
“Are you still thinking about that girl from the club?’’ Justin asked as the four band mates were up in JC’s hotel room and hanging out.

JC got out of his concentration.

“No.’’ he said.

“Liar!” Joey replied.

“Shut up Joey you don’t even know what happened.” JC replied

“Oh big deal! You act like what she said to you last night was really a diss? I mean she probably was dating that guy that you saw her with. So that’s why she thought it wasn’t a good idea.” Joey had a point.

“I think you gave up too easily. You should have tried to talk to her or dance with her at least. I mean who knows that might have been (air quotes) your dream girl. And you’ll never know because you gave in too early.” Lance said.

JC shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“You know Lance you really get on my nerves sometimes.’’ JC replied.

“Hey I’m telling the truth.’’ Lance smiled and JC agreed.

“Still I can’t stop thinking about the “what if’s.” JC stated.

“So you didn’t get a number or last name?’’ Justin asked.

“Nope all I know is that her name is Erica.” JC replied.

“Well if your that serious about her than go look her in the phone book or go back to the club maybe someone knows her there.” Justin suggested.

“There is probably about a million Erica’s in Orlando a lone.’’ JC thought.

“That’s on you. You’re the one that crapped out. So what are you going to do?’’ Joey stated.

JC thought for a second.

He didn’t want to go on this big goose chase and do it for nothing. He just hoped that the girl was all that she seemed to be or what he imagined for her to be. He didn’t know what he would do if this whole thing just blew up in his face. He thought she was worth it.

“I’ll see you guys later on tonight.’’ JC got up and grabbed his coat.

“Good luck.’’ Chris saluted him as he walked out of the room.

“Your nuts man.’’ JC smiled and left.

Five hours later.

JC was able to get a list Erica’s around the area and he had spent most of the day going place-to-place trying to find the right one. He hadn’t gotten a break yet and was almost going to give up until he had one last person on the list.

He had decided to stop thinking that all the Erica’s on his list were girls because some houses that he had visited where he found men by that name gave him a different view.

He was even more amazed when some of them tried to invite him in. He shook off that creepy feeling and got out off of his car.

He got into the River Stoat apartments. From what he saw so far it looked like a pretty nice place to stay. He found out that the Erica that stayed here was on the fifth floor apartment 516.

JC got on the elevators and pressed five.

I put the list in my pocket. If it was her I’m sure she wouldn’t want to see that. I mean I do owe her an explanation about how I found her.

The silver elevator doors opened and I stepped out.

“Let’s room 510.’’ I replied.

“Than it must be this way.’’ I said.

I walked my way down the narrow hallway and got to the last door on the floor.

“Room 516 resident hopefully the Erica Staten that I want to see.” I told myself.

I hesitated for some moments until I finally knocked on the door.

I heard some moving around in the room and finally the door opened.

I showed a small smile on the out side but on the inside I was exploding. This was my last stop and the day and it was the right one.

“Hi.” I replied.

She looked at me strangely for a second and tried to say something but stopped.

“I don’t want to get freaked out but how in the heck did you find out where I lived?’’ Erica looked at me.

“Nothing special just got a list of the Erica’s around the area that the guys and me were staying at.” I replied.

“And so basically all day you’ve been looking for me?’’ she asked.

Now it was hard to read her expression. I didn’t know weather she was angry or glad to see me.

“Yeah you’re my last stop of the day.” I smiled.

“Okay bye now.’’ Erica said and closed the door.

“What the?” I replied and knocked on her door.

She opened it vastly.

“Yes Mr. Chasez how may I help you?’’ she said annoyed.

“What’s up with you I went five hours of trying to find you and you close the door in my face?’’ I looked at her she was wearing some hip hugger jeans that were air brushed and a halter top that was baby blue. Her hair was up in a messy bun. She looked really adorable.

“Wouldn’t you be a little freaked out if you were me and I did that to you?’’ she asked.

“Well yeah but than considering the fact that you’re not some sort crazy fan and that you have some type of liking for me since you went to all this trouble I would be flatter.” I said honestly.

She giggled.

“I guess JC. I don’t even know you but since you went to all that trouble I can at least invite you in for a drink or something.’’ Erica opened the door wider and motioned him to come in.

“Thank you very much.’’ I grinned.

This was going better than I expected.

She had a very nice apartment it had a very country feel to it. It was the kind of place where if you ever came home down or just didn’t want to leave you could relax here perfectly. It was very cozy.

“Okay sit down JC I’ll grab you a drink what do you want?’’ She asked heading to her kitchen.

“Um we have Coke, Pepsi, Zima, Bud, Bud Light, orange juice, wine, milk, Mountain Dew, and no African American household is complete with out Kool- Aid.” She smiled.

I laughed lightly.

“Um since I’m driving my self home how about a Pepsi please.’’ I said.

“Okay and I’ll have a Coke. Hey um do you want something to eat. I’ve already eaten but I made some Chicken Parmesan do you want any?’’ She turned around and looked at me.

“That’s sound good thank you.’’ I replied.

“No prob Bob.” Erica replied and fixed a plate for me.

