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                 To me, the best memories are from TK. It's where I grew into the person I am,

                    and it's the school I identify myself most with, especially the band. As they say,

once a TKgian, always a TKgian... Go TK, and TKGSSB!!




                 Sec 1/5 at the classroom block. You don't see me? That's cos I'm not around... ponteng maybe... =)



                 Here's Faizah on one of our many class outings. She's at the door of a Chinese temple Chinatown.  FM Mrs Manmohan was so sporting that she'd bring us to places we studied for English. So when we did a topic on snakes she arranged for us to go to the zoo... then Little India... and Chinatown... even Katong Antique House...



                    Another two of my close friends... Fiza and Liana in our room at NACLI, leadership camp



                    Diyana shared the room too... I was in the same class with her from Sec 1 till Sec 4...



                      Look at the shrine... no, it's a mosque in Little India. Architecture was Indian influenced.



                    At a bubble tea house in Chinatown, back when bubble tea came in china, not plastic cups...

                   From left, Serene, Sijin, Kim, Sanghua, (bottom) Mrs Manmohan and daughter, Lynette,   

              Chin Jin and Madelaine.



                            Class picnic at East Coast. FM Mr Adrian Lim in the right background.



                     Cheering competition, NACLI camp. My group made me snort like a pig! & we came in 2nd!



                            Racial Harmony Day, me and my 'biao jie'... Zifen's in Sydney Uni now.


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