
Lance walked down the steps of the Art museum at 11:30 p.m. He pulled out his cell phone vastly and pressed speed dial.

JC picked up his phone in a heartbeat. "Lance?'' JC asked. "He's working the night shift." Lance said plainly. "Meet back at "the" apartments." JC clicked off.

Lance sighed. "Hope this works." He stated and went to his car.


A black-tented Cadillac Escalade pulled into the River Stoat apartments parking area.

JC sighed for a quick second and thought about reconsidering this, but shook the feeling off just as fast. The car door swung open and the four jumped out.

It was pretty late and unless people who lived in the apartments had the security code to get into the building they were not able to get into the complex.

The security guards were no longer on shifts.

"Okay give me the code Joey.'' JC replied. "What code?'' Joey asked. "The code that will buzz us in. Give it to me." JC replied beginning to become annoyed. "Ah I don't have it.'' Joey looked at him sheepishly. JC calmed himself before he wanted to scream at his friend.

"Why don't you?'' JC stated. "I thought it was Chris's job.'' Joey said. "Why would we put that in the hands of Chris. That's a dumb idea.'' Lance replied. "Hey I'm right here!" Chris squeaked.

"Well Chris do you have them?'' Justin asked. "No I'm not responsible enough for that.'' Chris laughed. "Wait wait wait. I do have them. It was in my back pocket.'' Joey handed the piece of paper to JC. "Sorr- "Joey don't.'' JC interrupted Joey.

After that misshape nothing else went wrong. The four got through the door easily.

"What if they have us on tape while we're doing this?'' Lance thought in the elevator.

"It won't happen and if it does we'll just pay some people off. We're not doing anything wrong. Are we?'' Justin asked. "No we're protecting her. Now remember we get Erica, grab her stuff, and leave." Josh said plainly.

The steel doors opened and the group proceeded out to the known location.

JC prayed that Erica was sleep because if she wasn't things would most likely get ugly and he didn't want to go into drastic measures.

He took the copied apartment key from his pocket and slowly opened the door. It let out a small crick, which made the four jump slightly.

"Why are there no lights on?'' Chris asked loudly. "Shh!" the four replied.

"Well find one and try not to make any noise or break any thing.'' JC whispered as he closed the door.

Moments went by until, "Hey I thing I found it.'' Justin said proudly. He reached for the switch to only be smacked in the back suddenly. "Oh shit!" he cried and fell to the floor with a loud thump in pain.

The light was flicked on. "Oh my god!" Erica replied and got down on her knees to help Justin up. "You really slugged him.'' Chris grinned and Lance groaned as the four went over to Justin.

"You okay man?'' JC asked. "What in the fuck do you think? I just got hit in the back with a fucking baseball bat how in the fuck do you think I feel? Shitty!" Justin screamed.

"Was that steel or wood?'' Chris looked at Erica. "Oh my god Justin I am so sorry but I heard voices from the bedroom and well later on I heard your voice and god I'm sorry. I thought you were a burglar.'' Erica explained.

"It's okay I know you didn't do it on purpose.'' Justin replied and Erica helped him up. "I am so so sorry Justin is your back broke?'' Erica asked worried.

"I don't think so but I know I'm going to be feeling this in the morning.'' Justin sighed and arched his body.

"You sure your alright?'' Lance asked. "No but don't fuss over it.'' Justin replied.

"What are you guys doing here any way? Why in the hell are you breaking into my apartment at this late of night?'' Erica got back on focus.

All eyes went on JC. "Well we're here to get you.'' JC said simply. "For a late night snack I hope because I'm not staying with you JC." Erica replied. "Erica don't make this hard just go it's for the best.'' Justin stated.

"You guys have no right to be here it's late Jacob will be home soon and if, "He catches us here he'll freak out and put you in the hospital later. I know the story." JC interrupted her.

"No you don't now just go I don't want to talk about this any more my answer is no.'' Erica fought.

"Why can't you act like this when Jacob is around and stand up for yourself. This has gone on long enough and I'm not going to sit around and watch someone I love get thrown around like a rag doll. Now Erica I am going to ask you one more time will you come with me?'' JC protested.

"No.'' Erica said bluntly. "Fine have it your way." JC sighed. He started to reach in his pocket. The four knew what he was reaching for.

"Erica I'm sorry about this.'' Lance looked at her honestly before he held her tightly so she couldn't move but not so hard that it would hurt just to keep her put.

"Lance get off me let go!" she squeaked and squirmed.

"I'm sorry." JC replied and pulled out the cloth. He put the cloth soaked in Ether over Erica's mouth and nose and as she had tensed and moved her body before she was now left with a limp lifeless structure moments later. JC quickly stuffed the cloth back into his pocket. "You did the right thing it's better this way." Lance replied to his friend who seemed to be dazed and questioning his actions.

