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The girls watched as the Escalade disappeared around the corner..sitting down on Brynn’s front steps, they all reminisced about the day they’d had.

“I can’t believe that we just spent the whole day with JC, Justin and Wade, and that they invited us to hang with them tomorrow. I thought people like that were too busy for no bodies like us.” Sara placed her chin in her hands, gazing out across the large neighborhood. “What are they gonna do when we all have to go back home?”

“I’m not even gonna think about that, can’t we just enjoy the time we will get to spend with them. I don’t know about you girls, but I throughly enjoyed tonight.” Faith sprawled out in front of her friends, placing her hands on the cool grass.

“I had fun, I’m not denying that...I just don’t get it.” Shaking her head, Sara glanced up at the bright city lights that spanned the skyline. “I can’t dance..and yet he took the time to try and show me how.....he wanted to be with me....why?”

“Will you stop being so negative....good things happen to everyone..and they should be happening to you. Wade’s a cutie...he likes you....what more could you be confused about?” Brynn stretched her tired feet out in front of her, putting the weight of her body on the palms of her hands.

“Oh I’m sure that I could think of a lot more to be confused about..but since I don’t want a long lecture, then I’ll just keep my mouth shut. So any idea of what they want to do to us tomorrow?” Sara pushed a piece of hair out of her face.

“I think Justin said something about a theme that could mean one in many that are here...hopefully Six Flags..something cool.” Brynn stood, reaching for her keys that lay buried in her pocket.

“How can they go out in broad day a place like a theme park?” Sara followed suit, reaching down to help Faith to her feet.

“Not sure, guess we’ll find out tomorrow..will you stop worrying.” Faith pushed Sara through the door, causing her to stumble into Brynn.

“Shhh..we don’t want to wake my parents....” The three of them tiptoed through the foyer, taking the steps two at a time, shutting Brynn’s bedroom door behind them. “I’m almost too excited to sleep....far to much has happened.” Brynn shed her shoes and socks, rubbing her aching feet.

“Ya know..dreaming about what happened tonight would be like reliving maybe we should get some sleep. We do want to be refreshed for tomorrow, and whatever those boys have planned for us.” Faith crawled underneath the covers that were spread out on the floor for her. Closing her eyes, she started to softly hum ‘This I Promise You.’

Brynn and Sara giggled quietly, preparing themselves for bed. Before the light went out, Faith begin chuckling...causing both girls to look down and over at her. “What?” Was all Brynn could muster.

“Nothing....nothing...” Faith sputtered between short out bursts. “Just thinking about Josh....awww. Good night girls.” The three of them let their giggles subside, before closing their eyes, and drifting off into dream land.

“Hurry....I still need to shower.” Sara pounded on the door, trying to get its occupant to exit. “Are you planning on taking all day?”

“Have they called yet, to tell us when they’re coming?” Brynn shouted from the opposite side of the door.

Sara just shook her head, leaning against the white wooden door. “No they haven’t.”

“Then you don’t have to worry about it, we’ve got plenty of time.” Brynn flipped on the hair dryer, drowning out Sara and her insistent worrying.

Sara slide down the door, planting her behind on the hard floor. Pulling her legs up to her chest, she prepared to wait for Brynn to get out of the bathroom, but just as she got comfortable, the phone in Brynn’s room begin to ring. ‘So much for having plenty of time.’ Sara dove for the phone, catching it before the machine clicked on. “Hello?”

“Is Brynn there?” Justin’s smooth voice sounded over the line.

“She’s in the bathroom....hogging it at the moment. I’ll tell her you called though.” Sara was prepared to hang up, but he stopped her.

“Sara?” She listened carefully for him to continue. “I just called to say that we’ll be there in a few...we’ve left the hotel, and are actually on the way.”

Sara jumped at his words, spinning around, running back towards the bathroom. “Brynn, get out now..they’re coming, and I still need to shower.” Sara heard boyish laughter, as she turned her attention back to the phone in her hand. “We’ll be ready, just take your time.”

“Hey....don’t rush to much....Wade just said he wouldn’t mind if you waited until he got there to take a shower.” Sara heard the sound of skin hitting skin, as Justin let out a yelp.

