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disclaimer: none of the authors on this page claim to own Yu-Gi-Oh or any characters relating to them that ever existed.

Chibi Yamis! Laura rating: PG incomplete
Not Yaoi! It's a story where a few yamis mysteriously get turned into Chibis. Will they ever get turned back?
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Whenever, Wherever Raven rating: PG-13 complete
Yet another short song fic about Mai/Jou!! ^.^ As you can tell I love the couple.
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You're So Complicated Raven rating: PG-13 complete
A short Mai/Joey song fanfic about the song by Avril. - Jou start to change to impress a girl, but Mai shows him he is fine just the way he is.
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What We Fight For Raven rating: PG complete
A little Mai/Jou story about what they fight for.
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