Lance checked her pulse. "She's breathing.'' Lance replied. "Ok.'' JC shook his head.

"You sure she's going to be alright?'' Chris asked. "Yeah she'll only be out for some hours.'' Justin stated.

"Well let's get her stuff and go.'' JC said.

Lance put Erica in Josh's arms and the three went into Erica's room to gather her things. JC picked her up and held her and just felt ashamed. Did he do the right thing? Do it truly come to this? Maybe Jacob just needed some talking to? No. He knew it was nothing like this. He might have been able to handle this in a different way but the situation still had to come to this.

She wasn't listening she was going to stay. She was in denial. He was scared for her life. What else was he supposed to do? He could have gone to the police. Why didn't he? Jacob's connections. Dam.

He knew she would resist him for a while when she came to. He knew she would want to get back to Jacob some how. But he couldn't let her do that. Over time she would understand so he hoped and maybe one day she could forgive him even love him. But now Erica and Jacob were threw no questions asked that was how it was going to be.

JC's grip on Erica tightened. (Not hurting her.) He held on to her more not for embracement but for more so security and safety as well as somewhat of peace.

"I'm never going to let him hurt you again. You'll see I'm right. I didn't want to be right but I am. This is crazy but it's for the best I'm doing this for you not for myself. You know that. I can't let you stay with someone who gets his high from abusing his girlfriend that certainly deserves better. I'll protect you now you don't need to be afraid any more. No one with hurt you again. I promise. I love you." JC whispered to her limp body that he continued to stare at.

"Okay we can go.'' Lance filed out of the room, as did the others with tones of things in their hands.

"Did you all pack everything?'' JC asked. "Yeah everything but the furniture and bed." Chris stated.

"Do you have all her artwork I know she'll want that.'' JC asked. "Yeah Justin has it.'' Lance answered. "Okay lets head out." JC stated calmly.

The four left the apartment and JC checked one last time to see if all business was in order. He turned off the lights and locked the door back.

The five left with no problems or distractions. "Everything's going to be alright from now on.'' Joey said.

JC shrugged. He knew it wasn't but for the moment things were okay. There was definitely more work a head.

JC's Apartment

Chris, Justin, Lance, and Joey helped bring all of Erica's belongings into the guest room and help get her situated. They wanted to stay to see Erica in the morning but JC said that they had done enough and going home was a good idea.

He showed his appreciation and than his friends left.

"Now what do I do?'' He asked a loud. "Make Erica's surrounding better?'' He suggested to himself. "Does she really want me going around in her things?'' He asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Can't matter much now since I'm ready all up in her life not much left to go around in. It might help some.'' JC said.

JC put her clothes and things in draws and in the closet, put her picture frames of family and friends around room, he hung back up some posters that she had up before, put her art work in her work area, added her make up and things into the bathroom, hooked her stereo up, arranged a cd case for her, and did anything else that might help her feel at home.

JC finally decided that he was done for the night after putting her suitcases and things in the closet he excited the room, until he got an idea.

"Okay Tiki momma's going to hopefully be glad to wake up and see you.'' JC replied and put a sleeping Tiki (Erica's puppy) by her side.

JC sat down on the bed and looked at her for a few seconds. The possibilities of tomorrow and what "if's" continued to roll through his mind. Still for the minute she looked so content. It seemed to him that she knew she was safe now. Somehow she felt in her dreams that everything was fine but JC thought logically and that wasn't possible.

JC soon felt anger well up inside him as he got sight of her black eye again.

"I don't care what you say or how you act or freak out. You can get angry, pissed, go insane, try to leave, rant, rave, but just don't hate me. I did this for you. I honestly did. Understand that I love you and want you to be respected and treated right. A woman like you who just needs to find her independence again shouldn't be in that type of enviroment. I don't care if you hate this arrangement. You can leave and go stay with your family or your other friends just as long as you're safe. Just please don't go back to Jacob ever." JC stated.

"Once again I apologize for all this but you don't know how important you are to me and how crazy I am about you. You don't know how angry I was when I first found out about what Jacob did to you. I want you to be taken care of any one would say the same thing. Don't think I'm stupid or just trying to take you away from your "happy relationship." It's not like that. Even your mother and I am sure of it would want you to leave Jacob if she knew the situation. And knowing you, you've most likely left your family out of this relationship. Jacobs doing. Any way (sigh) I just want you to know I'm sorry. I never wanted it to be like this or for you to be treated like this. Everything's going to be okay. It's not going to be perfect but if you realize how much I care for you love you than you'll know that I will always be here for you no matter what, and we can depend on each other. We can get through this. I love you Erica.'' JC bent down and kissed her forehead lightly.

He gently rubbed her face lovely and shook his head. "I could watch you forever." He groaned and rose up from the bed. "Night Erica night Tiki.'' He closed the door.