“So are you a good cook?’’ I asked.

“Ya I’m okay although I get all my skills from my mom. Now she is the queen of soul food.” Erica replied.

“Cool.’’ I said.

“Can I ask you something?’’ I asked.

“You actually already are but go a head.’’ Erica came back into the living room with my food and the drinks.

“Thank you.” She handed the plate to me with my Pepsi.

I placed the plate down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

“Um why did you diss m last night at the club?’’ I got serious.

She rolled her eyes.

“Okay what was that for?’’ I thought.

“Because you……….this isn’t a good idea. I mean I’m just not into dating guys like you.’’ Erica replied.

“Wait wait I don’t and I hope your trying to offend me but let me get this straight.

You don’t want to go out with me because I’m a musician or and I hope and praying that the other reason is not because I’m white.’’ I looked at her somewhat angry.

“I’m not trying to offend you but the truth is I’m not really into interracial dating. Nothing against you I just don’t like white guys.’’ Erica replied.

“And why don’t you think that’s offending to me?” My voice rose a little but not so much that I was yelling.

She suddenly started to crack up. This was really confusing to me.

“Erica I really don’t see what’s so funny.’’ I stated and starred at her hard.

“JC will you chill out I’m just kidding.” She laughed.

“Really?’’ I asked her questionable.

“Yes. I can’t go out with you because that guy you say me with well he’s my boyfriend. His name is Aaron.’’ She still continued to laugh.

“You had me scared there for a second.’’ I let out a relieved sigh.

“You should have seen your face!” She smiled.

“I’m open to all races when I’m not taken.’’ She said honestly.

“Okay. So how long have you and um Aaron been going out?’’ I asked as I started to eat my food.

“Well it’s been about a month now.” She thought.

That hurt I mean I’m glad I found her but now she’s taken that’s downer. Maybe he’s not right for her or something. I mean I like her a lot for some strange reason. She just has this glow about her. I like that I really like that. She just automatically makes you want to smile in no matter what mood your in. I need that type of person or oral around me.

“So how long are you guys in Orlando for or is the tour over?’’ Erica asked.

“Nope we’re going over sea’s for a month and than we’ll be done. But we leave Florida tomorrow.” I explained.

It was silent for some seconds.

“Don’t think I’m weird or anything but do you believe in soul mates?’’ I asked and looked up at her.

She sat back on the white couch and thought for a second.

“Yeah I guess I do. I also believe in love in first sight. Don’t think I’m being a little silly but to tell you the truth I don’t think Aaron and me are going to be together forever. I mean yeah we’re going to be dating for a little while and he’ll be my boyfriend but I know deep inside that he’s not the one and not my soul mate. He’s just a bump a long the road of my journey.” She giggled after her last sentence.

“That was corny.’’ She replied.

“No it wasn’t I agree with you.’’ I stated.

“I do believe in soul mates but I don’t believe in love in first sight.’’ I explained.

“Oh well looks like I’ll have to walk by you again than.’’ Erica played.

I shook my head and half smiled.

“No but seriously JC. When you really think about it they both are really the same thing or at least mean the same thing. I mean a soul mate is the person who is perfect for you in every way and was meant to be with you since forever and when it comes to love at first sight your feeling all the emotions at the same time basically.’’ Erica stated.

“Ok I can understand where you’re coming from.” I stated.

Three hours later……

“So your out of college right now since the summer just started?’’ JC asked.

“Yep.’’ She nodded.

“Your pretty far away from your college.’’ JC stated.

“But it’s worth going all the way to San Francisco for the right art school. I mean I getting the education in “the arts” that I’ve always wanted.” Erica stated.

“So your only here for the summer?’’ he asked.

“Yeah and than I say goodbye to all the fam and go back to school.’’ Erica replied.

“Maybe you could show me some of your art work sometime.’’ JC looked at her.

“I know you went through all this trouble today and it was very charming and overwhelming but I and you probably are thinking what I’m thinking, but JC can you honestly say that you think we’re going to keep in contact. I know your not. You’ll probably forget about me in a week or so.’’ Erica stated.

“No I won’t trust me I care enough about you not to. I know I’m busy but I know that it’s not impossible to reach me. If I want to see you or talk to you bad enough trust me I can and will make time.’’ JC protested.

She really didn’t look like she believed me.

“Whatever you say JC. If you want to give me a call (sigh)…..than go a head.” Erica wrote down her number and handed it to me.

She looked down at her watch.

“Well JC you need to go cause I have a date with Aaron to go to.’’ Erica got up.

“Okay.’’ JC replied.

“I didn’t have a really good time talking with you. It was really charming what you did today a little creepy but charming. I’m glad you found me.’’ Erica looked me in my eyes.

“Thank you I had a good time too. Thanks for the meal. And I do plan to call you.” JC said honestly as he walked toward the door.

“Whatever floats your boat.” She threw her hands up.

“Well goodbye for now.’’ He extended my hand.

“Goodbye JC.” Erica shook it and surprisingly gave JC a quick peck on the cheek.

He heard the door close as he excited and smiled.

“I think I found her.’’ He whispered.

