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"Will you get off the phone, please? If Alex calls, and I don't answer it, he's gonna be mad." I was doing my best to annoy my friend Tamera. She had been on the phone for two hours, and I was becoming quite pissed off at her.
"Will you just chill out?" Tamera put her hand over the mouth piece, and glared at me.
I turned away from her, towards Kalli who was on the couch engrossed in her biology book.
"Kalli, its Friday afternoon, and your studying. Why?" I threw up my hands, and flopped down on the couch next to her.
She moved over, and quietly said, "its better then fighting Tamera for the phone."
"Humph." I flipped on the TV, and turned it up, so that neither Tamera nor Kalli could continue what they were doing. Just then Nicole came storming out of her bedroom, and grabbed the remote out of my hand.
"Is it to much to ask for a little peace and quiet around here? I've been trying to get some sleep for the past hour. Sara, just calm down, and Tamera hurry and get off the phone."
Tamera just nodded her head from where she was at, and said, "Good-bye Joey," into the phone.
She handed me the receiver, and walked to her bedroom, shutting the door hard, to make sure I understood she wasn't happy with me.
I just shrugged my shoulders, and pushed the on button to listen for the pulsing dial tone. There was none, so I assumed Alex hadn't called, good thing too. Kalli snickered under her breath, then went back to reading. Nicole looking satisfied with getting her way, shut the door to her bedroom. I pushed myself up off the couch and went to knock on Tamera's door.
"What do you want?" She yelled angrily at me.
"I want to apologize for being such a brat. I'm letting this whole Alex thing get to me. I want to know what's buggin him, and every second that goes by I get more irritated."
"Apology accepted. Can I tell you something awesome now?"
"Sure." I opened her door, and sat next to her on her bed.
"You'll never believe what Joey wants us to do?" She sat up, looking me straight in the eye.
"You're right, I never will guess. What?"
"Well, he wants me, you, Kalli and Nicole to meet him down in DC tonight."
"Tonight?!!? You've got to be kidding, that's a good 5 hour drive."
"I know, but I told him it would be no problem."
"Why in the world did you tell him that?"
"Because Kalli and Nicole don't have school Monday, and none of us have anything this weekend. So why not? Besides that we all got paid yesterday, so we all have money. It couldn't have worked out better."
I thought about it for a few minutes. I hadn't been to DC in awhile, and I could use a get away. I nodded my head, "I'm in, but you have to tell Kalli and Nicole."
"Okay, fine with me. You go get packed, because we're leaving in 45 minutes, with or without them." I watched Tamera walk out of her room, totally determined to do this. I just hoped that Nicole and Kalli would come along, it would be much more fun with all four of us going. The phone rang on Tamera's night stand, making me jump. I reached over the alarm clock and grabbed the receiver.
"Sara, I'm glad I finally got a hold of you. Who has been on the phone for the last couple of hours?"
"Take one wild guess Alex, and I'll bet you get it right."
"I'll take that as a Tamera."
"Very good, anyway, what is it you wanted to tell me."
"Oh, well its not good news, so you better sit down."
"I am sitting down Alex, and I don't like the tone in your voice, its not a good thing."
"Well, its not easy for me to say this, because I like you a lot. However I think...."
I heard him take a few deep breaths, and I did the same, knowing full well what was coming.
"Sara, I think we should start seeing other people."
I held back the tears, I knew this was coming. Alex had been acting strange for the past few days, and deep down inside I knew he was thinking about splitting up.
"Well, if you think that is best Alex, I don't see to where I can argue with you."
"Sara, I wish I could explain better, the reason for my springing this on you, but I can't. Lately, I've felt that things aren't working between us, and it would be better if we went out separate ways. "
I nodded, but then realizing that he can't hear me nod said, "I guess I agree with you, I'll miss ya though."
"I'll miss you too, Sara. Look I hate to cut this short, but I'm late for work. I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Okay. Bye."
With that he hung up. I relaxed, but no tears came. I didn't even really feel that sad. Maybe the break up was for the best, besides I was going to DC, I could find a cute guy or two to help me with the pain. I laughed out loud, then went to my room to pack.
An hour later, we were on the road heading towards Washington, DC. Tamera was driving with Kalli in the front with her, Nicole and I had claimed the back seat.
"Put in the Goo Goo Dolls." I begged, as Kalli searched through our CD's to find the one I wanted.
"It's not here." Came her reply.
"Wait, how could it not be there." I protested, then stopped, "Wait, its in my CD player, back at the apartment. Shoot, I guess we have to listen to something else."
"How about Billy Joel?" Nicole smirked in my direction.
Kalli found her CD, and pushed the play button on the player. Nicole and I sung along loudly, making Kalli and Tamera giggle from their front seat positions.

"Are we there yet?" I yawned, and stretched my tired legs and arms.
"Yeah, I see the Hilton up ahead." Tamera made a left turn into the towering building's long circular drive way.
"Since when can we afford to stay at a Hilton?" Nicole suddenly awake questioned.
"Since we're not paying for it, Joey is." Tamera grinned, and shut her door.
We watched her walked into the lobby, and minutes later came back out carrying an envelope. She climbed back in the car, and drove towards the parking garage. A very good looking bell boy helped us with our bags, and we were soon gaping at a very large penthouse suite.
"I'm supposing that Joey has a lot of money." Kalli gasped, looking out the balcony window.
"You guessed right, and you all get to meet him tomorrow. Right now though, I'm going to bed, I'm beat." She said good night to all of us, and picked out her room, shutting the door behind her.
I yawned, and watched Nicole do the same, before grabbing my bag, and picking out my room.
"Good night you two." I said while shutting my door.
Kalli and Nicole followed suit, and before the next hour struck we were all dreaming of pleasant things.

"Who in the world would be knocking on our door this early in the morning?" I grumbled, as I forced myself out of my nice warm bed. I pulled open the main door, to discover a pleasant faced bellboy with a tray of various foods. They all smelled so good, and my stomach growled, however I only had one question on my mind. We hadn't ordered this stuff, so who had.
"We didn't order room service."
"I know, a gentlemen friend of yours did." The bellboy answered, pushing past me into the dinning area of our suite. He placed plates, and napkins around the table, then carefully arranged the platters of food in the empty spots. He smiled politely at me, then showed himself out. I sat down and smelled the food, it all smelled so good, and by the minute I was getting hungrier. I got up, and knocked on Tamera's door, then Nicole's, then Kalli's. If I had to be up this early so did they, besides that I couldn't eat all that food on my own.

Two hours later, we were ready to meet Joey. He had called an hour ago, and told us to meet him and his four friends downstairs in the lobby at 11. The four of us joked about these mysterious friends, as we applied our make-up. Tamera was the last to join us, but soon we were riding in the elevator towards the lobby. Tamera was so excited, and would have been jumping off of walls, if we would have let her. However, we made her stay calm. The doors dinged open, and at first glance the lobby looked empty, but a mob of screaming girls outside, soon told us it wasn't.
"I wonder who they are here for?" I pointed towards the young kids, smiling and shaking my head at how stupid that all seemed.
Kalli and Nicole shook their heads, and together the three of us turned towards Tamera. She was grinning, and pointed towards the bar. There, waving out the window to the crowd was none other then Nsync.
"Umm, Tamera please don't tell me that your Joey is that Joey." I pointed towards the one wearing the superman symbol on his hat.
"That is my Joey, and those are his mysterious friends."
Kalli's mouth hung open, and Nicole slapped Tamera.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Tell you what?" Tamera looked at the three of us confused.
"That you knew Nsync, and that you were dating Joey Fatone."
"I didn't think it was important, besides that, do you three really care?"
We looked at each other, but soon shook our heads, deciding together that it wasn't enough to make a fuss over. Besides did we really want to look like a bunch of love sick fools? I think they were getting enough of that by the crowd hovering outside the window.
Tamera moved behind Joey, and carefully placed her hands over his eyes. We could see a broad smile form on his lips, and he grabbed her hands, pulling her around so he could see her smiling face. I giggled at the romantic site in front of me, then gathering up courage, grabbed Nicole and Kalli's hands, and pulled them over towards the table where they sat. Tamera looked up as we approached, and with a wave of her hand, pointed as she introduced each of us.
"Guys, these are my friends Kalli, Nicole and Sara. " Then doing the same, but introducing them to us said, "This is Justin, Joey, Chris, Lance and JC."
I reached out my hand, as did Kalli and Nicole, and we carefully yet politely shook their hands.

"So what do you boys have in store for us this weekend?" Tamera questioned Joey.
We were all sitting around the table, making small talk, but not really knowing what to say.
"Well, we have two concerts this weekend, and you gals are going to be our guests. So that means you get total access to back stage, front row seats, and the privileged to hang out with us. Now doesn't that sound great?"
"Joey, you make it sound as if its the best thing in the world to hang with you." I grinned at him, as Tamera shot me an evil glare. I shut my mouth as Joey burst out laughing. I heard Justin next to me snicker, and as I looked at the faces of the others at our table, soon discovered they were all smiling.
"I guess I can be a smart ass, and y'all think I'm funny, huh." I playfully punched Justin in the arm, and he poked me in the side.
"Stop it Sara." Tamera hissed.
"Aww, Tamera, let her be. She's just proving to Joey that he's not everything in the world." Chris joked.
"Exactly what I was trying to say, thank you for making my point so clear, Chris." I winked at Chris from across the table, and squirmed again as Justin poked me in the side.
"Um, not to interrupt, but when are we leaving?" Kalli shyly asked, as she felt JC's gaze upon her. "How about now?" Joey stood, helping Tamera to her feet.
JC offered his hand to Kalli, and she carefully took it, not knowing for sure how to accept his sudden interest in her.
I laughed, and stood up, offering my hand to Justin, who looked at me questioningly, but I just smiled, and he took the hint.
"Thank you dear." He loudly remarked, and Chris laughed.
I walked behind the rest of them, with Justin and Chris by my side. I grinned at them as they offered their arms to me, which I accepted, and the three of us skipped along behind everyone else. I sneaked a quick glimpse of Lance and Nicole, then grinned broadly at how well they seemed to get along. JC had gotten Kalli to talk, the second guy in history to break that barrier, but she seemed very comfortable with him, which was a good thing. Tamera and Joey of course were just happy to be back together after their long time apart. I was beginning to think that my break up with Alex was the best thing that could have happened.

"Wow, is that the tour bus?" I asked the guys on my arms. They nodded, and escorted me towards the open door. I climbed in after Lance, and glanced around. 'Wow', I breathed, and sat down at the table by the window. Kalli slid in next to me, we looked at each other and burst out laughing. Chris and Justin looked at us curiously, as they sat across from us.
"What are you laughing about?" Justin asked.
"Well, its just that Kalli and I were watching your home video thing the other day, and we sort of brought up the point of how cool it would be to actually see the bus for real." I explained to both of them, as they smiled at us.
"Its really dumb on our part, but then again, we never thought we'd actually be here." Kalli talked with her head down.
JC walked up behind her, and carefully lifted her head. "Your much prettier when you talk with your head up." He smiled down at her, making her blush.
"JC, you've known her a total of maybe 20 minutes, its to soon to be making a pass at her. Wait till you've known her for 40 minutes." JC looked blankly at me, but I just grinned letting him know I was kidding. Chris and Justin laughed under their breath, as Kalli got up to go sit with JC.
"Man girl, your a riot." Chris burst out in a fit of laughter.
"I'm not a riot, I'm just really funny." I smiled big at him, then turned around to see what everyone else was doing. The bodyguards had gotten on the bus now, and were making their way back towards the back. The thought of actually sitting in Nsync's tour bus wouldn't normally phase me, but actually being there was making me smile uncontrollably. Justin and Chris were starring at me as I looked out the window, they were both wondering what I could be smiling about, but neither wanted to disturb me. Joey and Tamera had sat on one of the couches, across from Lance and Nicole. The way that everyone was pairing off was surprising. We had only all known each other for a short time, but the guys were so easy to get a long with. The bus lurched forward, and pulled out of the parking garage. We passed the crowd of screaming fans, and the guys opened the windows to wave at them as we drove away.

"Wow the MCI center, its to bad that we can't see a game." Kalli stared at the building in front of her.
I patted her on the shoulder, and smiled as we walked inside.
"Isn't this great, and we get to spend the next three days here." Tamera skipped past me and Kalli, as she went to link arms with Joey. He gave her a kiss and smiled at her happy face. I made a gagging noise as Kalli laughed.
"Okay you two, haven't I told you before not to make fun of Tamera and her sappy love life." Nicole sarcastically remarked. I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing, till I felt a sharp stab in my side. I quickly turned around to see Justin smirk.
"Do you think its amusing to poke others?" I put my hands on my hips and glared at him in a sideways glance.
"Naw." He shook his head, "just you."
"I feel so loved." I reached out to poke him, but he grabbed my hand. I tried to take my hand back, but he wouldn't let go, instead he pulled me closer, and walked next to me. I glanced at Kalli and Nicole, but they just looked away, both smiling.
"Look at him, how does he do it?" Lance asked JC as they walked behind me and Justin.
"Ya know Lance, I'm not sure, but he always seems to get the girl he wants, doesn't he?" They both just shook their heads, knowing the answer to that question was a definite yes.
"Oh well, maybe we'll have to watch him closely and learn his secrets. Then we can work on getting Kalli and Nicole." Lance smirked, and JC grinned. They both liked that idea, and hoped by the end of the weekend, they could call them theirs.

"Goodness, I never expected backstage to be this big. How do you find your way around?" Kalli looked at Justin, then at JC. Justin looked at her then back at me, and JC took her hand, and led her away from the group.
"Its really not that hard. One backstage looks like another, and once you've seen em all, you can never get lost." JC smiled down at her, and she blushed, but let him lead her around.
I watched em go, and smiled to myself. It was good to see Kalli with a guy. I laughed at how bad that sounded, but she hardly ever had a boyfriend, and she never seemed to open up to em. Tamera awoke me from my thoughts with a pat on my back. I turned around, and looked her in the eye.
"Joey's gonna let us sit on the stage while they do the soundcheck. Come on." She grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from Justin. We found Nicole near the stairs of the stage, talking to Lance, but that was so interrupted. We were still missing Kalli, but I had no idea where she was now. Oh well, she'd find us later.

"Could they pack anymore people into this place?" I shouted over the increasing noise.
"I doubt it, it might burst open if they tried." Nicole covered her ears, and sat down, trying to ignore the 'I love Nsync' shouts from the pre teens around us.
Kalli her face all lit up, sat in her chair, thinking about JC. I tapped Tamera on the shoulder and pointed down at her.
"She's in love." Tamera stated, before turning back towards the stage.
"Ya know, I can't believe they set us front row, center stage. We're almost close enough to touch em." I scanned the stage with my eyes.
Tamera laughed, "why do you need to touch em while they are on stage, you can just have em backstage."
I slapped her, because that comment sounded gross, but couldn't help but laugh. It was a typical Tamera thing.
The lights dimmed, the house erupted in a roar of screams, and the guys came out full force, working the audience, and putting on a very kick ass show.

