More Then That

“Hey, Fatima!” Nick called walking towards the side studio. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure,” She jogged over towards him. “What about?”

“Carla.” Was the only word he said.

“What about Carla?”

“Could you replace her? She’s not treating Anne.....”

“I heard my name! What are we talking about?” I questioned

“Carla.” Fatima said as her anger started to rise. “Everything is your fault, Anne Johnson! Everything! Do you think you own Nick! That he will do anything you want him to do?”

“What!? Getting rid of Carla is not just for me! Nick is also getting tired of her advances on him!” I shouted.

“Advances! My gosh! She wouldn’t....”

“Excuse me! She was at mine and Nick’s house when I got there. I found that Nick had locked her bedroom door to keep her away.”

“Fatima, Anne.” Nick quietly commented. “Could we solve this calmly like two adults?”

“I’m not an adult and I can solve this by yelling if I want! I am only 17 years old!” I harshly replied. I was boiling mad, which is very rare for me. I would rather cry then yell, but once I got started it’s hard to stop.

“Ookay.” Nick sighed throwing up his hands. Looking around he found a magazine. Quickly he started to read as he stood in the doorway, listening to our argument.

“Why is everything centered around you?” Fatima accused.

“It’s not! Just me and Nick are centered around each other. It it happens to affect others...I’m sorry..too bad!”

“Is that your girlfriend in there, Nick?” Howie called from in the other room.


“Man! I’ve never seen her this mad.” Brian exclaimed.

“Neither have I.” Nick agreed. “Wait, yes I have once. Boy did I hate it!”

“I won’t get rid of Carla. She’s one of our best dancers. You just gotta learn to deal with her! Too bad!” Fatima finished.

“Fine then. Don’t blame me if your whole tour goes up in flames! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!!” I shouted grabbing Nick’s hand and dragging him outside with me. “I can’t believe her! She is so stubborn and inconsiderate!” I quickly told Nick pacing up and down in front of him. “How rude could she get?! Saying I’m selfish and don’t even know the girl! The nerve!”

“Anne!” Nick interrupted grabbing my hands.

“What!?” I hollered looking up at his eyes. He leaned on his car and his eyes looked as calm and loving and beautiful as always.

“Don’t worry about it! You’ll survive. I know you will.” he soothed pulling me in his arms. I leaned against him as he rested his chin on my head.

“I sure hope you’re right. Wait! You’re always right!” I teased.

“Of course! Why shouldn’t I be?” His eyes twinkled with laughter as he told me.


“Hey Nick!” I called the day before I had to leave. I was sitting on the couch that evening looking through the CD booklet to Black and Blue.

“Yeah?” he replied sitting down beside me.

“What’s up with this? You guys aren’t even on the front!”

“In a way we are.” He explained showing me how to get the shadows.

“Oh!” I opened it up to the first picture. “Ugh! Who’s the blonde? He looks terrible. Especially in black. My gosh!” I saw Nick’s look of protest. I flipped another page and saw Brian. “Aww! He’s so cute!” I squealed flipping and page. “Yuck!” I turned the page quickly after seeing Nick’s picture. I glanced at the other three guy’s pictures, then returned to Nick’s to insult him some more. “They all look so good...but this one! What’s up with the necklace. The braided hair! No, it has to go! Is this some kind of gang sign? Is he talking to a dog in this one?!”

“Anne!” Nick pleaded.

“Hold on! I’m not done insulting you” I whined, but his lips closed over mine.

“How about you compliment me, instead of insulting me?” He whispered pressing his lips hard against mine. The booklet fell from my hand as Nick pushed me against the end of the couch. He fingers traced the skin on my stomach and back an he started to kiss me harder and every now and then, french me.

My body started to sweat from the excitement as everything else in the world no longer existed. Slowly I sunk down to where I was laying on the couch. Nick’s kisses only got harder with more love showing through. My heart was racing.

I noticed that Nick was respecting the lines I had drawn on how far I would go.

“Nick, I know you are on you own, but couldn’t you wait till Aaron wasn’t around here with you?” Mrs. Carted complained.

Nick reluctantly pulled himself away. My jaw literally dropped. What a great way to meet my boyfriend’s mother! I stood up beside Nick.

We both looked terrible. Our clothes and hair were all messed up. I’m sure we had red marks on our neck.

“Hi! Mrs. Carter....I’m Anne.” I meekly said.

“So you’re the girl that has completely captured my son’s heart! I can see why! You certainly are a beauty!” She smiled. I could tell she meant it.

“Where’s...” Nick started.

“They weren’t at the beach!”Angel BJ and Leslie explained running in the back door. I was so thankful they hadn’t seen us.

“Hey, AC! Mom’s here!” Nick called.

“Okay. I’m ready to go!” He replied lugging his suitcases down the stairs.

After just a few quick minutes they loaded back up in the car and left. Not before Nick got a lecture on many different topics. I’m sure I was one of them. She probably thought that me and Nick were pretty romantically involved from our first meeting. It made me sick to think of what she thought of me.

“That went well.” Nick mumbled as he pulled me in his arms that night as we lay in bed.

“Oh yeah! Great!” I sighed as he kissed me once before we fell asleep.

Chapter Twelve

My Stories
