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Justin parked his Escalade, as Brynn jumped out of the passenger seat. Wade, Faith, JC and Sara filed out of the back, as Brynn turned towards her two friends. “And this would be the ghettofied part of LA, say Hi to Hollywood.” She finished as Justin walked around the front of the car, offering her his arm as they led the way to the line for Tropicana. Wade decided to go into mock imitation of Justin and Brynn, Sara catching on as they copied whatever Justin and Brynn did.

JC and Faith chuckled at the four as JC stretched his arm out in font of him. “My lady?” He asked as she curtsied and walked with him over to get in line for the club.

Once inside, the scene was jumping as people danced all around where the six of them stood. The guys looked around for a table to grab, as Faith looked up at JC. The flashing, color-changing lights reflected off his blue eyes, making them sparkle in a way she hadn’t ever imagined she’d see in person. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment as she realized where she really was. ‘Hollywood, club, JC Chasez....’ She repeated to herself as Brynn and Sara noticed her confused gaze and smiled over at her sideways.

“You alright Faith?” JC’s voice asked lightly as Faith looked up at him, what he had just called her registering in her mind ever-so-carefully. Managing to gain her composure, she smiled at the warm feeling that filled her at the sound of his voice saying his name.

“All good.” She smiled back up at him as a smiled appeared on his face like magic.

JC and Faith walked over to grab a table as Justin lay his hand on the small of Brynn’s back, running his thumb along the thin cotton of her white tank top lined with rhinestones, teasing her senses.

“So you’ve endured the wrath of me, but can you survive Juju Jiggalake?” Wade’s voice sounded in Brynn’s ear, as she looked over at him pathetically. “The man can dance.” Wade continued, as Justin looked back down at Brynn and then back over at Wade.

Brynn smiled slyly at them both, “I think I can manage.” Brynn answered deviously as she pulled on the arm of Justin’s jacket, leading him out onto the dance floor.

Sara watched as Justin pulled Brynn close to him, their bodies moving perfectly to the music, both somewhat lost in the other’s eyes. She smiled as she felt a hand take hers.

“May I have this dance?” Wade eyes were locked on her, as she smiled up at him.

“Sure ya can, but I’m not sure it’s me you wanna be bustin’ moves with me out there.” She giggled as Wade smiled at her.

“I think it is.” He finished before pulling her out and onto the raised platform.

“Oh boy, you saw me dance at your class, I don’t think this platform thing is such a good idea.” She hesitated as his arm snaked around her back and he locked eye contact.

“Look at my eyes, don’t look away, and let your feet move.” He said directly to her, softly and comfortingly as she got lost in his eyes, not even noticing herself moving along with him.

JC pulled out a chair for Faith to sit in, as she smiled at him gratefully. “Always the perfect gentlemen huh??” She heard him chuckle as he took a seat next to her, even though there was one directly across from her.

“I try.” He agreed as she laughed, letting her head fall before lifting it back up, finding JC staring at her intently. “So tell me something about yourself Faith.” JC randomly started up the conversation, as Faith’s surprised eyes met his.

“Well, alright....there’s not that much to say. I’m just a girl trying to find what’s right for me in this world, ya know? With some music and some dancing on the side.” She laughed as JC smiled at her, his blue eyes never losing hers.

“You sound exactly like me.” He said pensively as she smiled again, feeling herself blush slightly as she looked out at the dance floor. JC followed her gaze, standing up and taking her hand. “Didn’t come here to stare at Justin and Brynn, Wade and Sara did we?” JC asked as Faith giggled, her hand hitting his chest as he pulled her to him roughly, moving to the music devilishly as his hands found the small of her back, one of her hands finding the sensitive hairs at the nape of his neck, sending chills coursing through his spine.

“Damn, looks like some more sparks are flying up in here.” Justin said, nodding in JC and Faith’s direction, as Brynn looked over and smiled.

“Could of told ya that one would happen.” She admitted as he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh really?” He asked sarcastically as she laughed.

“Well of course, you’re dancing with the worlds smartest girl right here.” Brynn said as Justin laughed at her sarcasm.

“Quite the smart guy ain’t ya?” Justin remarked as Brynn laughed.

“Well, you’re one to talk, but ya actually one of my nicknames is Megra, ya know, the one from Disney’s Hercules.? ‘An innocent bitch with a hopelessly romantic side’.” Brynn quoted as Justin smiled at her devilishly.

“Well then damn girl, can I be Herc?” He asked, her turn to raise an eyebrow.

“Sure.” She replied innocently as he tightened his grip on her, the music changing but the dancing only getting closer.

Sara looked down at her feet before she looked back up at Wade. “So I’m moving, but I have this feeling that I’m not really in tune with the music.” Sara announced as Wade laughed.