"Man that was wonderful, a lot better then I ever expected." Kalli was sitting very close to JC on the bus, his arm around her shoulders. We were all talking away about everything, the concert, the guys, us, our lives, etc.... Things couldn't be better.
"Anyone thirsty?" Lance got up from his spot next to Nicole and walked to the fridge, pulling out a can of Dr. Pepper.
"Oh Oh, do you have another one of those?" I had been craving a nice cold can of Dr Pepper, ever since we left all mine back in NYC.
"Yeah, there's another right here. I assume you want it?" Lance held the can out in front of him, taunting me with it.
"Um, you would assume right, Lancey boy. Now hand it over." I grabbed the can from him.
"Well, isn't someone a little demanding, tonight?" Justin teased from his position across from me.
"Hey curly cue, you better watch it, or else you'll feel the wrath of the great one." I grinned at him, as I heard Tamera laugh behind me.
"And what, pray tell are you laughing at?" I turned around to look at her, but she just gave me a half smile, and laid her head on Joey's shoulder.
"Ugh, girls." I threw my hands up and spun around to face Justin and Chris.
"Sara, I hate to break the news to ya, but you are a girl." Chris smiled at me, then winked.
"Thank you Chris, I never would have known I was a girl, unless you pointed it out to me." I playfully kicked him under the table, while Justin laughed.
I pulled my foot back, but then decided to test Justin's feelings. I streched my leg out, and rested my foot on his leg. Just as I had suspected he didn't move my foot, he left it there, but did something I didn't suspect, he put his hand on top of it. It tickled and I flinched a little, but smiled at him to let him know nothing was wrong.

We arrived back at the hotel pretty late, but no one seemed tired. They guys didn't have anything till 1 the next afternoon, and I couldn't have gone to sleep if I had wonted to. I got the feeling that Tamera, Kalli and Nicole couldn't have either. So the guys invited us up to their room. JC opened the door, and held it open for the rest of us. I glanced around, and noticed that their room looked a lot like ours, only much bigger. There was a laptop on the table near the phone, and stereo with CD's scattered around it, a playstation hooked to the TV and boxes of cereal on the kitchen counter. I picked up a box of Apple Jacks...
"Who's are these?"
Lance pointed at Justin, and I turned my gaze upon him. He grabbed the box out of my hands, and after placing it on the counter, wrapped his arms around me. Startled and feeling awkard because this was all so sudden, I glanced at him quizacally. He must have understood how I felt, because he backed off, but not without kissing my nose first. I reached up and touched the spot he had kissed, as shy smile formed on my lips. Nicole who had whitnessed the whole thing smiled, and wished that Lance would do the same for her. As if reading her thoughts, walked up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. She reached up and grabbed his hand, pulling it down, and backing up so that she was closer to him. He took the hint, and held her. Kalli and JC had already gotten past that part, they were sitting on the couch watching Chris and Joey play a game of NFL Gameday, JC had an arm drapped over Kalli's shoulders, and she had her head against it, laughing every so often at Chris' dumb comments.

"Nicole, wake up." I nugged her with my foot, as she groaned and opened her eyes.
"What do you want?" She closed her eyes once again, hoping I would go away.
"The guys are gone, and we are still in their hotel room." I pulled the blanket off of her, as her eyes shot open.
"What?? We spent the night in their room?"
"Looks that way. They left a note on the counter, telling us to order room service if we get hungry, and that they'll be back at about 4." I read from the note that JC had written.
"Let me see that." Nicole grabbed it from my grasp, reading it herself. "Man, what time is it?"
I glanced at the clock on the VCR.. it read 12:30. "It's 12:30. I wonder how long they've been gone, and how on earth did they get out of her without one of us waking up?" I looked at the couch where Kalli was curled up under a fluffy quilt.
"I have no idea. Wait, where is Tamera?" Nicole brought thoughts back to reality
"Oh my god, I don't know. I didn't see her when I woke up, but then again I woke up on one of the twin beds in Justin's room. Maybe she's in Joey's room?" I pointed to a closed door, where I could now hear a faint snoring. Nicole gave me a 'let's go wake her' look, and together we carefully opened her door. There lying on the big double bed, looking comfortable, and happy was Tamera. "Well, we know she had a nice time last night." I heard Nicole hold back a laugh, as we grabbed hold of the bottom part of the comforter.
"Count of three, pull." I whispered to Nicole. She nodded her head, and when I said three, we both yanked on that quilt hard. Tamera shot staight up, and glarred at us.
"What do you two think you're doing here?? Aren't you supposed to be back in our hotel room?" She snapped at the two of us, but we just smiled, shaking out heads.
"We woke up out there." Nicole pointed out the open door towards the couches and TV.
"Not me though, I woke up in Justin's room." I folded my arms across my chest, hoping Tamera would crack and tell us what was going on.
"Joey told me, he'd have all you guys back in our room, he never said anything about all of us spending the night." Tamera climbed off the bed, and pulled on a robe, before walking past us into the kitchen.
"KALLI!!" Tamera yelled at the poor girl, who was so startled she practically jumped off the couch into my arms, since I was standing behind her.
"What, what, what??" She looked around confused. "Where am I?"
"Well you were in JC's arms, till he had to leave, now your just on the couch." Nicole slapped me for that comment, then proceded to inform Kalli on what the rest of us knew.

We decided to hang around their room until they came back. At 2:00 the phone rang, and Tamera quickly answered it, however it was a couple of fans, thinking they had Nsync's number. Good thing Tamera answered, two less fans for the guys to worry about. I sat down in front of the TV, looking over the many games that Chris had for his Playstation. Not finding one I liked, picked up the control for the TV and flipped it on. It was on the local station, and as the picture came into view, I found myself starring at five guys I knew.
"Tamera, Nicole, Kalli!!" I turned around to get their attention, but it was already on the TV.
"They didn't tell us they were going to be on television today. I wonder what this is all about? Turn it up will ya?" Tamera stood behind me now, starring at her beloved Joey. I heard Kalli sigh as the interviewer stuck the mic in JC's face. His sweet smooth voice filled the room, and I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, she had a half smile on her face, but her eyes glittered. I turned back around, and couldn't help but feel the same way Kalli did, only my attention was focused on Justin. He blue eyes shone brightly as he answered his question perfectly. The typical girlfriend question came up, and like clock work they all said no. However, I noticed Lance, JC, Justin and Joey exchange looks, and smile. Chris played up to this by saying, "My wife and two kids don't appreciate this question." I burst out laughing, as did Kalli and Tamera. Nicole smiled, but kept watching. When the interview was over, Nicole finally spoke...
"Did ya notice how they reacted to the question about the girlfriends?" She looked at each of us, and we all nodded our heads. "Why did they have to look so nervous about it, only Joey has a girlfriend."
She had stated the obvious, but for some reason it didn't seem like it. The way Justin had put his arms around me, and kissed my nose. The way JC always had an arm around Kalli's shoulders, and how Lance had held Nicole. If that wasn't sure signs of them falling for us, what was?
"We may not officially be their girlfriends, but think about it Nicole, they seem very interested in us. Don't ya think?" She starred at me for a minute, then slowly nodded her head, a smile forming on her lips.

By 4:30 the guys finally came through the doors. We jumped up from our spots on the couch to greet them.
"We saw your TV interview, you guys were great." Kalli received a hug from JC, as he smiled at her complainant.
"Why thank you Kalli." He kissed her forehead gently, before letting her go.
"So what else did you guys do today?" I had gone back to sitting on the couch, and Justin came over and sat next to me.
"Not much, a couple radio interviews, a photo shoot, then that thing on the local channel you saw. Pretty much a typical off day for us." He reached out and poked me.
"And that was your typical greeting to the one you adore so much." He laughed, and poked me again, but this time I reached out and poked him back. He held his side, looking hurt, but I leaned closer to him, and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and reached his hand out once again, I braced myself for the sharp pain in my side. However, he took my hand, and held it.
"I like this much better, doesn't hurt as much." I laughed, as he turned on the TV.
"Oh, how come you guys let us sleep here last night?" Nicole asked the question that had been haunting our minds since this morning. Lance reached in the fridge to grab a drink before answering her.
"Well, JC and Justin thought that it would be a lot easier to let you sleep here, then to wake you, and make you go back to your own room. Besides that Tamera was already planning on staying, so why not the rest of ya."

I yawned and threw the covers off of me. I hit the carpeted floor with my bare feet, and walked to the bathroom. I starred at myself in the mirror, thinking out loud to myself...
'This is my last day with the guys, then I have to go back to NYC, and I may never see Justin again. I think I'm gonna have to make an extreme effort to impress him today.' I grinned evilly at myself, as I walked to my closet. I pushed it open, looking for the perfect thing to wear.
"Wow, you look great." Kalli said, looking up from her bowl of Apple Jacks at me.
"Thanx. I still don't understand how you or Justin can eat these things?" I looked at the box with disgust, before reaching for a muffin.
"They are good." She mumbled as she scooped another spoon full into her mouth.
"Why are you dressed up?" Tamera questioned, walking up behind me.
I looked at what I was wearing again. I had gone shopping at the Gap a couple days before we left, and had packed the clothes. I had on a white big twill shirt, with a blue striped tee underneath, wide leg jeans, and blue Adidas to match.
"What is wrong with looking nice?" I looked at Tamera as I reached for a glass.
"Nothing, but why should today be any different then any other day?" I felt her looking at me as I poured myself a glass of milk.
"Tamera.." I turned around to look at her, "We are leaving tomorrow, this may be the last time I see Justin. I want to make an impression."
Tamera burst our laughing. Kalli and I looked at her, bewildered to her behavior.
"Why are you laughing?" Kalli tried to say through her food.
"Because, number one, you've already made an impression on Justin, and two, you'll see him again sooner then you think." Before we could ask what she meant, she walked to her room, shutting the door behind her. We looked after her, not knowing what to think of it. Nicole's door opened, and she rubbed her eyes, as she reached for the Apple Jacks. She realized we were looking at something and followed our gazes to Tamera's door.
"Umm, what are you two looking at?"
"Nothing." Kalli and I shrugged our shoulders together.

I had received a phone call right as the limo arrived, so I told the other three to go ahead, but to send the limo back for me. I was in the lobby waiting, and my thoughts started to drift. I begin thinking of the last two days here. Justin had been great to me, so kind and polite, he even put up with my stupid jokes. 'Did I really love him?' I had no idea, love was such a strong feeling. I liked him yes, but love. 'Would I be his girlfriend if he asked me?' Again another uncertainty. I had just gotten out of a relationship, 'was I ready to get into another one?' My mind kept going for the yes factor. However, I didn't want to date someone I never saw. 'What had Tamera meant when she said I'd be seeing him sooner then I thought?' Her words haunted me, I had to know what she meant by that. Just then the limo pulled into the hotel driveway, and I went out to meet it. Sitting all alone, riding to the arena left me time to think again, but I didn't want to think anymore, so to divert my thoughts, I flipped on the radio. I let the car fill with the music of an unfamiliar tune.

When I first saw you, I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought that I would never find
Angel of Mine
I looked at you, looking at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
Gonna love you boy, you are so fine
Angel of Mine
How you changed my world, you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
You came into my life, straight from above
When I lost all hope, you showed me love
I'm checking for ya boy, you're right on time
Angel of Mine

Nothing means more to me than what we share
No one in this old world, can ever compare
It's like the way you move, you're still on my mind
Angel of Mine
What you mean to me, you'll never know
Deep inside, I need to show
I never knew I could feel each moment
As if they were new
Every breath that take
The love that we make
I only share it with you
When I first saw you, I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought that I would never find
Angel of Mine
How you changed my world, you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
I looked at you, looking at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
Checking for ya boy, your right on time
Angel of Mine

The song caught me totally by surprise. How ironic is that? A song comes on the radio and totally describes my feelings for Justin. It got me thinking, put probed much deeper then ever before. So much for radio getting rid of my thoughts.

"Where is Sara?" Were the first words out of Justin's mouth when he saw my three friends arrive at the arena.
"Umm, we decided to leave her behind." Tamera held back the smile that was threatening to take over her lips.
"What?? WHY??" Justin's startled expression made Tamera and Kalli burst into fits of laughter.
"Justin, we're kidding. She got a phone call right when we were leaving, so we sent the limo back for her." Tamera and Kalli took off to find Joey and JC. Justin breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down to wait for me. Nicole however had left to find Lance. She found him, sitting next to their manager, discussing the business for today. Nicole didn't want to interrupt, so she waited for him to finish.
"Lance?" Nicole whispered behind him. He turned around, and stood up to embrace her in a big hug.
She enjoyed being in his strong arms. "Lance, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." He sat down in his chair, and Nicole sat on his lap.
"Well, we leave tonight for NYC. I just wanted to tell you that I had more fun these past two days with you, then I have had with a guy in a long time. I don't want to leave you."
Lance put his arms around her once again, comforting her. Then Nicole noticed the smile on Lance's face.
"What are you grinning about?" She playfully punched him
"Can I tell you something, but you'll totally swear, not to tell Sara or Kalli?" Lance searched Nicole's eyes to make sure she was sincere.
"Of course you can tell me." Nicole leaned closer, and Lance filled her in on the secret.

"Justin, what are you doing?" I spotted Justin as I walked into the arena from the back door. He had his head down, and looked like he was either crying or asleep. When I spoke his head shot up, and he grinned.
"Just waiting for you." He rose to his feet, and walked over to me. He put his arms around me, and this time I didn't flinch or try to pull away. "Sara, I have something to tell you. The guys and I were going to wait until later, but I just have to tell you now."
I looked up at him, and as I starred into his dark blue eyes, mouthed the word, "what?"
"Well, yesterday while we were doing our many interviews, the guys and I talked. We all had the same thing on our minds. You, Tamera, Kalli and Nicole. We really don't have the heart to leave you in NYC, where we probably won't see you again for a long time, so we all decided on one thing." He avoided looking me in the eyes, while he told me this, I was beginning to think something bad was going to happen.
"What would that one thing be? Justin look at me." I put my hand on his chin, and pulled his head down, so he was looking me in the eyes.
"Would you have any problem leaving NYC?"
"I probably wouldn't. Other then my job and my friends I have nothing to stay for. Why?"
"Well, the one thing the guys and I decided was that we want you, Kalli, Tamera and Nicole to move to FL with us."
"Whoa!! Did I hear you right? You want us to move to FL with you? Umm, don't you live with your mom and JC?"
"Yes, but there is more, will you keep listening?"
I nodded my head and he continued.
"The five of us have been planning for quite some time to buy a house. What difference will it make if we have four more people living there, not one."
"Justin, wait a second. You've only known me for two days, don't you think this is rushing it?"
He thought for a minute, all the while his eyes wondering. They would look at me, then back up at the wall, finally he spoke. "Ya know, I've given that more thought then anything, and no I don't think its rushing it. Have you ever heard the song Angel of Mine?"
I looked at him, not believing what I had just heard. Was it possible in his mind he saw that song as his feelings for me, as I saw it as my feelings for him. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I just heard it on my way over here. What does it have to do with me moving to FL?"
"It really has nothing to do with you moving to FL, it has all to do with how I feel for you. If you listened to the words, you'll know exactly what I mean."
I looked down at the floor. So he did feel the same way I did. What did I have to lose with moving to FL? Nothing, expect if I didn't go, I may lose the one guy that has ever really cared for me. "Justin, I'm going to have to talk to the others about this, but if they are thinking what I'm thinking, I can tell you now that we'll be living in FL shortly."
The biggest smile crossed his face, and he hugged me, and this time when he leaned down, he kissed my lips. I blushed, as he let go of me. "I'll talk to ya after the show." I watched him run down the hall, then went to find my friends.

