My Stories

Hey everyone! This is my page for my stories! I hope that you like them! I've worked hard and would love to get fee-back from you on them! I'll try and get them up soon! So far I only have a short story up and ready for you to read. I'll have another story up and going for you soon! Promise! Please send me feed-back! E-mail me here with your thoughts and comments. Good or bad! I would like to hear them! Love ya!Laura<><
About Me!

Short Stories

The Heart Doesn't Lie
FINISHED: Which tells the truth? The heart or mind? Samantha is about to find out as she goes through a tangled time of confusion.
Rated: G

One Time
FINISHED: One day at a local theme park, Katie meets a guy..and deep in her heart wishes it would change her life. But if winds up being the other way around!

Chapter Books

In the Twinkling of an Eye
FINISHED: Leslie Smith is a new fresh single artist in the pop world with a quick leap into the spotlight at a young age. She lands herself an opening act with an awesome group known as the Backstreet Boys. More comes out of this job this just more fame..and then things continue go where no one, especially herself, thought they would.
Rated: G

True Love Waits
FINISHED: Nicky, a beautiful girl that just graduated college yet still stays on because of dance, has many changes take place by a simple visit to her family in Spain! Who knew that by having the looks and close the to the same name as the one and only Nick Carter a new nick-name would be permanently placed on her..with a secret revealed that she would have never guessed. No one knew that by a random vist to the corner coffee shop..nothing would stay the same...even for one day.
Rated: G

Who Knew What A Little Time Could Change:FINISHED
In The Process:Anne is a yonug 16 year old girl finishing up her junior year of high school. She loves to chat on the internet and by chance runs across a screen name that changed her life within days. She never knew that one click of her mouse would lead her to the love of her life, with a little help to get to him. But through time she learns the real trials of life and love.
Rated: PG (it has adult comments)
Who Knew What A Little Time Could Change has been nominated for the Fantasize 2001 Awards! Go check it out!

More Then That:IN PROGRESS
Nick and Anne still haven't gotten back together, much to Nick's displeasure! He doesn't know what to do to win her over again. If he ever gets her back, will things continue to work out for them? Will they ever get back together? Will they love each other more then they ever thought they could love anyone?

A Little Bit of GodON HOLD:
Brian has an errand to run for his parents at the church back home in Kentucky while they are one break. Nick and AJ tag along. A beautiful girl was also there doing some extra work at the same time..named Katelyn..Catherine..I'm not sure. AJ meets her and falls head-over-heels in love with her. But her life is more then AJ bargined for! Will he stick it out and realize things about himself that he had never realized or will he let thoe things ruin the relationship he could possible have with her?
Rated: PG (it has adult comments)

Sleepless NightsFINISHED:
Brian hasn't seen his high school sweet-heart in over 6 years. But they have both moved on since being together was impossible. They run into each other one day at the teen beat magazine studio. Except...Anna, Brian's high school girl, is the interviewer and Brian the interviewed. Her behavior surprises and almost scares him. Will a friendship be possible or have hearts changed with no weaknesses?
Rated: PG (It has adult comments)
