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The whole idea about location is the ability to fish a known area for pike on a given day and catch..
I could sit on the bank anywhere,fish all day without a take and make up some excuse to myself why I didn't catch.But with a bit of homework and a bit of luck with the weather you can catch on single days from the off. unfortunately fishing isn't usually that straightforward as many variables effect a days sport.The weather can turn any day on its head at the best of times,the levels are no exception.Being so flat it's usually pretty windy at all times of the year.One good point is you can see any rain clouds coming from the south-west long before you feel any spots of rain!
Pike though will generally take a fish bait if they are in the locality,again this depends on so much.We have found drain pike often adhere to short feeding spells lasting no more than a couple of hours,this can mean an early start so as not to miss any action at first light.


Fishing to features is the mainstay of alot of piking.Somerset levels fishing differs slightly in that for the most part you'll be looking at mile after mile of featureless bankside.Don't get me wrong the features are there,sluice-gates, cut-offs,large bays,bridge supports,side drains, anywhere in fact thats attractive to roach, rudd and bream(the pikes main food source) will also be attractive to the pike that hunt them.

If this was a mile from the road this would be a major hotspot,only this sluice is at Greylake on the Kings Sedgemoor drain,has its own carpark and gets totally overfished.


Fishing with plugs and spinners is not popular in England.I've never quite understood why.Its a great way to find pike of all sizes,we tend to use it as a location system as we can cover very long streches of drain is short sessions.What we are hoping to find are congregations of small pike(jacks)these are the places to try a different approach.