In order to join your secret club tell a friend that they have to kiss the mystical book 3 times while blindfolded. If they agree to join, blindfold them, let them kiss the book twice before you swap it for a plate of flower (which you just happen to have near by).
Blow up a balloon, don't tie it but keep tight hold of the end. Then carefully trap the end of the balloon between a door and a door frame. Hide and wait for an unsuspecting person to open the door. As they do the balloon will wiz off giving them a fright
Tell your friends that you will perform an incredible feat. Line up three chairs together, eyeing them carefully to make sure that they are exactly right. Now while still eyeing up the chairs say: "I'll just take my shoes off before I jump over them" - which you proceed to do. That is, take your shoes off and jump over them (not the chairs).
Bet your friends that they can't answer four questions wrongly. First ask them three easy ones such as: "How old are you? What's your name? Where do you live?"
If they give three wrong answers, pause, look a bit puzzled and say " That's three questions I've asked, isn't it?"
Your friends should immediately say "Yes" and so they have answered the fourth question correctly and lose the bet.
Bet your friends that they can't jump fully over a small object. For example get a hat and say "I Bet None Of You Can Jump Fully Over This Hat", Of Course they will think your bonkers and agree. The walk over to the corner of the room and place the hat exactly in the corner. Lets see them jump Fully over that.