“I guess you shouldn’t say things about people, when they’re sitting right there. Tell Wade, I said good job. Look I have to get her I’m hanging up now.” Sara didn’t wait for a reply as she hit the off button, tossing the phone onto Brynn’s bed, before resuming her banging on the door.

The door flew open, sending Sara crashing down on the bathroom tile. “I’m finished.” Brynn’s sing song voice breezed by Sara, as she pranced out of the bathroom.

“Next time, a warning would be nice..sheesh.” Sara picked herself up off the floor, locking the door, just in case Wade decided to play true to Justin’s words.

As Sara dried her hair, laughter seeped underneath the bathroom door. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she doubled checked the door, making sure it was still locked, as she applied the light touch of make up she seldom wore. A soft knock sounded, and after she quickly buttoned up her jeans, she unlocked the door. Wade stood on the other side, grin adorning his he held towards her a yellow rose. “Wade.....its...thank you.” She took the rose from his hand, kissing his cheek softly.

“You’re welcome...and you look great.” His outstretched hand beckoned for hers...and as she lightly took it, his fingers grasped around hers....pulling her to him. “Ready to take on a wild theme park with me?”

The mischievous twinkle in his eyes made her laugh, as she clung to him. Rounding down the stairs, her eyes caught sight of the two young men, talking with her two friends. She glanced back at Wade, his hair perfectly spiked once again....the wife beater that formed against his tight abs and chest, covered by a dark blue shirt that lay unbuttoned....the board shorts that clung to his trim waist. Her heart fluttered as his thumb grazed across the back of her hand, “Well, are we going or what?”

The four others looked towards the stairs as Sara and Wade stepped into view. “Let’s get going.” Justin grabbed Brynn’s hand, tugging her towards the front door. The others followed, Faith checking to make sure the door was locked, and that Brynn had the keys. Justin drove through the twisting streets, following the signs that pointed him towards Six Flags. Faith and Sara looked at one another, the other just as excited. They’d never been there before, and they were going with new friends....good looking ones at that.

The parking lot spread out out in front of them, as Justin parked his shiny vehicle in an empty space. The six of them unwrapped themselves from inside the car, stretching their tired muscles. The walk to the gates was quick, and each purchases their ticket, before heading through the turnstile into the brightly colored theme park.

“Well.....where are we going first?” Faith studied the map she held between her fingers, squinting at it...the sun reflecting off its shiny pages.

“We don’t need that give it to me.” JC plucked it from her hand, tossing it into a near by trash can. “There, now just trust us...we’ll make sure you ladies get in all the good rides.” JC took Faith’s hand in his own, as he pulled her along the crowded walkways...the others following close behind. “So what ride do you want to hit first?” JC turned around, raising his voice so the others could hear him over the rush of the crowd.

“The Goliath. I haven’t been on it yet, and I’m dying to ride that one.” Justin clutched Brynn’s hand tightly in his, as he pushed past groups of people.

“No man....I think we should go on one a little more exciting than that....what about the’s a classic, and its killer.” Wade pulled Sara away from the stand of souvenirs, as he followed closely behind Justin and Brynn.

“I was thinking more along the lines of the Superman ride...” JC looked at Faith, who only just nodded her head in agreement.

“Why don’t we split up...we’ll hit the rides we want, plus we’ll have less of a chance of being recognized.” Wade pushed past Justin, so he was standing next to JC...the six huddled together in a tight circle.

“Sounds good to me, how about we all meet at the Batman ride in say....three hours or so. We’ll have some lunch, then go off on our own again.” Everyone agreed to Justin’s suggestion, as they all split off into different directions.

JC and Faith slowly strolled towards ‘Superman The Escape’, glancing and commenting on all the things that they passed. They arrived at the back of the line, JC taking Faith’s hand in his, pulling her close to his body, so she wasn’t bumped into by people passing by. “So...ummm...” JC started saying, but was cut off by Faith.

“Thank you for inviting us....” She looked up into his blue eyes, seeing them twinkle, as a smile adorned his face. “So how much longer will you be in L.A.?”

He looked up at the ride that towered above their heads, answering her question quietly. “About two more days...we have to meet up with the other guys in Vegas..gotta finish the tour.”

