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Most of us will remember our primary school days with fondness; I do. I more or less dreamt my way thru it, but here are some of my oldest friends...



Me & Nuraini, affectionately called Nani. We lost contact thru sec sch but by some miracle ended up in the same JC class!



Our gang-The six malay girls in 6/1...Top left: Nani, Hafiza, Amidah, Faizah. Bottom left: Me, Rosalia. I still see my p-sch mates around, especially those who live around the neighbourhood still. It's interesting to see the different paths we all took...

Rosalia and Sarina. Notice any resemblance? They're related...It's very interesting cos though they're the same age, they're actually aunt and niece! Rosa's the niece and Sarina the aunt, and i see them around quite often - usually in our feeder bus.

Faizah was fooling around with her bro's songkok but i caught it on film... in the backgound u can see the opposite block of flats, they repainted it blue but otherwise my area is still the same as ten years ago...And Faizah lives directly below me, six floors down...

This is Ida, and i think she's really my oldest friend... Our moms were best friends so i guess we were friends from babies. She used to stay in my block too but has since moved, kinda lost contact...

Tini Kartini, my classmate in religious school. I've long lost contact with her too, she used to go Hai Sing High School.


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