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“Okay girls, I have a proposal to throw out here...” Brynn spoke clearly as the three girls sat around her room....pj’s on, glancing at the TV that blared Nsync’s HBO special.

Sara, who was leaning against the bed, popcorn positioned in her lap..turned around to face her, as did Faith who was seated at the computer, checking her email. “Shoot.” Sara smiled up at Brynn.

“Okay...I know you guys came to see LA...and well you’ve seen most of it already, at least the parts that matter that is...well Justin said that they all really wanted us to come, and I know that you guys would want to go, and I think it’d be a lot of fun...and well......” Brynn rambled on, as Faith jumped in to interrupt her....taking a wild stab at what she was getting at.

“Wait.....Vegas??” Faith grinned broadly at Brynn as she looked at her..wide-eyed and surprised.

“How did you know?” Brynn questioned.

Sara chirped in.. “ did you know?”

Brynn turned around sharply, her eyes now landing on Sara.... “ did YOU know??” Brynn couldn’t believe she stared at each of her friends..confusion soon turned on a light bulb, all three girls bursting out into giggles simultaneously.

“Justin?” Faith asked Brynn as she laughed and nodded.

“Yep. Wade??” Brynn asked Sara, as she nodded through a smile.

“And I guess that would leave JC.” Sara shot a look at Faith, as all three laughed again.

“Totally....this is too funny.” Faith leaned back into the cushioned chair.

“I guess those three are more alike then we thought.” Brynn sighed as she lay back against the soft pillows on her bed. “So...what do you girls say??” Hope laced through her question.

“Need you ask?” Sara jumped up, all three of them squealing as they came together in a group hug.

“Just think...Vegas, three HOT much more could we ask for?!?” Faith leaned her head against Brynn’s, the three of them squealing quietly together.

“Oh man..I can’t wait to tell them. Justin had the cutest face on when he was asking.” Brynn sighed dreamily as Faith nodded.

“You should have seen JC....he was almost embarrassed to be asking.” Faith sat back down as Sara laughed.

“Wade was far from embarrassed, but he’s adorable anyway. We have to go shopping!!” The thought of new clothes popped into Sara’s head as she looked pensively at Brynn..who just laughed.

“Malls we do have, and plenty to choose from. You name it..Valencia Town Center, Northridge Fashion Center, Burbank Media Center, Sherman Oaks Fashion Square....” Brynn rattled out mall after mall, Faith rolling hear head in circles, giggling quietly.

“You’re the choose. Let’s get some sleep though, we need to be awake enough to shop...and we need to be totally prepared for this trip.” She muttered through a yawn as the others girls agreed.

“Just think how much fun this is gonna be....I mean today was awesome...this is an entire weekend, the concert, the might end up having to peel me off the floor.” Sara flopped down on the blankets spread out on the floor, a dreamy look crossing her features.

Brynn pulled back the covers on her bed, Faith following suit. “These guys are so normal, it’s almost scary. I thought I was gonna have to jump Justin today when he was holding my hand, this is something I’ve dreamed about for so long..ya know?” Brynn said wistfully.

“Same here. But there’s more to take, and I can’t wait to take it.” Faith giggled as the girls drifted off to dreamland.

“Are you SURE you’ve got everything? This is the third trip we’ve made back into the house.” Wade asked Sara one last time as they stepped out onto the front steps.

“No, but we’ll just have to deal without it, I guess.” She turned back towards the house, as Brynn came running down the stairs, out the door...catching her breath as she stood on the porch next to Sara and Wade.

“We ready?” She questioned as she closed the door, locking it with her keys.

“As we’ll ever be.” Sara smiled as they jogged back to the waiting car.

“Man, you’re worse then we are.” Justin muttered as Brynn looked at him pathetically.

“Hardly Timberlake.” Brynn punched him in the arm, turning her attention back to the others in the car.

Faith glared at him, an evil grin upon her face. “I do believe you were the late ones...was it one hour? No wait...I think it might have been two.” She inquired sarcastically as Brynn smiled and laughed.

JC turned around from his position in the front seat, smiling at everyone before adding... “Anyway!! You all right with flying?” He asked as Faith looked a bit unsure.

Brynn giggled as she answered. “Might need a little calming down...but we’ll be okay.” Justin pulled away from the driveway, heading towards one of the largest airports in the world...LAX.

The group walked through the large airport at a quickened pace, trying desperately to keep up with the hustling around them. “Ouch.” Sara yelped as a large man stomped on her foot, in his dash to pass by her. “Goodness, California is violent.” She muttered as everyone laughed, realizing she was okay.

The group continued their trek to Gate 14, Justin looking over at a small concession stand, lining the wall across from them. “I’m gonna grab a couple of magazines for the flight, anyone need anything?” He asked, watching closely as only Brynn nodded in response.

“I want to get some gum, I’ll come with you.” She stepped up next to Justin, feeling him grasp her hand in his..... “We’ll catch up with you guys.” She told the group as they ran sideways towards the concession stand.

After buying some reading materials and candy, Brynn and Justin jumped back into the line of the fast-paced world, all apparently late for their flights. Brynn scanned the crowd, quickly taking notice of large group of girls. “Ummm......Justin.” Her tense voice pulled Justin’s attention towards the many cameras, posed and ready to flash if he happened to be noticed.