“Leave that up to me. Just feel it. I promise I won’t let you make a complete fool out of yourself.” Wade uttered as Sara nodded her head, staring back down at her feet again. She wasn’t sure about this guy that was so intriguing but never had she felt so comfortable in two arms.

Faith looked up as the music changed and smiled at the sight of Justin and Brynn, laughing and improvising with the words of the music. JC followed her gazed as he smiled. “They look happy huh?” Faith smiled at him as her attention strayed back towards the happy couple.

“Completely...I think she likes him.” Faith whispered slyly as if she were a little kid telling a secret.

JC laughed in accordance before whispering back. “Justin’s never hit if off with someone like that ....look at them. That’s the first real smile I’ve seen out of him since he had a week off to hang with Jon and Stephen.” JC said as Faith smiled at him....feeling his eyes analyzing her profile. She turned back to him, blushing slightly.

‘Not the only two to hit if off........’ Faith thought as they continued dancing. “ you like little kids?” Faith asked, watching JC closely for his reaction. “Oh, how I would have loved to have you as a big brother.” She sarcastically said as JC chuckled.

“He loves me now I’ve got Joey and Chris as my big brothers...they make up for whatever I did to Ty.” JC’s arms wrapped tighter around Faith’s body, pulling her closer to his firm chest.

“It’s gotta be great for you guys...someone to play a prank on all the time, someone to talk too, someone to yell at....” she said pensively as JC agreed.

“It’s great in that sense, but then again we don’t get to see our families that much, and our homes are busses when we’re on tour. Plus it’s been almost impossible in my experience to find a girl who wants you for you, and will deal with the touring and the rabid fans....but it’s all worth it...we love it so much.” JC’s smile grew as Faith’s fingers ran through the hair at the base of his neck.

“You’s not impossible..” Faith gazed around the room as JC looked down at her..smiling as he slowly realized what she was talking about.

“I guess even the slimmest of possibilities need to be taken into consideration....I guess ya never what could be standing right in front of you.” JC swayed both of their bodies to the steady beat, feeling the heat that radiated from the beauty before him.

Faith blushed slightly, feeling his arms snake lower down her back. Her head rested peacefully on his shoulders, feeling his heart beat next to her hand, as she spanned the fine muscles. Something about him called to every nerve in her body, sending tingles shooting through ever part of her trembling body. “I really do think you should give that slim possibility.....a big chance.”

JC laughed, his smile lighting up his face. Faith couldn’t help but giggle at joy on his face, the pure bliss that seemed to saturate the room. The song shifted gears, but the two never faltered, staying tightly locked in each others arms....the room bouncing around them, the music pumping through the large speakers. JC glanced back down at Faith, her brown curly hair flowing down her back as he gently ran his hand along her spine. Smiling he rocked them back and forth, their own world spinning in circles.

From high up on the platform, Sara peered around the room, spying Justin and Brynn dancing along with large group of people...she smiled as Faith wrapped tightly in JC’s arms came into view. “Look at them.” She grabbed Wade’s attention as she pointed towards the two dancing couples. “It’s amazing...we all just met you guys...and....I’s just wow.” Sara couldn’t find words to describe the feelings she felt for her friends....or for the man who held her in his arms.

Wade’s eyes twinkled as he watched her stutter. “Sometimes the best things happen in the places we least expect them too.”

“Yeah, like who would have guessed that I would be up here....on a platform, dancing with you...and I’m not even making a complete idiot out of myself.” Sara giggled softly as her head rested comfortably on Wade’s shoulder.

“You’re doing great..and I told you so...I’m good...I think I could make anyone dance like a pro.” His smiled broadened as Sara’s head shot up to look at him.

“Modest aren’t we?” She laughed as he hugged her closer to him...spinning them around, before dipping her gracefully.

“I’m only modest when I need to be.” He pushed her away from his body as the music changed, grabbing her hands, and teaching her steps for the new song.

After hours of dancing and switching partners, Brynn and Sara were basically asleep on the ledge that led up tot he dance balcony, where they had decided to take a break. Faith and Justin, who had been dancing not too long ago, were not each sitting on stools, their heads down on the bar before them. JC yawned from his position at the booth, while Wade..who seemed to be the only one remotely awake, was talking to the DJ.

“What’s with all of you?? Too much dancing for ya?” Wade smiled at Brynn’s nasty glare.

“YES.” She stated loudly across the nearly empty club, as JC and Faith stood to leave, everyone following suit shortly after. Filing outside into the cool night air, new thoughts begin to race through everyone’s minds. It had been an awesome night, what more could possibly be in store for them?”

Chapter Three
All For You