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As Faith opened the car door, she looked up at the sign hovering over the small dark building in front of her. “Millennium Dance Complex...” She read out loud as a car sped by her on the traffic-filled street, almost taking her and the car door with it. “Oh My God, learn to drive!” Faith spat out as she caught her breath.

Brynn and Sara laughed from their positions on the sidewalk. “Welcome to California Faith.” Brynn grinned as she opened the door to the dance hall and the three of them stepped inside, blasts of cool air hitting their faces.

Brynn smiled at the woman working the front desk, moving forward to reserve them spots in the class. Faith and Sara plopped down on one of the couches lining the far wall, taking in the largely decorated lobby. Sara hit Faith’s arm as she nodded up to the picture of Wade Robson hanging over the couch. “Are you sure we should do this? I mean we’re talking Wade Robson here, young, HOT, dances with Nsync.....I think I’m better off searching for JC’s house in the safety of a car.” Sara ran her fingers through her freshly dyed hair.

“How do you expect to come visit me in California, without me bringing you to one of Wade’s classes? I told him last time I was gonna bring two more, and he was totally thrilled, so just Chill.” Brynn chuckled, motioning for the two of them to follow her. Faith looked at her unsurely before Brynn just shook her head with a smile.

“Alright ladies, let’s go dance.” Faith took a deep breath as they made their way through the lobby into the dome. The girls filed inside slowly behind the ominous line of people before finally reaching the door.

“Hey Brynn, back again?” The woman taking the tickets asked, as Brynn smiled back.

“Of course Marie, what did you expect? I brought my friends too, this is Faith and Sara. Guys this is Marie, she works here.” Brynn’s grin grew wider as the three girls waltzed past Marie.

Brynn led Faith and Sara through the crowd of people at the door and into the large studio. Standing by the huge mirrors, the girls were engrossed in conversation..when they heard an excited hush creep through the room. They turned just in time to see Wade walk in, followed by two large bodyguards and the infamous JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake. Faith grabbed Brynn and Sara’s arms quickly. “Brynn, we’re leaving NOW. We’re expected to dance in front of them.?” She freaked as Brynn just grinned at her, turning to look back at the three young men.

“Faith, that’s your JC. Do you seriously want to leave?” Sara said as her breath caught, when she felt Wade’s eyes on her as he sauntered past the three of them.

“I can’t dance, you know that better then anyone else in this room...I’m going to make a complete fool out of myself. UGH.” Faith laughed anxiously as Brynn and Sara giggled in earnest.

Wade turned around at the sound of the girlish laughter, carefully noticing the baby blue visor that adorned Brynn’s head upside-down and backwards, her curly brown-blond hair pulled up in a messy bun. He smiled at her relaxed California style before catching sight of the bright red-head that seemed to automatically put a smile on his face. He took this chance to make himself known.

“How many times do I have to remind you, Brynn?? Your white.” Wade’s voice sounded from behind as Brynn turned around with a laugh as he pulled her into a tight welcoming hug. She smacked the back of his head playfully as he released her.

“O go home Robson. You’re just as white as I am Homeboy.” She giggled as she felt two eyes on her from across the room, glancing quickly over at Justin and JC, who were busily taking pictures with fans but hadn’t missed any chances to glance up at the girls.

Brynn watched as Wade’s eyes wandered over to Sara, the sparkles in them shining brighter, his stupid looking grin adorning his face. “Wade these are my friends Faith and Sara.....girls this is Wade.” Brynn said as they each politely shook hands, his hand slowly adorning Sara’s, making ominous eye contact before Sara shyly looked away, but not for long.

“I’m very pleased to meet you...welcome to my class.” Wade was careful to linger just a bit longer when he shook Sara’s hand. Her hair now hung in her face, framing it perfectly. He tried to hide a sigh that threatened to escape his lips, quickly covering it up by explaining to them what they would be trying to learn in today’s class.

Sara’s eyes danced, taking in his every feature…the way he stood, one knee somewhat bent, his hip pushed out slightly, his perfectly puckered lips, his bleached spikes jutting out in their designated places. The way his posture screamed confidence, yet still had the youthful innocence that couldn’t be reborn, was more than attractive to her. His masculine hands and arms told the story right along with this words, and Sara couldn’t help but smile at how enraptured and intrigued by dancing he was. She continued to stare at him, her eyes never leaving his face...that grin still perched upon his lips.

