
I couldn't just go home and say I could help Erica tomorrow that would be insane. We left down town and ran over to the River Stoat apartments.

With the help of my four friends I was able to get in the building for the first time in a while.

Once we were inside I rushed Erica's door and waited for an answer.

Erica breathed heavily against the wooden frame. She knew JC was out there and she couldn't let him see her like this. She touched the dark circle around her left eyes and sighed.

What was she going to do?

"Erica it's me JC let me in." I replied sternly. She was debating on weather to act like she was there or not. In end she decided to say something

"JC I can't I not feeling well right now. I'm sorry.'' Erica yelled back.

"Erica I know what's going on you need help. Let me help you." I stated. "No just go okay I'm busy." Erica replied.

"Maybe we should break the door down?'' Lance suggested. "I hope it won't come to that.'' I sighed. "Erica I talked to Jacob and he told me what's going on. You don't need to lie for him any more I'm here. We're here to help you. Now come on open up the door.'' I replied.

"What are you talking about? Jacobs being silly.'' Erica laughed fakely and looked around the apartment for some sunglasses.

"Erica just let me talk to you let me help you okay you don't need to be a afraid any more. Erica open the door please.'' I pressed on.

"JC your crazy! You should go.'' Erica stated as she put the sunglasses over her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere until we talk Erica. Either you let me in or I take this door down.'' I replied firmly.

Erica sighed and decided to give in. She opened the door slowly and she looked at me. "Erica?'' I asked. "What?'' she jumped and opened the door wider to let us in. "What's up with the glasses?'' Chris blurted out. "Chris.'' Lance slapped him upside the head.

"What I was just saying that it's weird that she has them on I mean it's not that bright in here it's like she's trying to hide something.......oh now...I get it..oops." Chris looked at his four friends sheepishly.

The four sighed.

I watched Erica groaned and took a seat on her couch. " Well no point in covering it up.'' Erica took off her sunglasses. I was trying to restrain myself from what I saw next but a huge gasp escaped from my lips unable to stop.

Erica had a black eye.

I took a seat beside her and the other guys just leisurely looked around the apartment. "Erica why didn't you tell me sooner?" I took her hand. She vastly pulled away.

"JC I don't know what you're taking about. "Erica why did you let it come to this? You don't deserve this. You can't sit there and say that it's not a big deal or that Jacob didn't mean it. You need to leave him leave him now.'' I interrupted her.

"NO!" she screamed and it scared the hell out of me and made every one else jump in the room. "I can't I'm happy okay there is nothing to worry about and Jacob isn't doing what you think he's doing to me just mind your own business!" Erica lied.

"Stop it Erica. Why won't you let me help you? I'm trying to save your life here. If you stay you're going to wind up dead! I don't want that now fess up Jacob isn't the crown prince you thought he was. He is physically- "SHUT UP SHUT UP NOTHING IS GOING ON JACOB LOVES ME JACOB LOVES ME!" Erica yelled.

I balled my fist in anger. This wasn't going to be easy. And I knew it. I needed more time but I didn't have it. She couldn't stay here another night who knows what might happen to her. I didn't know what happened when I wasn't here. What has Jacob done to my Erica? She's not the same. What if I'm never able to get her back? What if she doesn't want to leave? What than?

"Guys wait in the car.'' I said bluntly.

"But you said-"


"Ok we got what we need any way.'' Justin stated as his three partners in crime darted for the door.

"Now what do we do?'' Joey asked out in the hallway. Justin glared at the set of keys in his hands.

"Well we go make a copy of "her" apartment key and bring them back before she notices they're gone." Justin stated.

"Alright but remind me why are we doing this again?'' Chris asked. "Chris where were you when we discussed the "plan,?" Lance asked.

"The bathroom.'' Chris grinned retardedly. "Ok listen up.... most likely JC isn't going to be able to convince Erica to leave with him today...so we come back when Jacob isn't home, break in, take Erica, bring her back to JC's place, and hopefully things will be smooth for the time being." Justin explained.

"Now come on we don't have much time.'' Lance replied.

"I'm not going any where I have no reason to.'' Erica protested. "Erica don't make this harder than this already is I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to do but if- "JC you should just go. Stay out of this.'' Erica rose from her seat and opened her front door.

