Sleepless Nights

Anna! If you don’t cheer up any day soon, I’m going to take you to get help. Depression isn’t healthy. I know I sound like a mother hen, but I don’t care!” Sara heatedly ordered. “I can’t sit by and watch you waste away day after day.”

“What are you talking about? I’m fine!” Anna obstinately replied.

“You’re so thin you look unhealthy. Those bags under your eyes look permanent and you’ve never stayed so sloppy in all your days at the office. Yeah! You’re perfectly fine!”

“Well, it’s my life!”

“I don’t care. If you don’t show any improvement in the next day or so, I’m going to get you help.”

“Fine then! Whatever you say ‘Mother’!” Anna shot nastily over her shoulder. Behind the safety of her door she collapsed un agony. It has been two months since the day she pushed Brian out of her life. It had worked. Not a word from Brian once. Unfortunately those were not the results she had really wanted.

Please, I’m dying
I didn’t think
I would ever say again
but I need you
I long to look at you
To hear your voice
I’m dying physically
and emotionally
Please be my knight in shining armor
I know I don’t deserve it
but please
I long for my Prince Charming

“Brian, please don’t!” Anna laughed one Christmas Eve long ago. “You know I don’t like that stuff! Don’t even get it near me.”

“But you need to try it. You haven’t tasted it since last year.” Brian pointed out holding a spoon full of figgy-pudding.

“I would like to keep it that way if you don’t mind.”

“Actually I do mind.” He started to lunge towards Anna. Anna predicted the challenge and dashed into the living room. But as it always seemed, she never got far. Brian caught her in the doorway that just happened to contain the mistletoe.

“Oh gosh! Not again!” Brian complained s he prepared to kiss Anna like the legend commands. “I can do this! Okay! I know I can!”

Anna didn’t have the patience as her boyfriend played around. She pulled him in for a passionate kiss. The spoonful of pudding clattered to the floor. Neither cared as they finished the kiss.

Memories come
Memories go
But one thing
they always seem to do
is talk in rhyme.
They know the secrets
They know the truth
How they get these powers
is truly a blessing in disguise.

Chapter Ten

My Stories