"Do you really think its a good idea? Like Sara mentioned earlier we have only known these guys for two days." The four of us were sitting in Nsync's dressing room, discussing about whether or not we really wanted to move to Florida.
"You three are forgetting on thing." Tamera looked each one of us in the eyes. She wanted really bad to be with Joey all the time, or as much as possible. I had a feeling she was moving with or without us, but would prefer the with.
"What is that?" I asked her.
"I've known Joey for a couple months now, and I've gotten to know all of them pretty well. I can tell when they are truly serious about something. When Joey told me their plan for having us move in with em, he was very serious. They want this, and we have nothing to lose. We might as well go." The three of us looked at her. We still weren't sure about it, but she did have a point.
"Wait I have an idea." I had suddenly come up with a plan, to make sure we could get out of Florida, if it didn't work.
"What?" The three chimed in together.
"Well, why don't we pay for next months rent on our apartment. That way if things in Florida don't work out, we'll have something to come back to. Oh and Tamera, is them asking us to move in with em, what you meant by, 'you'll be seeing them sooner then you think.'"
She shook her head, "no actually, what I had in mind when I said that, was, their next concert is in NYC, so we actually aren't leaving them tomorrow."
"So are we ready to give the guys our answer?" Kalli spoke for the first time since the topic of moving away had come up. It turned out she had been the only one not to know, and was more then a little shocked about it.
"Kalli, what do you think about this?" Tamera looked at her, as she shifted uncomfortably.
"Well..." she spoke quietly, "I want to move. I really like JC, he makes me feel comfortable. I really don't want to lose that, besides, I have nothing in NYC, expect you guys. If you come, then I'm taking it all with me, plus gaining more with JC. Don't you guys feel the same about Justin, Lance and Joey?"
There was that question again. Did I really love Justin? This time instead of leaving me with no answer, my mind screamed, 'YES!!!!'
"Yeah I do feel the same way about Justin. I've made up my mind, I'm going."
Tamera and Nicole looked at me and Kalli for a long time, then both nodded their heads. "All right then, its settled. We'll tell the guys we've decided to go with em." I stood to leave, but Kalli stopped me, I turned around to look at her.
"We aren't making the biggest mistakes in our lives are we?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. I shook my head, "I don't know Kalli, I hope not."

We were sitting in our front row seats, looking up at the stage. The fans had begun pouring in, but I wasn't interested in them, I couldn't keep my mind off of what Justin had said.
"Ya know, I've given that more thought then anything, and no I don't think its rushing it. Have you ever heard the song Angel of Mine?"
I looked at him, not believing what I had just heard. Was it possible in his mind he saw that song as his feelings for me, as I saw it as my feelings for him. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I just heard it on my way over here. What does it have to do with me moving to FL?"
"It really has nothing to do with you moving to FL, it has all to do with how I feel for you. If you listened to the words, you'll know exactly what I mean."
Justin liked me, he really and truly liked me, and after the concert I was going to tell him that I was moving to Florida to live with him. Was this a mistake? Was I ready for a commiment like that? I had no idea, but I did know that my heart was telling me to stay with Justin. If he left without me, I'd lose him forever. 'Sara, you have to do something daring for once in your life. You've given up to many things because you've chickened out. Do you really awn to lose him?' Whoa, now I was lecturing myself. That only meant one thing, I had to go through with it. Myself was right, I had never done anything daring, I had always talked myself out of it. This however, I would not get out of. I was moving to Floriday, whether I liked it or not.
"Sara, Sara, Sara?!?" Kalli nudged me, breaking me away from my thoughts.
"Hmm?" I kept my eyes on the stage, but leaned closer so I could hear her better.
"I've been thinking, and I think that maybe us moving to Florida really is a good idea."
"Ya know Kal, I've been thinking the same thing. I get this strange feeling that if we don't move, we'll loose the guys forever."
"Sara, this is weird, but I've also been getting that same feeling. That's why I think its a good idea we're going." Kalli turned her attention back towards the stage, and I went back to thinking. All of a sudden the lights went out, and the crowd exploded into a wave of screams. For the fun of it, Kalli and I started chanting Nsync, Nsync, Nsync, and soon we had everyone chanting with us. I was laughing so hard, I had a hard time breathing, but right on cue as the screams got louder, Nsync came out in their space suits, and took the crowd away with their awesome dance moves. When the guys removed their helmets, the first eyes the made contact with were ours. We smiled and waved at em, and they grinned back at us. Through the whole show, they played off of us. When they sang (God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time On You, I sat down in my chair, looking up at Justin. I met his eyes, and he sang the song to me. Never once leaving my gaze. That song held a new meaning as of that night, and it brought tears to my eyes. When the concert was over, we stayed in our chairs, until things begin to die down, then pushed our way through to the backstage door.

We weaved our way through the hustle and bustle of people, as they scurried to get things back on the buses and trailors.
"It looks like an ant colony hard at work." I laughed, as one guy went wizzing past us.
"Yeah, but ya know, it would be kind of cool to work behind the scenes like this." Nicole watched one lady push the wardrobe outside onto a waiting truck. "I mean, wouldn't you like to be the one to pick out what clothes they wear on stage?"
"Yeah, but I think they need more help with picking their clothes out, off stage." I laughed at what Kalli had said. She was right, they weren't the best dressers, but hey, they were our bad dressers.
"There they are." I followed where Nicole was pointing, and saw all five of the guys being led ourside by their big bodyguards. "Lets hurry, we might be left behind." The three of them, begin moving faster. I had to make a stop at their dressing room because I had left my jacket there. I rushed in, and back out quickly, but as I stood in the hall, lost all site of my friends, and the guys. 'Oh no.' I whispered to myself. I started pushing my way through the crowd, towards the door. Or at least I thought it was the door to outside. I came to a door, and pushed it open, only to reveal rows and rows of seats. 'Damn!' I said louder then I had meant to.
"Miss, can I help you?" I whirrled around, to face a young man I had seen a few times. He was on 'Nsync's crew.
"Yeah, I'm lost. I'm trying to get back to the bus, but I got turned around somehow, and now I'm back where I started."
"Here, I'll show ya the way." He held out his hand, and I politely took it. He pulled me through the crowd with ease, until we both finally reached the door to outside. He pushed it open, and under the lights, I saw the bus.
"Thank you very much, ummm.." I looked up at him.
"Its Anthony, but everyone calls me Tony. I've seen you around, your with the guys aren't ya?"
"Yeah I am. My name is Sara. Thank you again Tony, I really appericate it."
"SARA!!!" I heard my name being yelled, and looked closer at the bus. There was Justin's head, sticking out of the window. He hadn't seen me yet, so I said good-bye to Tony once again, and hurried towards him.
"Hey good looking." I stood underneath him, looking up.
He looked down, surprised that I was below him. "Where have ya been?" He had concern in his voice.
"I got lost. I had to get my jacket in the dressing room, and when I came out, everyone was out of site. Then I ended up getting turned around, and found myself back where I had started. Then Tony came and helped me find my way back."
"Who's Tony?"
"Justin, don't you even know people who work on your crew?"
"Umm, Sara, how many people do we have working for us? A lot, so no I don't know everyone. Hurry and get on this bus." He smiled down at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him. Then ran to the door, and climbed the stairs up into the bus.

"So what have you gals decided to do?" Joey glanced at each of us before letting his eyes rest on Tamera.
"Well....." She started, but stopped and threw me a 'what do I say' look.
"Joey, we've thought about it, and have come to a decision." I was trying my hardest to keep a straight face as I spoke, but was on the verge of breaking.
"And?" Justin grabbed my hand, looking at me with pleading eyes.
"You're awfully cute when you plead." I kissed my two fingers and gently touched his lips.
"What, no real kiss?" He pouted.
"That's for later, if your good." I winked at him.
"Hey, we don't even wanna hear about it." JC put his hands over Kalli's ears. "There are innocent ears in here. Besides I want to be the one to teach her those kinds of things."
"JC!!" Kalli blushed, as she leaned over to kiss JC on the cheek. He smiled and once again slipped his arm over her shoulder.
"We've gotten off of the subject. Nicole will you please tell me what you ladies have decided on? You coming or not?" Joey stood up, putting his hands on his hips, and glarring at each one of us.
"Joey, we said yes. You should of figured that one out already." Nicole buried her head into Lance's shoulder, and he gently stroked her hair.
"Well, why didn't you just say so in the first place. Sara??" Joey threw me one of those 'if looks could kill' glances.
"It is just way to much fun playing with your mind, Joesph. Next time you'll learn to ask Nicole first."

*A week later....
"Justin are you sure its a good idea, for us to go to Florida without you guys?" I grasped his hands in mine, and looked at him with pleading and questioning eyes.
He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and leaned down to brush a soft kiss on my lips. "You'll be fine, my mom will pick you guys up, and she'll help you look for a house. Don't worry about it, okay sweetie."
I stared into his blue eyes, watching them sparkle with love. He leaned over to kiss again, and this time I kissed him back.
"I love you." He mumbled through the kiss.
"I love you too," I mumbled back. We pulled away from each other, then after planting a kiss on my forehead, grabbed his bag.
"I'll be back in a few hours, then it will be just me, and you in my arms."
I smiled at his back, as he shut the door behind him. I threw my hands up in the air falling back onto the bed. I let out a sigh, and felt my heart pound inside my chest. He still made my knees weak, my heart skip a beat and butterflies appear in my stomach. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me, that was for sure, and I was doing the unthinkable, moving in with him. The knock on the door, ripped me from my thoughts, as I stood to open it.
"Hey Kalli, hi Nic."
"Hi Sara." They both greeted me, while walking past me, to find a seat on the edge of the bed. "Can we talk to you?"
"Sure, you know you can talk to me about anything. What's up?"
"Well, we're nervous about this whole move. I mean, we've only known them for almost 2 weeks, and we are moving away from our home, into a new one." Nic was trying so hard to have a serious conversation, but my mind begin to wander. "What if things don't work out, what if we end up hating it?" She finished, looking at me, waiting for my answer.
"If that happens, we'll come back. I have a feeling however that it won't happen." I brushed my lips with my fingertips, smiling inside as I did.
Kalli watched me, then as a smile appeared on her face said, "I know how you feel, JC kissed me very passionately, before he left. Sara, I've never been in love before, but my heart is telling me that this is so right. He is so right."
"I feel the same as both of you. Is it possible to be this much in love with a person, after knowing them for only a week." Nic put her head down, studying her finger nails.
I put my arm around her shoulder, "I think we are making the best decision of our lives. We leave for Florida in the morning, we'll find out then, just how great of a choice this was. And yes Nic, I think that you can be that much in love with someone after only a week of knowing them."

"Here babe, can you hold this for me?" I handed Justin my makeup bag, as I grabbed a couple more things off of the counter. As I dropped the stuff in the bag, felt something grab my hand. I looked at my hand in his, and smiled up at him.
"Sara, I'm going to miss you so much." He put the bag down, and wrapped his strong arms around me. I buried my head in his shoulder, and he ran his hand up and down my back, before coming to rest on the back of my neck. "We're only going to be apart for another 2 weeks, then we'll be back in Orlando for a month and a half."
"Justin, I have a feeling those two weeks are going to drag on forever." I breathed him in, the smell of Tommy cologne hung heavily.
He started to stroke my hair, "yeah they will, but you and I will be so busy, we won't have much time to think of each other."
"Ha, you know that's a lie." I picked my head up, and looked in squarely in the face. "You're gonna be thinking of me 24/7, because you know that's how much I'll be thinking of you."
"Your so right." He cupped my chin in his hand, before leaning down to embrace my lips with his. He tasted so sweet, and if I had my way, I would have stayed like this forever. He pulled away, taking a deep breath, then kissed my forehead, giving me a final hug, before letting go.
"Justin, is this move going to work?"
He looked at me, took my hands in his once again and whispered, "yes."
I breathed a sigh of relief, if he wanted it to work, if he said it would, I had hope.

In the living room of one of the suites the 9 of us stood. Each embracing the other, saying our good-byes. We were parting for a while, and we all had kisses to give, and hugs to receive. I watched as JC kissed Kalli, tipping her head back ever so gently. I watched her cheeks get red, and her eyes flutter open, then closed again. I reached for Justin's hand, for a knowing that he was still there. He took it and held it. His warm hand, made my icy, chilled palms melt. Out of the corner of my eye, Joey and Tamera were saying their good-byes. They had done this once before, but it was hard, even for them. It was hard for all of us, even Chris who didn't have a girl to lose. Lance held Nicole in his arms, trying to comfort her, trying to make her feel not so lonely at the moment. I saw her reach up and wipe a tear from her eye. My eyes started to water as well, as they came together, and their lips met. Lance kissed her, she kissed back, for what seemed like hours, they stayed together. Justin pulled on my hand, wrapping his arms around me, like he had done last night. He didn't kiss me like I thought he would, he just ran his fingers through my hair, humming every so quietly. I rested my tired head on his shoulder, my comfort spot. I knew it was always there if I needed it, but I had to leave it, leave it for 14 days. That wasn't long time, but for a new couple, it was a lifetime. We broke apart, but not before he kissed my lips gently, brushing his hands a crossed them. We waved good-bye to them, and I being the last turned a tearful eye back the group of the five young men who had stole my heart, and my friends hearts.