“Work calls.” Faith rested her head on his broad shoulder, breathing in the 'Envy’ that he wore.

“More like..the fans call, but we gotta do our jobs. Have you seen this concert?” JC rubbed his hand up and down her arm.

“Actually yes...I saw it in Jacksonville.” She didn’t want to go into too much detail, for she felt awkward talking about his work life. She wanted to know more about him, from him.

JC shifted uncomfortably, so Faith pulled away, but he grabbed her, holding her in place. “I’m sorry...I’m not very good at this whole conversation thing. How much longer will you be staying in L.A.?”

Faith smiled at him, giving him some reassurance.. “I think maybe another week or so. I flew to Utah to see Sara, and the two of us flew here to visit Brynn.”

JC nodded, not quite sure where to take this conversation, but not really caring either. “How long have you known Sara and Brynn?”

“I’ve known Sara for about a year and some...Brynn almost as long. We all fly out to see one another every so often, this was here.” The line moved, as the two inched closer to the front.

“This may be a complete long shot, but I have the urge to ask. Do you think that you three would care to join us in Vegas? You don’t have to answer now..I can think about it. I just thought that it would be fun to have you there..and you still have some time before you have to go back, and we’ll make sure to get you back here before you leave....” JC rambled on, as Faith stared at him dumbfounded.

“Whoa’re asking me if I’d like to go to Vegas with you?” She continued to stare at him, as he blushed slightly underneath his dark glasses.

“I know...probably something I shouldn’t be asking. I’ve only known you for two days, and I guess that was just out of the blue. I was just hoping that you’d say yes.” He turned away from her, focusing his attention on the back of the guys head in front of him.

“JC.” Faith whispered his name, forcing him to look at her. “I didn’t say no....I’ll ask Sara and Brynn, but I can already tell you what they’ll say. We’d love to join you in Vegas.” The smile was back on his face, lighting up his features, as Faith grew delighted..just knowing that she had made him happy.

“My whole family will be, dad, Tyler, Heather...even my grandparents. I’m really excited about it..its been forever since we’ve all been together in the same place. Did you know that it will be our big 'Challenge For The Children’ weekend...friends will be there...” JC kept going, as Faith listened. She hadn’t even noticed that the line had shortened considerably, for they were only a few people away from the front. His voice brought so much comfort, his fingers laced with hers, brought butterflies to her stomach.

“I take it you’re close to your family.” Faith wanted to keep him talking..and she had a feeling that his family was a good topic.

“Yeah, I guess you could say I am. They’ve been wonderful in supporting me through everything..and I feel bad about all the pressure that my career has caused them, but they assure me that everything is okay.” He pulled his glasses off of his face, wiping at the sweat that had begun to form on his forehead.

Faith watched every move that he made, taking in closely the creases in his forehead, and the way he closed his eyes and sighed before placing his glasses back over his nose. “They’re understanding, that’s good.”

“I guess it’s more then I can say for most of my friends back home...when I left, they sort of gave up on me. They got tired of my fame, they got tired of being instead of just sticking by me, they gave up..and just....well you know. That’s one of the hardest things about this never really know who you’re true friends are...until its all over.” The arrived at the front of the line, taking their places behind the bars, waiting for the car to return. “This ride isn’t that bad....but ya know...if ya get can always hold onto my hand.”

Faith smiled at his stammering, squeezing his hand tightly. The boarded the car, JC clinging to her as they were strapped in. The ride lurched forward, sending its passengers up a 41 story tower...Faith screaming Joshie the whole way....a smile crossing JC’s square features. He held her hand in his, as they went back down...enjoying the six seconds of air time the received before being brought back down to earth. Laughing they exited the ride, joining the flow of people as they headed for the next adventure.

“Give that back....” Brynn made a quick grab for the bottle of water in Justin’s hand. He held it high above his head, swinging it around as she jumped into him...his arm going around her waist, keeping her from falling.

“ get feisty.” Justin handed her the bottle, pausing as his hand lingered on hers for a moment longer.

“Hey now....” Brynn wiggled free of his grasp, grabbing his hand as she pulled him along. “You’re gonna love the Goliath, it’s a kick ass ride.”

