SMB Source Code Site
Visual Basic Library
In the Visual Basic Library, you will find everything I've used in my VB programs. You will find some sample programs and some modules with useful functions. I have a pretty good knowledge of Visual Basic, I've been programming with it for about four years now. Before you download any files, please read the disclaimer and my agreement on the main page.
- SMB Visual Basic Function Library ( This zip file contains the module with all my functions I've written in VB. Functions include: disabling Ctrl+Alt+Del, finding the Windows directory, getting the long date format, removing letters from a string, shutting down Windows, restarting the computer, adding a file to the registry, closing windows/programs, making a form on top of other windows, and many more. REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- System Log 1.2 ( This zip file contains the source code to System Log (version 1.2). This program keeps track of when the computer is used. It works by being placed in the registry to start up every time Windows is loaded. This program also demonstrates how to place an icon in the System Tray (lower right corner with icons & clock). A text file is included with more information. REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- Task Agent 1.0 ( This zip file contains the source code to Task Agent (version 1.0). Task Agent is a simple program that will perform a task at a time given by the user. It can Shut Down the computer, Restart, Log Off user, or Close All open applications. The code is fairly simple and should be easy to follow. REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- Password Generator ( This zip file contains the source code for Password Generator. The program will generate random passwords consisting of characters, numbers, or both. The purpose is to illustrate the use of finding a random number and then using that to create a random letter. REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- Mouse Simulator 1.0 ( This zip file contains the source code for Mouse Simulator 1.0. Mouse Simulator is a program that will 'simulate' the mouse, it will left click, right click, etc. anywhere on the screen. The user can select the actions to perform and then do them for a certain amount of time, for example the user can use the program to open notepad one hundred times. The user can also save the actions and reuse the same sequence over and over. REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- Quick Edit 1.0 ( This zip file contains the source code for Quick Edit 1.0. Quick Edit is a simple text editor, but is probably the biggest project on this page. It features an MDI (Multiple-Document Interface) and illustrates how to use one and program one easily. I designed it to replace Notepad, it loads quickly and the biggest difference between Notepad and QuickEdit is the MDI. QuickEdit also has neat little features that allow the user to replace/find strings within a document, insert a text file, reverse a string, insert time/date, count occurences of a string within a document, create projects that will open many files by opening just one project file, html toolbar to insert variuos html commands, and ability to open system files with two clicks. It's pretty useful, I use it more often than Notepad now (I don't know why, but I always find myself using low-end text editors, I hate using MS Word, it takes too long to load, QuickEdit loads almost as fast as Notepad, but is MUCH more versatile than Notepad.) REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- Electronic Metronome ( This zip file contains the source code for SMB Metronome. I created a metronome because I play guitar and my teacher told me get a metronome, instead I just created a program. It works pretty well, it is not visual however, it only has wav files play each click. REQUIRES: VB4 32-bit or higher.
- VT Front End ( This is a utility i created for the game Tribes. It is a visual front end for compressing multiple files using vt.exe. It creates .vol files (the zip-like files that Tribes uses for graphics, sound, etc). This program doesn't do the actual compressing, it uses a command line program "vt.exe". I did not write the vt.exe program.
- Mocha ( This is a java source code editor. It's exactly the same as QuickEdit, but different icons and a new feature: it can compile and run code directly from the program. (you'll still need the jdk of course!).
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