?"

"Oh, we're not scientists, ma'am." Mike was quick to explain. "We're just...well, we're tourists. Just looking around at the stuff here. Trust me, we don't know the difference between," Mike strugged to come up with something. He waved his hand aimlessly waiting for something to pop into his mind.

"Well, you see that? We're so unfamilar with it, we can even think of the right terms." Micky filled in the space as the woman glared at them.

"Just as well, who let you in here?" she asked.

"Uh, that would be Samson." Micky pointed to the security guard. "We're, you know, we're best buds with Samson over there."

"I'm sure. Look, I'd rather you not be here unless you plan to contribute in some way. I'll have to talk to Samson about letting in strangers."

"Oh, but we're interested in knowing what it is you're doing. What kinds of experiments are you doing?" Mike asked in mock interest.

"I'm afraid that information is confidential."

"I see, well maybe you guys could use some help down here. To do, ya know, non-scientific stuff." Micky suggested. "Like moving tables or equipment. Well, you know we're your guys."

"I'm not too sure about that. We could use some...extra help, I guess you could say. But I'm not sure I trust you. You're with the authorities aren't you?"

"Authorities? That's ridic-" Mike stomped on Micky's foot before he could finish.

"If we were with the police, why would that be a problem? I thought you guys were allowed to do this. You shouldn't be worried about the police at all, right Mick?"

"Right, but why'd you have to," Micky gestured to his aching foot, finally regaining his balance.

"Why won't you let us help? We're strong guys and we'd be learning a lot from you. We want to be as good as you guys at all this scientific stuff." Mike persisted. "You said that you needed the help."

"That's why we have the ad in the paper. I'm waiting for people I can trust to help. These experiments are very confidential. We don't want rumors breaking out. It will only pressure us into completing everything." The woman adjusted her glasses and shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"Why don't you trust us?" Micky asked.

"You've been asking too many questions. When I hire people, I won't let them ask questions. Understand? Now, get out." she ordered.

"Now, wait a second," Mike started, but the woman held her hand up signaling him to stop. She pointed towards the door.

"If you don't leave, I'll call Samson to take care of you." she threatened.

"Go ahead, call Samson! See if we-" Mike slapped a hand over Micky's mouth and smiled nervously at the woman.

"We'll be going, now." Mike eventually removed his hand from Micky's mouth once they were outside the building.

"Why didn't you let me do something? I could have-"

"I know what you could have done. There's no sense if letting them defeat us. If we get angry, she's just gonna distrust us even more. We have to figure out what's going on." Mike reasoned.

"Well, there's got to be another way to get in there and get a peek at all their stuff."

Mike looked up thoughtfully, with a finger to his mouth in concentration. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. "C'mon Mick. Let's get home, I've got a plan."

