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Eeek! Where?? Haha... Kachuas to me, are not the horrid flat brown insects in the kitchen, but my gang! Why we're named after cockroaches is and will always be a mystery to me but... We go way back, from young twerps (sorry gals) in Sec 1 to the (ahem) mature young adults we are now. And we're still good pals, and that's really something to be proud of! Right, girls? :)


One last shot after a tiring day, with the last band practice and a b'dae celebration. From left, Maddie, How Wing (yes, the b'dae gal, look at her grin), Sanghua, Zhen Lin (a.k.a Short Legged Kachua), lil' ol' me (with a sweet or something in my cheek, er mouth) and at the back (cos she's the tallest, as she so loves reminding us) is Linda, a.k.a Long Legged Kachua.


Close up of the chio bus pls... :) In case you didn't catch it, from left, we are - How Wing, Kachua Zhen Lin, Monkey Me, Maddie, and slightly behind, Linda the tall. We've actually stripped...!!...from our 10-piece uniform (oh yes, TEN) down to 3-blouse, skirt and collar pin.


Birthday gal and Sanghua, who was missing from the last photo... (thank me, wing, ur gettin more than ur alloted 3 secs of fame...)


"It don matter if you're black or white..." Racial Harmony Day in TK calls for dress up, so I lent Maddie my baju kurung and ended up wearing... my dad's baju melayu... So Maddie and me can pass for Malay parents here... :p (Note: If u look at the background, u can see the reflection of our circular block, we're actually perched in front of the language room's window.)


"Eh, what u doing with my flower ah..." Lin looks doubtfully on as Zhen Lin compares the blooms


Ah, here I prove my point! The girls u saw earlier have become pretty(pun intended) mature young gals... oh don stare at the puppy, it was a mistake, ok? We're at Lin's place CNY visiting, her dad shot this with studio equipment, so we do look good even if I say so myself...


At the piano is Maddie, and on top of her is Cookie... Any questions about her piano skills?



Whee! At Zhen Lin's house, which is a kind of headquarters, we do the craziest stuff... like going bumpity-bump down the stairs at top speed...



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