I clung to Tamera's hand, who was on my right, and to Nic's, on my left. "I hate doing new things." I whined, as we stepped out of the boarding tunnel.
"Oh shut up, its not like we're jumping off of a cliff or anything." Tamera yanked her hand from mine. "Sara, we're just meeting Justin's mom." She looked at me, after saying that. "Oh, I forgot, you're dating her son. You do have a reason to be nervous."
"Thanx for the vote of confidence. I feel so much better now." I smacked her in the arm, before letting go of Nic's hand as well. I turned around to make sure Kalli was behind us. She was, but being quite, and shy as always. "Kal, come walk next to me." I held out my hand to her, and pulled her into step with me. "Nervous?"
"Yeah. I don't even really know why."
"Maybe because we know we have just stepped off the plane into reality. We're in Florida, we are here to start a new life, here to stay." Nic looked around for someone that fit the description of Justin's mother. "We'll be okay, as long as we stick together. Besides that, the guys will be home in 14 days."
14 days, I breathed out, putting my head down. 14 days, 14 days. How come that number seemed so big?
"What are ya thinking about, Sara?" Kalli tapped my shoulder, bringing my head back up.
"Just that the number 14 seems more like 1400."
"Ha Ha, same here."
"There she is, I think." Nic pointed out in the crowd. At first I didn't see anything, but after a moment a slim middle aged lady with curly blond hair imerged.
"Yep, that's her." Tamera grabbed Nic's hand, who grabbed mine. I quickly snatched Kalli's and we wadded through the crowd towards her.
"Tamera!! Hello dear." Tamera smiled as she embraced Justin's mom.
"Lynn, this is Kalli, Nicole and Sara." Tamera introduced each of us. Lynn shook our hands, but embraced me in a hug. Then held me at arms length.
"You are a beauty, sweetie. Such a sweet face."
I blushed at her complainments. "Thank you, ma'am."
"No, No, none of that ma'am stuff. You my dear call me Lynn."
"Okay, Lynn. Where are we going to stay, while we're here?"
"With me of course, honey. Now you just follow me, and we'll get y'all settled in."

I scanned the basement with my eyes, trying my hardest to memorize my surrondings.
"What are you doing?" A voice behind me, made me jump and spin around. I faced Nic, who had a smile spead widely across her face.
"I'm just looking around, thats all." I looked at the carpet, and noticed that it was white. "Look white carpet."
"Well, Einstein, at least you know your colors. Come on, Lynn has some real estate books she wants to go through with us. Don't forget we are here for a reason."
"I know Nic, I know." I followed her upstairs to the kitchen. Lynn, Tamrea and Kalli were all ready engrossed in the books, and I didn't even want to begin that task.
"So have ya found anything yet?" I sat down next to Tamera, and looked over her shoulder at the book.
"Nope, nothing yet. Wait, this one might work." She pointed at a picture of a large bricked house. "It has 8 rooms, a large kitchen, finished basement, 5 bathrooms, two family rooms, a den, living room, pool, basketball court and many extras. I wonder what the many extras are?"
"Wow, sounds expensive." I picked up another book, and started flipping through the pages.
"Sara, we have the money to get that house, its not that expensive. Why are you so worried about it?" Nic looked at me, expecting a good reason, for my non interest.
"Nic, I just...well I don't know."
"Great answer, however its the wrong one. Now either help us here, or help us."
"Umm, I choose C, was it a choice."
"No, now pick up a book, and start looking." I grumbled as Nic scoulded me, but picked up a book anyway.
Lynn looked at the four of us, before going back to looking. We spent the next four hours looking at houses, making some calls, and deciding that the next day would be spent driving around checking some of these places out. I couldn't believe that buying a house was this much trouble, and I wished that Justin or JC or Chris or Lance, heck even Joey was here to lend a hand. The phone rang on the wall, and Lynn leaned over me to pick it up. I ignored her conversation until she mentioned us. Then my attention focused on what in the world Lynn was thinking. When she hung up, my gaze made her answer my question.
"That was my neice, she's in town visiting her mother, and wondered if Justin was around. Since he's not, I suggested that you four go out tonight, and see the town. She'll show ya around, you can catch a movie, or go to the mall."
"Sounds like fun, it would be nice to to see our new city." Kalli got up off of her chair. "Maybe we can go to like House Depot or something."
"Oh, now Kalli that sounds like a plan. We can all pick out matching curtains." Tamera grinned. I laughed.
"Tamera, shut up. Besides that, don't you think it would be a good idea?"
"Yes Kalli, I do think its a good idea. Sara's bad attitude is just rubbing off on me."
"Hey!" I shot her an evil glare. "I don't have a bad attitude, I'm just, well I'm just. Oh who knows."
"And another great comeback." Nic patted me on the pack, before going to get a drink of water.
"Nicole shut up..did I ask you to get involved?"
"No you didn't, however I find it my duty to butt in anyway. I know how much you enjoy my opinions."
"Ha Nic, you crack me up." I stuck my tongue out at her back, before turning back to Tamera. "Now about my bad mood, I guess its just jet lag."
"I'm thinking its something else, but I'll leave you alone for now."
"Thats good Tams, cuz I wasn't about to give in. So ha ha ha." I turned on my heel, and headed back downstairs.
"Does anyone else find something seriously wrong with her mood?" Tamera addressed her question to no one in general, just to whom ever would answer it.
Kalli shook her head, and sighed. "I think I have an idea to why she's acting this way, but I'll let her tell ya when she's ready."
"Kalli, you too kind." Nic swallowed the last of her water, before going back to the books. "Think we'll ever find the right house in time?"

I wasn't in the mood to hang out with Justin's cousin, I wasn't in the mood to be with my friends. I certainly was not in the mood to be prancing all over a strange town. I just wanted to sit on my butt, and think. Over the last couple days, thinking had become the only thing I could do well. My thoughts were always on the same thing, or should I say the same some ones. I was so happy that each of us had found a guy, however I was beginning to get that jealous, maybe not jealous, but a nervous feeling. I was just a little tense about being here, and having Justin else where. All I wanted at the moment was to be with him. To have him hold me, to have him tell me everything would be fine. Most of all, to have him tell me he'd be with me forever. Ugh, I was confused, lost and wanted to disappear. A strange nagging feeling begin to tug at my heart, wait, I had friends here, three great ones. They were all going through the same thing I was, and they seemed to be dealing with it. I could just ask them for help, lean on them when my heart started to yearn for Justin. I could get through this, I could. With that one last thought I went into my room, and started to get ready for that night.
"Sara? Ya down here?" I heard Kalli's muffled voice drift through the door. I pulled it open. "Yeah Kal, I'm here."
"Are you okay?"
"I will be. I just have a lot on my mind, and to tell you the truth I don't know how to deal with it."
"Are they about Justin?"
"What about Justin? My thoughts?"
She nodded her head, not speaking.
"Yeah, they are." I looked at the shirt I was holding in my hand. "This is Justin's. He gave it to me one night in New York."
"Sara, listen to yourself. You're talking about him, as if he's gone out of your life. He's not, he's coming back. Is this why you've been in such a bad mood?"
"Kalli, you don't understand."
"Try me. I seem to understand better then you think."
"Well....Its just, I've never had a boyfriend that I'd been afraid of losing."
"What do you mean? You don't honestly think that Justin is just gonna up and walk out of your life. Sara he sent you down here to find a place to live. A place for all of us to live. What should that tell you? It should tell you that he's here to stay, and for a good long time."
I starred at her, trying to process what she had just said. Did she mean that he'd never leave me? Did she mean that I'd be here in FL with him forever? My heart started to beat faster, and my palms begin to sweat. This was such great news, that I threw my arms around Kalli's neck and hugged her. She smiled, then gently hugged me back.
"Sara, things are gonna work out, I promise you that."

"Hi, I'm Melissa." Justin's cousin stepped through the door, hand extended. I shook it first, introducing my self. Kalli, and them followed suit.
"So where are ya taking us?" Tamrea asked, releasing Melissa's hand.
"Well, I thought we'd head over to the mall, its always a great place to start, from there we can do whatever comes up."
"Sounds good to me. What about the rest of ya?" Tamera looked at each of us, and we all nodded out heads, smiles plastered on our faces.
"Well, shall we go?" Melissa held the door open, and we all filed out.
Driving to the mall was fun, we had the radio turned all the way up, and one of Nsync's songs came on. We sang loudly, all of us laughing, and smiling. I was happy, and for the time no more thoughts of Justin haunted me.

*Next Afternoon
"Ya know, I think I liked the last one better. It was bigger, besides it had a nicer basketball court." Kalli pointed again to the picture in the book she was holding.
"Kal, we're not buying the house for the basketball court, no matter how much you, or Justin would like it." Nic twisted around in her seat, so that she once again had her attention focused on Lynn.
"Well, I'm not saying that we have to buy the house souly on the size of the basketball court, but try not to forget that we need one." Kalli retortly replied.
I tried to hide my snickers, but couldn't hold them in. I let out a loud and short burst, causing everyone in the car to follow suit.
After hours and hours of searching, we finally pulled into the driveway of what seemed to be the most perfect house. It was large, and Kalli could see the basketball court from where we were standing. The real estate agent met us at the door, and prepared to take us on a tour of the house.
"How many bedrooms does this place have?" Kalli asked the agent.
"Ten, if I'm not mistaken. The previous owners finished the basement, putting in five new rooms, that added to the orginal five, makes ten. There is a den area, two family rooms. One on the main floor, and one in the basement. An oversized kitchen, large dinning room, very nice living room. There is something called a sunroom upstairs. Very nice area for sitting and reading. There is a large open space downstairs, the last owners used it as a game room for their grandchildren. in both family areas, there are built in entertainment cabnets. Lets see what else is there...."
"What about outdoors? What is out there?" Lynn questioned.
"Well, a full sized basketball court, extra large swimming pool. Large five car garage, with a long driveway. Oh, and I must not forget the tennis court, and pool house. I think that I have told you all. Let me check my book."
As the agent busied herself looking through her notes, Kalli and I headed outside to see the court. "Man, its beautiful. Think of all the hours I can play on this thing." I watched her jump around on it. She looked like a little kid, who had just gotten a new toy. I snickered, but stopped when I heard Lynn call ours name.
"We're coming Lynn." I shouted, then turning to Kalli, "Come on, we gotta get inside."
"So how much?" I heard Lynn say, as we walked through the open french doors.
"Well, that probably will be your decision not to take it. The owners feel that they put so much into this house, they need to get back a portion of that. The market price is $480,000.00."
I let out a low whistle, but I got a glare from Tamera, so I bit my tongue.
"Actually, I don't think that is to bad, for a house this size. Tell ya what, we still have to talk to the rest of people who will be living here, but I'm sure that they will find it to their liking."
The agent smiled, and handed Lynn a card. "Here Mrs. Harless, if you decide to buy, give me a call."
"I will, thank you again Ms. Parker."
Ms. Parker showed us out, and we finally were able to drive back to Lynn's house.

"Ugh, my feet hurt so bad. How many houses did we look at today?" I let myself fall onto the soft couch in Lynn's living room, pulling my shoes off to rub my feet.
"Well, I think about 10 or 12, not sure myself." Tamera sat down next to me.
"I really like the last house we saw. It's perfect. Even you have to agree Nic." Kalli stretched out on the floor in front of us, looking at Nic as she walked into the room.
"Yes Kal, I agree. I say we go for that one."
"Wait, we have to ask the guys first, don't we." I proped my feet up on Tamera, who instantly.
"Yes we do. Don't put your smelly feet on me." Tamera pinched her nose in disgust.
"Hey!" I gently pushed her into the arm of the couch. "My feet DO NOT stink!"
"Girls, I'm gonna give Justin a call, and tell him and the others about the house. Any messages you want me to give them?" Lynn stepped into the room.
"Yes, tell JC I love him, and that I miss him oh so very much." Kalli blurted out.
Lynn smiled, "anything else?"
"The same for me, but for Joey." Tamera grinned.
"Yeah, but for Lance." Nic got up, "if ya need me I'll be downstairs."
"What about you Sara?"
"Well, can I talk to him when your done?" I looked up at her with pleading eyes.
"Yes sweetie, you may." She gave me a pat on the head, then went into the kitchen to call her son.
"Well, I'm gonna go take a nap or something." Tamera yawned and stood up, giving Kall and I a slight wave was she walked out of the room.
"Looks like its just you and me. Wanna go watch a movie?" Kalli suggested
"Sure." We both stood up, and walked into the family good. I opened up the cabnet, and searched for a good movie. "Anything you want to watch?" I turned towards Kalli.
"Umm, how about I Know What You Did Last Summer. Do they have that?"
"I think, let me look." I scanned the movies, finally finding the one. "Yep, here it is."
I stuck it into the VCR, and not even 15 minutes through the movie, Lynn came in and asked Kalli if she wanted to talk to JC.
"YES!!!" She screamed. She grabbed the phone and ran out of the room.
"JC?" She breathed into the phone.
"Hey Baby. Man, girl I've missed you."
"Aww, you don't know how happy I am to hear you say that. So where are you guys at?"
"LA. We have AMA awards to deal with, then we're back on tour, but we're so close to being done."
"Good, oh did anyone mention to you that we found the perfect house?"
"Yeah, Justin mentioned it. Sounds sweet. Ten rooms though, guess we can't share one."
"Ha, cute. I don't see why we can't, even with enough rooms."
"Kalli, quiet, your making me miss you more. Anyway, I really hate cutting this short, but Justin is buggin me to get off the phone. He wants to talk to Sara. I love you so much Kal, and I'll talk to you very soon."
"I love you too JC. I can't wait. Bye."
"Yeah. Justin?"
"Yep, could you go get Sara, please?"
"Yes Justin, here she is?"
Kalli had come back into the room, and was sticking the phone in my face. "Here, Justin wants to talk to you."
"Oh goodie." I smiled and took the phone from her.
"So how is my curly cue?"
"Nice name Sara, I'm good. How have you been?"
"I've been just fine, missing you terribly, but I'm surviving."
"Aww, ya miss me. I feel so loved, sweet thing."
"Justin, when are you guys coming home?"
"Well, in about a week in a half if I'm not mistaken. I could be wrong though, I'll have to ask Lance."
"Oh, I was so hoping it would be sooner."
"Well, Sara, don't worry to much, the time will fly. Besides that from what my mother tells me, you guys will have the job of moving into a new house soon. That should keep you gals busy."
"Yeah, but still."
"Sara, you're gonna make me miss your more then I already do. Cheer up, please, for me."
I smiled as he begged, "I'll try Justin. Oh I met your cousin today."
"You did, which one?"
"Umm, Melissa."
"Really?? She's in town, my mom didn't tell me that. She's a Phat cousin, I love the girl to death. Anyway, if ya see her again tell her wassup for me."
"I will, your starting to talk like you have to leave."
"Baby, I do have to go, but I love you a lot, and I'll try and give ya a call as soon as I can."
"All right, I love you too Justin, and I can't wait to see you again."
"Bye Sara."
"Bye Justin."
I heard him hang up the phone, and I slowly hit the off button, and put the phone on the couch beside me.

The next three days were spent trying to get a loan from Lou Pearlman, then spending hours signing papers, so that we could actually call that house ours.
"Finally, we can call that house our own, and the guys are coming back next week. Things couldn't be better." Nicole sat down on a stool, reaching for the bag of chips that lay on the counter.
"I know what you mean Nic, now all we have to do, is go through the process of moving everything. How are we gonna get our stuff in New York down here?" Kalli reached across Nic, to get a handful of the chips.
"Well, tell ya what ladies. I can get Justin and JC's stuff packed up. We can get Joey's family to help pack up Chris, Lance and Joey's stuff. You go back to New York, and pack up your apartment. Do you think you can get it done in three days?" Lynn stopped for a minute, waiting to see what we thought.
"Why only three days?" Nicole asked, taking a drink of her soda.
"Well, we need to get everything moved into your new place, so when the guys get back, they'll have a place to call home."
"Sounds good to me Lynn. I guess we can catch a plane tomorrow, and work on getting everything done in three days." Tamera stood up, "if you need me, I'll be downstairs packing."
"I think the rest of us should do that too. Its late, and we need sleep if we are gonna fly back to New York. Night Lynn, and thanx for helping us." I walked downstairs, to begin, what would become a week of hard work.