Faith looked at Brynn secretly, nodding in Sara’s direction…….both girls noticing that while Sara was listening, she was as good as gone to dreamland. Faith stood, biting her lip, trying to hide the cheesy grin that was forcing it’s way to her lips. Brynn smothered a laugh before neither could stand it anymore and started giggling lightly, Faith’s hand trying to hide her laughter while Brynn took a different approach, turning around in effort to not reveal her amusement with the situation.

Still giggling, Brynn looked up for a moment, catching the eye of Justin, who, seeming amused himself with the laughing of Faith and Brynn, gave her a half smile before she turned back around to Wades and his words.

“Well I guess I didn’t realize how humorous I was.” He said sarcastically, placing both hands on his hips, staring each one of them down. Faith and Brynn blushed slightly and Sara shook her head lightly, shaking herself back out of the trance she’d been caught in.

“Oh you bet buddy. A damn comedian.” Brynn replied sarcastically while Wade smacked her arm in a playful punch before he glanced over at Justin and JC.

“Well, now that you’re finished, I suppose I should introduce you to my guests, seeing that none of your eyes have left them since we walked in." Wade’s grin grew broader at the shocked expression that became evident on Brynn’s face.

“Wade...I was not....” She stammered, quickly shutting her mouth.

Wade turned around and waved Justin and JC over. The two men, both with well defined arms, and broad shoulders, jogged towards their small group, Justin’s smile spreading across his masculine face. “Guys these are my friends Brynn, Faith and Sara. This is Justin and JC....they’re in town with me, we’re working on finishing some songs that we’re co-writing.” He stated as everyone shook hands politely.

“So where are you ladies from?” JC still had Faith’s small hand in his, movement had ceased, but neither wanted to let go.

“Ummmm.....” Faith’s voice was lost somewhere between his blue eyes, his full lips, and his familiar cologne.

“I’m from Utah, Faith is from Florida, and Brynn here...well she lives in LA.” Sara jumped in, saving her stuttering friend from embarrassment.

“You traveled far man...all for Wade’s class?” Justin leaned his tan shoulder against the mirror next to him, observing Brynn closely, winking at her as she blushed lightly.

“Actually, we came to visit Brynn, but being here isn’t all that bad.” Sara smiled in Wade’s direction, sending chills coursing through her body as he smiled back.

“Shall we get started..can’t keep the rest of the class waiting while we talk.” Wade took Sara’s hand in his, bringing her towards the front, positioning her and her friends right behind him, as JC closely watched Faith follow.

“Oh goodie, we get to be right in plain view for everyone to mock us.” Sara whispered quietly to Faith, as they both stared at themselves in the extensive mirrors.

“I guess if we’re gonna look stupid, we might as well make sure the whole world knows we can’t dance.” Faith avoided JC as he glanced at her through the mirror..her face turning an even darker shade of red.

Class had begun, and Janet Jackson was ringing through the large studio.....

All my girls at the party,
Look at that body,
Shaking that thing like ya never did see
Got a nice package all right...
Guess I’m gonna have to ride it tonight.

The music blared, the sounds sending everyone into dance moves created by the boy wonder. Sara had to stop at one point and simply stare. The passion that radiated out of him as they moved across the floor was simply too much. The room grew hotter the faster he moved, her body shaking with thoughts of him....she turned to look at Faith, who also had lost her place in the dance, due to the man who stood before her. “Faith...” Sara slide over next to her... “is it hot in here?”

Faith could only nod, as they both shook the mental pictures from their brains. Turning to look at Brynn, they both tried desperately to catch up.

Wade’s voice rose over everyone else’s. “All right now you’re down on the floor, I want you to pop your shoulders with every beat, all-pop-my-pop-girls-pop...”

Brynn looked over at Faith and Sara, both girls were sprawled out on the floor, their shoulders jerking sporadically, completely missing the time to the music. Sara rolled over onto her stomach, placing her head in her hands, swinging her legs in the air. Faith couldn’t hold in the laughter any longer, for seeing Sara with the innocence written on her face as she lay on the floor was too much. Brynn soon followed suit and they all laughed at how they couldn’t even come close to doing it precisely.