Justin laughed as she skipped along, dragging him behind her. “Do you ever take things slowly?”

“No...what would be the point in that. Life moves to quickly, if you take it slow, you’re bound to miss something.” She stopped quickly to let a mother a her young children move past them, then continued on her trek towards their destination.

“You are too much you know that?” Justin pulled her to quick stop, before a couple kids ran past them, knocking an older couple to the side. “See what going to fast gets you.”

“I at least watch where I’m going, and they just want to make sure they get in line before it gets to long. Stop dragging your feet and come on.” Brynn brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, as the wound their way towards the line for Goliath.

Justin ran his hand over his shaved head, rolling his eyes as Brynn grabbed his hand, dragging him closer to their destination. ‘She will definitely keep me in my toes.’

Brynn stopped behind a group of young girls, turning quickly to Justin. “Uh oh, you better do something, or else they’ll spot you.” She pulled her sunglasses off of her face, handing them to Justin. “Here, take these, they might not notice you if you wear them.”

Justin held the glasses at bay, a grimace look crossing his tan features. “They may not notice who I am, but they sure won’t think highly of me. Fag might cross their minds...Brynn these are as girly as you can get.”

Snatching them away from him, her tongue stuck our in his direction. “Fine..if you want don’t want to hide yourself..go ahead and get mobbed. You can’t tell me I didn’t try and help.” She stepped away from him, hoping to make him a little nervous.

“Brynn...I’m sorry. Here, let me have them back..I’ll wear them.” He grabbed for her hand, but she withdrew it quickly. “I was only kidding..they’re lovely glasses.”

“Oh smooth one Justin, just get yourself into a deeper hole. Now all you’re doing is lying.” The smile that was trying so hard to stay hidden, flashed brightly across her face. She grasped his outstretched hand, letting him lace their fingers together. “I can’t believe you’ve never been on this ride. You’ve been here before haven’t ya?”

Justin nodded his head.... “Last time I was here, they hadn’t opened it yet...which is why I’ve never been on it. You just never stop giving a person a hard time do ya?” His arms encircled her waist, pulling her to his hard body.

Brynn’s stomach became a live with life, as it fluttered at the feeling of his arms around her. Joking was a way for her to clear the tension..but with one bold move, he had managed to do what she had been trying so hard to accomplish. “Comfortable are we?” She rotated around in his arms, facing his bright blue eyes.

“Very much so.” As he started at her pouty lips..he wanted so badly to lean down and kiss her, but no matter how bold he was, he wasn’t about to make that move. He’d only known her for two days, and kissing her now would be moving along way to quickly. However, a great idea formed in his brain. “Why don’t you come to Vegas with us?”

Brynn blinked a few times.. “Excuse want me to come to Vegas with you?”

“Yes......all of you. It would give us more time to spend together, and just think of all the fun you’d have.” He was praying silently that she would say yes, his fingers crossed behind her back for extra luck.

“Well...” She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him, and the answer fell from her lips before she even had time to think. “Yes..we’ll come.”

He jumped up, forgetting that she was still in his arms, bringing her quickly back down to earth with him. “Sorry. This will be great..we’ll have so much time to be together, you’ll get to see our show, the whole weekend will be just amazing.”

Brynn couldn’t help the smile that took over her whole face....she was bursting with happiness..until it hit her. What if the others didn’t think it was such a good idea? “Umm..Justin?”

The concern in her voice caused his energy level to quickly drop.... “What?” He guarded himself for the statement he knew was coming.

“Well....I mean..I’m sure they’ll think it’s a wonderful idea...but what if....well just maybe...they say no.” She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the look of hurt that could possibly be on his face.

Justin smiled at her....the way she rested against him, the way her eyes close, her head hanging down slightly. He tightened his hold on her, bringing her even closer to his warm body. “We’ll talk to them, but I think that JC and Wade can be pretty persuasive.”

Her eyes opened, glancing up at his boyish face. “That’s good, cause I wouldn’t want to miss seeing you in Vegas for anything.” She stood on her toes, kissing his cheek softly.

He blushed, glancing up behind her. “Looks like we’re here.”

She turned around, his arms releasing her, but his hand never letting go of hers. “Now Justin..don’t you go screaming on man about this.”

