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  1. Social Responsibility:

  2. Business Ethics:

  3. Corporate Responsiveness:

  4. Whistleblowers:

  5. Proactive Response:

  6. Reactive Response:

  7. Boundary&-Spanning Role:


Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management

Social Responsibility:

Refers to an organization's obligation to conduct business in such a way as to safeguard the welfare of society while pursuing its own interests.

Business Ethics:

The concept of moral right and wrong as applied to business enterprises, executive policies, and behavior.

Corporate Responsiveness:

Public perception of how a company reacts to protect the public interest or how it resolves questionable practices, not what the company does in absolute terms.


Employees who in an act of conscience go against their employers to publicly reveal unethical behavior.

Proactive Response:

A self&-initiated action by a company to resolve, or protect against, unethical behavior.

Reactive Response:

A forced action by a company to resolve problems or unethical behavior that is brought about by external pressure groups or government intervention.

Boundary&-Spanning Role:

A managerial responsibility created by proximity to external constituents to link those constituents' interests to the company's interests through effective communications.