
I had finished up in the shower. Chris gave me a shirt to borrow until we could go shopping for some clothes. I was still wearing my jeans. They weren't too bad, only a little blood on them.

All six of us were sitting around the kitchen table eating our lunch. I wasn't really eating much. I had too much on my mind. I was still depressed about my family being gone. I just couldn't believe that I was the only one left. I was also troubled about the orphanage cuz I know they won't keep me here long. I heard my name being called, so I turn to see who it is. It's Justin.

"Are you okay?"

"Ya, I'm fine." I replied.

"You sure? You spaced out there for a little." Lance commented.

"Yes, I just have a lot on my mind." I said. I wish they would just leave me alone because I wasn't in the mood for their pity and concern.

"I was wondering…" Jc started.

"Ya." I said slightly annoyed.

"Would you like to be my daughter?"

"Really?" I said as my eyes lit up.

"Ya, if that's what you want." Jc replied.

"Yes!" I said happily as I jumped up to hug him. He embraced me with so much love that I was overjoyed.

"Thank you, thank you!" I said.

"We have to go to the orphanage so it can be legalized." Joey said.

"When?" I asked anxious to get this over and done with.

"How about now?" Lance suggested. "We don't have anything to do today."

"Ya, that sounds good. Then afterwards we can buy you some new clothes." Jc said.

"Well let's go then." Joey said

"I get shot-gun!" Chris shouted as we walked out the door.

I was really fidgety while the guys were talking to the lady. I had Justin's hand in my own to help ease my nerves a little.
"Well Mr. Chasez, I don't see a problem with you adopting her. You all seem very responsible and nice but you do understand that a social worker will have to stay with you for 2 weeks. So she can determine whether or not you are a good parent." She said.

"Yes, I do and I guarantee that nothing will go wrong." Jc said hoping this meeting was coming to a close. He was tired of being there.

"Alright, I will see you in 2 weeks then. Ta ta."

"Man, that lad can really talk." Chris said once we were outside the building.

"Ya we were in there for 2 hours." Justin complained.

"We ready to go to the mall?" Lance asked.

"Ya, we better before it get too late." Jc said. We all piled into the car heading toward the mall with Chris and Justin fighting the whole time.

