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Band... what can I say? It was a huge part of my secondary life... We even used to say something like, "Band, die die must go. Sick also must go. Never go school also must come for band..." Haha. Sounds strict? What with greeting seniors... punishing juniors... it was strict, but not overly. But the best friends I made were all from band, and they remain my friends to this day...


My clarinet section in the MEP room. I'm standing next to Mr Miwa, the tutor they flew from Japan to coach us before every major competition...


My beloved (?) juniors... The whole section is pigging out at A&W after Sports Day '98. See the cheeky one with her tongue out? Insolence, Kelly? Drop 10! ...haha... But hey, I did do a fair share of scolding as a senior or ma'am... I can be fierce you know... Hey, really!


Some of my seniors working hard to provide food for the ravenous section. Clarinetist have a long standing reputation as the biggest section in the whole band! In my last year there were thirty, so u can imagine what it's like trying to feed us during Band Camp BBQ...












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