*9 days later
"This place is looking better and better everyday." Kalli hung the last curtain in the living room. "I can't believe we did all this in 9 short days."
"Good thing we got it done, the guys come home tomorrow night." I stated walking into the room, with two curtain ties.
"Dinner!!" Tamera yelled from the kitchen.
I looked at Kalli, "Looks to me, we got ourselves a full time chef. Think Tamera will enjoy that job?" Kalli burst out laughing as we walked towards the kitchen.

"Nic, aren't you going to bed?" I looked at Nicole, who was curled up on the couch, watching a movie.
"Nope." She shook her head, "I'm gonna finish this, I'll go to bed later."
"Okay, suit yourself. Good-night."
"Night, Sara."
Nicole finished watching her show, and while waiting for it to rewind, went into the kitched to dump off her popcorn bowl. As she was walking down the main hall way towards the family room, the front door flew open, makeing Nic jump. She ducked behind the nearest wall, grabbing a book, something hard to knock the intruder over the head with. She peaked around the corner, starring into the dark hallway, only to stand face to face with Lance.
"Oh my god, Lance!!!" Nic jumped into his waiting arms.
"Hey baby. Shhh, we don't want to wake the others." Lance quickly said, before embracing Nicole's lips with his own.
"Hey you two, we still need help with these bags here." JC grumbled, pulling a heavy suitcase up the front steps.
"JC, hold on a second, I'm busy." Lance tried to say through Nic's lips. Nicole wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, he did the same, but to her waist. He pulled her closer, kissing her harder. The started to pant, but neither wanted to break the perfect moment. Finally, they pulled apart, taking a deep breath. Lance looked at Nicole, she looked at him. They leaned in again, and were soon locked, in each others embrace.
"You guys are home early." Nic finally breathed, pulling away once again from Lance's lips.
"Yeah, well we got done early today, so we took a late flight home. We couldn't wait to see you ladies, and our new house. Now which room is Kalli's?" JC grinned at Nic.
"Calm yourself romeo. Why don't you wait until morning, and surprise her?"
"I guess I can do that, but I'd much rather see her now." JC placed the last suitcase in the hall. "There I think that's it."
Nic looked at each of the guys, noticing one was missing. "Where is Justin?"
"He's out back, looking at the basketball court." Chris yawned, extending his arms above his head.
"Well, I am not surprised at all. It was the first thing Kalli checked out." Nic watched Chris yawn, following suit. "Well, boys, do you want me to show you to your rooms?"
"Yes, please. I'm like dying here." Joey stumbled towards the stairs, ready to drop any minute. Nicole had them follow her, up the stairs, to the bedrooms. Each one found their room to their liking. Justin came bounding up the stair case, just as Nicole opened the door to JC's room.
"Nic!!" He grabbed her, picking her up, and hugging her tightly.
"I missed you too Justin, now put me down."
"Yes ma'am. That is one killer court. Where is Sara's room?"
"Justin, I'll tell you the same thing I told JC. Wait until the morning. Your room is the last door on the right, good night."
"Night Nic. Night JC."

i rubbed my eyes. My goodness, I had the strangest dream. I shook my head, trying to clear the groginess. I yawned, pulled on sweat pants, and stumbled out my bedroom door. I smelled bacon frying, and toast being burnt. A lovely breakfast this was going to be. The sun shone through the windows, making the house bright an sunny. I glanced at the clock on the wall. 7:30 AM. Too early if you ask me, but my dream had awoken me, and kept me awake for some time. I shook my head again, and greeted Tamera with a cheerful smile.
"Toast is burning." I pointed at the smoke coming from the toaster.
"Oh damnit." She rushed to turn it off. "Well, that was the last of the bread. Guess we'll have do to without."
I nodded my head, opening the fridge. "Hey, don't we have any milk?"
"Nope, we never bought any. We are almost out of everything, I'll have to go shopping this morning, after breakfast, and before the guys get back."
"Oh yeah, they come back today don't they?" I spun around to look at her. She smiled, and nodded her head.
"Well, aren't we awake this morning."
"I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that voices kept trying to get me. They would float around my room, and every once in a while, I'd hear my name, or a door would shut. I even heard Kalli and Nicole names."
Tamera's eyes got wide. "Sara, I had the same sort of dream. It had to do with voices too. Voices that came from nowhere."
"How strange is this, I wonder if Kalli and Nic had dreams like it too?"
"Who knows. Kalli is out shooting hoops, you can ask her."
"She's up, and playing bball this early. The girl is crazy." I headed out into the bright sunlight, sheilding my eyes as I made my way to the black court.
"Kalli?" I squinted at the figure jumping around. At the sound of her voice, she grabbed the ball, turning towards me.
"Hey Sara. Good morning."
"Yeah, good morning to you too. Did you happen to have a weird dream last night?"
She shook her head. "Nope, I didn't dream at all last night. I heard Nic go to bed, but I only know that, cuz I had to get a drink of water, and I heard her door close while I was up."
"Why do you ask Sara?"
"Well, Tamera and I both had strange dreams about voices, so I was wondering if you had em too."
"Sorry, can't help ya there. You can however shoot hoops with me."
"Naw Kall, I'll pass this time."
"Breakfast." Tamera yelled from the kitchen window.
"Looks like we have to go inside anyway. Come on." I stole the ball from Kalli's grasp, and rushed into the house.
"Nic, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." I apoligzed to who I thought was Nicole. I had ran into them, as I hurried through the open French doors.
"Well, I forgive you, but I'm not Nicole."
I gasped as I looked up into the blue eyes I knew so well. "JUSTIN!!!" I screamed throwing my arms around his neck. "Your home early. When did you get home?"
"I missed you too Sara. We got home last night."
"You've been home since last night, and you didn't come wake me up, how dare you." I punched him in the arm.
"Ouch." He wrapped his arms around me. "I would have awaken you, but Nicole wouldn't let me."
"Well, who said you ever had to listen to her." I laughed, while leaning in to kiss him.
Kalli had walked right past Justin, not even realizing who I was hugging and kissing, into the kitchen. JC was sitting at the kitchen counter, talking to Tamera, while waiting for breakfast. Kalli stoped dead in her tracks...."JC?" She quietly whispered.
He turned around, held open his arms, and smiled brightly. "Hey baby."
Kalli rushed into his arms, and he held her, while she cried tears of joy. Joey walked out of the pantry, to see Kalli and JC hugging. He leaned down to peck Tamera on the cheek. "I guess Kalli figured out we're here."
Tamera handed him a spatula, and pointed towards the frying pan. Justin and I walked into the kitchen, hand in hand.
"It is so great to have you guys back. What do ya think of our new place?" I squeezed Justin hand, to grasp reality.
"I love it." JC pulled Kalli onto his lap, kissing her neck gently. She giggled, and carefully pushed his head up.
"Yeah, I totally dig the Bball court. Its so crunk." Justin walked over the cubbard. "Its very different though, living on our own." He filled up a glass with water.
"Hey, since this is our first free night home, what do you propose we do?" Joey flipped an egg onto a plate, handing it to JC.
"Lets go clubbin'" Justin jumped up, to sit on the counter.
"Sounds good to me. Tonight 9:00?" JC pushed Justin off the counter. "Justin, counters weren't made to sit on. Found a stool, please."
"Whatever JC. Yeah 9 is good for me. How about the rest of ya?"
We all nodded our heads, and prepared to eat our breakfast.

"Aren't you ready yet?" Justin knocked on my door.
"Justin, if you ask me that again, I just won't go." I could hear him laugh, so I went on. "I"m almost ready, give me 10 more seconds." I finished trying my shoe, then opened my bedroom door, to expose my prince charming.
"Well, don't you look nice." He stepped closer, bending down to kiss me.
"Thanx Justin, you look very handsome yourself." He smiled at me, and reached for my hand. We met the others downstairs, then proceeded to the club.
"Wow, this place is hoppin, but look at that line." Kalli pointed at the crowd of people outside Pleasure Island's Rock and Roll Beach Club.
"No sweat, my sweet thing, we can get in, with no trouble." JC grabbed Kalli's hand, and pulled her towards the club. The rest of us followed suit, and soon we were amoungst the bodies dancing on the wooden floor.
"Where is Chris?" I looked around, seeing everyone but him.
"Over there." Justin turned my attention towards Chris and a couple girls against the back walls. "Looks to me, the charm has already set in."
We found a booth to hold all nine of us, but not to any one's suprise, we ended up doing more dancing then sitting. During one slow song, I had my head on Justin's shoulder, the shoulder I had missed so much. I glaced around the room, and Chris caught my attention. He was dancing with a very petite girl. She looked about 20, maybe 21, but she wasn't very tall. I picked my head up, and whispered into Justin's ear. "Hey J, look at Chris." I felt him turn his head in the direction I was looking.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Don't they look cute together?" I felt him nod his head, before resting mine on his shoulder again. After the song, we pushed our way back to the booth. JC and Kalli were there, along with Lance and Joey.
"Where's Tamera and Nicole?" I sat down, and slide in next to JC.
"Restroom." Lance and Joey spoke at once. "Hey did you happen to notice Chris and his new girl?" Joey pointed towards the couple I had been looking at eariler.
I nodded my head, "I think they are cute."
"Well all I can say, is I hope this one lasts longer then the last.....three." JC shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. We all kept our eyes on Chris and his girl, until they started making their way towards us. Tamera and Nicole had returned, and was as curious about this girl as we were.
"Hey guys, this is Joy. Joy this is Jusin, Sara, JC, Kalli, Tamera, Joey, Lance and Nicole." Chris gave introductions, and we all said our hellos and welcomes. Joy turned out to be a fun person, and us gals got along with her well. JC was still a little skeptical about her, but he was like that. By the end of the night, Joy had become a good friend. I looked on as her and Chris said good-bye to each other, then exchange phone numbers. He grinned at her, as he watched her drive away. I walked up to him, and rested my hand on his arm.
"So I take it you like her Chris."
"He looked down at me, and smiled. "Yes Sara, I do like her. There is something special about this one. I think she may be around for awhile. Hopefully a long time."
"Come on Chris." I grabbed his hand, and tugged on it. "They're gonna leave us."
"Sara?" He stopped in his tracks, and looked at me.
"What Chris?"
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being my friend."
"Chris, I love being your friend. Anytime, my man. Now come on."
He picked me up, flung me over his shoulder, and took off towards Justin's Mercedes.

*Ring Ring
I groaned, pulling the pillow over my head.
*Ring Ring
'Go away, leave me alone.' I wished that someone else would pick up the phone.
*Ring Ring
"There are eight other people in this house, why am I the only one who ever answers the damn phone." I sat straight up in bed, yelling at the top of my lungs. I reached for the phone, yanking it to my ear.
"Hello?" I growled into the phone.
"Umm, is this where Chris Kirkpatrick lives?"
"If this is some stupid little fan calling, I'm going to rip your teenybopper head off." I screamed, hoping that they hang up, so I could get back to sleep.
"This is Joy, I was with Chris last night."
"Oh my god, Joy, I'm so sorry." I quickly apologized for my outburst. "This is Sara, hold on I'll get Chris."
I could hear her laugh, as I walked down the hall to Chris' room, cordless phone in hand. I knocked on his door, heard a groan, before a sleepy eyed dread locked boy answered it. "What Sara?"
"Here, phone." I pushed the phone into this hands, leaving him alone.
Back in my room, I crawled back into bed, and had just closed my eyes...when, "Sara." I could hear my name being whispered through the door.
I yawned, knowing now that I wouldn't get back to sleep. I opened the door...smiling. "Hey baby. Did ya sleep well?" I let Justin into my room, then crawled back under my covers.
"Yeah, was that you I heard yelling this morning?"
"Ha, yes it was. How come I'm the only one who knows how to answer the phone?"
"Well, for one your the only one with a phone in her room."
"I think I'm changing that quickly. Do you want a new phone?"
He laughed and laid his head next to mine, kissing me softly on the end of my nose. "Have I ever told you how cute you are?"
"Umm, I think so, but could you say it again." I sweetly smiled, closing my eyes. Just listening to his voice made me fall in love with him all over again.
"Sara, your cute, and I love you ever so much." He kissed my nose again, and I breathed in deep. *Knock Knock Knock Knock "Sara."
"Humph. What?" I sat back up, leaning my head on Justin's shoulder.
Chris opened the door, and while holding my phone out towards me asked, "Joy wants to come over. Could you go get her?"
I shook my head, "I can't. I have to teach today. I have a class at 10. Maybe Kalli can do it. Go ask her."
"All right, here's your phone back." Chris put the phone on the end of my bed, shutting the door behind him.
Justin looked at me, puzzlement filled his eyes. "Teach?"
"Yeah, I told you, I got a job as a dance instructor."
"Oh." He nodded his head, standing up. "I'm gonna go shower, see ya at breakfast."
"Bye love." I watched him shut the door, yawned, and climbed out of bed.

Kalli sat in her car, honking her horn at Joy's door. She had agreed to pick her up for Chris, after had begged. She laughed to herself at the look on his face as he kneeled in front of her, begging for her to pick up his new love interest.
"I'm coming." She heard someone yell through an open window. She turned on her radio, finding a station playing a song she liked, and went back to waiting for Joy.
"Sorry I'm late." Joy came running out of her house, hopping into Kalli's car.
"No sweat. I didn't have anywhere to be." Kalli smiled at this new comer to the group. She liked Joy. She seemed to have a good personality, and Chris liked her. I guess as long as one of her friends was happy, a new comer was welcome.
Kalli made peaceable conversation with Joy as they drove along the lake front. All of a sudden out of nowhere a dog ran out onto the road. Kalli screamed, cranking the wheel to miss the dog. The back tire of the car, hit the edge of the road, sending the car tumbling down the steep embankment. Joy covered her face with her hands, as the windshield shattered. Kalli's seat belt broke, sending her flying out the window, landing in a pile of rocks, far from the tumbling car. The dashboard flattened against Joy's legs, pinning her in. She screamed in agony, hoping this would all be over soon. One more tumble of the car, sent her head into her passenger side window, knocking her senseless. The car landed on its side, at the edge of the lake.