“Damn, if we get mobbed we won’t make the flight.” Justin grumbled as Brynn bit her lip in deep thought, looking up at him immediately.

Grabbing his hand, she pulled him over to the side, out of the haste. “All right, we need a plan, and I think I’ve got one.” She reached into her carry-on, pulling out her dark Arnette Sunglasses. “Just in case this happened.” Handing them to him with a smile, as he placed them on his recognizable face. Turning around to the McDonalds that loomed behind her, she skimmed over the menu, before quickly ordering. Holding a Sausage McMuffin up to Justin’s lip, she whispered quietly to him. “Take a bite.”

“Umm, okay, but what are you doing?” Justin mumbled through a mouthful of biscuit and meat, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Brynn just smiled, licking her lips as she watched him chew....butterflies taking flight in Justin’s stomach. “Just trust me.” She walked around the pillar that blocked them from view, winking at him as she hurried towards the girls. Pretending as if she was out of breath, she stopped, holding up the half eaten sandwich. “Oh my god, you have no idea who’s sandwich this is!!??!!” The girls started to twitter, glancing around at one another... “CHRIS KIRKPATRICK is at the McDonalds by the entrance, if you hurry you might be able to catch him.” Brynn watched as the girls stared back at her....still in disbelief. “No joke...GO!!!!” Girls begin to run through the wave of airport travellers, passing by Justin as he slipped behind a pillar, jogging towards Brynn who was standing a few feet away, waving at him.

“Damn, you’re good.” Justin nodded to her as Brynn laughed. Her eyes grew wide, laugh ceasing as she heard the familiar words they were so hoping to avoid.

“OH MY GOD....IT’S JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!” A young girl, seemed to appear out of nowhere behind them as she screamed Justin’s name.

Justin looked at Brynn, terror registering across his tanned features. Grasping her hand in his, he shouted above the noise. “RUN!!” Breaking out into a run, they tore through the crowd, trying desperately not to knock over or hurt anyone. They spotted their friends, waving their arms and shouting to obtain their attention. Faith and Sara turning around, seeing them....confusion written across their expressions.

“Run!! Mob!!” Brynn squealed as she streaked past them....being dragged slightly behind Justin. Running all the way to their gate, the group was finally safe as security guards contained the mob of girls, the guys finally feeling secure enough to politely sign a few autographs.

*Hour Later*

Sara looked over to her right and smiled when she noticed JC laughing quietly at Faith. “Faith, I’m not going anywhere.” He grimaced slightly as her grasp on his hand grew tighter.

Faith blushed as she glanced at him, still not releasing his hand. He reached over to unbuckle his seatbelt, preparing to get more comfortable....but having his plans stopped, when Faith reached over him, stopping his movements. “Sorry, but I will NOT allow you to do that.” She gazed into his deep blue eyes.

JC’s laugh filled the cabin again as he buckled his belt back up, Faith’s grasp on his hand tightening, as her other hand took hold of the arm rest. She was completely entrancing to him, primarily for the concern that shone in her eyes when he went to undo his seatbelt....she wanted what was best for him.

Sara smiled at JC’s concentration before looking back over at Justin and Brynn, who sat in front of herself and Wade. Justin was staring out the window, looking tired but slightly confused, Brynn’s eyes were delicately closed as her head rested peacefully on his broad shoulder. Justin looked over at Brynn, smiling down at her innocent, serene face...looking up at Sara, a devilish smile widening on his face. Shocked flashed over her features, as Justin’s smile grew broader....pointing over at Wade, before pointing down at Brynn nonchalantly, a grin sweeping over his lips. Sara blushed as she looked over at Wade, catching on to Justin’s not so subtle suggestion. Wade continued to gaze out the window, caught up in a daydream..not noticing what was going on around him. Sara stared at Justin for a moment before shrugging her shoulders, giving out a quiet sigh...Justin flashed her a thumbs up for reassurance. Sara smiled as she nodded at Brynn who was now sleeping, her breathing deepening with each breath. To her surprise, Justin’s usually in control face turned a bright shade of red as an involuntary smile pulled up his cheeks...Sara lightly laughing from behind she looked back over at Wade once again. Taking a deep breath she carefully placed her head on his shoulder...the movement beneath her causing her to tense up, but soon relaxing as the warmth of his arm slide around her shoulders...him shifting in his seat, so she could rest more comfortably. Sara’s smile grew as her eyes met Justin’s....a smile on his face..and a quick wink before he turned back around.

Finally landing, the group waited for the plane to dock, grabbing their carry-ons, stepping off the plane into the crowded airport...this time adorned in hats and sunglasses, prepared for another mob attack. The girls nonchalantly walked in front of the guys, sweeping past groups of people, keeping their eyes open for inconspicuous teenies. The bright sunlight met them as they stepped out the main doors...a limousine waiting for them as the girls stopped mid step in surprise. James opened the door, introducing himself to everyone as he took a seat inside.

“We’re headed straight to Sam Boyd where you guys are’ve got sound check in about two hours. Lonnie, Mike and Dre will be there, along with Joey, Lance and Chris...and I believe Busta may be attending as well....” Everyone laughing at James’ joke.

“I can’t wait to meet everyone, this is so exciting.” Faith told JC as he smiled down at her.

“They’ll love you.” JC took her hand reassuringly..his mind racing. ‘What’s not to love?’ he thought.

Chapter Five
All For You