"Erica I'm not going any where.'' I never left my spot on the couch. "Fine!" she slammed the door. "Than I'm calling security.'' Erica grabbed her phone.

"Go a head I'll just explain to them how you got that black eye." I stated calmly.

Erica hesitated for a moment and put the phone down. "I have nothing to hide.'' She spoke slowly.

"You do and I know your lying for Jacob. Erica I talked to him today I went down to the museum. For a while now I thought something was going on. But...nothing..and I'm telling you nothing prepared for what Jacob confessed to me. It shouldn't have surprised or shocked me because the time that I did see you, you always were hurt or you were clumsy or had an accident at work. It just didn't add up. Erica I know your scared and I'm scared too but I am here to help you. You just have to trust me okay? You staying here isn't safe. Your going to get your self killed.'' I explained.

"Why won't you just stay out of this? Why are you always trying to bother me? What won't you just leave me alone? You need to stop MAKING UP LIES ABOUT JACOB YOUR JUST TRYING TO PULL US APART YOU...YOU JUST WANT ME FOR YOURSELF!!!'' Erica retorted.

"This isn't about me any more. I don't know what that idiot is telling you but he honestly doesn't love you if he beats on you. Can't you see that he doesn't care about you if he would treat you like that? He doesn't deserve you. Can't you see that?'' I asked.


"Calm down." I held her by the shoulder. I knew she was lying but the more I tried to explain the more it seemed like she was going to go over the edge.

"Please Erica come with me." I looked at her as she started to some what relax. "No!" she replied. "Erica, "Jacob loves me I know it. I just know it. We need each other see we need each other. Jacob doesn't hurt me he doesn't mean to. He just gets angry sometimes it's only because I do stupid things it's for my own good.'' Erica interrupted JC as she held herself.

"Everything is alright. Just leave us a lone.'' Erica said in a hypnotic tone. "I was going to go insane as she continued to talk. I wanted to kill Jacob!" I told myself.

"Erica you're not a five year old girl you're a GROWN WOMAN! A man doesn't hit a WOMAN a person who actually and truly loves you wouldn't TRY TO CHANGE YOU AND REPRIMAND YOU LIKE A CHID! What happened to you being independent?'' JC exploded.

"I AM INDEPENDENT!" She yelled back. "No you're being a door mat. You been one since the beginning and now it's gotten so bad that you let him live your life for you. You don't know who you are any more and now to make it worse you believe him. I want you to leave with me. It's not going to get better and you know it. Listen to the little bit of common sense you have left. Stop listening to Jacob. Jacob is going to kill you. Your being abused by Jacob the love you claim "loves you" I'm sorry Erica but.... he doesn't..he never did and never will no matter how long you stay with him. No matter what you change or do he is never going to give you "real love" never. He is only going to hurt you and attack you until one day he'll take it too far and you'll be dead. Tell me you don't want that? You can't want to stay? Come with me and I'll take care of everything I promise you. Jacob will never hurt you again. Trust me okay you don't, "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT GET OUT!" Erica interrupted me.

She shook me with her out burst. Had nothing I just said gotten through to her? "JUST LISTEN TO ME DAMMIT!" I yelled. "JUST GO!" Erica spat as tears glossed over eyes and she slowly slid down the wall and fell to the floor.


"No.'' I stated. I reached down and attempted to touch her to only have her forcefully push me away. "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU DAM LIAR!" Erica starred me down.

I was about to say something when I was stopped by the knock at the door. I rose up and looked through the peep whole.

The guys were back. I opened the door. "How's it-" Justin stopped as he got sight of Erica who was crying in a ball against the wall close to the door.

Without a word he handed the keys back to me. "Wait for me.'' I said with no feeling and closed the door.

I threw the keys on the couch and sat in front of Erica. "Erica?'' I tried once again. Her face was buried in her arms. "Get out.'' She said softly. "Erica I am going to ask you one last time and, " I'm not going I'm staying with Jacob forever now leave me a lone." Erica stopped me.

"Fine.'' I shot up. "You want to make this hard fine. I'm apologizing to you in advance." I opened the door and left.

The four were standing around in the hall. "Well?'' Lance asked worried. "We're coming back tonight.''