"Where are they?" Chris paced in front of the living room window.
"Chris, come get some breakfast will you." Justin came to get his friend. "They're fine, they'll be here."
"No, this isn't right. Kalli said right there, right back." JC walked in behind Justin, pulling on his coat. "Come on Chris, lets see if we can find them."
Justin watched as his older friends pulled out of the driveway, taking off down the road.
"We should pass them somewhere along here." JC scanned the road with his eyes, as he drove. Chris looked out JC's window, watching the waves of the lake wash up onto the shore. JC hit the brakes, hard, sending Chris forward, having his seatbelt cut into his shoulder.
"Geez JC, you could warn me first, before you decide to kill me." Chris rubbed his shoulder.
"Chris, look." A shaky hand, belonging to JC, pointed down at the road, where tire marks were clearly visible.
Chris drew in a sharp breath, hoping JC wasn't thinking what he thought he was.
"You don't think that they could be.....?" He couldn't finish, for fear of what might be true.
"I don't know man, we better go see." JC pulled the car to the edge, stumbling out of it. Chris looked down towards the lake, not seeing anything, until.....
"J..J...J...C" Chris choked on his words.
JC turned a nervous head down to where Chris was looking. He saw it too, the remains of a very familiar car. A car belonging to his one true love.
"Please God no." JC and Chris both prayed as they dashed down the small cliff, towards the wreckage. Chris headed for the car first, searching as he went, for signs of life. He screamed Joy's name, but getting no reply, begin to panic.
"JC, they aren't here. Where are they?" Tears begin to stream down this face, but he angrily wiped them away.
"Oh my god. Kalli?" Chris heard JC yell, then his voice suddenly dropped. He rushed to his friends side, seeing what had him so distressed. There lying among a pile of rocks was Kalli, her head gashed, and her arm twisted in an unthinkable position. JC reached down to turn her over, but Chris stopped him.
"JC, don't move her, her spine could be injured. You go call 911, I'll see if I can find Joy." JC nodded, looking up at Chris through tear filled eyes. "JC...GO!" Chris walked back towards the car, searching everywhere he thought Joy might be. His mind begin to race, as he thought of her possibly dead. He shook those thoughts from his mind, opening his ears for the sound of her voice.
"" Chris stopped, and listened carefully. A meek and feeble sound was coming from behind him. He turned back towards the car, falling to his knees. He looked through where the windshield should have been, to be staring right into Joy's eyes.
"Joy, your alive. Are you hurt?" Chris wanted so bad to crawl in there with her. To hold her in his arms, to tell her everything would be all right. He forced himself to keep from crying. "Joy, JC went for help. Hang on, please."
She smiled at him, then winced in pain. "I'm okay, I think. I can't feel my legs, and there is blood every where. Where is Kalli?"
Tears came into Chris' eyes despite his effort. "Kalli is over there." Chris glanced towards the rocks, and while moving his eyes back towards Joy, saw JC, cellphone in hand. "Joy, I'll be right back."
"JC." Chris ran up to him, searching his eyes for an answer. As JC kept talking, Chris begin to pace. He wanted to be with Joy, but her position made him hurt inside. He wanted to cry, but he knew he had to be brave, if not for her, then for himself. He heard sirens in the distance, and JC finally put his phone in his pocket. The paramedics did their job, getting Kalli into the ambulance quickly. JC rode with her to the hospital, but Chris stayed, staring dumbfoundly, and wordlessly towards the car. The Jaws of Life had been called in, and soon the firemen were cutting the wreckage away from Joy's pinned legs. As the paramedics placed her onto a stretcher Chris rushed to her side.
"Joy, Joy?" Chris wanted to grab her hand, but to many people surrounded her.
"Chris, come with me, please." Joy's feeble voice broke through, above the hustle and bustle. Chris nodded to no one, but himself, and climbed in the ambulance behind the last EMT.

"What? Oh no. The hospital, all right we are on our way." I hung up the phone, glancing at the other six people in the room. "We..we have to go to the hospital. Kalli and Joy have been in a car wreck. JC and Chris are already there." I reached for my keys, which were hanging on the wall, near my head. Justin jumped up, taking the keys from my hand, and grabbing his own.
"Sara, Lance, Nic, you come with me. Joey, Tamera you follow after you try and get a hold of Joy's parents." Justin grabbed my hand, dashing out of the French doors, towards his car.
We were all silent on the ride, no one believing that what had actually happened, had happened, but all knowing full well, that it had. The thought begin to sink in, as Justin pulled into the visiting lot. We jumped out, dashing towards the front desk. JC was there to meet us, his face tear stained, his eyes red.
"JC." I wrapped my arms around him, as he sobbed into my hair. I looked towards Justin, who pulled him away, patting him on the back, and making him lead us to Chris.
"Chris." I watched a young man pick his head up, a sad look in his eye. "Chris how is she?"
"Joy is alive. Both of her legs are broke, and she has a huge gash on her head. Kalli's still not awake."
I looked at JC, who once again hung his head. Nicole walked down the hall with him, letting him cry, letting him let all his defenses down. I sat down next to Chris, Justin next to me. Lance paced back and forth in front of us. We all seemed to find the floor fascinating, and I watched as my tears hit the carpet, disappearing when they landed.
"Mr. Chasez?" A young doctor brought all of our heads back up.
I pointed down the hall to where Nicole and JC stood. Lance rushed down to get him.
"I'm Josh Chasez." JC spoke, his voice breaking. "Please tell me its good news."
The doctor smiled, "Yes sir, it is. Kalli has woken up, and she's asking for you.
A weary smile broke through JC's lips, as he followed the doctor through the double doors. I looked at Chris, Justin, Lance and Nicole, all of them had the same look of relief in their eyes.
"Nic, Sara, Justin." We heard our names from down the hall. Tamera and Joey trotted up next to us, asking at once how everyone was. We filled them in, and sat down, once again we had to wait. A nurse came out, inviting us all back to visit with both Kalli and Joy. We saw them all wrapped in bandages, and my eyes filled with tears. JC was crying, but I had a feeling they were tears of joy, instead of sadness. Chris sat next to Joy, taking her hand softly in his. She pulled one of his dreads, smiling at him, giving him the security that she was okay. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing everything was fine. The doctor explained that both girls needed to stay overnight, but they would be able to go home in the morning. Chris and JC both opted to stay, but the rest of us bid our fare wells, leaving both girls to rest.

"Do you need any help?" I pushed the door open wider for Chris, as he brought in box after box of Joy's belongings.
"Yeah, you can grab that last box right there." Chris motioned with his head. I grabbed the box, and set it in the hall with the rest.
"So Chris, where is Joy?" I had just realized that she hadn't come in with Chris.
"Oh, when we passed the park, we saw Justin and Kalli playing ball. Joy wanted to stay with em. She said she needed some fresh air. I'm going back to get her, want to come." Chris held the door open for me, as I ran past him, to the car.
We drove the few blocks to the green park, where we saw Kalli and Justin battling it out, in a tough game of Basketball. Joy was sitting in her wheel chair, laughing hysterically at them. Chris parked the car, and together we walked over to meet up with em.
"So who's winning?" I knew exactly what the answer would be, and sure enough neither disappointed me.
"I am!!" Kalli and Justin shouted at the same time. I laughed as I sat on the park bench next to Joy and Chris.
"They've been like this the whole game." Joy giggled, holding Chris' hand.
"When do you two think you'll be done?" I walked over to the edge of the concrete.
Justin shrugged his shoulders, as he waited for Kalli to inbound the ball. I threw my hands up, and sat back down.
"Guys, we have a court at the house, why don't you play there?" Chris questioned the players.
"Well, we would, but there is something different about playing at the park." Justin breathed heavily as he tried to block Kall's shot.
"Ha you missed." Kalli cheered as her ball went in the hoop.
Justin took the ball out, but instead of making his way to the basket, shot from the three point line. The ball hit the rim, bounced high, and landed near my feet. I picked it up, and motioned for Justin to come closer. He walked over, hands out, wanting the ball.
"Hold on Justin, come on lets go for a walk. Just you and me." I stood up, still clutching the ball in my hands.
"Sara, give me the ball." He reached for it, but I pulled it away.
"Didn't you hear me, I said lets go for a walk."
"I heard ya, but thats my best ball."
I smiled as I tossed the ball into his waiting arms. I took his hand, as he reached for his bag. We waved good-bye to Joy and Chris, and took off down the path.
"So what's on your mind?" With the ball now in the bag, he flipped it over his left shoulder, his right hand finding mine.
"You leaving in 2 weeks." I watched our feet as we walked along the path.
"Oh." He breathed in deep, pulling me closer. "And what aspect of us leaving are you worried about the most?"
I looked up into his deep blue eyes, "everything, but mostly the fact that you'll be gone for 3 months."
"I don't like the idea of us leaving you gals behind either, but we can't do anything about it, unless....." A sly smile crept across his lips.
"What?!!?" I knew something was brewing in that brain of his.
"Nothing, as of yet, but it could quite possibly be something soon. Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?" He kissed the top of my head.
We were fully stopped, and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Nope, I was thinking maybe we could go to the beach."
"Hey, that sounds good to me. How about a cook-out? Some friends of the group are in town, and we'd enjoy seein em."
"Oh, that reminds me, my cousins are in town too, they called this morning, besides that your cousin is here too."
"My word, I almost forgot Mel. I guess its settled, we'll make arangements tonight, then party on the beach all day long tomorrow."
"Sounds like fun, but it doesn't make me feel better about you leaving."
"Sara, look at me."
I looked up at him, closing my eyes as he leaned in. His lips pressed against mine, his arms found their way around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. We broke apart, each taking a deep breath.
"Sara, I promise you that I'll find a way to get you on tour with us."
I smiled up at him, then grabbing his hand, ran down the path towards his Benz.

"Do we have everything?" I looked through the coolers yet again.
"Sara, calm down, I've taken care of it all." Tamera made an attempt to get me out of the kitchen, but failed.
"When are your cousins getting here?"
"In about an hour. I wonder when Justin's friends are getting here?"
"I have no idea, Joey mentioned something about them eariler today, they seem pretty cool. I guess the guys have known em for quite some time."
"Well, I know Lance spoke highly of all of them, so that's a good thing for sure." Nicole walked into the kitchen, heading directly to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water.
"Nic, why if Lance says they are cool, is it a good thing?" I rested my head in my hands.
"Because Sara, Lance is a very good judge of character...sometimes. In this case though, I believe him."
"Well, did Lance happen to mention when they'd be here?"
"They're here."
"What?!!?" Tamera and I exclaimed together.
"They're out back. They came in through the gate, I guess I forgot to mention it. I haven't met them yet though, but I was just about to go out there, you should join me."
The three of us headed out side to the gathering of people. Joy and Kalli were sitting in the pool chairs, but the guys were huddled around four gals.
"Sara, Tamera, Nic, come over here and meet our friends." Chris waved us over. The circle parted, and Joey took great pride in introducing them to us.
"This is Katie, Jaime, Abbey and Kerri." Then turning his attention towards the new people, attempted to do the same, only us to them.
"And this is Sara, Nicole, and my Tamera."
"So Joey, have you finally become a one woman man?" Jaime elbowed him in the side.
"He better have, or else he's in trouble." Tamera took Joey's hand, smiling.
All of us laughed. Tamera headed back into the kitchen, with Joey following close behind. Chris, Justin and Lance decided to show our guests around our house, and I went into the living room with Nic to wait for my cousins.
"So what did you think of em?" Nic pulled a pillow off of the couch, stretched out on the floor.
"I think they made a very good first impression. I just hope ours were as equally worthy." I pulled the curtain back, so I would have a better view of the driveway.
"I think we were fine, do you know how long they'll be in Orlando for?"
"I have no idea, I should be asking you that, your the one who is dating Mr. Know-it-all."
Nicole laughed, rolling over to look up at me. "Today is gonna be so much fun."
"I know, us, the beach, Justin and the sunset tonight. Aww, what more could a person want." I sighed, as I heard Nicole giggle under her breath.
"Did Justin tell you that we're going to L.A. in two days, so they can film their new video?"
"What?? No he didn't mention anything, but you said we."
"Yeah, Lance told me that they are trying to arrange for us to go on location with em. We can't be in the video, but we can be on the set. Lance is also tryin to see if Katie and them can join us."
"I guess, I didn't ask questions, not really my place. It should be fun though, but don't tell them, Lance wants it to be a surprise."
"Man, how many more surprises can we all take." We both started laughing, as the yellow of a taxi caught my eye. "YES, they're here."
I ran to the door, throwing it open, even before my cousins could get out of the cab.
They waved at me, as they retrieved their bags, and paid the driver. I greeted each of them with a hug.
"Chris, Nick. Its so good to see you guys, and I see you brought Jessica." I huged her as well, then ushered them into the house. I showed them the rooms they would be using for that night, then took them back upstairs to meet an almost asleep Nicole. She rubbed her eyes, then stood on her feet, greeting my cousins and Jessica with a handshake.

