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Junior College

JC days... Mostly a blur of assignments owed, lectures skipped, tutorials dozed thru... But I did meet some wonderful people! Here they are in Daa Hall of (3 second) Fame...


First 3 months - hence the uniforms. From top left, Faizah (whom I've known for 13 years now!!) Halimatul, Suhaila, then Suhainis and me with our sweetest  smilez :)


Three of my closest friends in TPJC. From left, Esther, Faith (in Sydney University now), and Surin. Both Esther n Rin are in NUS Arts now, and I've no idea why they're making faces at each other (and me...)


We're having a farewell dinner for Faith before she goes Australia. This is someplace in Chijmes, i remember the brownie with ice cream was really sinful...

Caught in the act! Esther breaking into a locker... her own, actually... :)



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