“No worries, I do think I’ll be fine.” Squeezing her hand for an added bonus, they boarded the long train that would take them to the top. Justin never took his eyes off her, taking in everything....she was grinning from ear to ear, holding tightly onto the hand rail...preparing for what she knew was to come. He was so enthralled by her, that he hadn’t noticed they were quickly heading over a very steep drop...that is until he started screaming.

“Now let me just tell you...I get a little nervous on roller coasters.” Sara looked down at her hand, held tightly within Wade’s much bigger one.

“Don’t worry girl, I will take good care of you.” His smile made her feel so comfortable. She realized that from the moment she’d met him..she hadn’t been nervous around him at all. Even when she had been dancing in his arms.....

“I mean..I’ve been on a few big coasters, but well...they still make me...” Wade held a finger to her lips, silencing her quickly.

“Relax.” He started to move more quickly, pushing their way through the crowds of people.

Sara just watched him...he glided along....his walk much like his dance, flawless, masculine...defining him in every sense. “I’m not worried...”

He turned to look at her quickly....forcing her to shut her mouth once again. Silence followed, Wade determined to find the ride..Sara too busy studying him to worry about making conversation. She hadn’t noticed that he’d slowed down, crashing into his body with an abrupt halt.

“Sorry.....” She begin her apologizes, being quickly interrupted.

“Are you okay, I guess I should have watched you more closely..told you at least that I was stopping.” He brushed the curly locks of red hair out of her face, letting his fingers linger a bit longer near her lips.

Sara could only nod her head, his eyes freezing her in place. Finding her voice..she shook her head to clear the fogginess. “I’m fine....are you okay?”

He laughed at her worried expression...taking her in his arms, wrapping her in a hug. “I’m fine....”

Silence overwhelmed them again, both wanting to say so much, neither knowing quite where to begin. “ long have you been dancing?” Sara smacked her self in the head....stupid question..

Wade took her hand in his again, rubbing his thumb gently across the back of it. “Since I was almost 17 years.”

“Wow...that’s a long time....I’ve been dancing now....well two days.” She heard him laugh, glancing up at him...his head was back, and the laughter didn’t seem anywhere near ceasing. “How now....don’t laugh at me too hard.” She punched him lightly in the arm.

“I’m not laughing at you....” He tried to regain control, his breathing quickened as he fought to catch his breath. He looked at her, the smile that threatened to take was too much. “Alright, I’m laughing at you.” Giggles broke out again, as she joined him.

“Was I really that bad?” She leaned against him, keeping her balance.

“ weren’t actually bad at was you trying so hard not to dance....that was funny. If you would have just given in and tried, you would have done pretty good. You just had to go and do your own thing.” His arm went around her waist, as her head continued to rest on his shoulder.

“It was far to much fun making you frustrated. You were so cute when you couldn’t figure out how to get us to follow your lead. That was priceless, and much more amusing then actually doing what we were supposed to be doing.” She picked her head up, glancing up into his pretty brown eyes.

Something had been lingering on his mind, he wanted to ask her so bad, and as she stared up at him, he couldn’t hold it back any longer. “Do you think you would want to come to Vegas with us?”

He watched as she hesitated for a few moments, glancing around at the crowd...not quite sure about what to say. Nodding her head slowly, her eyes met his again. “I don’t see why would all fit in.”

His smile grew, as he pulled her even closer to his body. “Now I just gotta tell the other guys, but I’m sure they’ll think it’s a great idea, and want to bring Brynn and Faith along. Think of all the time we’ll get to spend together, and you’ll see what I do hands on.”

“Speaking of hands’re hands seem to be on my butt.” She laughed as he quickly removed them. “I wouldn’t mind getting up close and personal.”

She wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, but Wade actually blushed, a deep shade of red. “I think that can probably be arranged.”

They moved closer to the front of the line.....Wade keeping her close to his body...his hand running up and down her arm quietly. The line moved rather quickly, and they were ushered into their seats...Sara grasped his hand, holding onto tightly. The ride begin..both became swept up in the thrill of the ride, and with knowing that the other was there. Sara wondered if a life with Wade was as exciting as this ride...but she knew that only time would tell.

Chapter four
All For You