*A few hours later
"Ya know, we have almost enough people to have a dance of some sort." Lance pulled Nicole closer to him, as they laid on their beach blanket.
"Lance, where would we hold a dance at?" Nic looked up at her favorite man.
"There are places we could hold it at, including one warehouse that we have access to. I just know that there are a few others that we could invite. Besides that, don't ya think it would be fun?"
"As long as I get to spend time with you, its all good to me." Nic smiled up at him, and Lance tried getting Justin's attention.
"Yo, Lance, whaddya want?" Justin took a few gulps from the water bottle he was holding.
"Can we get the warehouse for tonight?"
"Umm, I do think we can. Why?"
"I was just thinking it would be fun to hold a dance, just for us. The perfect ending to a perfect day."
"Lance ya know I'm up for any kind of dancing, but I promised Sara I'd watch the sunset with her."
"Lance, that sounds so romantic, lets forget the dance idea, and just stay here. Besides that, I've always wanted to have a fire on the beach." Nic begged.
"Oh all right, we'll stay." Lance laid his head down, and Nic put her head on his chest.
Justin ran back to the game of volleyball.
"What did Lance want?" Katie asked him, before glancing up in time to whack the ball back over the net.
"Nice save Katie. He wanted to hold a small dance with everyone tonight, but I had promised Sara that we'd watch the sunset, and Nicole thought that a fire would be nice. So we are all staying here."
Justin waited for the ball to be served. "Are you ladies planning on staying here that late with us?"
"Sure, I don't see why not. I don't think we had anything planned for the rest of the day. Besides that, what could be more fun then hanging out with you?" Katie watched as Justin jumped high to spike the ball down onto the sand of the other team.
"Well, you four are always welcome to do anything with us." Justin reached for a towel to wipe the sweat from his face.
"Thank you, I'm sure we'll take you up on that offer while we are in the area." Katie grabbed the water Justin offered her. "Thanx." They walked over and sat down in the beach chairs.
Justin looked out into the ocean where I was with Kalli and Tamera. He laughed as a wave rolled up onto the shore, knocking the three of us down. Katie looked over at him, confused to his amusement. "What are ya laughing at?"
Justin looked over at her and smiled. "Just Sara, Kall and Tams, the wave knocked them over."
Katie smiled, and laid back, hoping to leave Orlando with at least somewhat of a tan.
I shook the water from my hair, and tried to knock the sand out of it. I grabbed Kalli's hand, and tried to help her up, but another wave washed over us, causing us to laugh harder. I decided that the ocean had gotten enough sand in my hair for one day, and I trotted up the beach to where Justin was relaxing. His eyes were closed, and he looked so peaceful. I stifled a laugh, and stood over him, shaking my head, sending a spray of water all over his well toned body. He jerked up, preparing to kill whoever had disturbed him, but noticing it was me, grabbed my legs, and pulled me down on him.
"Sara, only you would think somebody looking nice and relaxed would be a reason to cause havoc." He planted a kiss on my neck.
"Justin, I only enjoy causing havoc in your life." I ran my fingers through the mass of curls on his head.
"Why is that?" He looked up at me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Because you treat me so well." I took his face in my hands, leaning down to kiss his soft lips. I looked over to where Katie was sun bathing, "Katie, come with me."
She pulled off her sunglasses, and looked at me through squinted eyes. "Where are we going?"
"Up to the burger stand, I want a bag of chips, and I don't think we brought any with us." I stood up, waiting for her to do the same. I watched her grab her sun hat, and together we walked the short distance to the burger hut.
"Do you want anything?" I asked her, putting my arms up on the counter.
"No, I'm fine, but thank you." She took a seat on the stool, waiting for me to order. The waiter wrote down what I wanted, and as we waited, I decided to get to know Katie better.
"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
"I'm 20, and you?"
"Same here, well almost 20, actually. Where ya from?"
"New Jersey."
"Wow, really? I'm from New York City."
"No kidding, that is to cool. Where did you meet the guys at?"
"We met them down in D.C.."
"You were at that concert?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Cuz we were there too."
We both smiled, but the silence grew, till I made an attempt to break it.
"So Katie, how long have you know the guys?"
She looked up at me and smiled. "Since they became a group. We've tried our hardest to see them as much as we could. Now they consider us friends, so I guess our hard work paid off."
I smiled at this, but pressed on. "So I take it you like the guys?"
"You got that right. They are such wonderfully great guys. I must admit they know how to party, and are a blast to be around, and one of them, always finds a way to make me laugh."
I laughed, while handing the waiter the money for my food. We started making our way back to the group, when JC ran up behind us, slinging his arms around our shoulders. "Hey 'C. Here hold this for me." I pushed my drink into his hand, and fiddled with positioning the rest of my food, to make sure I didn't drop it.
"Sara, we just ate, how can you possibly be hungry again?"
"I didn't eat much at the barbeque, I wasn't hungry then."
JC just shook his head at me, then handed Katie my drink. "Here Kate, you hold this for her. I'm gonna go see if I can find Kalli, I'll talk to ya all later, okay?"
We both nodded our heads, as JC ran off down the beach.
"Sara?" Katie looked down at the sand, then back out towards the ocean.
"Yeah?" I motioned for my drink, which she handed back to me.
"How long have you all been dating now?"
I thought for a minute, "Um, Tamera and Joey have been dating about 3 months. As for the rest of us, about a month, I think. I'm not exactly sure, things happened so fast."
"So you were only dating them a short time, and you moved to Orlando with em."
"Yeah, I thought they were crazy at first, I thought we were crazy for ecepting their offer, but its worked out well so far. I'm actually really surprised, the only thing I'm worried about is them going on tour again."
"When do they leave on tour?"
"About a month and a half. The time is going to fly by way to fast."
Katie nodded her head.
"How long are you guys gonna be in town?" I asked her, glancing at Chris and Joey who were playing frisbee.
"I think about two weeks, not sure yet. I know that the guys are gonna be leaving here in a couple days, but we'll see them again before we leave."
"Oh yeah, they have their video shoot, don't they." Seeing we had walked right into the path of a flying frisbee, I made a quick move forward, leaving Katie wondering what I was doing. "Katie, watch out!!" I heard Joey yell, as Katie looked over just in time to see a frisbee fly by her head.
"Oh My God!!! That was close." She can towards me, as we heard Chris and Joey laugh in the background. I turned to Katie, and just burst out laughing. Her face was red, but at least she was laughing with me.
"Katie, we are truely sorry." Chris gave her a quick hug, before running off again. Katie beamed, and seemed to be floating as we took our seats next to Justin once again.

"For the girl who eats everything, I bring her fudge, cookies and stuff...."
I lay in Justin's arms, while he stroked my hair. We listened to JC sing, as the fire crackeled and burned. The sunset had been beautiful, the campfire was dying, and the over all night had been wonderfully romantic and fun. The best was still yet to come....
"Hey, I have some great news for everyone." Lance yelled over the roar of the fire. All eyes turned towards him and he continued. "We've been talking with our management and record company,and they finally let us have our own way. You all know that we have to be in LA in two days to begin filming out new video, well you're all coming with us."
Katie, Jaime, Abbey and Kerri thought Lance was talking about us, and when they didn't get excited, Lance questioned them. "Kate, Jaime, Abbey, Kerri, aren't you excited?"
"Of course we're happy for ya, but why should we get up and jump around?" Abbey gazed into the burning embers. A smile grew on Lance's face, knowing they didn't quite understand.
"Abbey, you're coming also."
Her head shot up, looking around, waiting for Chris or someone to say, 'got ya'. Nothing came, Lance's smiled widened.
"I'm serious Abbey, you four are coming to LA with us."
Katie and Jaime glanced at eachother, then back at the ring of faces. They looked at Lance who smiled and nodded. This time they did get up and jump around, which only made the rest of us crack up.
As we begin packing stuff up, Katie, Jaime and Abbey decided this was the best time to thank everyone, so we all recieved hugs . Kerri walked along side Lance, talking to him, I supposed it was about the LA trip, and it was good to see everyone smiling. I gave Justin's hand a squeeze, and he leaned over to kiss me, before running ahead to help pack up the cars. Katie trotted up next to me, with Jaime right behind her.
"Oh my God!!! I cannot believe that this is actually happeneing. This is so way cool." She took a deep breath to calm down, but whether the sea air was to strong or she was just to excited, for it didn't work. and she bounded off once again, Jaime close behind her.
"Hey Sara." Nicole came up behind me, causing me to jump slightly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya."
"That's okay Nic. You excited about going to LA?"
"Oh yeah, aren't you?"
I gazed off into nothingness, before answering her question. "Yeah, I am Nic, I just can't comprehend that we're actually going."
"I can't either, but I told ya about this trip, this morning."
"Nic, you said we might be going, but hearing Lance say we are, is something totally different."
"True, true. I must say it will be new having four more people joining us."
"Yes it will, but they're cool, and we get along with em well."
"Yes we do, so things will be perfect. Come on, lets catch up with the guys."
Nic and I took off running down the beach, reaching the guys as they finished putting the last things in the car. Off we went, down the beach road, with the moon lighting out way.

"Where are you off to?" Justin yawned, as he came down the stairs.
I turned around to face him, smiling as I grabbed my car keys. "Kalli and I are taking my cousins and Jessica to DisneyWorld. We'll be back later tonight, have a good day without me." I reached up to give him a peck on the cheek, as I rushed out the door. I hoped in my car, and before turning the key in my ingition turned to Kalli, and asked.
"Do you think they'll survive without us?"
Kalli laughed, as she flipped on the radio. "I think they'll have to make due anyway."
"Welcome to the magical world of fun." We stepped through the main gates, and I heard oohs and awws from, Chris, Nick and Jessica.
"Come on, lets go find some rides to ride." Kalli grabbed my hand, and started pulling us through the early morning crowd.

*Back at the house
Ring Ring
*Ring Ring
*Ring Ring

"Yeah Yeah, I'm coming." JC rushed to the kitched, grabbing the phone, before it rang again. "Yo."
"Hi, umm, who is this?"
"I think I should be asking that question, considering its my phone."
"Hey JC, its me Katie."
"Hi Katie, and how did you know it was me?"
"I guessed, good guess huh?"
"Very good, so what are you up to?"
"Not much, we were just wondering the same of you?"
"Well, Kalli and Sara went to Disneyworld, so we all decided to just stick around here, your welcome to come over."
"Sounds good, I'll talk to Jaime and them, and I'm sure we'll be over soon."
"Very good, till then?"
"Yep, bye JC."
"Bye Katie."
JC hung up the phone, laughing quietly to himself, before going back upstairs to pack.
"Yo 'C?" JC turned around, he was standing in the doorway of his bedroom, Justin was right behind him.
"What do ya want Justin?"
"What time do we leave tomorrow?"
"Early, I'm not even sure, you'll have to ask Lance."
"Oh, who was on the phone?"
"Katie, they are gonna come over."
"Cool, want to go shoot hoops with me?"
JC looked at the piles of clothes on his bed, but nodded his head. "Yeah, I'd love to, I could use a break."
"Cool, meet ya court side." Justin took off down the stairs.

*Next Day, early morning.
**Yawn** I covered my mouth as I yawned again.
"Tired baby?" Justin put his hands on my shoulders, and rested his chin on my head.
"Yes, I am."
"Its something you have to get used to, if you are gonna travel with us."
"I don't see how you do it, and your still cheerful."
"You can sleep on the plane."
"Good, is everyone here?"
"Umm, Katie and them haven't shown up yet, but JC called em, and they weren't home, so they are on their way."
"Oh, okay. When do you start filming the video?"
"We meet with the director tonight. If all goes well, we plan on sticking Katie, Jaime, Abbey and Kerri in the video. At least that way , we know the girls, and we won't have to go looking for new ones."
"They'll enjoy being in it. Have any ideas for the video yet?
"Yeah, we have quite a few, but I'll tell ya about them later. Look there they are."
I looked down the hall, to see four girls rushing towards our group.
"Glad ya could finally make it." Chris patted Jaime on the back.
"The cab was late, then Abbey wasn't ready, then Katie couldn't find something. So its not my fault."
"Fine, I guess I won't tease you anymore." Chris walked away, turned around quickly and came back.
Jaime looked at him, "What Chris, can't stay away for more then 3 seconds?"
"Ha, you know me too well, I need someone to bug. You get to be that person."
"Oh, I'm so thrilled." Jaime set her carry on down next to the chair I was in.
We chatted, and tried not to fall asleep till the plane came, and once we were all boarded, I don't think that any of us stayed awake for long, and I didn't wake up, till we touched down in sunny California.

As we walked out of the airport, I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes. Justin grabbed my hand, and I took Jessica's in mine, to make sure that I wouldn't loose her.
"California, home sweet home." Jessica sighed as we piled into the waiting limo.
"That's right, you are from California. San Francisco area right?" I shut the door behind me, since I was the last one in.
She nodded, then went to playing with the many buttons. Nic was sitting across from me, nodding in and out of sleep. I nudged her with my feet, making her eyes pop open.
"Hmm, what." Nicole yawned. "What is it Sara?"
"Nothing, I just think that if I have to be awake, then you do too."
"You're ever so kind. Where is Kalli and Joy?"
"In one of the other limos."
"Oh." Nic leaned her head back, and closed her eyes once again. I looked around to who was with me in the limo. Nic of course was there and Jessica. Chris and Nick, along with Tamera. I figured that the guys rode in their own limo, and Katie, Jaime, Abbey, Kerri, Kalli and Joy all rode in the last limo. The ride to the hotel was short, but with all of us being as tired as we were, it seemed to take forever.
I leaned against Justin while we stood in the elevator, his arm went around me, and i snuggled closer to him. Joy and Chris were with us in the elevator, the others having waited in the lobby for the next couple available ones. I looked over at Joy, who was still in her wheel chair, holding Chris' hand.
"How ya feeling Joy?" I asked her, smiling.
"I'm fine, really tired from the flight, and in dyer need of pain killers." Joy looked down at her legs, rubbing one with her hand.
"When do ya get out of the chair?" I asked, considering with everything that had been going on lately, I hadn't had time to talk to her much.
"I've got 6 to 8 weeks, before I'm out of the chair and casts."
"That long, they won't put you on crutches?"
"Nope, not since I broke both legs." Joy let out a small laugh, and Chris gave her hand an extra squeeze.
"Sara, she's got a full time servant, no need for her to worry about anything but getting better." Chris patted my back, leaning over to give me a hug. I smiled at him, then looked up at Justin.
"Would you do that for me?"
He nodded, before kissing me. I blushed, then glanced over and Joy and Chris, who just started laughing. I playfully punched Chris, as I wrapped my arms around Justin, embracing him for a much deeper kiss.

I woke up in the hotel room, and stretched my legs. I took in a deep breath, then rose, going to the window to look out onto the city. The room was dark, as was outside, and I realized that Justin had said they would be gone for a few hours, to meet with the director of their new video. I knew what room Joy and Chris were in, but as for the others, I was clueless. So I decided to just flip on the TV and watch a movie, till Justin came back. After a few minutes of channel surfing, and finding nothing, I turned the television off, and laid back on the bed. The phone rang on the night stand, and I crawled over the bed to answer it.
"Sara, its Joy. Come over to my room, everyone else is here, and we are just killing time till the guys come back." I could hear laughter and talking behind Joy.
"I'll be right over, don't have to much fun without me."
"You know we won't." Joy laughed, as I hung up the phone, grabbing my key before heading down the hall to her room.

I knocked twice, before Katie opened the door wide, letting me step past her into the room.
"Welcome Sara." All my friends greeted me, as I sat down next to Kalli.
"So gals, what are y'all talking about?" I looked around the room, waiting for someone to answer. They all shook their heads, telling me that they were talking about nothing of importance. Then Nicole butted in with good news.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot to tell you all this. We get to meet 98* tomorrow."
All heads turned in her direction, mouths open, not believing what she had just said. Jessica, rolled her eyes, "I don't like 98." I held back a laugh, as Nic punched her in the arm. Jess grabbed her arm, while sticking her tongue out at Nicole.
"When did you find this out?" Katie and Jaime asked at the same time.
"I found out from Lance, this morning. He told me that we're gonna be eating lunch with em. Isn't this like the best news?" Nic smiled. She however seemed to be the only one, over excited about meeting the guys of 98. Katie, Jaime, Abbey and Kerri, were thinking too much about being in the video, I was happy to be in LA.
The talking soon died down, as each of us, went back to our prospective hotel rooms. I yawned as I pushed my door open, heading towards the bathroom. After doing the normal bedtime routines, I pulled on my PJ's and crawled into one of the big double beds. My eyelids became heavy, and I tried to keep them open. I wanted to stay awake to greet Justin when he came back, but before I knew it, time had flown, and I was stretching my arms, and opening my eyes to the sun shining behind the curtain. I glanced to the bed next to me, and saw a sleeping figure, lying on his side, his back to me. His arm was drapped over his side, the muscles on it firm and smooth. I wanted to run my hand up and down them, but decided to let him sleep. He was a light sleeper, and knowing what a long day was ahead for all of us, sleep was the best thing for him at the moment. I crawled out of my bed, and tiptoed to the bathroom, turning the shower on, and stepping into it, letting the warm water run over my body, waking me up. I finished up with the last of my hair, and make up, before opening the bathroom door, and going back into the room. Justin was awake, sitting up in bed, watching TV. "Mornging Baby." I greeted him with a smile, and blew him a kiss. He smiled back, at me, then headed towards the now empty bathroom.

