
On the way home from the mall, we drove by my house and saw a bunch of cop cars. We decided to see what was going on. We stepped out of the car and the police came up to us. Oh no, this isn’t good I thought.

“Who are you? Do you know a crime was committed here and you must stay back from this house?” The fat cop asked somewhat irritated.

“Ya, she came from that house and saw the whole thing happen.” Justin stated to the cop.

“Oh, really? Well miss, please tell me what happened.” The cop asked nicely. I couldn’t believe how fast his attitude had changed. First he was trying to get us to leave and now he wanted us to stay just so I could make his life easier. I told him everything that happened. But that wasn’t enough cuz he was still asking questions. Jc looked like he wanted to leave but didn’t say anything. No one did cuz they thought I should answer all his questions. I was ready to leave and I glared at Chris.

Chris had saw my glare, cleared his throat and said, “I think we better leave. It’s getting late.”

I couldn’t believe he said that. Chris my savor! The cop let us leave while promising to call as soon as he heard anything at all.

Once in the car I said, “Thank you, thank you, Chris.”

“No prob, next time just tap me or something. You looked mean when you glare.”

“I’m sorry I just couldn’t stand anymore questions and none of you would help.”

“That’s cuz we thought it would be best for you to answer their questions.” Joey said.

“Ya and have an emotional breakdown from him asking questions that I didn’t even know!” I shouted, not purposely and I think they all knew that cuz Chris changed the subject something about Janet Jackson in the paper. I got lost in my thoughts the rest of the way home.

I got some really nice clothes that matched my personality. I didn’t get too much cuz I didn’t want them to spend a lot of money on me. I also got some cds to listen to. The guys did some shopping too. We got home about 2 hours ago. The guys are down stairs watching some movie. I was suppose to watch it too but I said that I just wanted to get to bed since it was a long day. So here I am, listening to my new cds waiting to fall asleep. Which is impossible cuz I am thinking of tomorrow and how the social worker is suppose to come.

“I wonder what she’s like?” I said to myself. As I finally drifted off to sleep while “Good-bye to you,” is playing in the background.

Ding Dong

“Would somebody get the door!” Justin mumbled from his sleep. Lucky for him Lance was up and got to the door before he had to get out of bed to get it.

“Hello.” Lance said.

“Hi, I am Mrs. Sheid. I’m the social worker…” She said poiletly.

“I’m Lance Bass. Won’t you come in please? Here let me take your bags.” Lance said.

“You the only one up?” She asked curiously. She could of swore that she heard that there was more than one person living here.

“Ya, the rest of the people here aren’t morning ones.” Lance said. Just as he said that I came down stairs. All eyes were on me as I reached the last step. I began to sweat.

“Mrs. Sheid this is Jasmine, the girl Jc wants to adopt.” Lance introduced.

“Hi, how do you do?” She said politely.

“Good, thank you.” I said.

We got to talking in the kitchen. She wanted to know the basics where am I from, what happened to my parents, etc. When I finished answering her questions I looked around the table where everyone sat. Jc, Justin, Joey, and Chris came down while I was talking to her.

“I’ll be perfectly honest with yins. I don’t think you guys are up for the challenge of raising a teenager.” She said.

“We can handle it and she means so much to us. We want to make sure she has a good life.” Jc said.

“Ok, I was just checking if you would defend yourselves.” She said.

We all went into the living room and she followed to observe us. We decided to take turns playing video games. I would look behind myself every once in awhile and see her writing something down. We played until there was just Chris, Joey, and I.

Lance was doing Freelance stuff. He is really into his work. He told us not to disturb him till he was done unless it was really important. So you could tell that he was serious about getting his work done.

Jc and Justin decided to go clubbing. After a couple more hours of playing and me beating both of them, we decided to call it quits. Just after we got off Jc came in with a drunk Justin. Justin’s eyes were all blood shot and puffy. He was swaying back and forth. I thought this was kind of amusing, I had never seen anyone drunk before.

Lance came in when he heard the door slam and Justin swearing and sighed a sigh that said ‘we wont make it through this alive.’

“Did Curly have too much to drink?” Chris asked jokingly.

“Ya, look Mrs. Sheid we are really sorry about this we didn’t plan this on happening.” Jc said apologetically. She nodded but was writing yet again on that piece of paper. I am getting scared if she will let them adopt me or not.

