
JC slid his card key through his hotel room and went in. It was nighttime and the whole room was dark.

He jumped when the lights suddenly came on.

“For goodness sake you guys scared the crap out of me.’’ JC took a deep breath.

His four friends we’re all sitting down in different areas of his room and starring at him with stern faces.

“Ok what’s wrong with all of you?’’ JC put his coat.

Chris let out a small chuckle.

“JC, JC, JC.” Chris shook his head.

Justin coughed.

“Do you have any idea how late it is young man?” Justin said as he pointed to his watch.

“No.’’ JC played a long.

“We’ve been worried sick about you!!!!!!! We thought you could have been kidnapped, raped, or worse dead.” Lance replied in a motherly voice.

“I was just over Erica’s place for four hours.’’ JC replied.

“THAT’S IT I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR MOUTH YOUR GROUNDED YOUNG MAN!!!” Chris jumped up out of his chair.

“You guys are nuts.’’ JC laughed.

“It’s just the crack…..but any ways you found her?’’ Justin asked.

“Yeah took five hours but it was worth it.’’ JC closed his door.

“So does she have a boyfriend?’’ Lance asked.

“Well yeah his names Aaron, they’ve been together for a month, and that was the guy I saw her with at the club.’’ JC explained.

“Feels good to be right.’’ Joey replied.

“Whatever Joey.’’ JC rolled his eyes

“So what did you two do for four hours?’’ Joey looked at JC curiously.

“Joey I would never do that with a girl that I just met. You’re the freak in the group not me. Any ways we just talked she told me about herself and vice versa.’’ JC stated.

“You gonna keep in contact with her?’’ Chris asked.

Germany Sound Check

“Yo JC we’re gonna start sound check in about ten minutes.” Justin jumped on stage with his mic.

I was sitting on the edge of the stage debating a very important issue.

“For goodness JC use the force!!!! Call the woman.” Chris jumped on his back.


“Chill out man just call her.’’ Chris sat beside him.

“It’s been a week she probably thinks I’ll never call and knowing her she probably doesn’t care.” JC looked at his phone. His cell had her number on speed dial.

“Gimme that thing!” Chris snatched it out of JC’s hands.

“Chris!” JC yelled.

Chris jumped up and run half way across the stage.

“It’s ringing.’’ Chris smiled as he watched JC come toward him.

“Your dead man.’’ JC groaned.

“Hello is ah Erica there?’’ Chris asked.

“This is her who is this?’’ Erica said surprised.

“Just a very good friend of Chasez. I’m doing him a favor since he’s too scared to call you. A lot of his fellow friends are getting pretty sick of him talking about you so I just decided to take this matter into my own hands. ” Chris gave JC a thumbs up.

JC just sighed.

“Okay well thank you Chris but could I please talk to JC?’’ Erica giggled.

“In time sure but um (Erica laughs) I just have one question for you what do see in JC? I mean he really is very boring and he talks too match. Hey did you know he sleeps with stuffed animals?’’ Chris grinned as he watched JC get madder and madder.

“No.” Erica replied and laughed.

“Well he does and you know he is just obsessed with-"

“Give me the phone dammit!” JC interrupted him and snatched it up.

“Chris you’d better run cause I’m gone kick your ass as soon as I’m done on this phone. You just wait old man.” JC threatened.

Chris pretended to be offended and put his hand on his chest.

“Is that a threat?’’ Chris looked shocked.

“It’s a promise! Now go away!!!” JC replied some what angry.

“Hey I just did you favor!” Chris stuck his tongue out and walked off.

JC sighed as he heard Erica crack up on the phone.

“Erica he’s not funny.’’ JC said seriously.

“Sweetie lighten up. So what took you so long I’ve been waiting for your call?’’ Erica giggled.

“Sweetie? Hmmm?’’ JC smiled.

“Well I thought you said that I was going to forget about you?’’ JC replied as his mood picked up.

“I know but something told me not to have so little faith in you so I guess I’ve been looking forward to our next conversation.’’ Erica stated.

“Well it can’t be long cause sound check is going to start soon. I could have talked to you longer but Chris took so dam long.’’ JC sighed.

“It’s no big deal I can call you after the concerts over.’’ Erica stated.

“Ok that would be good.’’ JC stated.

Their was a long silence

“Hey Erica?’’ JC replied.

“Yeah?’’ she said.

“If I happened to send you something would possibly except it?’’ JC started to ponder.

“Well…….it really depends on what you plan to send me. Are you sending me something?’’ Erica asked.

“It was just an idea. I don’t know.” JC chickened out.

“JC time to go. Come on we gotta do sound check.’’ Justin said next to him.

JC nodded.

“Ah Erica as much as I hate to go um I need to go do sound check.’’ JC replied.

“Okay well I’ll talk to you later.” Erica replied.

“Bye.” JC clicked off.

Please JC tell me how you can miss some one so much and you have only seen them twice? And another thing why is it that even when I’m on the phone with this girl my heart starts beating fast and I get nervous? I mean I guess I know some about her but not a lot …..well I know more about her than she does about me. I’m really pathetic this whole thought process is just pathetic.

Orlando Florida three weeks later River Stoat Apartments

Erica popped down the stairs of her apartment building it was probably around twelve.

She went to her mailbox and found an American express envelope and nothing else there.

“Hmmm.’’ She thought

It was addressed to her but had no sender on it.

She jogged back upstairs to her apartment.

As she opened the door she start to tear the envelope.

She pulled a concert ticket and a plane ticket out.

“What is up?’’ She replied as she went to sit on her couch.

Erica thought there was nothing else in the package until she found a letter and a pass.

A smile slowly appeared on her face.

“I should have known. Chasez you sweetie!” She squeaked. Dear Erica,

I hope your well and that things with you and Aaron are fine. (no he doesn’t) Okay let just get to the point of why I’m writing you before I bore you to death.

Talking to you on the phone isn’t as satisfying as I hoped it would be but I am sending you an offer. You don’t have to take it but you can and if you do you would really make me happy. Anyways on June 4th the Pop Odyssey tour will be in London, England. N’sync will be performing their. The plane ticket is round trip so no worries; you’ll find a front row ticket for yourself, and a backstage pass. Don’t think that I’m crazy for doing this but the truth is that I really want to see you and so do the guys. You can say that I’ve got problems but I really miss you. I hardly know you!!! I KNOW I KNOW!!! Anyways it’s your decision no pressure. It would just be really nice to see you.

Hope to see you soon,

JC Chasez

Erica just couldn’t stop smiling after that. No guy that she had ever met had every done this for her. She also didn’t know any other musicians who were male and her friends besides JC.

“So what should I do?’’ Erica stated out loud.