"Alright, now Katie is gonna be with Lance, Jaime will be with Chris, Kerri will be with Joey and Abbey will be with Justin. Now, each of the guys has written how their personal story lines will go, so you gals will work with the guys for your scenes. As for all of you who will be watching, I don't mind if you are there, but please make sure you keep it down. Now, we need to get to work." The director begin to throw orders out right and left, as the guys went to hair and make up.
The filming started, and one at a time, each guy's scene was filmed. First was Justin's. Abbey was dressed in what I thought was a very ugly shirt, she even agreed, but the costume department thought it fit her character in the video. I stood next to Tamera and Kalli as the shoot begin. The story line was, Justin was in love with her, and showed how much he loved her, but she had already fallen in love with someone else, so poor Justin got dumped. Halfway though it, Abbey came over to me, and said.." I can't believe I have to dump Justin. Especially for that guy." She pointed to the extra dressed in a lettermans jacket. "I think he's a big joke." Abbey grinned, and I couldn't stop laughing. She ran back to the bleachers and sat next to Justin once again, to continue filming. After hours of takes and cuts, they finally finished, and Justin came over to put his arms around me. "Did ya have fun?" I asked, kissing him.
"We're not even close to being done yet." He took my hand, and led me to a near by table. "We have to leave here pretty soon, we're eating lunch with the guys of 98 today."
"I knew that." I sat next to him, and leaned against his shoulder. His arm went around me, and he kissed the top of my head.
"I did have fun filming that though." He smiled. "Wish you were in it though."
"No you don't, I'd have to dump you in the video. You wouldn't want that would you?"
He laughed, "you're right, I wouldn't. Anyway, we gotta get going. Time to round up the rest of the guys."

Sitting at a large table, at an outdoor cafe, we waited. I talked quietly to Justin, Joy, Chris, Kalli and JC laughed loudly at something dumb Joey had done. Tamera smiled, but shook her head, thinking about how odd her boyfriend could be at times. Lance just stared at Nicole, wondering why she seemed so antsy. She had a hard time sitting still, and kept asking him when Jeff and them would get there. Lance kept noticing that the only named she used was Jeff. 20 minutes after arriving, 98* finally decided to show their faces. Introductions were made, and seating arrangements were put into order. I ended up sitting in between Drew and my Justin, while Kalli sat next to Nick, Joy next to Justin, and somehow Nicole ended up next to Jeff. Lance was beginning to wonder how, but decided to push all thoughts of her liking him, out of his mind. We all ended up getting along great with 98, but even I begin to notice that Nicole and Jeff got along a little to well. Their conversation begin to drift away from ours, and soon we were blocked from their minds. Lance became more nervous by the minute, and was afraid that he was losing his girlfriend to another man. Jeff would say something and Nicole would laugh. I looked over at her, before nudging Justin in the side.
"What?" He whispered.
I jerked my head in Nic's direction, Justin's eyes followed my movement, watching the two young people deep in conversation.
"Yeah, so." He looked back at me, I wanted to throw up my arms and strangle him. Didn't he see it, Nic was having a little to much fun being in the company of Jeff Timmons.
"Justin, don't you see whats happening?"
He just shook his head.
"She's falling for Jeff. Look at Lance, he knows it too."
Justin's eyes darted towards his friend, concerned when he saw how devesated he looked.
"I think maybe your right." He said to me, not taking his eyes of Lance. "What are we going to do?"
"First I think we need to get Nic and Jeff away from each other."
As if they were reading our minds, Jeff stood, turning his attention to everyone, thanking us for a lovely lunch and that he'd give the guys a call later. I watched Lance sigh in relief, but as he did that, Nic stood as well, telling Jeff that she wanted to go with em to their photo shoot. I could see in Lance's eyes that he wanted to protest, but being the shy, quiet one that he is, kept his mouth shut. Justin however didn't.
"Umm, Nicole, what do you think your doing?" Justin's eyes stared straight at her, with an angry glare. He couldn't believe that she was about to hurt one of his dearest friends.
"I'm going with Jeff. He is a friend Justin, its not like I'm dating him." She threw a look at Lance, but he avoided her stare. "Besides all you guys are doing is filming your video, which I'm not in, so what is the point of me being there."
"To be with me, to support me." Lance softly said. Nic, looking down at the ground, shook her head, then turned to walk away with Jeff.
Justin stood, walking behind Lance to give him a reassuring pat on the back. Joey and Chris just sat there, not believing what was happening. Nic and Lance had seemed so happy together, so perfect. JC put his arm around Kalli, giving her the comfort that he was still there, and giving himself the knowledge that she was beside him. Chris glanced at Joy, who looked back, and smiled. Joey's hand found Tamera's, and I just watched Justin comfort Lance. Katie, Jaime, Abbey and Kerri looked on, while my cousins and Jessica sat quietly. The rest of 98* looked back, with sorry looks on their faces, not wanting anything to come between their friendships, but knowing that this probably had. "I think we better be getting back." JC broke the silence, saying what we all had on our minds.
"Lance, man, I'm really sorry about that. She still may come back." Joey tried to give his friend hope.
"She's gone." Was all Lance would say.

"Where's Lance?" Katie asked once the day was over, and the hotel greeted us with open arms.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea, last I saw him, he was walking towards the elevators. He's probably in his room, crying." The thought of Lance so sad, made my heart break. I hated seeing him so miserable, and Nicole still hadn't come back.
"I'm gonna go find him, if thats okay." Katie stood from her place on the lobby couch, and went towards the elevators.
I looked over at Justin who was getting a cold drink from the bar, he was talking to JC and Chris. Joy wheeled her chair over towards me, followed close by Kalli and Tamera. Jaime and Abbey came out of the elevators.
"Sara you okay?" Joy asked, before settling down beside me.
I looked over at her. "I'm fine, I just......" I trailed off, not knowing how to finish my sentence.
Joy just sat there, waiting for me to find the right choice in words, but Kalli and Tamera both finished for me. "This isn't like Nicole, she's always been the loyal type, never wanting or needing to hurt anyone." Tamera sighed.
"And she was so in love with Lance." Kalli finished. "When did liking Jeff come into play?"
"I wish I knew." I just shook my head, resting it in between my hands. Seconds later, I felt another hand rest upon mine, and lifted my head, only to see the comfort in his blue eyes.
"Things will be okay Sara, I know they will." Justin bent down to kiss the top of my head, before taking a seat next to me.
"Lance has pulled out of things tougher then this. I know he still loves Nic, but he said he still wants to be friend with her. He told me that no one gets him the way she does." JC wrapped his arms around Kalli, pulling her closer to him. Chris sat in one of the big arm chairs, and helped Joy crawl onto his lap, where they sat and cuddled. I leaned my head on Justin, wanting all the bad things that were happening to go away. Even though they were happening to Lance, they had an affect on the whole group of us.
Jaime watched and studied everyone carefully, before blurting out. "We can set Katie and Lance up." "What?!?" We all said together.
She laughed before going on. "Well, Katie has had this thing for Lance for a long time, and even though Lance would be on the rebound, we could get them together. It would be good for the both of them."
I looked over at Justin, before scanning the rest of the group. Chris shook his head, Tamera yawned, covering her mouth. Kalli and JC just stood there, not knowing what to say. I looked back at Jaime, who had a grin on her face, thinking she would be doing something good for two friends.
"Well, I don't see why not." JC finally said.
"JC, your supposed to be the mature one, what do you mean, I don't see why not." Justin angerily said. "This is our friend, not someone who we can just mess with. Lance has feelings too you know, he's hurting."
"J', I know man, but do you want him to hurt by himself, or do you want someone there for him?" JC tried to sound reasonable, but to Justin he sounded stupid.
"JC, she can be there as a friend, besides that, we DO NOT own Lance's love life, we can not dictate who he likes and doesn't like. No offense Jaime, it was a good suggestion, but its not our choice, its his."
I watched as Justin defended Lance, and as JC tried to reason with him. I got an idea, and quickly stood, walking towards the elevators, before I could be stopped. I punched in our floor number, and while riding up, went over what I would do.
I knocked quickly and quietly on Lance's door, only to have Katie open it. She blinked a couple times, before moving aside to let me in. I found Lance sitting on the couch, red eyes, staring at a blank TV. "Lance?" I touched his shoulder, having him look at me, before reaching out for a hug. "Are you okay?"
He sniffed a couple times before answering. "I'm going to be okay, but as of now, it hurts. Katie's helped a lot, and if it weren't for her, I'd be here crying by myself. Is Nicole back yet?" He looked up at me with hopeful eyes, but all I could do was shake my head.
"No, we haven't seen her, I get the feeling that she'll be with Jeff the rest of the time we're here. She made a quick move to FL, I don't see to why she wouldn't make a quick move with him too."
"Sara, did you see this coming, did you know she'd leave me?" Lance again looked at me with pleading eyes, and once again I shook my head.
"I had no idea, she'd never done anything like this before, I thought you two were happy together."
"I thought so too." Lance rested his head on my shoulder, and I stroked his hair, trying to clam down a hurting soul, and breaking heart. Katie looked at the two of us, wishing that it was her comforting Lance like that. I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye, and whispered softly to Lance.
"Buddy, I know your hurting and that this isn't the right time to be saying this, but give Katie a chance."
His head picked up, and he looked at me with question in his eyes. "Give her a chance?"
"She likes you, why do you think she went to all the trouble of coming up here to be a shoulder to cry on. She wants you to be happy, but she also wants to be with you."
Lance quickly looked at Katie, then back at me, before whispering. "Are you serious?"
I nodded, and for the first time that day, Lance smiled. I looked at him questioningly.
"I've always had a thing for Katie, but never in my wildest dreams did I think she had the same feelings. Give me a few days to get over Nicole, then I'll let Katie know how I feel."
"You sly dog you, but feel better soon, okay." I gave him one last hug, before saying good-bye and going back downstairs.
The first thing I noticed was Nicole surronded by all our friends. Justin was red in the face, but tried to keep calm. JC stood beside him, making sure he wouldn't lash out. Kalli and Tamera stood on either side of Nic, trying to comfort her, and to keep her tears under control. As I got closer, I could hear their conversation.
"But Justin, its not like I did this to Lance on purpose, if anyone of you had been paying attention you would have discovered that Lance and I have been drifting apart. Haven't you all discovered yet that he's in love with Katie, not me."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Justin took a step forward, before JC pulled him back.
"You heard what I said. I really like Jeff, and he understands me the way I want a guy too. Lance and I are just not meant to be together anymore, why can't you understand that Justin?"
"Nicole, I could care less if you loved Jeff, but the fact is, you hurt Lance, and thats what matters most to me. You don't hurt a friend of mine, and walk away without any remorse."
"Nicole I forgive you." We all turned around, and saw Lance standing behind Justin. Through all the disagreements, we hadn't notice him and Katie walk up.
"How can you forgive me, I did to you what I said I never would." Nic broke into tears again, Kalli's arm went around her.
"Because, you are my friend, and you were right. I do like Katie, and I hadn't been paying as much attention to you as I should have. I'm sorry about that. I still want to be friends, and I know that will be hard." Lance moved into the circle, closer to Nicole.
"You still want to be friends?" Nicole looked into Lance's green eyes.
He just nodded, and she let her lips form a small smile. Lance opened his arms, and she stepped into them. I smacked Justin in the arm, letting him know I wasn't happy with the way he had treated Nic. He put his arm around me, kissing my cheek.
"I guess I got carried away."
"You guessed right, Justin."
"Sara, I just don't want that to happen to us." He held me tighter.
I looked at him affectionitly, kissing him softly. "I'm never gonna leave you, because there is no other I want to be with."
He returned my kiss, picking me up in a big hug.

Joy and Chris sat on their balcony, wrapped into each other arms. Joy leaned her head against Chris' chest, listening to his heart beat. The soft music in the background fit the surrondings, and Joy closed her eyes, hoping the moment wouldn't end. Chris begin humming softly, making his chest vibrate. He then begin singing, and Joy discovered he was singing the song that was playing.

When we turn out the lights
The two of us alone together
Somethings just not right
But girl you know that I would never
Ever let anothers touch
Come between the two of us
Cause no one else will ever take your place

No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl to me
You'll always be eternally
Everytime I hold you near
Always say the words i love to hear
Girl with just a touch you can do so much
No one else comes close

And when I wake up too
The touch of your head on my shoulder
You're my dream come true
Girl you know I'll always treasure
Every kiss and every day
I love you girl in every way
And I always will cause in my eyes

No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl to me
You'll always be eternally
Everytime I hold you near
Always say the words I long to hear
Girl with just a touch you can do so much
No one else comes close

No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl to me
You'll always be eternally
Everytime I hold you near
Always say the words I long to hear
Girl with just a touch you can do so much
No one else comes close

No one else comes close

*No One Else Comes Close - Backstreet Boys

"Do you really mean it?" Joy lifted her head to look into her boyfriends eyes.
"I mean every word of it." Chris kissed her head, running his fingers through her long dark hair, feeling the softness of it.
Joy once again rested her head on his chest, but as she did, he stood, picking her up, and carring her into the bedroom. He laid her softly on the bed, kissing her face and neck, covering her body with his, but being careful of her legs.
"Joy I would be lost without you, I can promise that no one will ever take your place." Chris said before planting another soft kiss on her lips.
"I love you Chris." She whispered softly.
"I love you too Joy."
As the music played, the two lovers made music of their own, knowing that they would be together, hopefully forever.

"It's so good to be back home. Ya never know how much you miss it, till you leave." I placed my two suitcases down in the front hall, taking a deep breath of home.
"I totally agree with ya baby." Justin wrapped his long arms around my waist, kissing my neck.
"That tickles." I giggled.
"We could use some help here." Chris stated from behind us. We moved, letting him wheel Joy through. Joey followed close behind carring their luggage, and his own.
"Joey, do ya think you could possibly carry anymore?" I laughed as he nearly tripped over Justin's suitcase.
"I'd be fine, if home boy here would move his stuff out of the way." Joey snapped back, but quickly covered it with a smile.
"I'm no home boy, and if you're not nice, I won't move my stuff." Justin playfully punched Joey in the arm.
"I must say, it is gonna be strange moving in here." Katie walked through, hand in hand with Lance. Nicole followed, all smiles.
"Are you sure you guys are gonna be able to deal with this." I looked at the three of em, hoping no hard feelings would come between them.
Lance nodded, "Nic and I are just friends, as for Katie and me, we are just starting to build a strong relationship. With the help of everyone, as friends, we'll be together a long time."
"Oh yeah, Abbey's moving in too." Katie said, from behind Lance.
I laughed. "Well, I guess the more the merrier right."
"It will be like a party every night." Kalli said from JC's back. They came through the door, Kalli getting a free ride.
"Joey." We turned to find Tamera standing there, luggage in hand. "Are you gonna help me or what?"
"Ha Ha Ha, things are back to normal once again." Justin burst out laughing, followed by the rest of us. Once again we were a big happy family, along with a few new members.


New Beginnings