Wade stole a quick glance in the mirror to see what all the fuss was about..and what he saw caused him to loose his place. Stopping and spinning around, “I don’t quite remember adding that to the choreography, but I guess if you feel the need to look at me like that...we can give it a permanent place.”

Sara never took her eyes off him, batting her lashes. Faith only laughed harder, her arms wrapped around her sides in order to stop the slight pain. “I just think I look far to cute like this.” She batted her lashes again, that ever present smile of Wade’s becoming panoramic.

“I know we don’t usually take breaks during my class, but I need a everyone take ten.” The class scattered to different sections of the vast room...everyone keeping a close watch on the pop stars before them. Wade however couldn’t take his eyes off the woman stretched out on the floor at his feet. “Would you mind getting up..I can’t concentrate with you looking at me like that.”

Justin’s smile quickly turned to laughter as Sara rolled over onto her back, her arms and legs straight up in the air. “Would it be better if I just stay here like this?”

Wade had to take his eyes off of her, placing his hand over his mouth to stop the smile that threatened to take over. His eyes danced with laughter and Sara noticed it. She sat up, reaching her hand upwards, patiently waiting for one of the three men to assist her in standing. JC who happened to be standing closest to her reached down, but Wade politely shoved him aside, taking her hand in his.

“Thank you every so much kind sir. I promise to not add my own moves to your so carefully planned dances...I will do my best to follow your professional lead.” Sara batted her lashes once more at he groaned and faced the mirror.

Justin’s eyes locked with Brynn’s as he stepped close enough to whisper in her ear. “Is it just me, or is there a lot of electricity between those two?”

Brynn had to take several deep breaths in order to find her voice..for his scent alone was enough to cause spasms. “I think the whole room can see the sparks.” Justin chuckled, placing his hand on the small of her back gently, before taking his place beside Wade.

Dancing continued, Wade supervising, making sure everyone caught on, and the ones that didn’t at least had some help. He seemed to spend an extra amount of time with Sara and Faith, JC not hesitating to jump in to help Faith, for the two girls had given up on learning his dance, and had decided to create one of their own. Brynn spent more of her time laughing at the two and watching as Justin thrusted his way through the routine than actually dancing, but giggles regardlessly filled the expansive room. Wade rolled his much for following his professional lead.

The music started over once again, as they all prepared to do one final run through. Every girl and guy in that place took their starting positions, Sara and Faith tried to match it, but their laughter handicapped them. Wade ignored them both as he pounded out step after step, keeping his eyes on the dancers behind him. Every so often he would glance in Sara’s direction, but her random movements, and improv dance routine was causing him to loose he had to look away.

Brynn wiped the sweat from her forehead, taking a long swallow from the water she had brought with her. “His dances are amazing, but so completely draining. Did you two learn anything?”

Sara unscrewed the cap off her bottle, looking at Faith before the two burst into yet another fit of giggles. “I learned that Wade doesn’t like it when you don’t do what he does. But he’s so damn cute when he’s frustrated.”

“Oh you did it just so he would pay more attention to you..and don’t you dare deny it.” Faith grabbed her bag, stuffing a few of her things in it. “What are we doing tonight...after I shower.”

Brynn picked up her things, motioning for her friends to follow. “I have no idea....I guess we could hit the clubs..or just hang.”

“How about joining us for a night on the town?” The three girls twirled around, meeting Justin’s smiling face.

Brynn looked from Sara to Faith, and back to Justin again. She shrugged her shoulders, nodding her head. “I don’t see why not..but we gotta freshen up first.”

“All right..just give me your address, and we’ll stop by in a while to pick you up.” Justin handed her a bit of paper and a pen, watching her closely as she scribbled down the information. Justin looked at it as she handed it back to him. “Can’t wait..see you ladies tonight.” He turned, signing a few autographs before disappearing into an adjoining room.

“I guess now Wade can see what a fool I can make out of myself on a normal basis. What ever will he think of me?” Sara laughed, following the girls out to Brynn’s car. “Now all we have to decide on what to wear . Must look sexy, but not too revealing..has to be comfortable, but enough to take their breath away. Oh I got about jeans and a t-shirt..fits all of that, and even more.”

“Girl...” Brynn shook her head as she unlocked the doors. “You amaze even me.”

“I do try....I do try...” Sara closed the door behind her, laughing at the song that blasted through the car speakers. What a night they would have.

Chapter Two *Coming Soon*>
All For You